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原创 2011福建省ACM省赛暨福州区域赛晋级赛总结

<br />      这次福州一行路漫漫,从长春出发,3个小时动车到沈阳,住一宿,第二天一大早从沈阳14个小时的动车上海,又住一宿。。然后第二天又是一大早起床3个小时动车到福州。。而且此次RP暴低,本来我们都想着,根据RP守恒,应该会在比赛里面体现RP一点,但是。。哎。。充满了悲剧色彩,第一个悲剧,待在福州的2天3夜全下着雨,第二个悲剧,见识到了传说中的6人房间。。第三个悲剧,福州赛的午餐的确很糟糕。。各种烂。<br />    然后各种悲剧交加之后,就是更加令人纠结的热身赛了,老样子,A,B,C三题,A

2011-05-15 23:55:00 5620

原创 JOJ 2731 凸包模板题 && 贴个自己写的Graham凸包模板

<br />#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<cmath>struct Point{int x,y;}pnt[1000];int n,res[1000];bool cross(const Point &sp,const Point &ep,const Point &op){return (sp.x - op.x)*(ep.y-op.y) > (ep.x - op.x) *(sp.y - op

2011-04-19 10:58:00 510

原创 FuthorclySLM 几何模板(参考了lrj黑书的知识)(未完善)

<br />//FuthorclySLM专用几何模板库 #include<iostream>#include<cmath>using namespace std;const double eps = 1e-7;struct Point{ double x,y; Point(const double &xt,const double &yt):x(xt),y(yt){} double dist(const Point &next) {

2011-04-18 21:23:00 851

原创 JOJ 2109 && POJ 1981 Circle and Points 计算几何 单位圆覆盖问题

<br />  2109: Circle and PointsResultTIME LimitMEMORY LimitRun TimesAC TimesJUDGE20s8192K23159Standard<br />You are given N points in the xy-plane. You have a circle of radius one and move it on the xy-plane, so as to enclose as many of the points as possi

2011-04-15 20:30:00 887

原创 JOJ1076 && POJ1039 Pipe 经典计算几何

  1076: PipeResultTIME LimitMEMORY LimitRun TimesAC TimesJUDGE3s8192K7522StandardThe GX Light Pipeline Company started to prepare bent pipes for the new transgalactic light pipeline. During the design phase of the new pipe shape the company ran into the pr

2011-04-15 20:02:00 816

原创 第四届吉林省大学生程序设计大赛个人解题报告 Problem H: New Feature in Windows 7

<br />               Problem H: New Feature in Windows 7<br /><br />Windows 7 is one version of Microsoft Windows Family; a series of operating systems produced by Microsoft running on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, note

2010-10-30 14:22:00 1183

原创 第四届吉林省大学生程序设计大赛个人解题报告 Problem C: The Natural Series

<br />                 Problem C: The Natural Series<br /><br />The natural series, from 1 to n and rewinding, has a special character. If you add two values whose distance is 2, the sum can be divided by the middle value exactly. Let’s check a example “1

2010-10-30 14:21:00 1499

原创 第四届吉林省大学生程序设计大赛个人解题报告 Problem J: Buying and Selling

<br />Problem J: Buying and Selling <br /><br />Mr. Skywind has received a request from his friend Lesley, who is a stock analyst Lesley is focusing on the buying and selling quantity now. She will found a mathematics model on these values. As you know, ev

2010-10-30 14:19:00 1249

原创 第四届吉林省大学生程序设计大赛个人解题报告 Problem F: Coin Game

<br />                          Problem F: Coin Game <br /><br />Gordon and Lee, fond of collecting coins, are playing a coin game.   <br />At first, Gordon puts N piles of his coins, decreasing-order in heights, in a rowThen Lee also puts N piles of his c

2010-10-30 14:17:00 1191

原创 第四届吉林省大学生程序设计大赛个人解题报告 Problem A: Harshad Number

<br />   Problem A: Harshad Number<br /><br />Welcome to 2010 Jilin Province Collegiate Programming Contest. Do you know 2010 is a magic number? If you add up all the digits of 2010, that is 3, it is just one factor of 2010. The number who has this charact

2010-10-30 14:15:00 1812

原创 第四届吉林省大学生程序设计大赛个人解题报告 Problem B: The Farmer’s Heritage

<br />Problem B: The Farmer’s Heritage<br /><br />A farmer who had worked hard all his life on his triangular farm was taken sick. He knew that he must soon die. He called his three sons about his bed to give them some advice. "My sons," said he, "keep all

2010-10-30 14:13:00 1607

原创 珠海邀请赛个人解题报告 Problem E: Cinema

<br />Problem E: Cinema<br /> <br />Description<br />There  are  N  universities  in  the  city  of  ZhuHai,  numbered  from  1  to  n.  These universities are connected by N-1 roads and any two universities reachable. A part of universities connected by a

2010-10-30 14:10:00 965

原创 珠海邀请赛个人解题报告 Problem B: Magic Matrix

<br />  Problem B: Magic Matrix <br /><br /> Description<br />A new term of Hogwarts Magic School is coming, while the most powerful black <br />magician Voldemort is also going to come back. In order to resist Voldemort and save the  magic  world,  Hogwar

2010-10-30 14:05:00 989

原创 珠海邀请赛个人解题报告 Problem I: Hanoi Tower Once More

<br />Problem I: Hanoi Tower Once More <br /><br />Description <br />    You know  the game of Hanoi Tower,  right? People stopped moving discs  from peg to peg after they know the number of steps needed to complete the entire task. <br />    But on the ot

2010-10-30 13:52:00 833

原创 FuthorclySLM 从今天起正式开通CSDN的博客,发表一些个人的题解和经验

FuthorclySLM 从今天起正式开通CSDN的博客,发表一些个人的题解和经验;      本来一直不想弄博客的,老是习惯直接把题解和一些个人写的教程直接发表在人人或者Qzone上。今天发现,这样做不太好,所以决定把技术类的文章搬家到CSDN上,希望各位新老博友继续支持。

2010-10-30 13:34:00 434



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