C preprocessor



C preprocessor

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The C preprocessor (cpp) is the preprocessor for the C programming language. In many C implementations, it is a separate program invoked by the compiler as the first part of translation. The preprocessor handles directives for source file inclusion (#include), macro definitions (#define), and conditional inclusion (#if). The language of preprocessor directives is agnostic to the grammar of C, so the C preprocessor can also be used independently to process other types of files.

The transformations it makes on its input form the first four of C's so-called Phases of Translation. Though an implementation may choose to perform some or all phases simultaneously, it must behave as if it performed them one-by-one in order.



[edit] Phases

The following are the first four (of eight) phases of translation specified in the C Standard:

  1. Trigraph Replacement - The preprocessor replaces trigraph sequences with the characters they represent.
  2. Line Splicing - Physical source lines that are continued with escaped newline sequences are spliced to form logical lines.
  3. Tokenization - The preprocessor breaks the result into preprocessing tokens and whitespace. It replaces comments with whitespace.
  4. Macro Expansion and Directive Handling - Preprocessing directive lines, including file inclusion and conditional compilation, are executed. The preprocessor simultaneously expands macros and, in the 1999 version of the C standard, handles _Pragma operators.

[edit] Including files

The most common use of the preprocessor is to include another file:

#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
    printf("Hello, world!/n");
    return 0;

The preprocessor replaces the line #include <stdio.h> with the system header file of that name, which declares the printf() function among other things. More precisely, the entire text of the file 'stdio.h' replaces the #include directive.

This can also be written using double quotes, e.g. #include "stdio.h". If the filename is enclosed within angle brackets, the file is searched for in the standard compiler include paths. If the filename is enclosed within double quotes, the search path is expanded to include the current source directory. C compilers and programming environments all have a facility which allows the programmer to define where include files can be found. This can be introduced through a command line flag, which can be parameterized using a makefile, so that a different set of include files can be swapped in for different operating systems, for instance.

By convention, include files are given a .h extension, and files not included by others are given a .c extension. However, there is no requirement that this be observed. Occasionally you will see files with other extensions included, in particular files with a .def extension may denote files designed to be included multiple times, each time expanding the same repetitive content.

#include often compels the use of #include guards or #pragma once to prevent double inclusion.

[edit] Conditional compilation

The #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #elif and #endif directives can be used for conditional compilation.

#ifdef _WIN32 // _WIN32 is defined by all Windows 32 compilers, but not by others.
#include <windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if VERBOSE >= 2
  print("trace message");

Note that comparison operations only work with integers

#if VERBOSE == "on" // NOT ALLOWED
  print("trace message");
  print("trace message");

Some compilers targeting Windows define WIN32, but all should define _WIN32[1] This allows code, including preprocessor commands, to compile only when targeting Windows systems. Alternatively, the macro WIN32 could be defined implicitly by the compiler, or specified on the compiler's command line, perhaps to control compilation of the program from a makefile.

The example code tests if a macro _WIN32 is defined. If it is, the file <windows.h> is included, otherwise <unistd.h>.

A more complex example might be something like

#if !defined(WIN32) || defined(__MINGW32__) 

You can also cause compilation to halt by using the #error directive:

#if RUBY_VERSION == 190
# error 1.9.0 not supported

[edit] Macro definition and expansion

There are two types of macros, object-like and function-like. Object-like macros do not take parameters; function-like macros do. The generic syntax for declaring an identifier as a macro of each type is, respectively,

#define <identifier> <replacement token list>
#define <identifier>(<parameter list>) <replacement token list>

Note that the function-like macro declaration must not have any whitespace between the identifier and the first, opening, parenthesis. If whitespace is present, the macro will be interpreted as object-like with everything starting from the first parenthesis added to the token list.

Whenever the identifier appears in the source code it is replaced with the replacement token list, which can be empty. For an identifier declared to be a function-like macro, it is only replaced when the following token is also a left parenthesis that begins the argument list of the macro invocation. The exact procedure followed for expansion of function-like macros with arguments is subtle.

Object-like macros were conventionally used as part of good programming practice to create symbolic names for constants, e.g.

#define PI 3.14159

... instead of hard-coding those numbers throughout one's code. An alternative in both C and C++ is to apply the const qualifier to a global variable.

An example of a function-like macro is:

#define RADTODEG(x) ((x) * 57.29578)

This defines a radians to degrees conversion which can be written subsequently, e.g. RADTODEG(34) or RADTODEG (34). This is expanded in-place, so the caller does not need to litter copies of the multiplication constant all over his code. The macro here is written as all uppercase to emphasize that it is a macro, not a compiled function.

[edit] Standard predefined positioning macros

Certain symbols are required to be defined by an implementation during preprocessing. These include __FILE__ and __LINE__, predefined by the preprocessor itself, which expand into the current file and line number. For instance the following:

// debugging macros so we can pin down message provenance at a glance
#define WHERESTR  "[file %s, line %d]: "
#define WHEREARG  __FILE__, __LINE__
#define DEBUGPRINT2(...)       fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
  DEBUGPRINT("hey, x=%d/n", x);

prints the value of x, preceded by the file and line number to the standard error stream, allowing quick access to which line the message was produced on. Note that the WHERESTR argument is concatenated with the string following it.

The first C Standard specified that the macro __STDC__ be defined to 1 if the implementation conforms to the ISO Standard and 0 otherwise, and the macro __STDC_VERSION__ defined as a numeric literal specifying the version of the Standard supported by the implementation. Standard C++ compilers support the __cplusplus macro. Compilers running in non-standard mode, with advanced or reduced language features that may be conflicting with the essential standard, might not set these macros or should define others to exhibit the differences.

Other Standard macros include __DATE__ and __TIME__, which expand to the date and time of translation respectively

The second edition of the C Standard, C99, added support for __func__, which contains the name of the function definition it is contained within.

[edit] Precedence

Note that the example macro RADTODEG(x) given above uses seemingly superfluous parentheses both around the argument and around the entire expression. Omitting either of these can lead to unexpected results. For example:

  • Macro defined as
#define RADTODEG(x) (x * 57.29578)

will expand



(a + b * 57.29578)
  • Macro defined as
#define RADTODEG(x) (x) * 57.29578

will expand



1 / (a) * 57.29578

neither of which give the intended result.

[edit] Multiple lines

A macro can be extended over as many lines as required using a backslash escape character at the end of each line. The macro ends after the first line which does not end in a backslash.

The extent to which multi-line macros enhance or reduce the size and complexity of the source of a C program, or its readability and maintainability is open to debate (there is no experimental evidence on this issue). Techniques such as X-Macros are occasionally used to address these potential issues.

[edit] Multiple evaluation of side effects

Another example of a function-like macro is:

#define MIN(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(b):(a))

Notice the use of the ternary conditional ?: operator. This illustrates one of the dangers of using function-like macros. One of the arguments, a or b, will be evaluated twice when this "function" is called. So, if the expression MIN(++firstnum,secondnum) is evaluated, then firstnum may be incremented twice, not once as would be expected.

A safer way to achieve the same would be to use a typeof-construct:

#define max(a,b) /
       ({ typeof (a) _a = (a); /
           typeof (b) _b = (b); /
         _a > _b ? _a : _b; })

This will cause the arguments to be evaluated only once, and it will not be type-specific anymore. This construct is not legal ANSI C; both the typeof keyword, and the construct of placing a compound statement within parentheses, are non-standard extensions implemented in the popular GNU C compiler (GCC). If you are using GCC, the same general problem can also be solved using a static inline function, which is as efficient as a #define. The inline function allows the compiler to check/coerce parameter types—in this particular example this appears to be a disadvantage, since the 'max' function as shown works equally well with different parameter types, but in general having the type coercion is often an advantage.

Within ANSI C, there is no reliable general solution to the issue of side-effects in macro arguments.

[edit] Token concatenation

Token concatenation, also called token pasting, is one of the most subtle — and easy to abuse — features of the C macro preprocessor. Two arguments can be 'glued' together using ## preprocessor operator; this allows two tokens to be concatenated in the preprocessed code. This can be used to construct elaborate macros which act like a crude version of C++ templates.

For instance:

#define MYCASE(item,id) /
case id: /
  item##_##id = id;/
switch(x) {

The line MYCASE(widget,23); gets expanded here into

case 23:
  widget_23 = 23;

(The semicolon following the invocation of MYCASE becomes the semicolon that completes the break statement.)

Only function-like parameters can be pasted in a macro, and the parameters are not parsed for macro replacement first, so the following somewhat non-intuitive behavior occurs:

enum {
    OlderSmall = 0,
    NewerLarge = 1
#define Older Newer
#define Small Large
#define _replace_1(Older, Small) Older##Small
#define _replace_2(Older, Small) _replace_1(Older, Small)
void printout( void )
        // _replace_1( Older, Small ) becomes OlderSmall (not NewerLarge),
        // despite the #define calls above.
    printf("Check 1: %d/n", _replace_1( Older, Small ) );
        // The parameters to _replace_2 are substituted before the call
        // to _replace_1, so we get NewerLarge.
    printf("Check 2: %d/n", _replace_2( Older, Small ) );

results in

Check 1: 0
Check 2: 1

[edit] Semicolons

One stylistic note about the above macro is that the semicolon on the last line of the macro definition is omitted so that the macro looks 'natural' when written. It could be included in the macro definition, but then there would be lines in the code without semicolons at the end which would throw off the casual reader. Worse, the user could be tempted to include semicolons anyway; in most cases this would be harmless (an extra semicolon denotes an empty statement) but it would cause errors in control flow blocks:

#define PRETTY_PRINT(msg) printf(msg);
  if (n < 10)
    PRETTY_PRINT("n is less than 10");
    PRETTY_PRINT("n is at least 10");

This expands to give two statements – the intended printf and an empty statement – in each branch of the if/else construct, which will cause the compiler to give an error message similar to:

error: expected expression before ‘else’
gcc 4.1.1
[edit] Multiple statements

Inconsistent use of multiple-statement macros can result in unintended behaviour. The code

#define CMDS /
   a = b; /
   c = d
  if (var == 13)

will expand to

  if (var == 13)
    a = b;
  c = d;

which is a syntax error (the else is lacking a matching if).

The macro can be made safe by replacing the internal semicolon with the comma operator, since two operands connected by a comma form a single statement. The comma operator is the lowest precedence operator. In particular, its precedence is lower than the assignment operator's, so that a = b, c = d does not parse as a = (b,c) = d. Therefore,

#define CMDS a = b, c = d
  if (var == 13)

will expand to

  if (var == 13)
    a = b, c = d;

The problem can also be fixed without using the comma operator:

#define CMDS /
  do { /
    a = b; /
    c = d; /
  } while (0)

expands to

  if (var == 13)
    do {
      a = b;
      c = d;
    } while (0);

The do and while (0) are needed to allow the macro invocation to be followed by a semicolon; if they were omitted the resulting expansion would be

  if (var == 13) {
      a = b;
      c = d;

The semicolon in the macro's invocation above becomes an empty statement, causing a syntax error at the else by preventing it matching up with the preceding if.

A clearest way, but only C99 compliant:

#define CMDS /
  ({ /
    a = b; /
    c = d; /

expands to

  if (var == 13)
      a = b;
      c = d;

[edit] Quoting macro arguments

Although macro expansion does not occur within a quoted string, the text of the macro arguments can be quoted and treated as a string literal by using the "#" directive (also known as the "Stringizing Operator"). For example, with the macro

#define QUOTEME(x) #x

the code

printf("%s/n", QUOTEME(1+2));

will expand to

printf("%s/n", "1+2");

This capability can be used with automatic string literal concatenation to make debugging macros. For example, the macro in

#define dumpme(x, fmt) printf("%s:%u: %s=" fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, #x, x)
int some_function() {
    int foo;
    /* [a lot of complicated code goes here] */
    dumpme(foo, "%d");
    /* [more complicated code goes here] */

would print the name of an expression and its value, along with the file name and the line number.

[edit] Indirectly quoting macro arguments

The "#" directive can also be used indirectly, in order to quote the "value" of a macro instead of the name of that macro. For example, with the macro:

#define FOO bar
#define QUOTEME_(x) #x
#define QUOTEME(x) QUOTEME_(x)

the code

printf("FOO=%s/n", QUOTEME(FOO));

will expand to

printf("FOO=%s/n", "bar");

One common use for this technique is to convert the __LINE__ macro to a string. Eg:


is converted to:


if __LINE__ happens to have the value 34 when QUOTEME() is called. On the other hand QUOTEME_(__LINE__) will expand to "__LINE__"

[edit] Variadic macros

Macros that can take a varying number of arguments (variadic macros) are not allowed in C89, but were introduced by a number of compilers and standardised in C99. Variadic macros are particularly useful when writing wrappers to variable parameter number functions, such as printf, for example when logging warnings and errors.

[edit] X-Macros

One little-known usage pattern of the C preprocessor is known as "X-Macros".[2][3][4] An X-Macro is a header file (commonly using a ".def" extension instead of the traditional ".h") that contains a list of similar macro calls (which can be referred to as "component macros"). The include file is then referenced repeatedly in the following pattern:

(Given that the include file is "xmacro.def" and it contains a list of component macros of the style "foo(x, y, z)")

#define foo(x, y, z) doSomethingWith(x, y, z);
#include "xmacro.def"
#undef foo
#define foo(x, y, z) doSomethingElseWith(x, y, z);
#include "xmacro.def"
#undef foo

The most common usage of X-Macros is to establish a list of C objects and then automatically generate code for each of them. Some implementations also perform any #undefs they need inside the X-Macro, as opposed to expecting the caller to undefine them.

Common sets of objects are a set of global configuration settings, a set of members of a struct, a list of possible XML tags for converting an XML file to a quickly-traversable tree, or the body of an enum declaration; other lists are possible.

Once the X-Macro has been processed to create the list of objects, the component macros can be redefined to generate, for instance, accessor and/or mutator functions. Structure serializing and deserializing are also commonly done.

Here is an example of an X-Macro that establishes a struct and automatically creates serialize/deserialize functions:

(Note: for simplicity, this example doesn't account for endianness or buffer overflows)

File star.def:


File star_table.c:

typedef struct {
  #define EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) type member;
  #include "star.def"
  } starStruct;
void serialize_star(const starStruct *const star, unsigned char *buffer) {
  #define EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) /
    memcpy(buffer, &(star->member), sizeof(star->member)); /
    buffer += sizeof(star->member);
  #include "star.def"
void deserialize_star(starStruct *const star, const unsigned char *buffer) {
  #define EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) /
    memcpy(&(star->member), buffer, sizeof(star->member)); /
    buffer += sizeof(star->member);
  #include "star.def"

Handlers for individual data types may be created and accessed using token concatenation ("##") and quoting ("#") operators. For example, the following might be added to the above code:

#define print_int(val)    printf("%d", val)
#define print_double(val) printf("%g", val)
void print_star(const starStruct *const star) {
  /* print_##type will be replaced with print_int or print_double */
  #define EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) /
    printf("%s: ", #member); /
    print_##type(star->member); /
  #include "star.def"

Note that in this example you can also avoid the creation of separate handler functions for each datatype in this example by defining the print format for each supported type, with the additional benefit of reducing the expansion code produced by this header file:

#define FORMAT_(type) FORMAT_##type
#define FORMAT_int    "%d"
#define FORMAT_double "%g"
void print_star(const starStruct *const star) {
  /* FORMAT_(type) will be replaced with FORMAT_int or FORMAT_double */
  #define EXPAND_EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) /
    printf("%s: " FORMAT_(type) "/n", #member, star->member);
  #include "star.def"

The creation of a separate header file can be avoided by creating a single macro containing what would be the contents of the file. For instance, the above file "star.def" could be replaced with this macro at the beginning of:

File star_table.c:

#define EXPAND_STAR /
  EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(radius, double)

and then all calls to #include "star.def" could be replaced with a simple EXPAND_STAR statement. The rest of the above file would become:

typedef struct {
  #define EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) type member;
  } starStruct;
void serialize_star(const starStruct *const star, unsigned char *buffer) {
  #define EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) /
    memcpy(buffer, &(star->member), sizeof(star->member)); /
    buffer += sizeof(star->member);
void deserialize_star(starStruct *const star, const unsigned char *buffer) {
  #define EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) /
    memcpy(&(star->member), buffer, sizeof(star->member)); /
    buffer += sizeof(star->member);

and the print handler could be added as well as:

#define print_int(val)    printf("%d", val)
#define print_double(val) printf("%g", val)
void print_star(const starStruct *const star) {
  /* print_##type will be replaced with print_int or print_double */
  #define EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) /
    printf("%s: ", #member); /
    print_##type(star->member); /

or as:

#define FORMAT_(type) FORMAT_##type
#define FORMAT_int    "%d"
#define FORMAT_double "%g"
void print_star(const starStruct *const star) {
  /* FORMAT_(type) will be replaced with FORMAT_int or FORMAT_double */
  #define EXPAND_STAR_MEMBER(member, type) /
    printf("%s: " FORMAT_(type) "/n", #member, star->member);

A variant which avoids needing to know the members of any expanded sub-macros is to accept the operators as an argument to the list macro:

File star_table.c:

#define STRUCT_MEMBER(member, type, dummy) type member;
#define SERIALIZE_MEMBER(member, type, obj, buffer) /
  memcpy(buffer, &(obj->member), sizeof(obj->member)); /
  buffer += sizeof(obj->member);
#define DESERIALIZE_MEMBER(member, type, obj, buffer) /
  memcpy(&(obj->member), buffer, sizeof(obj->member)); /
  buffer += sizeof(obj->member);
#define FORMAT_(type) FORMAT_##type
#define FORMAT_int    "%d"
#define FORMAT_double "%g"
/* FORMAT_(type) will be replaced with FORMAT_int or FORMAT_double */
#define PRINT_MEMBER(member, type, obj) /
  printf("%s: " FORMAT_(type) "/n", #member, obj->member);
#define EXPAND_STAR(_, ...) /
  _(x, int, __VA_ARGS__) /
  _(y, int, __VA_ARGS__) /
  _(z, int, __VA_ARGS__) /
  _(radius, double, __VA_ARGS__)
typedef struct {
  } starStruct;
void serialize_star(const starStruct *const star, unsigned char *buffer) {
void deserialize_star(starStruct *const star, const unsigned char *buffer) {
void print_star(const starStruct *const star) {

This approach can be dangerous in that the entire macro set is always interpreted as if it was on a single source line, which could encounter compiler limits with complex component macros and/or long member lists.

[edit] Compiler-specific predefined macros

Compiler-specific predefined macros are usually listed in the compiler documentation, although this is often incomplete. The Pre-defined C/C++ Compiler Macros project lists "various pre-defined compiler macros that can be used to identify standards, compilers, operating systems, hardware architectures, and even basic run-time libraries at compile-time".

Some compilers can be made to dump at least some of their useful predefined macros, for example:

GNU C Compiler
gcc -dM -E - < /dev/null
HP-UX ansi C compiler
cc -v fred.c (where fred.c is a simple test file)
SCO OpenServer C compiler
cc -## fred.c (where fred.c is a simple test file)
Sun Studio C/C++ compiler
cc -## fred.c (where fred.c is a simple test file)
IBM AIX XL C/C++ compiler
cc -qshowmacros -E fred.c (where fred.c is a simple test file)

[edit] User-defined compilation errors and warnings

The #error directive inserts an error message into the compiler output.

#error "Gaah!"

This prints "Gaah!" in the compiler output and halts the computation at that point. This is extremely useful for determining whether a given line is being compiled or not. It is also useful if you have a heavily parameterized body of code and want to make sure a particular #define has been introduced from the makefile, e.g.:

#ifdef WINDOWS
    ... /* Windows specific code */
#elif defined(UNIX)
    ... /* Unix specific code */
    #error "What's your operating system?"

Most implementations (including e.g. the C-compilers by GNU, Intel, IBM, Microsoft and Apple)[which?] provide a non-standard #warning directive to print out a warning message in the compiler output, but not stop the compilation process. A typical use is to warn about the usage of some old code, which is now deprecated and only included for compatibility reasons, e.g.:

#warning "Do not use ABC, which is deprecated. Use XYZ instead."

Although the text following the #error or #warning directive does not have to be quoted, it is good practice to do so. Otherwise, there may be problems with apostrophes and other characters that the preprocessor tries to interpret. Microsoft C uses #pragma message ( "text" ) instead of #warning.

[edit] Compiler-specific preprocessor features

The #pragma directive is a compiler specific directive which compiler vendors may use for their own purposes. For instance, a #pragma is often used to allow suppression of specific error messages, manage heap and stack debugging, etc.

C99 introduced a few standard #pragma directives, taking the form #pragma STDC …, which are used to control the floating-point implementation.

[edit] As a general-purpose preprocessor

Since the C preprocessor can be invoked independently to process files other than those containing to-be-compiled source code, it can also be used as a "general purpose preprocessor" for other types of text processing. One particularly notable example is the now-deprecated imake system; more examples are listed at General purpose preprocessor.

CPP does work acceptably with most assembly languages. GNU mentions assembly as one of the target languages among C, C++ and Objective-C in the documentation of its implementation of the preprocessor. This requires that the assembler syntax not conflict with cpp's syntax, which means no lines starting with # and that double quotes, which cpp interprets as string literals and thus ignores, don't have syntactical meaning other than that.





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