oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming学习十

-----------------PL/SQL学习笔记系列 By Cryking-----------------



00:22:39 SCOTT@orcl> --建立PL/SQL存储过程,更新CLOB字段为空
00:41:02 SCOTT@orcl> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_clob(item_title_in VARCHAR2,
00:41:02   2                                       item_desc_out IN OUT CLOB) IS
00:41:02   3  BEGIN
00:41:02   4    UPDATE item
00:41:02   5       SET item_desc = empty_clob()
00:41:02   6     WHERE item_title = item_title_in
00:41:02   7    RETURNING item_desc INTO item_desc_out;
00:41:02   8  END get_clob;
00:41:03   9  /

Procedure created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.27
00:41:05 SCOTT@orcl> DECLARE
00:42:50   2    -- Define explicit record structure.
00:42:50   3    target CLOB;
00:42:50   4    source VARCHAR2(2000) := 'CryKing!';
00:42:50   5    movie  VARCHAR2(60) := 'TEST_TITLE';
00:42:50   6    stmt   VARCHAR2(2000);
00:42:50   7  BEGIN
00:42:50   8    -- Set statement
00:42:50   9    stmt := 'BEGIN ' || ' get_clob(:input,:output); ' || 'END;';
00:42:50  10    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt
00:42:50  11      USING movie, IN OUT target;
00:42:50  12    dbms_lob.writeappend(target, LENGTH(source), source);
00:42:50  13  END;
00:42:51  14  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
00:42:53 SCOTT@orcl> select * from item;

---------- ---------- ------------------
         1 TEST_TITLE CryKing!

1 row selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01


11:29:29 SCOTT@orcl> create table emp_bak as select * from emp;


已用时间:  00: 00: 02.39
11:38:39 SCOTT@orcl> DECLARE
11:38:40   2    -- Declare explicit record structure and table of structure.
11:38:40   3    TYPE emp_record IS RECORD(
11:38:40   4       empno VARCHAR2(60)
11:38:40   5      ,ename VARCHAR2(60));
11:38:40   6    TYPE emp_table IS TABLE OF emp_record;
11:38:40   7    -- Declare dynamic variables.
11:38:40   8    emp_cursor SYS_REFCURSOR;
11:38:40   9    emp_rows   emp_table;
11:38:40  10    -- Declare DBMS_SQL variables.
11:38:40  11    c    INTEGER := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
11:38:40  12    fdbk INTEGER;
11:38:40  13    -- Declare local variables.
11:38:40  14    counter      NUMBER := 1;
11:38:40  15    column_names DBMS_SQL.VARCHAR2_TABLE;
11:38:40  16    emp_nos      DBMS_SQL.NUMBER_TABLE;
11:38:40  17    stmt         VARCHAR2(2000);
11:38:40  18    substmt      VARCHAR2(2000) := '';
11:38:40  19  BEGIN
11:38:40  20    -- Find the rows that meet the criteria.
11:38:40  21    FOR i IN (SELECT 'emp_nos' AS column_names
11:38:40  22                    ,empno
11:38:40  23                FROM emp_bak
11:38:40  24               WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(ename, '^S'))
11:38:40  25    LOOP
11:38:40  26      column_names(counter) := counter;
11:38:40  27      emp_nos(counter) := i.empno;
11:38:40  28      counter := counter + 1;
11:38:40  29    END LOOP;
11:38:40  30    -- Dynamically create substatement.
11:38:40  31    IF emp_nos.COUNT = 1 THEN
11:38:40  32      substmt := 'WHERE empno IN (:emp_nos)';
11:38:40  33    ELSE
11:38:40  34      substmt := 'WHERE empno IN (';
11:38:40  35      FOR i IN 1 .. emp_nos.COUNT
11:38:40  36      LOOP
11:38:40  37        IF i = 1 THEN
11:38:40  38          substmt := substmt || ':' || i;
11:38:40  39        ELSE
11:38:40  40          substmt := substmt || ',:' || i;
11:38:40  41        END IF;
11:38:40  42      END LOOP;
11:38:40  43      substmt := substmt || ')';
11:38:40  44    END IF;
11:38:40  45    -- Set statement.
11:38:40  46    stmt := 'SELECT empno, ename ' || 'FROM emp_bak ' || substmt;
11:38:40  47    --输出查看
11:38:40  48    dbms_output.put_line('stmt:' || stmt);
11:38:40  49    -- Parse the statement with DBMS_SQL.
11:38:40  50    dbms_sql.parse(c, stmt, dbms_sql.native);
11:38:40  51    -- Bind the bind variable name and value.
11:38:40  52    FOR i IN 1 .. emp_nos.COUNT
11:38:40  53    LOOP
11:38:40  54      dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, column_names(i), emp_nos(i));
11:38:40  55    END LOOP;
11:38:40  56    -- Execute using DBMS_SQL.
11:38:40  57    fdbk := dbms_sql.execute(c);
11:38:40  58    -- Convert the cursor to NDS.
11:38:40  59    emp_cursor := dbms_sql.to_refcursor(c);
11:38:40  60    -- Open and read dynamic cursor, then close it.
11:38:40  61    FETCH emp_cursor BULK COLLECT
11:38:40  62      INTO emp_rows;
11:38:40  63    FOR i IN 1 .. emp_rows.COUNT
11:38:40  64    LOOP
11:38:40  65      dbms_output.put_line('[' || emp_rows(i).empno || '][' || emp_rows(i)
11:38:40  66                           .ename || ']');
11:38:40  67    END LOOP;
11:38:40  68    -- Close the System Reference Cursor.
11:38:40  69    CLOSE emp_cursor;
11:38:40  70  END;
11:38:40  71  /
stmt:SELECT empno, ename FROM emp_bak WHERE empno IN (:1,:2)

PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。

已用时间:  00: 00: 00.01

上面的示例动态的构建了一个sql语句(SELECT empno, ename FROM emp_bak WHERE empno IN (:1,:2)).

oracle公司从oracle 7开始引进DBMS_SQL包.它提供了一种方法来存储用来动态构建SQL语句的对象代码.

Grant succeeded.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.08

00:41:21 SCOTT@orcl> DECLARE
00:41:48   2    -- Define local DBMS_SQL variables, and open cursor.
00:41:48   3    c    INTEGER := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
00:41:48   4    fdbk INTEGER;
00:41:48   5    stmt VARCHAR2(2000);
00:41:48   6  BEGIN
00:41:48   7    -- Use a loop to check whether to drop a sequence.
00:41:48   8    FOR i IN (SELECT null
00:41:48   9                FROM user_objects
00:41:48  10               WHERE object_name = '&&1') LOOP
00:41:48  11      -- Build, parse, and execute SQL statement, then close cursor.
00:41:48  12      stmt := 'DROP TABLE &&1';
00:41:48  13      dbms_sql.parse(c, stmt, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE);
00:41:48  14      fdbk := dbms_sql.execute(c);
00:41:48  15      dbms_sql.close_cursor(c);
00:41:48  16      dbms_output.put_line('Dropped TABLE [&&1].');
00:41:48  17    END LOOP;
00:41:48  18  END;
00:41:48  19  /
Enter value for 1: NOTEXISTS_TAB

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
00:46:20 SCOTT@orcl> UNDEFINE 1
00:46:23 SCOTT@orcl> /
Enter value for 1: EMP_BAK
Dropped TABLE [EMP_BAK].

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.27

01:02:36 SCOTT@orcl> EXEC dbms_application_info.set_client_info('CRY');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.06
01:03:54 SCOTT@orcl> DECLARE
01:05:12   2    -- Define local DBMS_SQL variables, and open cursor.
01:05:12   3    c     INTEGER := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
01:05:12   4    fdbk  INTEGER;
01:05:12   5    stmt1 VARCHAR2(2000);
01:05:12   6    stmt2 VARCHAR2(20) := '-1'')';
01:05:12   7    -- V$SESSION.CLIENT_INFO variable.
01:05:12   8    client VARCHAR2(64);
01:05:12   9  BEGIN
01:05:12  10    stmt1 := 'INSERT INTO EMP_BAK(EMPNO,ENAME) VALUES ' || '( 123,''TEST_';
01:05:12  11    -- Get the current CLIENT_INFO value and conditionally append to string.
01:05:12  12    dbms_application_info.read_client_info(client);
01:05:12  13    IF client IS NOT NULL THEN
01:05:12  14      stmt1 := stmt1 || client || ''')';
01:05:12  15    ELSE
01:05:12  16      stmt1 := stmt1 || stmt2;
01:05:12  17    END IF;
01:05:12  18    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('stmt1:'||stmt1);
01:05:12  19    -- Build, parse, and execute SQL statement, then close cursor.
01:05:12  20    dbms_sql.parse(c, stmt1, dbms_sql.native);
01:05:12  21    fdbk := dbms_sql.execute(c);
01:05:12  22    dbms_sql.close_cursor(c);
01:05:12  23    dbms_output.put_line('Rows Inserted [' || fdbk || ']');
01:05:12  24  END;
01:05:13  25  /
Rows Inserted [1]

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.02



01:05:14 SCOTT@orcl> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_empbak(empno  number,
01:19:03   2                                            ename  VARCHAR2,
01:19:03   3                                            deptno number := NULL) IS
01:19:03   4    -- Define local DBMS_SQL variables.
01:19:03   5    c    INTEGER := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
01:19:03   6    fdbk INTEGER;
01:19:03   7    stmt VARCHAR2(2000);
01:19:03   8    -- Variable to get OUT parameter value.
01:19:03   9    client VARCHAR2(64);
01:19:03  10  BEGIN
01:19:03  11    stmt := 'INSERT INTO emp_bak(empno,ename,deptno) VALUES ( :empno,:ename,:deptno)';
01:19:03  12    -- Call and dynamically set the session for the CLIENT_INFO value.
01:19:03  13    dbms_application_info.read_client_info(client);
01:19:03  14    IF client IS NOT NULL THEN
01:19:03  15      client := client;
01:19:03  16    ELSE
01:19:03  17      client := '-1';
01:19:03  18    END IF;
01:19:03  19    -- Parse and execute the statement.
01:19:03  20    dbms_sql.parse(c, stmt, dbms_sql.native);
01:19:03  21    dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'empno', empno);
01:19:03  22    dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'ename', ename || client);
01:19:03  23    dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'deptno', deptno);
01:19:03  24    fdbk := dbms_sql.execute(c);
01:19:03  25    dbms_sql.close_cursor(c);
01:19:03  26    dbms_output.put_line('Rows Inserted [' || fdbk || ']');
01:19:03  27  END insert_empbak;
01:19:04  28  /

Procedure created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.30
01:20:07 SCOTT@orcl> BEGIN INSERT_EMPBAK(321,'KING_',33); END;
01:20:21   2  /
Rows Inserted [1]

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.04

     EMPNO ENAME          DEPTNO
---------- ---------- ----------
       321 KING_CRY           33

1 row selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00


01:46:08 SCOTT@orcl> DECLARE
01:50:49   2    c         INTEGER := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
01:50:49   3    fdbk      INTEGER;
01:50:49   4    statement VARCHAR2(2000);
01:50:49   5    v_s       VARCHAR2(1) := 'S';
01:50:49   6    v_ename   VARCHAR2(60);
01:50:49   7    v_empno   number(4);
01:50:49   8  BEGIN
01:50:49   9    -- Build and parse SQL statement.
01:50:49  10    statement := 'SELECT empno, ename ' ||
01:50:49  11                 'FROM emp_bak WHERE substr(ename,0,1) = :s AND ROWNUM=1';
01:50:49  12    dbms_output.put_line('statement:'||statement);
01:50:49  13    dbms_sql.parse(c, statement, dbms_sql.native);
01:50:49  14    -- Define column mapping, execute statement, and copy results.
01:50:49  15    dbms_sql.define_column(c, 1, v_empno); -- Define OUT mode variable.
01:50:49  16    dbms_sql.define_column(c, 2, v_ename, 60); -- Define OUT mode variable.
01:50:49  17    dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 's', v_s); -- Bind IN mode variable.
01:50:49  18    fdbk := dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch(c);
01:50:49  19    dbms_sql.column_value(c, 1, v_empno); -- Copy query column to variable.
01:50:49  20    dbms_sql.column_value(c, 2, v_ename); -- Copy query column to variable.
01:50:49  21    -- Print return value and close cursor.
01:50:49  22    dbms_output.put_line('[' || v_empno || '][' || NVL(v_ename, 'None') || ']');
01:50:49  23    dbms_sql.close_cursor(c);
01:50:49  24  END;
01:50:50  25  /
statement:SELECT empno, ename FROM emp_bak WHERE substr(ename,0,1) = :s AND ROWNUM=1

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.06

01:50:51 SCOTT@orcl> DECLARE
01:53:54   2    c         INTEGER := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
01:53:54   3    fdbk      INTEGER;
01:53:54   4    statement VARCHAR2(2000);
01:53:54   5    v_s       VARCHAR2(1) := 'A';
01:53:54   6    v_ename   VARCHAR2(60);
01:53:54   7    v_empno   number(4);
01:53:54   8  BEGIN
01:53:54   9    -- Build and parse SQL statement.
01:53:54  10    statement := 'SELECT empno, ename ' ||
01:53:54  11                 'FROM emp_bak WHERE substr(ename,0,1) = :s ';
01:53:54  12    dbms_output.put_line('statement:'||statement);
01:53:54  13    dbms_sql.parse(c, statement, dbms_sql.native);
01:53:54  14    -- Define column mapping, execute statement, and copy results.
01:53:54  15    dbms_sql.define_column(c, 1, v_empno); -- Define OUT mode variable.
01:53:54  16    dbms_sql.define_column(c, 2, v_ename, 60); -- Define OUT mode variable.
01:53:54  17    dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 's', v_s); -- Bind IN mode variable.
01:53:54  18    fdbk := dbms_sql.execute(c);
01:53:54  19    LOOP
01:53:54  20      EXIT WHEN dbms_sql.fetch_rows(c) = 0;
01:53:54  21    dbms_sql.column_value(c, 1, v_empno); -- Copy query column to variable.
01:53:54  22    dbms_sql.column_value(c, 2, v_ename); -- Copy query column to variable.
01:53:54  23    -- Print return value and close cursor.
01:53:54  24    dbms_output.put_line('[' || v_empno || '][' || NVL(v_ename, 'None') || ']');
01:53:54  25    END LOOP;
01:53:54  26    dbms_sql.close_cursor(c);
01:53:54  27  END;
01:53:55  28  /
statement:SELECT empno, ename FROM emp_bak WHERE substr(ename,0,1) = :s

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

作者:Steven Feuerstein, Bill Pribyl 出版日期:October 1, 2009 出版社:O'Reilly 页数:1226 ISBN:ISBN-10: 0596514468 ISBN-13: 978-0596514464 文件格式:PDF 文件大小:15.06 MB Review If you’re doing database application development in the Oracle environment, you’re going to have to know PL/SQL, the company’s extended query and update language. If you want your programs to exploit the special capabilities of Oracle software, you’ll need to know the language well. That’s where the third edition of Oracle PL/SQL Programming comes into play. It’s an absolutely comprehensive reference (as well as a rather extensive tutorial) on PL/SQL, ideally suited to answering your questions about how to perform some programming tasks and reminding you of the characteristics of functions, triggers, and other elements of the database programmer’s toolkit. The new edition covers calls to Java methods from within PL/SQL programs, autonomous transactions, object type inheritance, and the new Timestamp and XMLType data types. There’s also more information about server internals–the way PL/SQL programs are run–than before, better enabling readers to optimize their code for fast and safe execution. Steven Feuerstein takes care to explain, with prose and example code, the characteristics of PL/SQL elements. In explaining number conversions, for example, he explores Oracle’s different ways of formatting numbers, then details the behavior of the to_number function under different conditions (with and without a specified format model, and with National Language Support information attached). It’s a helpful approach that will have readers using the index to locate places in which Feuerstein mentions language elements of interest. –David Wall Topics covered: How to use Oracle PL/SQL in all its manifestations through Oracle9i. Fundamentals of program structure (loops, cases, exceptions, etc.) and execution get attention, as do data types, transaction management, triggers, and the object-oriented aspects of the language. There’s also coverage of calls to external Java and C programs. –This text refers to the Paperback edition. Product Description This book is the definitive reference on PL/SQL, considered throughout the database community to be the best Oracle programming book available. Like its predecessors, this fifth edition of Oracle PL/SQL Programming covers language fundamentals, advanced coding techniques, and best practices for using Oracle’s powerful procedural language. Thoroughly updated for Oracle Database 11g Release 2, this edition reveals new PL/SQL features and provides extensive code samples, ranging from simple examples to complex and complete applications, in the book and on the companion website. This indispensable reference for both novices and experienced Oracle programmers will help you: Get PL/SQL programs up and running quickly, with clear instructions for executing, tracing, testing, debugging, and managing PL/SQL code Optimize PL/SQL performance with the aid of a brand-new chapter in the fifth edition Explore datatypes, conditional and sequential control statements, loops, exception handling, security features, globalization and localization issues, and the PL/SQL architecture Understand and use new Oracle Database 11g features, including the edition-based redefinition capability, the function result cache, the new CONTINUE statement, fine-grained dependency tracking, sequences in PL/SQL expressions, supertype invocation from subtypes, and enhancements to native compilation, triggers, and dynamic SQL Use new Oracle Database 11g tools and techniques such as PL/Scope, the PL/SQL hierarchical profiler, and the SecureFiles technology for large objects Build modular PL/SQL applications using procedures, functions, triggers, and packages




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