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原创 Simple Winsock select-modal server

void AppMain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]){    int PortNo = 12345;    SOCKET ListenSock;    int Ret = 0;    WSAData wsa;    if ((Ret = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsa)) != 0)

2008-03-26 11:22:00 659

原创 MFC Ocx: Using ActiveX Controls in Nondialog Windows

Using ActiveX Controls in Nondialog WindowsMFC and ClassWizard make it wonderfully easy to use ActiveX controls in dialogs, but what about nondialog windows? It turns out that MFC allows any CWnd obje

2008-03-15 12:58:00 1192

转载 Return multiple dataset

             // (1)            OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(                "select * from jobs;select * from employee", //invalid OLE DB SQL ?                "provider=Microsoft

2008-03-15 11:40:00 607

原创 SQL Server 2005 error handling

Extract from : SQL Server Error Handling Workbenchhttp://www.simple-talk.com/sql/t-sql-programming/sql-server-error-handling-workbench/--Catch Error:--=============================================BEGI

2008-03-11 09:48:00 755

原创 Improve performance using hash keys

use CheckSum function to turn a string key to a hash key(integer), this will improve performance

2008-03-11 09:40:00 544

原创 Compare 2 string with case sensitive

Select * from test where convert(varbinary, column1) = convert(varbinary, ABCD)  

2008-03-11 09:35:00 622

原创 CSharp download (html, binary file)

download html : WebRequest/WebResponsedownload bin file: WebClient

2008-03-11 09:33:00 844

原创 How to use SubVersion (Import/Checkout)

how to use SVN1)select a native window folder "Import" to SVN, but the native folder is not linked to SVN2)remove the natie folderIn SVN Explorer, use "checkout" to local dir(which will link local fol

2008-03-11 09:31:00 633

原创 MFC how to handle ocx event

Insert ActiveX control in a dialog resource, and  add event  handler with wizard, then copy the macro/event codeto your project.ON_EVENT/ DataExchange....

2008-03-11 09:30:00 606

原创 Add remove window services

Install/Uninstall .Net wizarded window service : InstallUtil.exegeneral Add/Delete: sc.exe

2008-03-11 09:23:00 630

原创 CSharp restart program

start a new instance of the program and close the old one Process.Start(Application.ExecutablePath,Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString());this.Close();

2008-03-11 09:22:00 606

原创 MFC Macro


2008-03-11 09:18:00 689

原创 MFC handle user defined message

----------------------------------1)#define WM_MYMESSAGE1 WM_USER + 1000----------------------------------2)protected:    afx_msg LRESULT OnMyMessage1(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);LRESULT CMFCTest1Vi

2008-03-08 23:37:00 803

原创 Right click to open cmd.exe

1) open window explorer2) Tools -> Folder Options.3) File type tab4) Choose Folder file type5) Click Advanced6) Click New7) In "Action" Box: input "command" (this will be shown when you right click)8)

2008-03-02 12:09:00 863

原创 SQL read MS access(*.mdb)

select CustID, CustName from openrowset(Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0, C:/trade.mdb;Admin;, Customer)

2008-03-02 11:56:00 604

原创 SQL tree data struct(7): find the minimal cost route

-- find the minimal cost routecreate table flights(departure char(20), destination char(20), cost int)insert flights select Chicago, New York, 10 unionselect Chicago, Milwaukee, 20 unionselect

2008-03-02 11:54:00 818

原创 SQL tree data struct(5): AdjList2NestedSet

/*The organizational chart would look like this as a directed graph:            Albert (1,12)            /        /          /            /    Bert (2,3)    Chuck (4,11)                   /    |   /  

2008-03-02 11:52:00 865

原创 SQL tree data struct(6): NestedSet2AdjList

declare @personnel table(emp varchar(30), lft int, rgt int)insert @personnelselect Albert, 1, 12union all select Bert, 2, 3 union all select Chuck, 4, 11 union all select Donna, 5, 6 union all

2008-03-02 11:52:00 969

原创 SQL tree data struct(4): AdjList2MatPath (for printing tree struct)

if object_id(proc_print_tree) is not null    drop procedure proc_print_treegocreate procedure proc_print_tree @raw_data_sql nvarchar(1000), @debug bit = 0with encryptionas    if object_id(tempdb..#

2008-03-02 11:51:00 862

原创 SQL tree data struct(3): nested set (1,12) include (2,3) & (4, 11) ...

-- Credit to JOE CELKO-- http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-sql/2001-11/msg00004.php--  CREATE TABLE Personnel --  (emp CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, --   lft INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE CHECK (lft > 0

2008-03-02 11:49:00 840

原创 SQL tree data struct(2): materialized path (1.2.3...)

/*then materialized path representation of tree is easy to output: order by path, level*/declare @orgchart table (emp varchar(30), path varchar(100))insert @orgchartselect Albert, 1union all selec

2008-03-02 11:47:00 986

原创 SQL tree data struct(1): adjacency list (id, parentid)

declare @tree table(emp varchar(30), boss varchar(30))insert @treeselect Albert, NULLunion all select Bert, Albertunion all select Chuck, Albertunion all select Donna, Chuckunion all sel

2008-03-02 11:46:00 669

原创 clear sql server object by name

if object_id(clearobj) is not null drop proc clearobjgocreate proc clearobj @obj nvarchar(50), @debug int = 0with encryptionas    declare @sql nvarchar(256)    select @sql = drop +        case (s

2008-03-02 11:44:00 553

原创 SQL & Regex(4): usage

-- ========================================================================exec clearobj DFA_simulate, 1gocreate proc DFA_simulate    @str nvarchar(100), @match bit outputwith encryptionasdeclare @i

2008-03-02 11:40:00 597

原创 SQL & Regex(3): subset construction

-- Subset Construction: convert NFA to DFA-- require: NFA_trans_table is filled with NFA state data-- ========================================================================exec clearobj DFA_states

2008-03-02 11:39:00 722

原创 SQL & Regex(2): thompson construction

-- Thompson Construction : convert Regular Expression Parse Tree to NFA-- require: parse_node table is filled with tree-struct data-- ==================================================================

2008-03-02 11:38:00 651

原创 SQL & Regex(1): parse tree

-- convert regular expression string to parse treeif object_id(clearobj) is not null drop proc clearobjgocreate proc clearobj @obj nvarchar(50), @debug int = 0with encryptionas    declare @sql nvarc

2008-03-02 11:37:00 1058



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