active desktop calendar 使用技巧


active desktop calendar做得非常好,尤其是使用了层。层可以随时添加,修改,删除。层可以局域网共享。所以,利用层,可以实现


1、active desktop calendar 添加中国节日







Summary: There are several computers in a local area network, each one of them with its own copy of Active Desktop Calendar installed and running. The question is: can they see each other's data, use the network to share them somehow? Of course they can, just read on to learn how to make that work in a couple of clicks.

Introduction – data layers

To understand this topic better you should be aware of the fact that Active Desktop Calendar allows you to work with more than one data layer. By default, when you install and start the program it has only one data layer. It is called Primary and can not be removed.

However, you can easily add more data layers and each one of them is fully capable of keeping notes, alarms and tasks. That is useful when you want to group your data, e.g. put all holidays in one layer, all birthdays in another, all appointments in another, etc.

One more situation to use more than one data layer is when you want to share your data with other program users on your local network, but you do not want to share all data. Fine, then you will simply create data layers for sharing and keep the rest private.

Adding new data layer is simple. Right click on the program's icon in the system tray, choose Layers, click "Add new layer", type in some name for it and click Ok. Data from all enabled layers are automatically merged and displayed on your desktop so you do not have to worry about that.

Now, when you are familiar with data layers let's share them around your network.

Workgroup sharing step-by-step

The concept of data sharing is very simple. Everybody can share data with everybody else. The following procedure shows how it is done for a single data layer. Then just repeat the same for all layers you want to share and on all computers you want to have involved in sharing.

By "server" we will call a computer where a data layer you want to share is created, and by "client" all other computers that should connect to that data layer. That does not mean there is any difference between installed copies, all are the same and can act both as a server and a client at the same time.

1. On a server computer:

Right click on the program's icon in the system tray, choose Layers, select a layer you want to share from the list, click "Replicate (to share)", select some shared folder, one that can be seen by all other users and click Ok.

Note: make sure folder and file access privileges are correctly set so each client can read a data layer file in the shared folder -- for example, if folder permissions are ok but data layer file permissions are not, then a client will be able to connect to that layer file but will not be able to read it. (see more on this below under "Troubleshooting file access permissions")

2. On client computers:

Right click on the program's icon in the system tray, choose Layers, click "Connect new layer", go to the shared folder on the server computer, select the file and click Open.

Note: all connected data layers are read-only for client computers and will be marked with suffix LAN in the list; the program refreshes shared data layers automatically every 60 seconds.

Troubleshooting file access permissions

You did everything as described above, but a shared layer appeared red in client's list. Providing that both a server and a client computers are on, and that a local network is working properly, that situation suggests a problem with file access privileges. In other words the client can see the layer file, but can not open it to read its contents. You should go to the shared folder, right click on the layer file, choose Properties and select Security tab. If you do not understand what is displayed there and how to set permissions properly consult with your network administrator.

If you have Windows XP Pro and do not see Security tab in File/Properties dialog, then do the following. Open the shared folder in Windows Explorer, go to Tools - Folder Options - View, then look at the bottom of the Advanced settings list, disable "Use simple file sharing" option and click Apply.

If you have relocated the layer file to a shared folder on another computer you have on the local network, then have in mind that the layer file inherits access permissions from that folder automatically so make sure they are set correctly.

Inbound connections limit in Windows

When setting up data sharing on your local network please pay attention to the inbound connections limit existing on all non-server versions of Windows. The maximum number of other computers that are permitted to simultaneously connect over the network is ten for Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 professional, and five for Windows XP Home. This limit includes all transports and resource sharing protocols combined. Details are available on the following pages in Microsoft's online knowledge base:;en-us;314882 (Windows XP) (Windows 2000)

So, if you want to have data layers that are accessed by more than ten users (five on XP Home) your only solution is to have a real server in your network. Then you have two options. One is to install Active Desktop Calendar directly on a server (it has to be Windows server with enough client access licenses - CAL) and operate those data layers from there. The other one is to just relocate data layer files to some shared folder on a server that all users can access.


You will need to purchase a license for each of the computers in your network where you want to install and use the program. Our quantity discount scheme starts with two licenses and you can check the whole table at the bottom of the program's How to Order page.

This rule is not directly related to data sharing. It comes from a fact that our end-user license agreement requires a licensed copy for each user that will use the program on her/his computer. There are only two exceptions:

  • if there is only one person who will use the program, then that person can purchase only one license and install the program on more than one computer (e.g. home – laptop/notebook – office).
  • if there is only one computer where the program is installed, then purchasing one license for it is enough even if that computer is used by more than one person.

Active Desktop Calendar是一个可完全定制的日期定制软件,提供日期记录,任务,闹钟以及联系方法等功能,并可与桌面背景进行无缝融合以及提供足够互动性。使用者可将层中的数据进行有效组织,并在本地网络內进行共享。 该软件可与Outlook进行整合,从而可在桌面上显示Outlook当中的约会/任务。软件也可与Google的日历以及网络上以ICS格式的文件进行互联,同时可使用各国包含不同假期的预先定制日历。使用者可选择日历的图标,字体,颜色,字形,并可选择1,2或者3个月的日期显示在桌面上。 通过互动桌面,使用者可以通过点击方式制定日期,约会以及任务。打印日历也是非常容易,不仅可以打印一个月日历,也可以打印一定日期间隔內的约会清单。内建的地址本可令使用者保存所有重要的联络信息,也可以直接从其他程序导入联络信息。支持CSV和iCal格式数据的输入以及输出。软件每日自动进行数据备份。同时提供世界闹钟的屏幕保护程序。 * 数据与桌面墙纸可融合 * 日历,约会,任务,闹钟以及联系信息 * 约会/闹钟中众多可再次重复用选项 * 互动桌面 * 完全可定制性(图表,字体,颜色) * 数据输入/输出/打印(CSV, iCal 格式) * 包含预先设定和假期的日历 * 支持双/多显示器 * 包含在层中的群组日历 * 在本地网络的共享数据层 * 与Outlook直接互联 * 支持Google 日历 * 自动数据备份 * 提供众多图标供记录所用 Active Desktop Calendar 7.75 更新了什么: * 显示当前日期和选定日期的周数 当你在程序中打开约会视图你可要注意标题栏和状态栏 哦。在标题栏上你会发现当前日期的周数信息 (像 第14周(共52周)),在状态栏上显示选定日期的周数 (像 W: 18/52)。 Active Desktop Calendar 7.76 更新了什么: * 计算指定两个日期之间间隔的天数 新选择:"计算间隔天数" 允许你查找两个给定的日期 之间间隔的天数。你可以选择计算包括结束日期或排除结 束日期的间隔天数。计算结果包括指定时间段内的周数信 息,工作日信息,周末天数信息。 【特别信息】 注册名 注册码:DCB39-F1ACA-32DC8




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