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原创 Android row column onSelect background

<item android:state_selected="true" android:drawable="@color/selected" /> java code:for (String data:rowData){ TextView col = new TextView(context); col.s

2014-02-26 11:51:20 606

原创 linux下无密码 连接ssh

打开Teriminal  ssh-keygen -t rsa 保持默认配置(一堆回车即可)然后ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub username@host

2013-05-15 17:06:36 393

转载 ORA-12899 – Value too large for column string

有空再翻译吧If we need to recover a scheme which default LANG is WE8ISO8859P1 and our database isAL32UTF8, the import process crash because the special characters during the conversion pass from one b

2013-04-18 14:27:13 2002

原创 Oracle Forms 9i+ 处理FBean 的事件

首先吐槽一下坑爹的Oracle forms使用forms 的pjc 加强功能就要用 FBean 注册java VBean 类 但调用此类的方法时无法得到 IHandler 于是无法向Forms 发送事件。这里我使用是间接方式。1.  建立一个普通VBean 类package tom.oracle.demos.dispatch;/* DispatchingBe

2012-12-27 12:14:51 630

转载 Threading with Swing

Threading with Swing (ctd):SwingUtilities.invokeLater()In our introduction to threading with Swing,we said that any updates to the user interface must happen on theevent dispatch thread.So from

2012-10-31 10:23:42 252

原创 JScrollPane 中内容显示不正常

当JScrollPane 控件为实时生成, resize后可能会不显示任何控件。repaint() 解决不了只能用pack()。另一种方就是先把JScrollPane 设为setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER)  然后再设回setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(

2011-08-01 11:14:28 872

翻译 页面刷新后applet中JLabel无法正常显示HTML文本

从 JRE 1.6.0_22 version 开始如果你的applet中的JLabel使用了HTML代码,applet第一次载入时会正确显示HTML的文本内容,但当你刷新页面后JLable中的HTML文本将不会正确显示。 该问题只有在你的JLable中存在HTML代码才会出现有一

2011-07-15 11:26:59 1288 2

转载 Execute immediate 语法

The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement prepares (parses) and immediately executes a dynamic SQL statement or an anonymous PL/SQL block. The syntax

2011-07-13 13:48:41 1032

转载 isMouseLeaveOrEnter --- http://dynamic-tools.net/toolbox/isMouseLeaveOrEnter/

isMouseLeaveOrEnteror... Whats going on with my mouseout/mouseover events? If I had a penny for every time Ive seen a post in a forum from someone wondering why their mouseout script is

2011-06-29 11:41:00 671

转载 Legacy startup script procedure

<br /> p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }<br />Thisprocedure is commonly used on System 5 implementations such asSOLARIS, HPUX, AIX, LINUX.<br />Although thissetup procedure will work on all Unix systems, care should be takenas to ascertain

2011-05-05 10:41:00 478

转载 Exception list

<br />Error<br />Named Exception<br />ORA-00001<br />DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX<br />ORA-00051 <br />TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE<br />ORA-01001 <br />INVALID_CURSOR<br />ORA-01012 <br />NOT_LOGGED_ON<br />ORA-01017 <br />LOGIN_DENIED<br />ORA-01403

2011-04-13 10:27:00 449

原创 cell editor -- get value before change

<br /> <br /> <br />class Editor extends DefaultCellEditor{ Object oldValue; int row; int column; public Editor(JTextField textField) { super(textField); addCellEditorListener(new CellEditorList

2011-03-31 12:44:00 426

原创 funciton/procedure calling each other

Using packages:define function in packagescreate or replacePACKAGE FUNCTION_PAK AS FUNCTION GET_F_S_C(p_tname in varchar2,-- parent table namep_cname in varchar2,-- parent foreign key column nametname in varchar2, -- referenced table namecnam

2011-03-28 11:53:00 299

原创 java Data time Reference

<br /> <br />The following pattern letters are defined (all other characters from 'A' to 'Z' and from 'a' to 'z' are reserved): <br /> Letter Date or Time Component Presentation Examples GEra designator

2011-03-25 09:13:00 280

原创 Converting an array to collection

<br /><br />// Fixed-size listList list = Arrays.asList(array);// Growable listlist = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(array));// Duplicate elements are discardedSet set = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(array));

2011-03-25 09:09:00 303

原创 ssh tunnel

<br />ssh username@hostname -L localport:destination_address:destination_port

2011-01-24 10:50:00 327

转载 CentOS boot脚本 /etc/rc.d/rc.local

<br />This post looks at how to run additional scripts or applications at system startup / system boot up on Linux. I can confirm that this works on CentOS (and should therefore work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux from which is it derived, and Fedora an

2011-01-04 10:20:00 1994

原创 get mouse location

import java.awt.MouseInfo;public class Mouse { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException{ while(true){ Thread.sleep(100); System.out.println("("+MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().x+", "+MouseInfo.getPointerInf

2010-12-27 09:55:00 509

转载 javascript 与 applet 通讯

在applet(java plugin)中与javascript通信在applet(java plugin)中与javascript通信,可以达到与html通信的目的。<br /><br />简单来说:http://www.ybj86.cn/dede/html/jiaobenkaifa/asp/JSP/20070728/1545.html<br />  <br /> js调用java<br /><br />可以在网页里使用<br /><script language=java

2010-12-13 14:17:00 442

转载 Oracle 常用表

 ☆dba_开头.....dba_users 数据库用户信息dba_segments 表段信息dba_extents 数据区信息dba_objects 数据库对象信息dba_tablespaces 数据库表空间信息dba_data_files 数据文件设置信息dba_temp_files 临时数据文件信息dba_rollback_segs 回滚段信息dba_ts_quotas 用户表空间配额信息dba_free_space 数据库空闲空间信息dba_profile

2010-11-04 11:30:00 197

原创 jboss portal session

set session timeoutjboss portal->portal-server.war->WEB-INF->web.xml...60...

2010-10-28 13:57:00 348

原创 JBossPortlet 应用

用 JBossPortlet 在portlet.xml文件中需要设置filterGBM_ViewingEngineGBM_ViewingEnginegbm.portlet.GBMViewingEnginetext/htmlVIEWGBM_ViewingEngineJBoss Portlet Filter

2010-10-26 17:27:00 332

原创 resizing applet in browser

<br />With applets, sometimes the browser acts as the applet's frame. This prevents the user from mistaking the browser window for a separate application and closing it. With this approach, the applet does not resize itself as the user resizes the br

2010-10-26 15:46:00 320

原创 Oracle procedure return DataSet used in JDBC

Sql代码--1.建包       1. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE my_pak AS        2.    TYPE my_cus IS REF CURSOR   ;         3. END my_pak;     --2.写存储返回过程       1. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp_add_emp3(         2.     v_empno emp.empno%TYPE,         3.  

2010-10-26 15:40:00 756

原创 component sizing

<br />packing()  ---------- auto set size to fit components<br /> 

2010-10-19 15:41:00 280



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