

第一部分 核心语汇




Everyday Expressions

adj. 坏的,不好的

He’s bad at chess.

adj. 有害的

Smoking is bad for your health.

adj. 腐烂的

bad fish

adj. 不适宜的

That’s not a bad idea.

adj. 令人不愉快的

bad news adj. 病痛的,不舒服的

She has felt bad all week.

adj. 严重的

a bad cold Janet had a bad cough all last week.

adj. 不正确的

bad grammar

adv. 非常

I want it bad(ly).


badly (不好的,非常的)


bad-mouth (诽谤);

bad-tempered (脾气坏的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

奸诈, 不守信用 --- bad faith

骂人的话 --- bad language

没礼貌的 --- bad-mannered

不法之徒 --- bad man

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

feel bad about --- 感到抱歉或羞愧

not bad --- 不错

go bad --- 变质不能食用

have a bad name --- 名声不佳 (= get a bad name)

go from bad to worse --- 每况愈下

not bad --- 不错 (quite good)

生活用语 Street Talks

I think I have to rest a while --- I have a bad headache.

That’s not a bad song you’re written! (quite good)

I feel bad that I wasn’t able to be there.

He’s not a bad person, he just has some bad habits.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 But that wasn’t abad thing, because a man who own a theater in Memphis, Tennesee saw thosephotos and offeredJenny a job singing in a show. 《阿甘正传》

I ran so far so fast, they pretty soon, I was all by myself, which was a bad thing. 《阿甘正传》

It’s bad luck to have a boat without a name. 《阿甘正传》




Everyday Expressions

adj. (good 最高级) 最好的

Strive for the best, prepare for the worst. (作最坏的打算,争取最好的结果。)

adj. 主要的, 最大的

the best part of a journey(大部分旅程)

adv. 最好地

adv. 最;极

We had best call for the doctor at once.

n. 最佳状态或部分

He did his best to finish the task.

n. 最佳者

Even the best of us make mistakes.

n. (某人的)最上乘的作为、状况或表现

I’ll give my best to the working-class movement.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

最好的办法 --- best bet

男傧相 --- best man

伴娘---maid of honor

畅销书, 金唱片 --- best-seller

买得最合算的东西 --- best buy

至多,最好 --- at best

居第二的 --- second-best

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

get the best of (sb.) --- 击败(某人)

make the best of --- 尽量利用;善用

do one’s best --- 尽最大努力

at one’s best --- 极盛时期

the best of the best --- 出类拔萃

give it one’s best shot --- 尽最大的努力

生活用语 Street Talks

What did you like best about the movie?

Don’t worry. At least you know you tried your best.

I think it’s in your best interest to leave now.

Traffic like this, your best bet is to take the subway.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Please forgive mebecause I know what I am doing is the best thing for you. 《毕业生》

Anyway, Jenny and me was best friends all the way upthrough high school. 《阿甘正传》

David, you are the best. 《情归巴黎》

This is the best movie I’ve seen in my whole life. 《西雅图夜未眠》




Everyday Expressions

adj. 大,大的(具体)

He lives near a big river.

adj. 大的(抽象)

You made a big mistake.

adj. 重要的

The big moment has come at last. (重大时刻终于到来了.)

adj. (常与with 连用)怀孕的(女人)

big with child (怀有身孕)

adj. 夸口的, 摆架子的

No one likes his big talk. (没人喜欢听他吹牛.)

adj. 与人名连用,表亲热

Big Joe (老乔)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

说大话 --- talk big

有抱负 --- think big

多嘴者,长舌妇 --- big mouth

头条新闻 --- big news

大人物 --- big shot/big wig/big fish

重要的一个晚上 --- big night

重要的事或人 --- bid deal

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

too big for one’s boots --- 高傲自大

No biggy! --- 没问题(No problem!)

big time --- 大程度,多了

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Why did you have to tell her? You have such a big mouth! (漏风的嘴)

B: Come on, it’s not such a big deal!

Michael Jackson is really big in Asia. (popular)

Think big, but start small.

You are a big girl now. (长大)

You owe me big time.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Now I’m going to ask for a big round of applause to bring this boy out here—All right. 《毕业生》

I guess I’ll have to ask her out on a date and find out what the big deal is. 《毕业生》

No, but I’ve been on a real big boat. 《阿甘正传》




Everyday Expressions


That shirt is dirty, here’s a clean one.


a clean copy of the report (一份准确无误的报告)


She has a clean record. She is clean. (她历史清白。)


Keep your language clean! (不要出口污言!)


Lee has clean facial features. (李五官端正.)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

老实, 清白 --- clean hands

无菌室 --- clean room

纯血种的 --- clean bred

轮廓鲜明的 --- clean-cut

廉洁的;熟练的 ---clean-fingered

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

come clean --- 完全招供,说出真相

do a clean job --- 干得出色

clean off --- 扫除

clean out --- 清除, 打扫干净

clean up one’s act --- 检点自己的行为 (start doing thing correctly)

生活用语 Street Talks

This knife is dirty. Would you bring me a clean one,please?

I can clean up later. He came clean about his past.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 If it’s not clean air then it’s clean water like it’s not good enough that I’m on the cover of People Magacine. 《白宫奇缘》




veryday Expressions

adj. 明朗的;清澈的

clear eyes adj. 清楚的;易懂的

a clear photograph (一张清晰的照片)

adj. 头脑清楚的;明确的

a clear thinker (头脑清楚的思想家)

adj. 明白的;有信心的

She seems quite clear about her plans. (她似乎对自己的计划很有信心。)

adj. 无罪的;无忧虑的;无愧疚的

He had a clear conscience. (他问心无愧。)

adj. 开通的;无障碍的;无危险的;畅通无阻的

The highways are clear of snow now. (高速公路上已无积雪。)

adj. 没有疤痕的;颜色纯而均匀的;无瑕疵的

a clear complexion (无瑕的肤色)

adj. 清楚的;明显的

It was clear that he wanted to be alone. (很清楚,他想一个人待着。)

adj. 完全的;无限的

a clear victory (彻底的胜利)

vt 清理

clear your desk

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

头脑清楚的 --- clear-headed

目明的;精明的 --- clear-sighted

一清二楚的 --- clear as day

避开 --- steer clear

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

clear the air --- 使空气清洁;消除误解

clear up --- 天气晴朗起来

clear sb’s skirt --- 为某人洗去耻辱, 表明某人清白

in the clear --- 安全,没危险

生活用语 Street Talks

It’ll probably clear up this afternoon.

Clear out, everybody! It’s time to go home!

He remained clear-headed even durning the fire.

He spent the rest of his life trying to clear his name.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 The weather looksclear to the West and we expect to arrive in Seattle on schedule. 《西雅图夜未眠》

The Los Angeles weather is clear and the temperature is72. 《毕业生》

Is that perfectly clear to you? 《毕业生》




Everyday Expressions

adj. 热的,炎热的,灼热的

Here is some hot tea for you. (请喝点热茶。)

adj. 辣的 Pepper is hot. (胡椒是辣的。)

adj. 最新的(新闻)

books hot off the press. (最新出版的书)

adj. 激动的;急躁的

Hot words were exchanged between the two young men. (两个年青人相互激烈争吵起来。)

adj. 兴趣浓厚的;见闻广博的,博识的

He is hot in mathematics and chemistry. (他数学和化学极好。)


hot bed (温床);

hot house (温室)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

吹牛 --- hot air

热狗 --- hot dog

最新消息 --- hot news

棘手的事 --- hot potato

温泉 --- hot spring

急躁 --- hot temper

热点话题 --- hot topic(what everyone’s talking about)

热点 --- hot spot

热线 --- hot line

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

get hot ---(猜谜游戏中)几乎猜中

be hot on sb --- 迷恋某人

get into hot water --- 惹来麻烦

sell like hot cakes --- 畅销

not so hot--不如期待的好

生活用语 Street Talks

Wow! That girl is really hot! (attractive). (性感)

That style is really hot this year. (流行)

Gun Control—a political hot potato. (烫手的山药)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Draw you a hot bath, whip us up a superb omelet. 《情归巴黎》

Linus: Patrica is sitting on hottest technology in town and every one in wall street know sit. 《情归巴黎》

You’re a dirty girl. You make me so hot.




Everyday Expressions

adj. 直的,不弯的

a straight line (一条直线)

adj. 平直的;直立的

The picture is not straight, you must move the left side up.(这张画儿不正,你必须把左边往上移。)

adj. 干净的;整洁的;井井有条的

His desk is always straight.

adj. 正直的;诚实的

a straight man of business (正派的生意人)

adj. 正确的

a straight answer to the question

adj. 严肃的,正统的(戏剧)

a straight play

adj. 不带笑容的,表情严肃的

a straight face

adj. (指酒精饮料)不搀水的,纯的

Two straight whiskies please.

on the rock 加冰的

adj. 异性恋的 He is straight.

adv. 直接地;立即地

He went straight to his friend to ask for help. (他直接到朋友那儿请求帮助。)


straighten (使…变直);

straightness (诚实的)


straightforward (诚实的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

马上 --- straight away

直发 --- straight hair

纠正某人的错误 --- put sb straight

习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs

go straight --- 改邪归正,悔过自新

straight or on the rock --- 纯的或加冰块

play straight with sb --- 诚实公平

生活用语 Street Talks

I told him straight to his face he was a liar.

I went straight to bed after I got home.

Just be straight with me, ok? I can take the truth.

Get your facts straight!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 You go straightto hell, Mrs. Robinson. 《毕业生》

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