
Enabling Trust Between WebLogic Domains
Note: Enabling trust between WebLogic Server domains opens the servers up to man-in-the-middle attacks. Great care should be taken when enabling trust in a production environment. BEA recommends having strong network security such as a dedicated communication channel or protection by a strong firewall.
A trust relationship is established when principals in a Subject from one WebLogic Server domain (referred to as the domain) are accepted as principals in the local domain.
This release of WebLogic Server adds more restrictions to the trust relationship between domains. Now a trust relationship is established when the Credential attribute for one domain matches the Credential attribute for another domain.
By default, when you boot an Administration Server for the first time, the Credential attribute is not defined. As the Administration Server boots, it notices that the Credential attribute is not defined and generates a random credential. The Administration Server uses that credential to sign principals in subjects created in that domain. The config.xml file which stores the credential is saved after the credential is generated. Managed servers in that domain obtain the credential from the Administration Server when booting.
WebLogic Server performs a validation (comparing how the principal was signed with how a local principal would be signed) whenever the code is asked to create a new subject.
Note: Any credentials in clear text are encrypted the next time the config.xml file is persisted to disk.
If you want a WebLogic Server 6.x domain to interoperate with a WebLogic Server 7.0 domain, change the Credential attribute in the WebLogic Server 7.0 domain to the password of the system user in the WebLogic Server 6.x domain.
If you want two 7.0 domains to interoperate, perform the following procedure in both domains.
To establish a trust relationship between WebLogic Server domains:
1.        In the left panel of the console, select the domain name at the top of the tree.
2.        Select the Security-->Advanced tab.
3.        Uncheck the Enable Generated Credential attribute.
4.        Click the Change... link in the Credential attribute.
5.        Enter a password for the domain. Choose the password carefully. BEA Systems recommends using a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
6.        Confirm the password.
7.        Click Apply.
8.        Reboot WebLogic Server.
When using inter-domain trust with a WebLogic Server domain that uses custom Principals (meaning a custom Authentication provider is configured in the domain), the domain that is not using custom Principals must have the class for the custom Principal defined in the server's class path in order for authentication to work properly. Otherwise, a java.lang.ClassNotFound is thrown.
For example: two domains (Domain 1 and Domain 2) have established trust (meaning their domain credentials are set to the same value).
§            Domain 1 has a custom Authentication provider that creates custom Principals of type myPrincipal .
§            mySubject is a Subject authenticated on Domain 1 that contains a Principal of type myPrincipal .
§            mySubject is passed from Domain 1 to Domain 2. Subjects are passed between domains in the following circumstances:
·              When one domain makes an RMI call over T3 to another domain.
·              When one domain makes an RMI call over IIOP and CSIv2 cannot be established.
·              A Subject is passed as a argument to a user's method.
·              When using the JMX Message bridge.
§            Domain 2 must have myPrincipal defined in the server class path or a java.lang.ClassNotFound will be thrown when Domain 2 tries to deserialize the Subject.
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### 回答1: 我可以回答这个问题。要配置信任,可以在 VS Code 的设置中搜索 "http.proxyStrictSSL",将其设置为 true,然后在 "http.proxy" 和 "http.proxyAuthorization" 中输入代理服务器的地址和认证信息。这样就可以信任了。 ### 回答2: 在使用VSCode时,由于安全性的考虑,某些功能需要访问外部资源或运行外部代码。这些外部资源或代码可能会威胁到计算机的安全,因此VSCode默认不信任这些内容。但是,如果我们相信该资源或代码是安全的,我们可以配置VSCode来信任这些。 要配置VSCode信任,我们需要按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 打开VSCode并点击左下角的“设置”按钮(齿轮图标)。 2. 在设置页面的搜索栏中输入“信任”,然后选择“安全信任”(Trusted Domains)选项。 3. 在“安全信任”设置下面,点击“添加项”按钮。 4. 输入要信任名或IP地址,并点击“添加”按钮。 通过以上操作,我们可以将特定的名或IP地址添加到信任列表中。这样,在以后的使用过程中,VSCode将会信任这些名或IP地址,允许其访问外部资源或运行外部代码。 需要注意的是,配置信任时要谨慎,只应信任我们确信是安全的名或IP地址。错误的配置可能会导致安全隐患。在添加新的名或IP地址之前,最好确保其来源可信,以免遭受潜在的攻击或数据泄露。 总而言之,配置VSCode信任是一项重要的安全措施,它允许我们明确选择要信任的资源,从而确保计算机的安全性。 ### 回答3: VSCode 是一款广泛使用的代码编辑器,可以通过安装插件来进行各种功能的扩展,例如在项目中使用 Git 进行版本控制、进行代码调试等。在某些情况下,为了确保安全性和信任性,我们需要对进行配置以确保其可信。 首先,在 VSCode 中配置信任非常简单。我们可以通过以下步骤来完成: 1. 打开 VSCode 编辑器并进入首选项页面。可以通过点击菜单栏中的“文件”>“首选项”>“设置”打开设置面板。 2. 在搜索框中输入“trust domain”并搜索,找到相关的设置项。 3. 在信任设置项中,可以选择添加或删除信任。可以输入一个名或者一个 IP 地址,并点击“+”按钮进行添加。如果想移除某个名或者 IP 地址的信任,可以点击“-”按钮进行删除。 其次,配置信任的目的是确保我们在进行某些操作时可以信任对应的。例如,我们在 VSCode 中进行代码调试时,可能需要信任特定的来运行调试。在使用 Git 进行版本控制时,我们也可能需要信任版本控制系统的名。通过配置信任,我们可以更加安全地运行我们的项目,并确保与外部之间的通信是安全可信的。 总的来说,VSCode 可以通过简单的设置来配置信任,以确保我们在开发过程中可以更加安全地进行各种操作,并确保与外部之间的通信是可信赖的。


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