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iSO,iPhone,source code for Beginning iPhone Development

初学者的iOS开发代码,很有用途。 This is source code for Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK by Dave Mark and Jeff LaMarche. All of the projects from the book are contained here. Each folder's name begins with a number that denotes the chapter the project was discussed in. Since several chapters had several version applications, each folder includes the name of the application as it was referred to in the book. You may find slight differences at times between the code in the book and the code displayed here. As we find bugs or obvious optimizations, we will make changes to the source code, but those same changes won't be included in the book until the next printing. You will find comments describing the difference everywhere that we've made substantive changes. 02 Hello World 03 Button Fun 04 Control Fun 05 Autosize 1 05 Autosize 2 05 Swap 06 View Switcher 07 Pickers 08 Cells 1 08 Cells 2 08 Sections 1 08 Sections 2 08 Simple Table 09 Nav 10 AppSettings 11 Core Data Persistence 11 Persistence Archiving 11 Persistence Plist 11 Persistence SQLite 12 GLFun 12 QuartzFun 13 CheckPlease 13 Multi-Swipes 13 PinchMe 13 Swipes 13 TapTaps 13 TapTaps Fixed 13 TouchExplorer 14 WhereAmI 15 Ball 15 ShakeAndBreak - Accelerometer 15 ShakeAndBreak - Motion Methods 16 Camera 17 LocalizeMe


Android 捕鱼游戏的源代码可直接运行

进过实际测试: 代码很全,直接就可以运行的 代码很齐全,结构很清晰 代码很长量很大,没有注释,需要认真努力研究 代码很长量很大,没有注释,需要认真努力研究



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