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转载 PHP - XML - Exporting Data to XML

Turn the result set into an XML document with PHPs DOM functions: // open connection $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "user", "pass", "db1");if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {    die("ERR

2008-10-11 20:56:00 681

转载 PHP - XML - Transforming XML

Use PHPs DOM and XSLT extensions together:// read XML data $xml = new DOMDocument;$xml->load(review.xml);// read XSL stylesheet data $xsl = new DOMDocument;$xsl->load(review.xs

2008-10-11 20:54:00 455

转载 PHP - XML - Validating XML

Use PHPs DOM extension to perform validation using the validate() method for a DTD:// read XML data $xml = new DOMDocument();$xml->load("data-1.xml") or die("ERROR: Cannot create DOMDocum

2008-10-11 20:44:00 734

转载 PHP - XML - Filtering XML Nodes with XPath

Use SimpleXMLs xpath() method:$xmlData =END"1.0"?>               20          mangoes          11                    22          strawberries          5          

2008-10-11 20:37:00 490

转载 PHP - XML - Filtering XML Nodes by Namespace

Find only those nodes belonging to a particular namespace. Use SimpleXMLs children() method with the namespace URI (Universal Resource Identifier): // define XML data string // containi

2008-10-11 20:31:00 447

转载 PHP - XML - Counting XML Element Frequency

Count the frequency of occurrence of a particular element or attribute in an XML document.Use PEARs XML_Statistics class: $xmlData =END1.0?>            The Matrix           

2008-10-11 20:27:00 455

转载 PHP - XML - Collapsing Empty XML Elements

 Use PEARs XML_Util class: $xmlData =END"1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">"http://www.w3.org/

2008-10-11 20:15:00 471

转载 PHP - Xml - Adding or Removing XML Nodes

Use the appendChild(), replaceChild(), and removeChild() methods from PHPs DOM extension:// define XML data string $xmlData = END"1.0"?>    Humphrey Hippo    chocolate    Star War

2008-10-11 18:41:00 358

转载 PHP - XML - Creating XML

Use PHPs DOM extension to create a DOM tree and append nodes to it:// initialize DOM object $xml = new DOMDocument("1.0");// add root node  $root = $xml->createElement("list");$xml-

2008-10-11 18:38:00 454

转载 PHP - XML - Recursively process an XML document.

Write a recursive function to traverse the XML document tree:// create XML data string $xmlData =END"1.0"?>    The Matrix                        Keanu Reeves            Neo  

2008-10-11 18:08:00 532

转载 PHP - XML - Modifying Node and Attribute Values

Use SimpleXML to read the XML file, assign new values to elements or attributes, and save the changes back to the file:// read XML tree $xml = simplexml_load_file("data.xml")↩or die("ERROR

2008-10-11 18:00:00 465

转载 PHP - Retrieving Node and Attribute Values From XML

Use SimpleXML to locate the node or attribute and retrieve its value:// define XML data string $xmlData = END"1.0"?>     "128" green="0" blue="128">purpleEND;// read XML data

2008-10-11 17:41:00 775

转载 AJAX - Handling White Space in a Cross-Browser Way

由于一些浏览器在处理XML数据时不忽略数据的前空格,所以在处理前要去掉这些空格。      function removeWhitespace(xml)       {        var loopIndex;        for (loopIndex = 0; loopIndex           loopIndex++) {          va

2008-10-10 10:36:00 396

转载 Using POST method in XMLHTTPRequest(Ajax)

var url = "get_data.php";var params = "lorem=ipsum&name=binny";http.open("POST", url, true);//Send the proper header information along with the request http.setRequestHeader("Content-typ

2008-10-09 17:15:00 379

转载 PHP - Querying a MySQL Database

  //wordgrabber.php   //Require in the database connection.   require_once ("dbconnector.php");  //Open the database.   $db = opendatabase();  //Then perform a query to grab a ra

2008-10-08 21:22:00 479

转载 PHP - Connecting to MySQL

  //dbconnector.php   //Define the mysql connection variables.   define ("MYSQLHOST", "localhost");  define ("MYSQLUSER", "apressauth");  define ("MYSQLPASS", "tasks");  define ("M

2008-10-08 21:12:00 394

转载 XMLHttpRequest - Sending a Request to the Server

In order to make a request to the server, you need to confirm a few basic functionality-based questions. First off, you need to decide what page (or script) you want to connect to, and then what area

2008-10-08 18:09:00 399

转载 XMLHTTP 跨浏览器的用法

 //Create a boolean variable to check for a valid Internet Explorer instance. var xmlhttp = false;//Check if we are using IE. try {  //If the Javascript version is greater than 5.   

2008-10-08 18:03:00 394

转载 XMLHttpRequest Object Properties

 Property Description onreadystatechange Used as an event handler for events that trigger upon state changes readyState Contains the current state of the object (0:

2008-10-08 18:02:00 370

原创 XMLHttpRequest Object Methods

Method Description abort() Cancels the current request getAllResponseHeaders() Returns all HTTP headers as a String type variable getResponseHeader() Return

2008-10-08 17:58:00 348

转载 Common HTTP Response Codes & HTTP Request Methods

Common HTTP Response Codes: Code Description 200 OK This response code is returned if the document or file in question is found and served correctly. 304 Not Modified

2008-10-08 17:50:00 514


在VB中通过API得到当前的IE窗口,并通过发送消息Copy IE窗口中的数据到EXCEL中。<br>注意此版本是针对IE6的,IE7需要修改代码。






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