Tools ------ Download ------ Download

Intelligent code editor

At the core of Android Studio is an intelligent code editor capable of advanced code completion, refactoring, and code analysis.

Android Studio 的核心是一个智能的代码编辑器, 它具有高级代码完成, 重构, 以及代码分析的功能

The powerful code editor helps you be a more productive Android app developer.

强大的代码编辑器能够帮助你成为一个更高效的Android 应用开发者

Code templates and GitHub integration


New project wizards make it easier than ever to start a new project.


Start projects using template code for patterns such as navigation drawer and view pagers, and even import Google code samples from GitHub.

启动项目使用模版代码模式, 如导航抽屉, view pagers, 甚至从GitHub 引入了 Google的代码样例

Multi-screen app development


Build apps for Android phones, tablets, Android Wear, Android TV, Android Auto and Google Glass.

能够为android手机, 平板电脑, 穿戴设备, 电视, 汽车以及google眼镜创建app

With the new Android Project View and module support in Android Studio, it's easier to manage app projects and resources.

随着Android Studio中使用新的 Android Project视图 和 以及对模块的支持, 使得管理应用的工程和源码变得更容易

Virtual devices for all shapes and sizes


Android Studio comes pre-configured with an optimized emulator image.

Anddroid Studio 预先配置了一个经过优化的模拟器镜像.

The updated and streamlined Virtual Device Manager provides pre-defined device profiles for common Android devices.


Android builds evolved, with Gradle.

android studio中 使用了gradle 对android 项目进行构建, 使得android 项目的构建变得更先进了

Create multiple APKs for your Android app with different features using the same project.


Manage app dependencies with Maven.


Build APKs from Android Studio or the command line.

可以使用命令行或者是Android Studio 构建android 安装包

More about Android Studio

更多关于Android Studio的知识

  • Build on IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, the porpular JAVA IDE JetBrains.
Android Studio是基于IntelliJ IDEA 社区版开发的, IntelliJ IDEA 是JetBrains 公司开发的一款流行的JAVA IDE.

  • Flexible Gradle-Based build system   
  • Android studio 是基于Gradle编译的灵活的系统
  • Build variants and multiple APK generation.
  • Android Studio能够创建变量生成多个android 安装包
  • Expanded template support for Google Services and various device types.
  • Android Studio 的扩展模版支出google服务以及各种各样的设备
  • Rich layout editor with support for theme editing.
  • 拥有丰富的布局编辑器来支持主题的编辑
  • Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility, and other problems.
  • Android Studo中的Lint 工具可以捕获性能, 可用性, 版本兼容性以及一些其它问题
  • ProGuard and app-signing capabilities..
  • Android Studio中的混淆器有android 应用的签名功能.
  •  Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform,  making it easy to integrate Google Cloud Messaging and App Engine.
    内置了google云平台, 让整合google云通讯和应用的引擎变得容易.
  • For more details about features available in Android Studio, read the overview at Android Studio.
  • Android Studio 能使用的更多的特征细节, 请阅读Android Studio的概述
If you have been using Eclipse with ADT, be aware that Android Studio is now the official IDE for Android, so you should migrate to Android Studio to receive all the latest IDE updates. For help moving projects, see Migrating to Android Studio.
如果你已经使用了Eclipse + ADT来开发android应用, 你应该意识到Android Studio 是目前Android 开发的官方提供的 集成开发环境.因此你应该把你的eclipse中的项目迁移到Android Studio中, 从而使用最新的改进的集成开发环境来开发. 为了能够帮助你迁移eclipse中的项目, 请参见 Migrating to Android Studio.

System Requirements



  • Microsoft® Windows® 8/7/Vista/2003 (32 or 64-bit)
  • windows系统要求是32位或者64位的 win 7/8/Vista/2003 的微软windows 系统
  • 2 GB RAM minimum, 4 GB RAM recommended
  • 最少2GB内存, 建议4GB内存
  • 400 MB hard disk space
  • 400MB 硬盘空间
  • At least 1 GB for Android SDK, emulator system images, and caches
  • 至少1GB的空间来存放Android SDK, 模拟器系统的镜像, 以及缓存
  • 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution
  • 1280 * 800 的最小屏幕分辨率
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 7
  • JDK 至少要是7版本以上
  • Optional for accelerated emulator: Intel® processor with support for Intel® VT-x, Intel® EM64T (Intel® 64), and Execute Disable (XD) Bit functionality
  • 要让模拟器加速, 请选择支持 Intel VT-x技术, Intel 64位扩展技术以及执行禁位功能的Intel 处理器

Mac OS X

苹果电脑的 OS X 系统
  • Mac® OS X® 10.8.5 or higher, up to 10.9 (Mavericks)
  • 要求至少是苹果电脑 OS X 10.8.5 或更高的系统,  能够达到 10.9(Mavericks) 的系统
  • 2 GB RAM minimum, 4 GB RAM recommended
  • 至少2GB内存, 建议4GB内存
  • 400 MB hard disk space
  • 400 MB 硬盘空间
  • At least 1 GB for Android SDK, emulator system images, and caches
  • 至少1GB的空间来存放Android SDK, 模拟器系统的镜像, 以及缓存
  • 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution
  • 屏幕分辨率至少是1280*800
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6
  • JAVA运行时环境必须达到JRE6
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 7
  • JAVA 开发工具集至少要JDK7以上
  • Optional for accelerated emulator: Intel® processor with support for Intel® VT-x, Intel® EM64T (Intel® 64), and Execute Disable (XD) Bit functionality
  • 要让模拟器加速, 请选择支持 Intel VT-x技术, Intel 64位扩展技术以及执行禁位功能的Intel 处理器

On Mac OS, run Android Studio with Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 for optimized font rendering. You can then configure your project to use Java Development Kit (JDK) 6 or JDK 7.

在MAC OS系统中用JRE6运行Android Studio 可以优化字体的渲染. 然后你可以在你的工程中配置JDK6 和7来开发


  • GNOME or KDE desktop
  • 桌面环境是GNOME桌面环境 或者是KDE 桌面环境
  • GNU C Library (glibc) 2.15 or later
  • Linux系统的GNUC 库必须是2.15或2.15以上的
  • 2 GB RAM minimum, 4 GB RAM recommended
  • 至少2GB内存, 建议4GB内存
  • 400 MB hard disk space
  • 400MB 硬盘控件
  • At least 1 GB for Android SDK, emulator system images, and caches
  • 至少1GB的空间来存放Android SDK, 模拟器系统的镜像, 以及缓存
  • 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution
  • 至少1280*800的屏幕分辨率
  • Oracle® Java Development Kit (JDK) 7

Tested on Ubuntu® 14.04, Trusty Tahr (64-bit distribution capable of running 32-bit applications).

 Ubuntu® 14.04, Trusty Tahr测试, 64位的分布的Ubuntu® 14.04, Trusty Tahr系统可以运行32位下的应用

Other Download Options


SDK Tools Only


If you prefer to use a different IDE or run the tools from the command line or with build scripts, you can instead download the stand-alone Android SDK Tools. These packages provide the basic SDK tools for app development, without an IDE. Also see the SDK tools release notes.

如果你喜欢用不同的IDE 或者是命令行运行工具,或者是构建脚本运行工具, 你可以下载独立的Android SDK 工具来完成. 下面的这些包提供了android 以in公用开发所需的最基本的SDK 工具, 这些包中没有IDE. 你也可以点击 SDK tools release notes来 查看SDK 工具的发布说明. 

Platform Package Size SHA-1 Checksum
Windows installer_r24.3.4-windows.exe(Recommended) 139477985 bytes 094dd45f98a31f839feae898b48f23704f2878dd 187496897 bytes 4a8718fb4a2bf2128d34b92f23ddd79fc65839e7
Mac OS X 98340900 bytes 128f10fba668ea490cc94a08e505a48a608879b9
Linux android-sdk_r24.3.4-linux.tgz 309138331 bytes fb293d7bca42e05580be56b1adc22055d46603dd

All Android Studio Packages

Android Studio 的所有安装包

Select a specific Android Studio package for your platform. Also see the Android Studio release notes.

为你的平台选择一个指定的Android Studio 安装包, 也可以参考Android Studio的发版说明

Platform Package Size SHA-1 Checksum
Windows android-studio-bundle-141.2178183-windows.exe
1136982712 bytes c7d39c529dd434489da9d086ff689d34dc791526
(No SDK tools included)
321810248 bytes b5d1aaa000729c03a3cf980add79d1b93121c56d 344424713 bytes 3134f226b5f3c3f74d4fc2d9cff03a4458f01d69
Mac OS X android-studio-ide-141.2178183-mac.dmg 368335367 bytes 75b67eb15a34a152a40e7189484ab0ebc375b877
Linux 352010593 bytes cf780413f8c8223eb348bd27c19a9c04b75eaeb2






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