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原创 2011-1-25

I have add the soft emotion conversion, and the effect sounds good. Now I need to study the source function of Praat, but the first step is to compile the source code. Metrowerks CodeWarrior 9.0 mentioned in the web can not be downloaded properly, after

2011-01-27 10:35:00 337

原创 2011-1-22

I used two days to study the Praat scripts, then write my own scripts to run the conversion automatically. Now the scripts have already been finished(maybe worth more time to modify), but there are still problems: 1. The happy emotion are not so good to

2011-01-22 15:22:00 356

原创 20110118 Plan

After the meeting with Pascale this afternoon, she is satisfied with the prosody conversion results from the neutral language to emotional speech. Here are the things we are going to do: 1. Change the state “fear” to “terror”, means the emotion that you w

2011-01-18 20:00:00 368

原创 20110116 About the prosody conversion from neutral speech to emotional speech

According the paper: http://affectivecomputing.org/paper/2006/EmotionalSpeech_IEEETransASLP06.pdf The first methods they adapted is the LMM model(Linear modification model), which makes direct modification of F0 coutours(F0 top, F0 bottom, F0 mean), sylla

2011-01-18 19:53:00 473

原创 20110112

Yesterday, Pascale was very very angry during the project meeting. She left the meeting during the first 1 minutes, by yelling at us. We have the meeting keep on by ourselves. And in the afternoon, I was under such a great pressure since Pascale is going t

2011-01-13 15:02:00 389

原创 20110110 About the ejTTS modification

1. Writing the DLL for the ejTTS ejTTSPlayer is higher level interface of the ejTTS, but the main program need to include the ejTTSPlayer.cpp and ejTTSPlayer.h in the whole project. so it is more preferable to write a DLL for the ejTTSPlayer. 备注:This par

2011-01-10 22:12:00 733

原创 深入浅出DLL编程

http://soft.yesky.com/lesson/318/2166818.shtml 1。 概述 静态链接库与动态链接库都是共享代码的方式,如果采用静态链接库,则无论你愿不愿意,lib中的指令都被直接包含在最终生成的EXE文件中了。但是若使用DLL,该DLL不必被包含在最终EXE文件中,EXE文件执行时可以“动态”地引用和卸载这个与EXE独立的DLL文件。 对动态链接库,我们还需建立如下概念: (1)DLL 的编制与具体的编程语言及编译器无关 只要遵循约定的DLL接口规范和调用方

2011-01-09 20:43:00 645

原创 API函数快速入门--API函数简介--

<br /><br />作为一个编程初学者来说,API函数也许是一个时常耳闻却感觉有些神秘的东西。单看它的复杂语法,就足令人望而生畏,但是任何事物在我们深入了解它之前,总是会有这种感觉的。我们这篇API入门教程的目的,就是要把API函数的来龙去脉告诉大家,破除对API函数的畏惧,使它成为我们编程的好助手。<br />  大家可能在许多书上看到过API的英文全称(Application Programming Interface),WIN32 API也就是MicrosoftWindows 32位平台的应用程序

2011-01-08 21:40:00 605 1

原创 testing

This journal is just to test the windows live writer software, to see if it can publish my daily journal properly.

2011-01-08 19:20:00 377 1

原创 20110108 My research blog

<br />I will keep on writing my research progress on this blog everyday<br /> <br />Hope I will have some contributions in 2011

2011-01-08 19:08:00 358



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