android 4.2 MMS listVIew平滑滚动到列表最后一项的效果


     * smoothScrollToEnd will scroll the message list to the bottom if the list is already near
     * the bottom. Typically this is called to smooth scroll a newly received message into view.
     * It's also called when sending to scroll the list to the bottom, regardless of where it is,
     * so the user can see the just sent message. This function is also called when the message
     * list view changes size because the keyboard state changed or the compose message field grew.
     * @param force always scroll to the bottom regardless of current list position
     * @param listSizeChange the amount the message list view size has vertically changed
    private void smoothScrollToEnd(boolean force, int listSizeChange) {
        int last = mMsgListView.getLastVisiblePosition();
        int newPosition = mMsgListAdapter.getCount() - 1;
        if (last < 0 || newPosition < 0) {
            if (LogTag.VERBOSE || Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) {
                Log.v(TAG, "smoothScrollToEnd: last=" + last + ", newPos=" + newPosition +
                        ", mMsgListView not ready");

        View lastChild = mMsgListView.getChildAt(last - mMsgListView.getFirstVisiblePosition());
        int bottom = 0;
        int height = 0;
        if (lastChild != null) {
            bottom = lastChild.getBottom();
            height = lastChild.getHeight();

        if (LogTag.VERBOSE || Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) {
            Log.v(TAG, "smoothScrollToEnd newPosition: " + newPosition +
                    " mLastSmoothScrollPosition: " + mLastSmoothScrollPosition +
                    " first: " + mMsgListView.getFirstVisiblePosition() +
                    " last: " + last +
                    " bottom: " + bottom +
                    " bottom + listSizeChange: " + (bottom + listSizeChange) +
                    " mMsgListView.getHeight() - mMsgListView.getPaddingBottom(): " +
                    (mMsgListView.getHeight() - mMsgListView.getPaddingBottom()) +
                    " listSizeChange: " + listSizeChange);
        // Only scroll if the list if we're responding to a newly sent message (force == true) or
        // the list is already scrolled to the end. This code also has to handle the case where
        // the listview has changed size (from the keyboard coming up or down or the message entry
        // field growing/shrinking) and it uses that grow/shrink factor in listSizeChange to
        // compute whether the list was at the end before the resize took place.
        // For example, when the keyboard comes up, listSizeChange will be negative, something
        // like -524. The lastChild listitem's bottom value will be the old value before the
        // keyboard became visible but the size of the list will have changed. The test below
        // add listSizeChange to bottom to figure out if the old position was already scrolled
        // to the bottom. We also scroll the list if the last item is taller than the size of the
        // list. This happens when the keyboard is up and the last item is an mms with an
        // attachment thumbnail, such as picture. In this situation, we want to scroll the list so
        // the bottom of the thumbnail is visible and the top of the item is scroll off the screen.
        int listHeight = mMsgListView.getHeight();
        if (force || ((listSizeChange != 0 || newPosition != mLastSmoothScrollPosition) &&
                bottom + listSizeChange <=
                        listHeight - mMsgListView.getPaddingBottom()) ||
                        height > listHeight) {
            if (Math.abs(listSizeChange) > SMOOTH_SCROLL_THRESHOLD) {
                // When the keyboard comes up, the window manager initiates a cross fade
                // animation that conflicts with smooth scroll. Handle that case by jumping the
                // list directly to the end.
                if (LogTag.VERBOSE || Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) {
                    Log.v(TAG, "keyboard state changed. setSelection=" + newPosition);
                if (height > listHeight) {
                    // If the height of the last item is taller than the whole height of the list,
                    // we need to scroll that item so that its top is negative or above the top of
                    // the list. That way, the bottom of the last item will be exposed above the
                    // keyboard.
                    mMsgListView.setSelectionFromTop(newPosition, listHeight - height);
                } else {
            } else if (newPosition - last > MAX_ITEMS_TO_INVOKE_SCROLL_SHORTCUT) {
                if (LogTag.VERBOSE || Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) {
                    Log.v(TAG, "too many to scroll, setSelection=" + newPosition);
            } else {
                if (LogTag.VERBOSE || Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) {
                    Log.v(TAG, "smooth scroll to " + newPosition);
                if (height > listHeight) {
                    // If the height of the last item is taller than the whole height of the list,
                    // we need to scroll that item so that its top is negative or above the top of
                    // the list. That way, the bottom of the last item will be exposed above the
                    // keyboard.
                    mMsgListView.setSelectionFromTop(newPosition, listHeight - height);
                } else {
                mLastSmoothScrollPosition = newPosition;


上面的函数只适用于平滑的滚动到最下方的情况, 比如发消息或接收消息后, 平滑的滚动到最后一行。


1. 全屏模式下, 接收或发消息, 调用smoothScrollToEnd(mScrollOnSend || lastMsgId != mLastMessageId, 0);  即(true, 0)

2. 键盘弹起导致ListView高度发生了变化的情况,

        mMsgListView.setOnSizeChangedListener(new OnSizeChangedListener() {
            public void onSizeChanged(int width, int height, int oldWidth, int oldHeight) {
                if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) {
                    Log.v(TAG, "onSizeChanged: w=" + width + " h=" + height +
                            " oldw=" + oldWidth + " oldh=" + oldHeight);

                // The message list view changed size, most likely because the keyboard
                // appeared or disappeared or the user typed/deleted chars in the message
                // box causing it to change its height when expanding/collapsing to hold more
                // lines of text.
                smoothScrollToEnd(false, height - oldHeight);





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