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原创 zoj1842 Prime Distance

//zoj1842 Prime Distance//Accepted 1842 C++ 00:00.13 1852K //Sieve of Eratosthenes//Sieve is the best prime generator algorithm//http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~stevenha/programming/prog_mathema

2006-11-11 17:30:00 1575 2

原创 zoj1312 Prime Cuts

//zoj1312 Prime Cuts //Accepted 1312 C++ 00:00.00 844K #include using namespace std; int plist[1000],pcnt;

2006-11-11 17:24:00 1017

原创 zoj1569 Partial Sums

sum[i...j] = a[i]+a[i+1]+...+a[j] = sum[1...j]-sum[1...i-1],1 =分两种情况:1、i=1时,sum[1...j]%m==0,cnt++;2、i>1时,sum[i...j]%m==0 (sum[1...j]-sum[1...i-1])%m==0 sum[1...j]%m==sum[1...i-1]%m (令= k != 0)

2006-11-11 17:21:00 1036

原创 zoj1222 Just the Facts

//zoj1222 Just the Facts //Accepted 1222 C++ 00:00.00 392K #include #include #define MAXN 1000 int l

2006-11-11 17:19:00 1107

原创 zoj1216 Deck

//zoj1216 Deck //1947115 2006-07-15 20:24:46 Accepted 1216 C++ 00:00.01 1172K fairylan #include #define MAXN 100000 double f[MAXN]

2006-11-11 17:15:00 1093

原创 zoj1180 Self Numbers

//zoj1180 Self Numbers //Accepted 1180 C++ 00:00.29 1360K #include #include #define MAXN 1000000 boo

2006-11-11 17:14:00 981

原创 zoj1160 Biorhythms

//zoj1160 Biorhythms //Accepted 1160 C++ 00:00.02 396K /* Chinese remainder theorem a1 = p, a2 = e, a3 = i m1 = 23

2006-11-11 17:12:00 845

原创 zoj1092 Arbitrage

//zoj1092 Arbitrage //Accepted 1092 C++ 00:00.07 400K #include #include #define MAXN 30 typedef doub

2006-11-11 17:11:00 801

原创 zoj1082 Stockbroker Grapevine

//zoj1082 Stockbroker Grapevine //Accepted 1082 C++ 00:00.00 472K #include #define MAXN 100 #define INF 100000000

2006-11-11 17:08:00 858

原创 zoj1056 The Worm Turns

//zoj1056 The Worm Turns //Accepted 1056 C++ 00:00.00 388K #include struct worm{ int x,y;}w[20]; int n;

2006-07-10 20:04:00 1044

原创 zoj1051 A New Growth Industry

//zoj1051 A New Growth Industry //Accepted 1051 C++ 00:00.00 388K #include #include #define MAXN 20

2006-07-10 20:03:00 1134

原创 zoj1073 Round and Round We Go

//zoj1073 Round and Round We Go // Accepted 1073 C++ 00:00.00 832K #include #include #include usin

2006-07-10 19:59:00 1335

原创 zoj1004 Anagrams by Stack

//zoj1004 Anagrams by Stack //Accepted 1004 C++ 00:00.00 860K #include #include #include #include

2006-07-10 19:57:00 1126

原创 zoj1074 To the Max

//zoj1074 To the Max //Accepted 1074 C++ 00:00.00 428K #include #define INF 1000000 #define MAXN 100

2006-07-10 19:53:00 894

原创 zoj1068 P,MTHBGWB

//zoj1068 P,MTHBGWB //Accepted 1068 C++ 00:00.00 860K #include #include #include using namespace st

2006-07-10 19:51:00 821

原创 zoj1061 Web Navigation

//zoj1061 Web Navigation //Accepted 1061 C++ 00:00.03 852K #include #include #include using namespa

2006-07-10 19:49:00 1139

原创 zoj1026 Modular multiplication of polynomials

//zoj1026 Modular multiplication of polynomials //Accepted 1026 C++ 00:00.03 436K #include #include #define MAXN 1000

2006-07-10 19:46:00 1001

原创 zoj1090 The Circumference of the Circle

//http://acm.zju.edu.cn/show_problem.php?pid=1090 //zoj1090 The Circumference of the Circle //Accepted 1090 C++ 00:00.00 396K #include

2006-07-10 19:44:00 1030

原创 zoj1099 HTML

//zoj1099 HTML //Accepted 1099 C++ 00:00.01 836K #include #include #include using namespace std;

2006-07-10 19:40:00 1046

原创 zoj1078 Palindrom Numbers

//zoj1078 Palindrom Numbers //Accepted 1078 C++ 00:00.00 392K #include #include int n; //把十进制的num转换成

2006-07-10 19:38:00 934

原创 zoj1089 Lotto

//zoj1089 Lotto //http://acm.zju.edu.cn/show_problem.php?pid=1089 //Accepted 1089 C++ 00:00.00 388K #include int ma

2006-07-10 19:35:00 831

原创 zoj1094 Matrix Chain Multiplication

//zoj1094   Matrix Chain Multiplication //Accepted 1094 C++ 00:00.01 848K #include #include #include

2006-07-10 19:31:00 1130

原创 zoj1091 Knight Moves

//zoj1091 Knight Moves //Accepted 1091 C++ 00:00.04 396K #include #include char sb[3],se[3]; const

2006-07-10 19:25:00 978

原创 zoj1027 Human Gene Functions

//zoj1027 Human Gene Functions //Accepted 1027 C++ 00:00.00 880K #include #include using namespace std;

2006-07-10 19:22:00 1091 1

原创 zoj1029 Moving Tables

//zoj1029 Moving Tables //Accepted 1029 C++ 00:00.01 436K #include #include #include using namespac

2006-07-10 19:14:00 867

原创 zoj1081 Points Within

//zoj1081 Points Within //Accepted 1081 C++ 00:00.00 396K //(?)处有问题,不过还是AC了 #include #define MAXN 100

2006-06-16 13:44:00 1389

原创 zoj1041 Transmitters

//zoj1041 Transmitters //Accepted 1041 C++ 00:00.00 424K #include #include #define MAXN 1000 struct

2006-06-16 13:39:00 1038

原创 zoj1032 Area 2

//zoj1032 Area 2 //Accepted 1032 C++ 00:00.00 392K  #include #define MAXN 100   struct point{ double

2006-06-16 13:35:00 1184

原创 zoj1010 Area

//zoj1010 Area //Accepted 1010 C++ 00:00.09 412K  #include #include #define MAXN 1000 struct point{ 

2006-06-16 13:31:00 1512 2

原创 zoj1005 Jugs

Ca与Cb互质,已经保证有解,解有多种,Special Judge不一定要和Sample一致 //zoj1005 Jugs //Accepted 1005 C++ 00:00.01 392K #include int ca,cb,n; void solve() {        int a,b,bnow;   

2006-06-14 20:43:00 984

原创 zoj1003 Crashing Balloon

//zoj1003 Crashing Balloon //Accepted 1003 C++ 00:00.06 440K #include #include using namespace std; i

2006-06-14 20:28:00 1299 3

原创 zoj1002 Fire Net

//zoj1002 Fire Net //Accepted 1002 C++ 00:00.01 436K #include int n; int max; char map[5][5];

2006-06-14 20:23:00 1156 1

原创 zoj1028 Flip and Shift

//http://acm.zju.edu.cn/show_problem.php?pid=1028 //zoj1028 Flip and Shift //Accepted 1028 C++ 00:00.00 388K #include int m

2006-05-20 14:12:00 866



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