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转载 40种网站设计常用技巧.doc

                     40种网站设计常用技巧1.   oncontextmenu="window.event.returnValue=false"   将彻底屏蔽鼠标右键     no   可用于Table         2.     取消选取、防止复制         3.   onpaste="return   false"   不准粘贴         4.  

2008-10-25 14:50:00 1038

转载 Asp.net开发必备51种代码(非常实用).doc

 1.//弹出对话框.点击转向指定页面 Response.Write("window.alert(该会员没有提交申请,请重新提交!)");Response.Write("window.location =http://www.cgy.cn/bizpulic/upmeb.aspx"); 2.//弹出对话框 Response.Write("alert(产品添加成功

2008-10-25 14:43:00 1091

原创 开启sharepoint2007文档稽核功能,记录文档开启(下载),修改等用户及时间和其他信息

开启sharepoint2007文档稽核功能,记录文档开启(下载),修改等用户及时间和其他信息1、用系统账号登陆到要开启文档稽核功能sharepoint2007的网站2、从“网站动作”-》“网站设定”,进入网站设定3、在網站集合管理中找到 網站集合功能 并进入改功能4、找到 “報告 建立 Windows SharePoint Services 的資訊報告。 ”的功能项,点击开启。5、回到 網站集合

2008-10-23 17:30:00 2001

转载 Http Handler 介绍

Http Handler 介绍<!-- google_ad_client = "pub-0711576186430396"; /* 250x250, 创建于 08-4-1 */ google_ad_slot = "1772391063"; google_ad_width = 250; google_ad_height = 250; //-->

2008-10-22 20:55:00 2204 2

转载 将自己的代码自动添加版权信息

 现在大多数公司都规定程序员在程序文件的头部加上版权信息,这样每个人写的文件都可以区分开来,如果某个文件出现问题就可以快速的找到文件的创建人,用最短的时间来解决问题,常常是以下格式:Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/-->//=====

2008-10-22 20:42:00 815

转载 Http Module 介绍

Http Module 介绍http://www.cnblogs.com/discoverx/articles/1210044.htmlHttp 请求处理流程 和 Http Handler 介绍 这两篇文章里,我们首先了解了Http请求在服务器端的处理流程,随后我们知道Http请求最终会由实现了IHttpHandler接口的类进行处理(应该记得Page类实现了I

2008-10-22 20:39:00 665

原创 DataTable的排序、检索、合并

 DataTable的排序、检索、合并 介绍大家三个在项目中用到的DataTable的小巧实用的方法(排序、检索、合并):一、排序1 获取DataTable的默认视图2 对视图设置排序表达式3 用排序后的视图导出的新DataTable替换就DataTable(Asc升序可省略,多列排序用","隔开)DataView dv = dt.DefaultView; dv.Sort = "id

2008-10-22 20:36:00 966 1

转载 JavaScript验证表单大全

js验证表单大全,用JS控制表单提交 ,javascript提交表单:目录:1:js 字符串长度限制、判断字符长度 、js限制输入、限制不能输入、textarea 长度限制2.:js判断汉字、判断是否汉字 、只能输入汉字3:js判断是否输入英文、只能输入英文4:js只能输入数字,判断数字、验证数字、检测数字、判断是否为数字、只能输入数字5:只能输入英文字符和数字6: js email验证 、js

2008-10-22 20:32:00 1042

原创 代码引发 Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.AddOrUpdateItem 安全性驗證無效

代码引发  Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.AddOrUpdateItem 安全性驗證無效SPSite mySeite = null;                SPWeb myWeb = null;                try                {                    mySeite = new SPS

2008-10-21 19:28:00 1523 1

原创 使用Masterpage母板页可以使站点具有一致的外观和统一的布局(图解)

使用Masterpage母板页可以使站点具有一致的外观和统一的布局.统一的布局通常包括以下内容:●       一个公共标题和整个站点的菜单系统。●       页面左边的导航条,提供一些页面导航选项。●       提供版权信息的页脚和一个用于联系网管的二级菜单。看看使用过程:   1、新建Master页    2、使用Master页      3、效果  

2008-10-17 17:08:00 1091

转载 常用的C#正则表达式

常用的C#正则表达式! 文章来源: 视点设计 8see.net http://blog.8see.net/"^/d+$" //非负整数(正整数 + 0) "^[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$" //正整数 "^((-/d+)|(0+))$" //非正整数(负整数 + 0) "^-[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$" //负整数 "^-?/d+$" //整数 "^/d+(/./d+)?$"

2008-10-17 09:52:00 759

转载 C#正则表达式整理备忘

有一段时间,正则表达式学习很火热很潮流,当时在CSDN一天就能看到好几个正则表达式的帖子,那段时间借助论坛以及Wrox Press出版的《C#字符串和正则表达式参考手册》学习了一些基础的知识,同时也为我在CSDN大概赚了1000分,今天想起来,去找《C#字符串和正则表达式参考手册》时,已经不知所踪了。现在用到正则的时候也比较少,把以前的笔记等整理一下,以志不忘。(1)“@”符号符下两ows表研究室

2008-10-17 09:34:00 503

转载 C#中使用SQL Server分布式管理对象(SQL-DMO)

  C#中使用SQL Server分布式管理对象(SQL-DMO)        我们曾经在以前的应用中多次需要得到SQL Server的详细信息,过去,我们必须使用API和效率低下的ADO的 调用才能得到,现在,我们有了一个新的方法,就是SQLDMO(SQL Distributed Management Objects,SQL分布式管 理对象),尽管它目前还不被人所知和使用,但是SQLDMO

2008-10-14 09:33:00 809

原创 C# 每天自动发送E-mail告警程序

//啥也不说了,看看就明白了using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Xml;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Net.Mail;//C# 发送E-mail告警程序//用Windows计划话任务让它每

2008-10-13 14:16:00 3280

原创 asp.net 将Excel导入到Sql2005或2000

财务的小姑娘一直嚷嚷着要我给做个从网页上导入到数据库的工具,终于心一软答应她了.下面叙述一下我asp.net 将Excel导入到Sql2005或2000的思路和步骤:1、将Excel文件上传到服务器端        这个我不想详细讲了,网上一搜一大把的.        注意:(1在取服务器路径时一定要用this.Page.MapPath(".")而不要用  this.Page.Re

2008-10-10 19:02:00 1134

原创 像访问Sql一样访问Excel

//由于时间关系,来不及去做Demo 了,就帖一个片段了啊. DataSet KDDataSet = new DataSet();System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection objConn = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="

2008-10-09 15:39:00 632

原创 javaScript function内的变量问题

  New Document testVar1();testVar();alert(test);//输出Hello!alert(test1);//输出时报错,test1未被定义function testVar1(){    var test1="Hello1!"; }function testVar(){   test="Hello!";}通过实例程序分析javaScript function

2008-10-07 09:19:00 766

转载 和JavaScript一起使用XML

XML是用户定义的标签组成的一种语言。由于标签是用户定义的,XML常常用做交换数据的一种方法。对于JavaScript程序员来说,一个重要的考虑是,XML是缩略语AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)中的X。AJAX已经成为创建交互的Web应用的一种非常流行的方法。我们将在本书第18章和第19章学习有关AJAX的更多内容。XML是W3C定义的一个开发的标准,

2008-10-07 08:47:00 808

原创 从程序结果分析对象上转型

//person.csusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace ConsoleApplication1{    class person    {        public int Age = 24;        public String Na

2008-10-06 15:54:00 577

SharePoint 2013 User's Guide 4th Edition

SharePoint 2013 is Microsoft’s business collaboration platform. It offers web management, content management, reporting, search, and social capabilities that can be brought together to yield comprehensive business solutions. The solutions this platform allows can be created more quickly and are more cost effective than custom-developed solutions, and what is more, the platform provides a far greater degree of flexibility than packaged solutions can. That said, in many situations where SharePoint is introduced, people struggle to understand and use the platform. In other situations people have difficulty expanding their use of SharePoint from a basic intranet or document management environment to a business solution platform. This book addresses these struggles and needs. It is meant to serve as a complete reference to all the capabilities available in SharePoint to help you understand how to configure and use them. This book was created for SharePoint users at all levels. Beginners are introduced to information to help them make effective use of the capabilities the platform offers. Intermediate users are provided the details they need to manage SharePoint resources. Advanced users are offered a foundation upon which to understand all of the capabilities the platform contains and are shown how to create solutions that take advantage of these capabilities. A deep knowledge of the capabilities available in SharePoint, experience working with a variety of organizations, and an understanding of how to successfully combine them to reach effective business solutions: all these have been brought between the covers of this book. I hope this information will enable you to gain an in-depth understanding of SharePoint 2013 and more effectively manage and use the platform.


Pro SharePoint with jQuery.pdf

Pro SharePoint with jQuery.pdf


Pro SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence Solutions

Pro SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence Solutions.pdf


Pro SharePoint 2013 Branding and Responsive Web Development

This book aims to share with you how to leverage the power of two powerful technologies, HTML5 and SharePoint 2013, to build modern business web sites. Through the book we combine these technologies with a web design and development methodology referred to as “responsive web design” that allows a single web site to respond to differences in screen characteristics and browser capabilities.


Microsoft SharePoint 2013- Designing and Architecting Solutions

Microsoft SharePoint 2013- Designing and Architecting Solutions.pdf


Microsoft SharePoint 2013 App Development

Microsoft SharePoint 2013 App Development


Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.pdf

Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013.pdf


BI in Microsoft SharePoint 2013

Improve Business Intelligence (BI) in your company with tools in Microsoft SharePoint 2013 and SQL Server 2012—and foster better, faster, more relevant decisions. In this practical book, a team of SharePoint and BI experts show you step—by—step how to apply these Microsoft technologies in specific BI scenarios. It’s ideal whether you’re a SharePoint administrator, SQL Server developer, or business analyst



Update User Info Tool SharePoint 2010.



Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Deployment Guide


PowerShell SharePoint 2010 Site Settings

The final guide to SharePoint 2010 Site Settings by PowerShell


Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Windows PowerShell 2.0

Preface 1 Chapter 1: PowerShell Scripting Methods and Creating Custom Commands 7 Introduction 7 Setting up your Virtual Machine and running a test script 8 Authoring, debugging, and executing script accessing farm settings with PowerGUI and PowerShell ISE 10 Accessing advanced SharePoint 2010 functionality with external libraries 17 Creating a custom PowerShell command (CmdLet) 22 Creating a custom PowerShell Snap-In 26 Chapter 2: Enterprise Content Deployment and Provisioning Using PowerShell 33 Introduction 33 Provisioning site hierarchy during solution deployment 34 Installing features on the site and managing existing site features 39 Creating permission levels and security groups that use them 46 Managing site templates and their availability on sites 50 Associating features to existing site templates 55 Managing SharePoint workflow association using PowerShell 60 Configuring site themes and user interface artifacts 65 Chapter 3: Performing Advanced List and Content Operations in SharePoint using PowerShell 73 Introduction 73 Creating lists of custom structures 74 Setting SharePoint list item validation with PowerShell 78 Setting list item security 84 ii Table of Contents Setting list relationships 89 Customizing list views 94 Managing the use of content types in lists 99 Chapter 4: Managing External Data in SharePoint and Business Connectivity Services using PowerShell 105 Introduction 105 Importing a custom BCS model to SharePoint 106 Exporting SharePoint BCS model and schema 111 Creating instances of external lists with PowerShell 116 Managing permissions on an external list 121 Throttling items returned with external lists 127 Chapter 5: Managing SharePoint 2010 Metadata and Social Features Using PowerShell 133 Introduction 133 Creating new user profiles 134 Adding and configuring new profile properties 140 Bulk provisioning data into user profile properties 145 Creating, importing, and exporting managed metadata taxonomy terms 151 Enabling social ratings on lists and libraries 157 Bulk tagging content and deleting tags in SharePoint 162 Chapter 6: Managing SharePoint Search and FAST Search with PowerShell 169 Introduction 169 Configuring search query suggestions in your search center 170 Configuring search best bets 175 Configuring visual best bets 180 Configuring search audience targeting 186 Configuring search web parts automatically with PowerShell 191 Chapter 7: Managing SharePoint Site Content in Bulk using PowerShell 199 Introduction 199 Creating basic and complex content types 200 Creating and configuring document sets 205 Creating and editing publishing pages with PowerShell 211 Provisioning web parts in bulk on to SharePoint pages 217 Configuring web parts in bulk with PowerShell 222 Provisioning list rollups using Powershell 227 Chapter 8: Managing Documents and Records in SharePoint with PowerShell 233 iii Table of Contents Introduction 233 Provisioning documents and records center with PowerShell 234 Configuring record routing 240 Configuring a common record expiration policy 246 Creating a custom expiration policy for the record 252 Configuring content hub for content types used in records center 257 Chapter 9: Administrating Web Application and Server Administration in SharePoint with PowerShell 263 Introduction 263 Configuring web application settings 264 Parsing SharePoint logs using PowerShell 271 Managing web application throttling settings 276 Configuring sandbox solution policies 282 Managing sandbox solutions in SharePoint site collections 286


swflash for slide show picture control

swflash for slide show picture control



Class that allows comparison of two objects of the same type to each other. Supports classes, lists, arrays, dictionaries, child comparison and more.



Windows Workflow NET4 pdf



Microsoft Press XAML Developer Reference


Pro Windows Server AppFabric 2010.pdf

Professional Windows Server AppFabric 2010


Asterisk Server1.4

Asterisk is an open source, converged telephony platform, which is designed primarily to run on Linux. Asterisk combines more than 100 years of telephony knowledge into a robust suite of tightly integrated telecommunications applications. The power of Asterisk lies in its customizable nature, complemented by unmatched standards compliance. No other PBX can be deployed in so many creative ways. Applications such as voicemail, hosted conferencing, call queuing and agents, music on hold, and call parking are all standard features built right into the software. Moreover, Asterisk can integrate with other business technologies in ways that closed, proprietary PBXes can scarcely dream of. Asterisk can appear quite daunting and complex to a new user, which is why documentation is so important to its growth. Documentation lowers the barrier to entry and helps people contemplate the possibilities. Produced with the generous support of O’Reilly Media, Asterisk: The Future of Telephony was inspired by the work started by the Asterisk Documentation Project. We have come a long way, and this book is the realization of a desire to deliver documentation that introduces the most fundamental elements of Asterisk— the things someone new to Asterisk needs to know. It is the first volume in what we are certain will become a huge library of knowledge relating to Asterisk. This book was written for, and by, the Asterisk community.



Introducing Windows Server AppFabric


Introduction to Windows Azure.pptx

Introduction to Windows Azure pptx


Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2010.pdf

Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2010 pdf



Professional ASP.NET MVC3 Framework.pdf



vs2010 开发 WPF 专业教程 pdf



WCF is extensive used for Microsoft .Net platform projects, so I think it is import for us to know it and familiar with it.


Using the Excel Services ECMAScript Object Model.docx

Moss 2010 for how to use Excel Services ECMAScript Object Model


Configure the user profile service in SharePoint 2010

Configure the user profile service in SharePoint 2010



SharePoint 2010 自定义状态工作流 (State Workflow) + InfoPath 实例,代码实现请参考: http://blog.csdn.net/farawayplace613/article/details/6769473 http://blog.csdn.net/farawayplace613/article/details/6769701



Wrox Professional Windows WorkflowFoundation chm


Moss 2007 2010 面试题

Moss 2007 2010 面试题 interview


SharePoint 2010 Workflow

为SharePoint 2010 Workflow 开发 Custom Workflow Activity(Develop Custom Workflow Activity for SharePoint 2010 Workflow). SharePoint2010提供了很多有用的开箱即用的Activity(活动action),我们可以在SharePoint Designer 2010 中看到这些自带的操作(actions). 但有时当这些需求不能满足我的需求,但是我又想用开箱即用的Activity(活动action)来设计工作流,这时我们就需要开发自己的Workflow Activity(action). 本文将介绍如何开发一个自定义的Workflow Activity(action),并在SharePoint Designer 2010 使用该自定义的Workflow Activity。


sql server interview questions 面试题

sql-server-interview-questions,Sql 面试题



sqlserver 2008 t-sql fundamentals-pro-developer.chm



WCF Security Guide pdf。 WCF安全指导手册。



新建 微软 实例数据库 Northwind 的脚本代码


Oracle Training PPT

Oracle Training PPT Oracle公司内部数据库培训资料



Microsoft SQLServer 2008 MDX StepbyStep pdf



Microsoft SQLServer2008 AnalysisServices StepbyStep


Moss2007 PPT

Moss2007 概述 PPT Office Sharepoint Server2007 课程大纲


Source code for Microsoft_SharePoint_2010_Building_Solutions_for_SharePoint

Source code for Microsoft_SharePoint_2010_Building_Solutions_for_SharePoint part1



beginning sharepoint 2013 development pdf



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