


import QtQuick 1.0
import "components"
import "components/ops.js" as Ops
Rectangle {
    id: window
    width: 600; height: 380
    color: "#444444"
    property string rotateLeft: "\u2939"
    property string rotateRight: "\u2935"
    property string leftArrow: "\u2190"
    property string upperArrow: "\u2191"
    property string division : "\u00f7"
    property string multiplication : "\u00d7"
    property string squareRoot : "\u221a"
    property string plusminus : "\u00b1"
    // if the background is clicked then other Items lose focus
    MouseArea {
     anchors.fill: parent
            onClicked: { parent.focus = true; vk.state = "inactive"; }
    Column {
        spacing: 8
        anchors { fill: parent; margins: 10 }
    LineEdit {
            id: lineEdit1
            width: parent.width; height: 64
            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                onClicked: {
                    vk.state = "active";
                    parent.focus = true
        LineEdit {
            id: lineEdit2
            width: parent.width; height: 64
            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                onClicked: { vk.state = "active"; parent.focus = true }
    VirtualKeyboard {
        id: vk;
        onButtonPressed: {
            console.log("Keyboard sent: " + op)



import QtQuick 1.0
BorderImage {
    id: button
    property alias text: buttonText.text
    property string op: buttonText.op
    property alias shiftText: buttonShiftText.text
    property string shiftOp: buttonShiftText.op
    signal clicked(string op)
    width: 50
    height: 50
    source: "images/button.png"; clip: true
    border { left: 10; top: 10; right: 10; bottom: 10 }
    Rectangle {
        id: shade
        anchors {fill: button;}
        radius: 10;
        color: "black";
        opacity: 0
    Text {
        id: buttonText
        anchors { centerIn: parent; }
        font.family: "Times New Roman"
        font.pixelSize: parent.width > parent.height ? parent.height * .6 : parent.width * .6
        style: Text.Sunken;
        color: "black";
        styleColor: "black";
        smooth: true
    Text {
        id: buttonShiftText
        anchors {
            top: parent.top
            right: parent.right
            rightMargin: 8
        font.pixelSize: parent.width > parent.height ? parent.height * .25 : parent.width * .25
      //  style: Text.Sunken;
        color: "white";
        styleColor: "black";
        smooth: true
    MouseArea {
        id: mouseArea
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: button.clicked(op)
    states: State {
        name: "pressed"; when: mouseArea.pressed == true
        PropertyChanges { target: shade; opacity: .3 }



import QtQuick 1.0
FocusScope {
    id: scope
    //FocusScope needs to bind to visual properties of the children
    property alias color: rectangle.color
    property alias text : displayText.text
    x: rectangle.x
    y: rectangle.y
    width: rectangle.width
    height: rectangle.height
    Rectangle {
            id: rectangle
    //property alias text : displayText.text
        /* set the default values for the LineEdit */
        // when active there should be an orange border
        border.color: "orange"
        border.width: scope.activeFocus ? 5 : 0
        // Properties that are passed in to this Item
        width: parent.width
        height: parent.height
        // Properties that are given a value
        radius: 10
        focus: false
        Text {
            id: displayText
            anchors {
                left: parent.left;
                verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
                margins: 6
            // The width must be set for eliding to work properly
            width: parent.width - 6
            // Text properties
            font.pixelSize: parent.height * .6;  // Text should fit in the the field
            elide: Text.ElideLeft   // Scroll the text to the left when it is longer
            // than the width of the LineEdit
            color: "#343434"
            smooth: true;           // Use font smoothing
            font.bold: true         // font is bold
            font.family: "Times New Roman"
    MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: { scope.focus = true } }



import QtQuick 1.0
Rectangle {
    id: vk
    property string rotateLeft: "\u2939"
    property string rotateRight: "\u2935"
    property string leftArrow: "\u2190"
    property string upperArrow: "\u2191"
    property string division : "\u00f7"
    property string multiplication : "\u00d7"
    property string squareRoot : "\u221a"
    property string plusminus : "\u00b1"
    signal buttonPressed(string op)
    // span the parent's width
    anchors {
        left: parent.left
        right: parent.right
    // A virtual keyboard (VK) is attached the the bottom of an Item
    // and slides up when activated.
    // this item is called the surface
    property Item surface: parent
    // By default the VK's height is at the bottom of the surface
    y: surface.height
    // Depending on the parent's focus, set the initial state
    state: parent.activeFocus ? "active" : "inactive"
    Column {
        id: vkc;
        anchors {
            horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            margins: 4
        spacing: 6
        Row {
            spacing: 6
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            Button { text: "q"; op: "q"; shiftText: "1"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "w"; op: "w"; shiftText: "2"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "e"; op: "e"; shiftText: "3"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "r"; op: "r"; shiftText: "4"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "t"; op: "t"; shiftText: "5"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "y"; op: "y"; shiftText: "6"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "u"; op: "u"; shiftText: "7"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "i"; op: "i"; shiftText: "8"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "o"; op: "o"; shiftText: "9"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "p"; op: "p"; shiftText: "0"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
        Row {
            spacing: 6
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            Button { text: "a"; op: "a"; shiftText: "@"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "s"; op: "s"; shiftText: "#"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "d"; op: "d"; shiftText: "%"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "f"; op: "f"; shiftText: "&"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "g"; op: "g"; shiftText: "*"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "h"; op: "h"; shiftText: "-"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "j"; op: "j"; shiftText: "+"; shiftOp: "+" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "k"; op: "k"; shiftText: "="; shiftOp: "=" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "l"; op: "l"; shiftText: "/"; shiftOp: "/" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
        Row {
            spacing: 6
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            Button { text: "z"; op: "z"; shiftText: "_"; shiftOp: "_" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "x"; op: "x"; shiftText: "$"; shiftOp: "$" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "c"; op: "c"; shiftText: "^"; shiftOp: "%" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "v"; op: "v"; shiftText: "\""; shiftOp: "&" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "b"; op: "b"; shiftText: "\'"; shiftOp: "*" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "n"; op: "n"; shiftText: ":"; shiftOp: "-" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "m"; op: "m"; shiftText: ";"; shiftOp: "+" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
        Row {
            spacing: 6
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            Button { text: upperArrow; op: upperArrow ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { text: "Alt"; op: "" ; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed)}
            Button { width: 200; height: vk.h; text: "Space"; op: " "; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed) }
            Button { width: 80; text: ".com"; op: ".com"; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed) }
            Button { text: leftArrow; op: leftArrow; Component.onCompleted: clicked.connect(buttonPressed) }
    states: [
        State {
            name: "active"
            PropertyChanges { target: vk; y: (surface.height - vkc.height); }
        State {
            name: "inactive"
            PropertyChanges { target: vk; y: surface.height + 8; }
    transitions: Transition {
        NumberAnimation {
            target: vk
            property: "y"
            easing.type: "OutQuad"
            duration: 250



function doOperation(op) {
    var t = (lineEdit1.activeFocus ? lineEdit1.text : lineEdit2.text)
    if (op == leftArrow) {
        t = t.toString().slice(0, -1)
        if (t.length == 0) {
            t = ""
    } else {
        t = t + op.toString()
    lineEdit1.activeFocus ? lineEdit1.text = t : lineEdit2.text = t





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


