模板 让代码更简洁

                          不多说了,看代码吧,我们不需要写两套关于wchar_t, char的函数,只需要定义一个模板。这是我想了一个星期创造出来的,应该还没有人这样写吧。

strFuncTypeDef.h 字符串操作函数定义

*	author: zyb
*   \brief: strFuncTypeDef  for template function

#pragma once

*		<string.h>

*		char function type define
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* strcpy_s_type)(char*, rsize_t, char const*);		//not strcpy_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* strcat_s_type)(char*, rsize_t, char const*);		//not strcat_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* strerror_s_type)(char*, size_t, int);				//not strerror_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _strerror_s_type)(char*, size_t, char const*);		//not _strerror_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* strncat_s_type)(char*, rsize_t, char const*, rsize_t); //not strncat_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* strncpy_s_type)(char*, rsize_t, char const*, rsize_t); //not strncpy_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _strlwr_s_type)(char*, size_t);				//not _strlwr_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _strlwr_s_l_type)(char*, size_t, _locale_t);	//not _strlwr_s_l<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _strnset_s_type)(char*, size_t, int, size_t);	//not _strnset_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _strset_s_type)(char*, size_t, int);			//not _strset_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _strupr_s_type)(char*, size_t);				//not _strupr_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _strupr_s_l_type)(char*, size_t, _locale_t);	//not _strupr_s_l<size> type

*		wchar function type define
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* wcscat_s_type)(wchar_t*, rsize_t, wchar_t const*);			//not wcscat_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* wcscpy_s_type)(wchar_t*, rsize_t, wchar_t const*);			//not wcscpy_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* wcsncat_s_type)(wchar_t*, rsize_t, wchar_t const*, rsize_t);//not wcsncat_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* wcsncpy_s_type)(wchar_t*, rsize_t, wchar_t const*, rsize_t);//not wcsncpy_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _wcserror_s_type)(wchar_t*, size_t, int);				//not _wcserror_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* __wcserror_s_type)(wchar_t*, size_t, wchar_t const*);	//not __wcserror_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _wcsnset_s_type)(wchar_t*, size_t, wchar_t, size_t);	//not _wcsnset_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _wcsset_s_type)(wchar_t*, size_t, wchar_t);			//not _wcsset_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _wcslwr_s_type)(wchar_t*, size_t);						//not _wcslwr_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _wcslwr_s_l_type)(wchar_t*, size_t, _locale_t);		//not _wcslwr_s_l<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _wcsupr_s_type)(wchar_t*, size_t);						//not _wcsupr_s_type<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* _wcsupr_s_l_type)(wchar_t*, size_t, _locale_t);		//not _wcsupr_s_l_type<size> type

*		<stdio.h>
typedef char*(__cdecl* gets_s_type)(char*, rsize_t);		//not gets_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl* tmpnam_s_type)(char*, rsize_t);	//not tmpnam_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* vsprintf_s_type)(char* const, size_t const, char const* const, va_list);//not vsprintf_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* _vsnprintf_s_type)(char* const, size_t const, size_t const, char const* const, va_list);//not _vsnprintf_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* vsnprintf_s_type)(char* const, size_t const, size_t const, char const* const, va_list);//not vsnprintf_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* sprintf_s_type)(char* const, size_t const, char const* const, ...);//not sprintf_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* _snprintf_s_type)(char* const, size_t const, size_t const, char const* const, ...);//not _snprintf_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* vsscanf_s_type)(char const* const, char const* const, va_list);//not vsscanf_s<size> type

*		<corecrt_wstdio.h>
typedef wchar_t*(__cdecl* _getws_s_type)(wchar_t*, size_t);	//not _getws_s<size> type
typedef errno_t(__cdecl _wtmpnam_s_type)(wchar_t*, size_t);	//not _wtmpnam_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* _vsnwprintf_s_type)(wchar_t* const, size_t const, size_t const, wchar_t const* const, va_list);//not _vsnwprintf_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* vswprintf_s_type)(wchar_t* const, size_t const, wchar_t const* const, va_list);//not vswprintf_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* swprintf_s_type)(wchar_t* const, size_t const, wchar_t const* const, ...);//not swprintf_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* _snwprintf_s_type)(wchar_t* const, size_t const, size_t const, wchar_t const* const, ...);//not _snwprintf_s<size> type
typedef int(__CRTDECL* vswscanf_s_type)(wchar_t const* const, wchar_t const* const, va_list);//not vswscanf_s<size> type

makeFuncMacro.h  宏定义:

	*	author:	zyb
	*	\brief:	make function 
	*	\other: still high-performance  in Release . because VS is every smart

#pragma once

#define DEC_CHARTYPE(funcName,content)														\
	template<typename _T>																	\
	struct funcName{};																		\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcName<char>																	\
	{	static inline auto g()->char{ return content;	}	};								\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcName<wchar_t>																\
	{	static inline auto g()->wchar_t{ return L##content;	}	};

#define DEC_STRTYPE(funcName,content)														\
	template<typename _T>																	\
	struct funcName{};																		\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcName<char*>																	\
	{	static inline auto g()->char*{	return const_cast<char*>(content);	}	};			\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcName<wchar_t*>																\
	{	static inline auto g()->wchar_t*{ return const_cast<wchar_t*>(L##content); }	};

#define DEC_CFUNC1(funcName)																\
	template<typename _T>																	\
	struct funcName##T{};																	\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcName##T<char>																\
	{	static inline auto c()->decltype(_##funcName)*{ return _##funcName; }	};			\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcName##T<wchar_t>																\
	{	static inline auto c()->decltype(_w##funcName)*{ return _w##funcName; }		};

#define DEC_SYSFUNC(funcName)																\
	template<typename _T>																	\
	struct funcName##T{};																	\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcName##T<char>																\
	{	static inline auto c()->decltype(funcName##A)*{	return funcName##A;	}	};			\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcName##T<wchar_t>																\
	{	static inline auto c()->decltype(funcName##W)*{	return funcName##W;	}	};

#define DEC_STRFUNC(funcNameA,funcNameW)													\
	template<typename _T>																	\
	struct funcNameA##T{};																	\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcNameA##T<char>																\
	{	static inline auto c()->decltype(funcNameA)*{ return funcNameA;	}	};				\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcNameA##T<wchar_t>															\
	{	static inline auto c()->decltype(funcNameW)*{ return funcNameW; }	};

#define DEC_STRFUNC_OVER(funcNameA,funcNameW)												\
	template<typename _T>																	\
	struct funcNameA##T{};																	\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcNameA##T<char>																\
	{	static inline auto c()->funcNameA##_type{ return (funcNameA##_type)funcNameA; }	};	\
	template<>																				\
	struct funcNameA##T<wchar_t>															\
	{	static inline auto c()->funcNameW##_type{ return (funcNameW##_type)funcNameW; }	};

#if(_MSC_VER>=1900)								//vs2015 及 以上版本 能编译通过
#define DEC_STRFUNC_SIZE(funcNameA,funcNameW)												\
	template<typename _T,size_t _Size>														\
	struct funcNameA##Ts{};																	\
	template<size_t _Size>																	\
	struct funcNameA##Ts<char,_Size>														\
	{	static inline auto c(){ return funcNameA<_Size>; }	};								\
	template<size_t _Size>																	\
	struct funcNameA##Ts<wchar_t,_Size>														\
	{	static inline auto c(){ return funcNameW<_Size>; }	};

#include "strFuncTypeDef.h"

*	author: zyb
*	\brief  common macro

#pragma once

#include <crtdefs.h>

#define IS_EQUAL(lVal,rVal)		((lVal) == (rVal))				// equal
#define NOT_EQUAL(lVal,rVal)	((lVal) != (rVal))				// not equal		
#define IS_TRUE(isTrue)			IS_EQUAL(true , isTrue)			// is true
#define NOT_TRUE(notTrue)		NOT_EQUAL(true , notTrue)		// not true
#define IS_INIT(isInit)			IS_TRUE(isInit)					// is  init
#define NOT_INIT(notInit)		NOT_TRUE(notInit)				// not init
#define IS_FALSE(isFalse)		IS_EQUAL(false , isFalse)		// is false
#define NOT_FALSE(notFalse)		NOT_EQUAL(false , notFalse)		// not false
#define IS_ZERO(isZero)			IS_EQUAL(0 , isZero)			// is zero
#define NOT_ZERO(notZero)		NOT_EQUAL(0 , notZero)			// not zero
#define IS_EXIST(isExist)		NOT_ZERO(isExist)				//is exist
#define NOT_EXIST(notExist)		IS_ZERO(notExist)				//not exist
#define IS_NULLPTR(ptr)			IS_EQUAL(nullptr , ptr)			// is nullptr
#define NOT_NULLPTR(ptr)		NOT_EQUAL(nullptr , ptr)		// not nullptr
#define SAFDEL(ptr)				if(NOT_NULLPTR(ptr)){delete ptr;ptr = nullptr;}			//ptr not's array
#define SAFDEL_A(ptr)			if(NOT_NULLPTR(ptr)){delete[] ptr;ptr = nullptr;}		//数组

*		便于调试!
*	编写函数的时候 成功:返回 0 , 不成功:返回非零 
#define RET_SUCCESS				0
#define IS_SUCCESS(ret)			IS_EQUAL(RET_SUCCESS , ret)
#define IS_FAIL(ret)			NOT_EQUAL(RET_SUCCESS, ret)
#define NOT_FAIL(ret)			IS_EQUAL(RET_SUCCESS,  ret)

/  内核句柄( from MSDN )
*	   handle 必须为以下函数返回的 HANDLE (非文件类内核句柄)
*	   CreateMutex, CreateMutexEx, OpenMutex 
*	   CreateProcess, OpenProcess, GetCurrentProcess 
*	   CreateThread, CreateRemoteThread, GetCurrentThread 
*	   CreateEvent, CreateEventEx, OpenEvent 
*	   CreateSemaphore, CreateSemaphoreEx, OpenSemaphore 
*	   CreateFileMapping, OpenFileMapping 
*      CreateWaitableTimer, CreateWaitableTimerEx, OpenWaitableTimer 
*	   CreateMemoryResourceNotification, CreateJobObject, CreateIoCompletionPort 
*	   CreateRestrictedToken, DuplicateToken, DuplicateTokenEx, OpenProcessToken, OpenThreadToken 
#define VALID_HANDLE(handle)	NOT_NULLPTR(handle)		// valid handle
#define INVALID_HANDLE(handle)  IS_NULLPTR(handle)		// invalid handle
#define SAFCLOSE_HANDLE(handle)	if(VALID_HANDLE(handle)){CloseHandle(handle);handle = nullptr;}

*		handle 必须为以下函数返回的 HANDLE (文件类内核句柄)
*		CreateFile, CreateMailslot 
*		CreateNamedPipe, CreatePipe 
*		CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
#define VALID_HANDLE_F(handle)		NOT_EQUAL(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , handle)	// valid handle
#define INVALID_HANDLE_F(handle)    IS_EQUAL(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , handle) // invalid handle
#define SAFCLOSE_HANDLE_F(handle)	if(VALID_HANDLE_F(handle)){CloseHandle(handle);handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;}

*		socket, accept 
#define VALID_HSOCKET(hSocket)		NOT_EQUAL(INVALID_SOCKET , hSocket)	//valid socket handle
#define INVALID_HSOCKET(hSocket)	IS_EQUAL(INVALID_SOCKET , hSocket)	//invalid socket handle
#define SAFCLOSE_HSOCKET(hSocket)	if(VALID_HSOCKET(hSocket)){closesocket(hSocket);hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;}

*		__FILE__	__FUNC__	__LINE__(__STR_LINE__)	__DATA__	__TIME__
*		__FILEW__	__FUNCW__	 __STR_LINEW__			__DATAW__	__TIMEW__
#define _TOSTRA(a)				# a
#define TOSTRA(a)				_TOSTRA(a)							// to  ascii string
#define _TOSTRW(a)				L ## # a
#define TOSTRW(a)				_TOSTRW(a)							// to  unicode string
#define _ATOW(str)				L ## str
#define ATOW(str)				_ATOW(str)							// ascii to unicode string

#define __STR_LINE__			TOSTRA(__LINE__)
#define __STR_LINEW__			TOSTRW(__LINE__)
#ifndef __FILEW__
#	define __FILEW__			ATOW(__FILE__)
#ifndef __FUNCTIONW__
#	define __FUNCTIONW__		ATOW(__FUNCTION__)
#define __DATAW__				ATOW(__DATA__)
#define __TIMEW__				ATOW(__TIME__)

*	文件私有数据
#define FILE_PRIVATE_START		namespace{

*   库
#define LIB_START				namespace LIB{
#define LIB_END					}

*	函数声明
#if _MSC_VER >= 1900
#	define	_CONST_EXPR			constexpr
#	define  _NO_EXCEPT			noexcept
#	define	_CONST_EXPR			inline
#	define	_NO_EXCEPT			throw

*		ASCII letter digit
#define TO_LOWERCASE(letter)	((letter)|0x20)
#define TO_UPPERCASE(letter)	((letter)&(~0x20))
#define IS_LOWERCASE(letter)	('a'<=(letter)&&(letter)<='z')
#define IS_UPPERCASE(letter)	('A'<=(letter)&&(letter)<='Z')
#define IS_LETTER(letter)		(IS_LOWERCASE(letter)||IS_UPPERCASE(letter))
#define IS_DIGIT(digit)			('0'<=(digit)&&(digit)<='9')

*	message map : int/short/char.....
#define BEGIN_INTMSG_MAP(msg)		switch(msg){
#define MAP_INTMSG(msg,func)		case msg:	func;	break;
#define END_INTMSG_MAP()			}
#define END_INTMSG_MAPEX(func)		default:	func;	break;}

*	message map : string/wstring...
#define BEGIN_STRMSG_MAP(msg)										\
		do{															\
			decltype(msg)& ref_strT = msg;
#define MAP_STRMSG(msg,func)										\
			if (ref_strT == msg)									\
			{														\
				func;												\
				break;												\
#define END_STRMSG_MAP()											\
		} while (0);
#define END_STRMSG_MAPEX(func)										\
			func;													\
		} while (0);

#include <assert.h>
#define LIB_ASSERT(a)	assert(a)

*	use in template
#include "makeFuncMacro.h"

#include <wtypes.h>

*	author: zyb
*	\brief  helper

#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "commonMacro.h"


#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)

// 获得模块虚拟地址
PVOID GetModuleBase(PVOID pAddr = nullptr)
	if (IS_NULLPTR(pAddr))
		pAddr = static_cast<PVOID>(GetModuleBase);
	VirtualQueryEx(GetCurrentProcess(), pAddr, &mbi, sizeof(mbi));
	return mbi.AllocationBase;

template<typename _charT>
struct strT
{	typedef	std::string type;	};
struct strT<wchar_t>
{	typedef std::wstring type;	};
#define RET_STR(_charT) typename strT<_charT>::type


// 获得程序文件目录
template<typename _charT>
RET_STR(_charT) GetProgramDirT()
	_charT pProgramPath[MAX_PATH];
	_charT pDrive[_MAX_DRIVE];
	_charT pProgramDir[_MAX_DIR];

	RET_STR(_charT) strRetDir;

	DWORD dwRet = GetModuleFileNameT<_charT>::c()
					(nullptr, pProgramPath, MAX_PATH);
	if (IS_ZERO(dwRet))
		return strRetDir;
	splitpathT<_charT>::c()(pProgramPath, pDrive, pProgramDir, nullptr, nullptr);
	strRetDir = pDrive;
	strRetDir += pProgramDir;

	return strRetDir;

template<typename _charT>
RET_STR(_charT) GetModuleDirT(PVOID pAddr = nullptr)
	_charT pModulePath[MAX_PATH];
	_charT pDrive[_MAX_DRIVE];
	_charT pModuleDir[_MAX_DIR];

	RET_STR(_charT) strRetDir;

	PVOID pModuleAddr = GetModuleBase(pAddr);
	DWORD dwRet = GetModuleFileNameT<_charT>::c()
					((HMODULE)pModuleAddr, pModulePath, MAX_PATH);
	if (IS_ZERO(dwRet))
		return strRetDir;
	splitpathT<_charT>::c()(pModulePath, pDrive, pModuleDir, nullptr, nullptr);
	strRetDir = pDrive;
	strRetDir += pModuleDir;

	return strRetDir;

//	获得程序文件名
template<typename _charT>
RET_STR(_charT) GetProgramNameT()
	_charT	pProgramPath[MAX_PATH];
	_charT  pProgramName[_MAX_FNAME];

	RET_STR(_charT)	strRetFName;

	DWORD dwRet = GetModuleFileNameT<_charT>::c()
					(nullptr, pProgramPath, MAX_PATH);
	if (IS_ZERO(dwRet))
		return strRetFName;
	splitpathT<_charT>::c()(pProgramPath, nullptr, nullptr, pProgramName, nullptr);
	return pProgramName;

//	获得模块文件名
template<typename _charT>
RET_STR(_charT) GetModuleNameT(PVOID pAddr = nullptr)
	_charT	pModulePath[MAX_PATH];
	_charT  pModuleName[_MAX_FNAME];

	RET_STR(_charT)	strRetFName;

	PVOID pModuleAddr = GetModuleBase(pAddr);
	DWORD dwRet = GetModuleFileNameT<_charT>::c()
		((HMODULE)pModuleAddr, pModulePath, MAX_PATH);
	if (IS_ZERO(dwRet))
		return strRetFName;
	splitpathT<_charT>::c()(pModulePath, nullptr, nullptr, pModuleName, nullptr);

	return pModuleName;

//  获得程序文件后缀
template<typename _charT>
RET_STR(_charT)	GetProgramPostfixT()
	_charT	pProgramPath[MAX_PATH];
	_charT  pProgramPostfix[_MAX_FNAME];

	RET_STR(_charT)	strRetPostfix;

	DWORD dwRet = GetModuleFileNameT<_charT>::c()
		(nullptr, pProgramPath, MAX_PATH);
	if (IS_ZERO(dwRet))
		return strRetPostfix;
	splitpathT<_charT>::c()(pProgramPath, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, pProgramPostfix);

	return pProgramPostfix;

// 获得模块文件后缀
template<typename _charT>
RET_STR(_charT) GetModulePostfixT(PVOID pAddr = nullptr)
	_charT	pModulePath[MAX_PATH];
	_charT  pModulePostfix[_MAX_FNAME];

	RET_STR(_charT)	strRetPostfix;

	PVOID pModuleAddr = GetModuleBase(pAddr);
	DWORD dwRet = GetModuleFileNameT<_charT>::c()
		((HMODULE)pModuleAddr, pModulePath, MAX_PATH);
	if (IS_ZERO(dwRet))
		return strRetPostfix;
	splitpathT<_charT>::c()(pModulePath, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, pModulePostfix);

	return pModulePostfix;

#ifdef UNICODE
#	define GetProgramDir		GetProgramDirT<wchar_t>
#	define GetModuleDir			GetModuleDirT<wchar_t>
#	define GetProgramName		GetProgramNameT<wchar_t>
#	define GetModuleName		GetModuleNameT<wchar_t>
#	define GetProgramPostfix	GetProgramPostfixT<wchar_t>
#	define GetModulePostfix		GetModulePostfixT<wchar_t>
#	define GetProgramDir		GetProgramDirT<char>
#	define GetModuleDir			GetModuleDirT<char>
#	define GetProgramName		GetProgramNameT<char>
#	define GetModuleName		GetModuleNameT<char>
#	define GetProgramPostfix	GetProgramPostfixT<char>
#	define GetModulePostfix		GetModulePostfixT<char>

#pragma warning(pop)



#include "Helper.hpp"

using namespace LIB;

void main()
	std::string ModuleDir;
	std::string ProgramDir;
	std::string ModuleName;
	std::string ProgramName;
	std::string ModulePostfix;
	std::string ProgramPostfix;

	ModuleDir = GetModuleDirT<char>();
	ProgramDir = GetProgramDirT<char>();
	ModuleName = GetModuleNameT<char>();
	ProgramName = GetProgramNameT<char>();
	ModulePostfix = GetModulePostfixT<char>();
	ProgramPostfix = GetProgramPostfixT<char>();

	while (true);







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