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原创 虚拟机 常量池

之前将"虚拟机必须为每个被装载的类型维护一个常量池"这句话理解成了不同的类型的类声明中如果有相同类型的对象域,即使对象域持有的字面量一样,也应该不是同一个对象,因为他们在不同的类型中被声明的,所以在不同的常量池中,事实证明我的理解是错的。 如: public class A{      public String s = "x"; } public  class B{

2011-11-28 14:36:41 540

原创 The first image of strawberry perl

Well,A 100% Open Source Perl for Windows that is exactly the same as Perl everywhere else; Today, I will begin with strawberry perl now. The following statement will give us a more clear representatio

2011-11-27 12:55:07 724

原创 Unicode

打开网址http://inamidst.com/stuff/unidata/ 可以查看unicode以及对应的字符: 点击选择一个字符后,会转到http://www.fileformat.info这个网址,这个网站上会显示该字符的详细信息,包Unicode Data,Encodings,在html/c/c++/java/python 语言中的编码信息。 比如下面是美元符号的信息:

2011-11-25 15:36:52 741

原创 Pydev encoding

在Eclipse中设置: window->preferences->general->editors->text editors->spelling->encoding->UTF-8 window->preferences->workspace->text file encoding->UTF-8 对于eclipse配置文件eclipse.ini,末行加上”-Dfile.enco

2011-11-21 19:34:56 530

转载 一位MIT计算机博士对数学知识的思考

在过去的一年中,我一直在数学的海洋中游荡,research进展不多,对于数学世界的阅历算是有了一些长进。为什么要深入数学的世界?作为计算机的学生,我没有任何企图要成为一个数学家。我学习数学的目的,是要 想爬上巨人的肩膀,希望站在更高的高度,能把我自己研究的东西看得更深广一些。说起来,我在刚来这个学校的时候,并没有预料到我将会有一个深入数学的旅 程。我的导师最初希望我去做的题目,是对appear

2011-11-10 16:25:22 1552

转载 与天真的距离(转)文:刘瑜

转载自 donger 我在哈佛做一年博士后,这一年,除了领钱,基本也没有什么别的任务。为了防止自己整天缩在家里,把薄薄的那一沓钱翻来覆去地数,我决定去旁听几门课。 那天我去学校我所在的机构,跟机构里的秘书表达了此意。她非常干脆地说,没问题啊,只要教授同意,都可以呀。我问,有没有一个什么社科方面的课程清单,我看看有什么课可选。我问的时候,想象的是几页纸,可以站

2011-11-06 22:32:10 2726

转载 Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet As a publisher of a Help Creation tool in Help Builder, I’ve seen a lot of problems with people not being able to run

2011-11-05 22:19:16 1003

Understanding Formal Methods

This book is aimed at all those who are rightly puzzled by the complex and controversial panorama of formal methods. It is unique as to its completeness and its compromise between rigorous exposition of underlying mathematical theories and concrete explanations of the implementation of techniques using actual tools. One of its essential merits is to be an up-to-date presentation of the best currently available techniques, in a field where one could easily mistakenly choose an antiquated and rigid technology, or take the risk of a research prototype with an unknown lifespan.


Handbook of Model Checking

With 32 technical articles and 76 authors, this handbook represents a full postgraduate course in Model Checking. If a reader can verify that he or she has read and studied every article, then Springer should certainly award that reader a Master’s Degree inModel Checking! Departments in Computer Science everywhere will certainly welcome access to this major resource. Model Checking has become a major area of research and development both for hardware and software verification owing to many factors. First, the improved speed and capacity of computers in recent times have made all kinds of problem solving both practical and efficient. Moreover, in the area of Model Checking the methods of design of models have contributed to the best formulation of problems. Then we have seen SAT solvers gain unexpected and truly remarkable efficiency improvements—despite theoretical limitations. Additionally, the methodology of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) has contributed to finding excellent ways to pose and solve problems. Uses of temporal logic and data-flow-analysis techniques have also made model checking more naturally efficient. All these contributions have helped solve the ever-present “state explosion problem.” The urgency to make greater strides has increased because new applications in such diverse areas as health care, transportation, security, and robotics require work in the field to achieve greater scale, expressivity, and automation. I would definitely recommend new Ph.D. candidates look seriously into going into research in this field, because success in Model Checking can directly lead to future success in many other activities in Computer Science. Finally, the recent tragic loss of Helmut Veith has been a dreadful blow to his family, friends, colleagues, and students. Let’s take up the flag in his honor to help promote and expand the field in which he was poised to become a recognized world leader. Carnegie Mellon University Dana S. Scott Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley


Yaron Minsky, Anil Madhavapeddy, and Jason Hickey

Programming languages matter. They affect the reliability, security, and efficiency of the code you write, as well as how easy it is to read, refactor, and extend. The languages you know can also change how you think, influencing the way you design software even when you’re not using them. We wrote this book because we believe in the importance of programming languages, and that OCaml in particular is an important language to learn. The three of us have been using OCaml in our academic and professional lives for over 15 years, and in that time we’ve come to see it as a secret weapon for building complex software systems. This book aims to make this secret weapon available to a wider audience, by providing a clear guide to what you need to know to use OCaml effectively in the real world. What makes OCaml special is that it occupies a sweet spot in the space of programming language designs. It provides a combination of efficiency, expressiveness and practicality that is matched by no other language. That is in large part because OCaml is an elegant combination of a few key language features that have been developed over the last 40 years.


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惠普打印机Laserjet p2015系列用户指南


使用jboss cache 作为pojo cache

使用jboss cache 作为pojo cache中文翻译版 满江红翻译团队



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