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原创 Tree (16) -- Validate Binary Search Tree

Validate Binary Search TreeGiven a binary tree, determine if it is a valid binary search tree (BST). bool isValid(TreeNode* root, long long maxLimit, long long minLimit){ if(root=

2017-03-10 16:53:48 354

原创 Trie (3) -- Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array

Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array

2017-01-26 21:37:14 373

原创 Trie (2) -- Add and Search Word - Data structure design

Add and Search Word - Data structure design

2017-01-26 20:16:59 285

原创 Trie (1) -- Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

2017-01-26 16:40:25 448

原创 Two pointers (8) -- Minimum Window Substring

Minimum Window Substring

2017-01-23 17:56:55 211

原创 Two pointers (7) -- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters, Substring with Concatenation of

Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters,Substring with Concatenation of All Words

2017-01-23 11:03:14 245

原创 Two pointers (6) -- Palindrome Linked List, Remove Nth Node From End of List

Palindrome Linked List,Implement strStr(), Remove Nth Node From End of List

2017-01-22 22:43:03 200

原创 Two pointers (5) -- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array I, II, Move Zeroes, Remove Element

Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array,Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II,Move Zeroes

2017-01-22 22:10:36 357

原创 Two pointers (3) -- Merge Sorted Array, Reverse Vowels of a String

Merge Sorted Array, Reverse Vowels of a String

2017-01-22 21:02:48 365

原创 Two pointers (2) -- Partition List,Valid Palindrome

Partition List,Valid Palindrome

2017-01-22 18:01:50 382

原创 Two pointers (1) -- Linked List Cycle II, Rotate List

Linked List Cycle II,Rotate List

2017-01-22 16:04:34 378

原创 leetcode -- Binary search (6)

Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix, Intersection of Two Arrays II

2017-01-19 17:34:22 416

原创 leetcode -- Binary search (5)

Sqrt(x)Implement int sqrt(int x).Compute and return the square root of x.解法1:二分法。先进行猜测,然后不断逼近。 int mySqrt(int x) { long left = 0; long right = x; while (left <

2017-01-19 15:16:58 424

原创 Binary search (4) -- Find Right Interval,Count Complete Tree Nodes,Divide Two Integers

Find Right Interval,Count Complete Tree Nodes,Divide Two Integers

2017-01-18 15:12:29 259

原创 Binary search (3) -- 4Sum II, Kth Smallest Element in a BST

4Sum II,Kth Smallest Element in a BST

2017-01-17 22:33:38 374

原创 Sort (2) -- H-Index I, II

H-Index, H-Index II

2017-01-17 16:40:08 386

原创 Binary search (2) -- Heaters, Valid Perfect Square

Heaters,Valid Perfect Square

2017-01-16 21:48:35 371

原创 Binary search(1) -- First Bad Version, Arranging Coins

First Bad Version,Arranging Coins

2017-01-16 11:57:21 215

原创 Sort (1) -- 常用排序


2017-01-15 20:38:05 815

原创 Divide and Conquer (1) -- Kth Largest Element in an Array,Different Ways to Add Parentheses

Kth Largest Element in an Array,Different Ways to Add Parentheses

2017-01-12 22:59:42 237

原创 DP (10) -- Wiggle Subsequence,Search a 2D Matrix II

Wiggle Subsequence, Search a 2D Matrix II

2017-01-12 17:40:11 247

原创 DP (9) -- Maximal Square, Maximal Rectangle,House Robber II

Maximal Square, Maximal Rectangle, House Robber II

2017-01-12 16:34:24 227

原创 DP (8) -- Is Subsequence,Ugly Number II

Is Subsequence,Ugly Number II

2017-01-11 22:43:28 201

原创 DP (7) -- Ones and Zeroes, Longest Increasing Subsequence, Perfect Squares

Ones and Zeroes,Longest Increasing Subsequence,Guess Number Higher or Lower II

2017-01-11 14:55:25 268

原创 DP (6) -- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown,Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown, Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable

2017-01-10 22:29:26 210

原创 DP(5) -- Word Break, Partition Equal Subset Sum,Arithmetic Slices

Word Break,Partition Equal Subset Sum, Arithmetic Slices

2017-01-09 21:02:06 258

原创 DP (4) -- Largest Divisible Subset, Coin Change, Unique Substrings in Wraparound String

Largest Divisible Subset,Coin Change,Unique Substrings in Wraparound String

2017-01-08 20:47:13 198

原创 DP (3) -- Count Numbers with Unique Digits,Decode Ways,Unique Binary Search Trees I, II

Count Numbers with Unique Digits,Unique Binary Search Trees, Unique Binary Search Trees II

2017-01-05 22:53:38 224

原创 DP (2) -- Can I Win, Counting Bits,Integer Break

Can I Win,Counting Bits,Integer Break

2017-01-05 11:06:39 296

原创 DP (1) -- Range Sum Query - Immutable, House Robber, Climbing Stairs

Range Sum Query - Immutable,House Robber

2017-01-04 20:27:23 235

原创 Array(12) -- Longest Consecutive Sequence, First Missing Positive, Buy and Sell Stock III, Find Mini

Longest Consecutive Sequence,First Missing Positive, Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III, Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II

2017-01-04 16:09:29 243

翻译 Array(11) -- Largest Rectangle in Histogram, Maximal Rectangle, Find the Duplicate Number

Largest Rectangle in Histogram, Maximal Rectangle, Find the Duplicate Number

2016-12-31 22:03:22 212

翻译 Array(10) -- Insert Interval, Merge Intervals, Trapping Rain Water, Next Permutation

Insert Interval, Merge Intervals, Trapping Rain Water, Next Permutation

2016-12-29 17:02:09 219

翻译 Array(9) -- Container With Most Water,Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) I, II

Container With Most Water, Insert Delete GetRandom O(1), Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed

2016-12-23 23:00:46 193

翻译 Array(8) -- Search Insert Position,3Sum,4Sum

Search Insert Position, 3Sum,4Sum,3Sum Closest

2016-12-22 20:47:48 220

翻译 Array(7) -- Jump Game,Missing Number,Combination Sum

Jump Game, Missing Number, Combination Sum

2016-12-20 23:00:46 190

原创 Array(6) -- Maximum Subarray,Rotate Image,Unique Paths II,Spiral Matrix I, II

Maximum Subarray,Rotate Image,Unique Paths II,Spiral Matrix,Spiral Matrix II

2016-12-19 22:08:23 273

原创 Array(5) -- Sort Colors,Set Matrix Zeroes

Sort Colors,Set Matrix Zeroes,Unique Paths

2016-12-16 22:14:51 491

原创 Array(4) -- Rotate Array

Rotate Array

2016-12-15 22:40:58 313

原创 Array(3) -- Merge Sorted Array, Search in Rotated Sorted Array I, II, Triangle, Subsets II

Merge Sorted Array,Search in Rotated Sorted Array,Search in Rotated Sorted Array II,Triangle,Subsets II

2016-12-13 22:19:40 273


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