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转载 朱棣文演讲的翻译勘误

朱棣文演讲的翻译勘误阮一峰 发表于 2009年06月27日 | 分类:首页 -> 档案 -> 英语 前天,我贴出了朱棣文在哈佛大学演讲的译文。很多朋友留言指出了翻译中的错误,丹珠同学还特地发来一封长信。他们的意见大部分都是正确的,我确实出了不少错误,非常难为情。在这里,我要谢谢你们。为了对原文负责,也是为了提高自己的英语水平,今天下午,我对译文做了一

2009-07-31 18:22:00 1145

原创 SQL Server2005中查看Schema更改历史纪录

如图所示:需要SQL Server2005SP2以上版本. 

2009-07-18 13:20:00 845

原创 在T-SQL中正确使用字符常量以取得最佳性能

                            先看例子:use    tempdb; -- Numbers 方便插入数据   CREATE  TABLE dbo.Numbers(

2009-07-17 17:00:00 1433 1

转载 当你添加了一个索引后,你的查询语句出错了...

When you add an index and your query blows up... Alexander Kuznetsovfrom: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/alexander_kuznetsov/archive/2009/07/16/when-you-add-an-index-and-your-query-blows-up.aspx 

2009-07-17 16:15:00 851

原创 朱棣文清华演讲中英文幻灯片下载

 美国能源部网站上有朱棣文部长清华演讲。 英文版下载链接:Meeting the energy and climate challenge: A Tale of Two Countries中文版下载链接:应对能源和气候的挑战:两个国家的故事新闻请见以下链接:http://www.energy.gov/news2009/7642.htm 

2009-07-17 14:35:00 1247

转载 Windows Mobile安装包制作

Windows Mobile安装包制作作者:克伟 | 出处:博客园  | 2009.06.25  | 阅读:104 次    转自: http://www.wmisv.com.cn/WMExpressView.aspx?NewsTypeId=ab2cY6c0KQ51KP+Jh6RKTA==&NewsId=0QyHb

2009-07-15 10:39:00 987

转载 早餐吃燕麦鸡蛋可排毒养颜改善便秘

早餐吃燕麦鸡蛋可排毒养颜改善便秘(含食谱)http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年07月13日09:33   生命时报   材料:牛奶半盒(100毫升左右)、即食燕麦片20克、鸡蛋一个、葡萄干一小把、火龙果半个、圣女果3—5枚(数量按一人份)  制作:  1。在小锅中加入一杯水和适量燕麦片煮开;  2。在麦片中打入一个鸡蛋,将鸡蛋搅碎,待鸡蛋煮熟后关火

2009-07-14 09:32:00 1490

转载 美刊称人脑可能成为未来黑客攻击对象

美刊称人脑可能成为未来黑客攻击对象(图)http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年07月13日 08:56  新浪科技<!-- -->研究人员已经研发出利用思想操控电脑的技术  新浪科技讯 北京时间7月13日消息,据美国《连线》杂志网站报道,黑客对他人电脑进行控制的可恶行为已经足以令所有人感到恐惧,但令科学家更为担忧的是,在将来的某一天,他们甚至有可能将

2009-07-14 09:31:00 860

转载 大明宫仿古丹凤门现雏形 内部将建遗址博物馆

大明宫仿古丹凤门现雏形 内部将建遗址博物馆 http://news.hsw.cn 来源:  西安晚报  2009-07-12 08:06          雄伟的大明宫丹凤门仿古复原工程,让人感受到盛唐的气息。 记者 谢伟 摄  西安晚报讯 (记者

2009-07-13 08:55:00 1539

转载 First Love初恋(英语美文)

from:http://xianguo.com/item/642040757 First Love    A surge of adrenalin, a rush of blood, a thing of innocence and pain that lasts a lifetime    I REMEMBER the way the light touched her hair. Sh

2009-07-10 13:44:00 1326

转载 First Love初恋(英语美文)

from:http://xianguo.com/item/642040757 First Love A surge of adrenalin, a rush of blood, a thing of innocence and pain that lasts a lifetime I REMEMBER the way the light touched her

2009-07-10 13:39:00 1278

转载 101条计算机经典名言(英汉对照版)

  “People always fear change. People feared electricity when it was invented, didn’t they? People feared coal, they feared gas-powered engines. There will always be ignorance, and ignoranc

2009-07-09 13:38:00 5041

转载 SQL Server Management Studio小技巧

SQL Server Troubleshooting Tips and TricksPage Discussion <a title="This page is protected.You can view its source [e]" accesskey="e" href="w/index.php?title=SQL_Server_Troubleshooting_T

2009-07-07 13:36:00 1457

转载 英文经典-Chief Seattle's Speech /1854

 来自: 鲜果网   Chief Seattles Speech /1854Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold, and which to us appears changeless and eternal, may change. Today is fa

2009-07-07 13:18:00 3645

转载 2009年陕西高考作文题--西安的无奈

来自:http://news.hsw.cn/system/2009/07/02/050228331.shtml  2009年陕西高考作文题阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。兔子是历届小动物运动会的短跑冠军,可是不会游泳。一次兔子被狼追到河边,差点被抓住。动物管理局为了小动物的全面发展,将小兔子送进游泳培训班,同班的还有小狗、小龟和小松鼠等。

2009-07-03 12:52:00 1456

转载 迈克 尔杰克逊的遗嘱

From: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2009/0701091mjwill1.html 

2009-07-03 09:49:00 916

原创 SQL Server 中的索引类型

 索引类型 说明 其他信息 聚集聚集索引基于聚集索引键按顺序排序和存储表或视图中的数据行。聚集索引按 B 树索引结构实现,B 树索引结构支持基于聚集索引键值对行进行快速检索。聚集索引设计指南 聚集索引结构 非聚集既可以使用聚集索引来为表或视图定义非聚集索引,也可以根据堆来定义非聚集索引。非聚集索引中的每

2009-07-02 16:41:00 985

转载 编写SQL Server Management Studio插件2

How To : Create SQL ServerManagement Studio Addinfrom: http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/shair/archive/2008/07/28/how-to-create-sql-server-management-studio-addin.aspx In the last post I ta

2009-07-02 13:26:00 1723

转载 数据库文档生成工具


2009-07-02 13:16:00 635

转载 .NET在Visual Studio的不同Tab之间切换

 From: http://www.cnblogs.com/chenxizhang/archive/2009/07/02/1515154.html 我们经常使用Visual Studio,有时候会在里面开了好多个选项卡页面,要进行切换的时候可能比较麻烦。刚才不小心按了一个键,发现有这样一个切换的方法按住CTRL+TAB,会出现一个对话框,而且可以预览的。不错本文

2009-07-02 13:09:00 833

转载 编写SQL Server Management Studio插件

The Black Art of Writing a SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Add-Infrom: http://jcooney.net/archive/2007/11/26/55358.aspx It all started with me writing this kind of T-SQL query over and over:

2009-07-02 12:55:00 4190

转载 执行Insert Exec时的隐藏开销

 The Hidden Costs of INSERT EXEC INSERT and EXEC: relational brothers in arms, helping you get your data and then put it somewhere. But like all brothers, their relationship has its ups and

2009-07-01 19:30:00 927

转载 在数据库中进行表的恢复

Table restore and filegroups The story usually goes something like:Q - How can I restore only this table?A - Put it on its own filegroup and you can do filegroup level backup and restore.T

2009-07-01 19:27:00 1048

转载 记录连接字符串

Logging connection stringsby Darren Green 10 Jun 2009 21:44 fom: http://www.sqlis.com/post/Logging-connection-strings.aspx If you some of the dynamic features of SSIS such as package

2009-07-01 19:22:00 542

原创 COPY ONLY 备份模式

仅复制备份 更新日期: 2008 年 10 月 31 日“仅复制备份”是独立于常规 SQL Server 备份序列的 SQL Server 备份。通常,进行备份会更改数据库并影响其后备份的还原方式。但是,有时在不影响数据库全部备份和还原过程的情况下,为特殊目的而进行备份还是有用的。为此,SQL Server 2005 引入了仅复制备份。仅复制备份的类型如下所示:仅复

2009-07-01 19:04:00 1112

转载 Automating tests for T-SQL code

Automating tests for T-SQL codeBy Ladislau Molnar, 2009/06/30From: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/unit+tests/67050/IntroductionRecently I had to write a lot of T-SQL code and I d

2009-07-01 18:41:00 816








关于SQL注入的资料-1,讲述如何通过sql注入操纵SQL Server





SQL Server DBA best practice

SQL Server DBA best practice by EMC2


SQL Server 执行计划详解

SQL Server 2005 执行计划详解





SQL Server2005微软认证教材

MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-431) - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance


C# 多线程编程 详解

This book provides an introduction to writing concurrent programs with “threads”. A threads facility allows you to write programs with multiple simultaneous points of execution, synchronizing through shared memory. The paper describes the basic thread and synchronization primitives, then for each primitive provides a tutorial on how to use it. The tutorial sections provide advice on the best ways to use the primitives, give warnings about what can go wrong and offer hints about how to avoid these pitfalls. The paper is aimed at experienced programmers who want to acquire practical expertise in writing concurrent programs. The programming language used is C#, but most of the tutorial applies equally well to other languages with thread support, such as Java.


C# 技术面试 宝典

C# 技术面试 宝典 What methods are fired during the page load? Init () When the page is instantiated, Load() - when the page is loaded into server memory,PreRender () - the brief moment before the page is displayed to the user as HTML, Unload() - when page finishes loading.



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