VR系列——Oculus Rift 开发者指南:四、高级渲染配置(一)










// 获得推荐的左眼和右眼渲染目标的大小。
Sizei recommenedTex0Size = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Left,
session->DefaultEyeFov[0], pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
Sizei recommenedTex1Size = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Right,
session->DefaultEyeFov[1], pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
// 确定适合单个渲染目标的大小。
Sizei renderTargetSize;
renderTargetSize.w = recommenedTex0Size.w + recommenedTex1Size.w;
renderTargetSize.h = max ( recommenedTex0Size.h, recommenedTex1Size.h );
// 创建纹理。
pRendertargetTexture = pRender->CreateTexture(renderTargetSize.w, renderTargetSize.h);
// 实际的渲染目标大小可能由于硬件的限制而有所不同
renderTargetSize.w = pRendertargetTexture->GetWidth();
renderTargetSize.h = pRendertargetTexture->GetHeight();
// 初始化眼睛渲染信息。
// 重新计算视窗尺寸,以防由于硬件的局限性导致渲染目标大小的改变。
ovrFovPort eyeFov[2] = { session->DefaultEyeFov[0], session->DefaultEyeFov[1] };

EyeRenderViewport[0].Pos  = Vector2i(0,0);
EyeRenderViewport[0].Size = Sizei(renderTargetSize.w / 2, renderTargetSize.h);
EyeRenderViewport[1].Pos  = Vector2i((renderTargetSize.w + 1) / 2, 0);
EyeRenderViewport[1].Size = EyeRenderViewport[0].Size;  


你可以自由选择你喜欢的渲染目标纹理的大小和左、右眼视口,在调用ovr_SubmitFrame使用ovrTexture时提供你指定的这些值。但是,调用ovr_getfovtexturesizeq可以确保你为使用中的HMD(译者注:头盔显示器Head Mount Display)配置了最佳尺寸。下面的章节将介绍如何修改默认的配置,使得质量和性能相权衡。还应该注意的是,如果你的引擎要求的话,API能够为每只眼睛使用不同的渲染目标(虽然使用单一的渲染目标的性能可能会更好,因为它能减少上下文的切换)。OculusWorldDemo允许你通过导航进入设置菜单(按Tab键) 并且选择共用渲染目标(Share RenderTarget)选项来在单一的组合渲染目标与每只眼睛单独的渲染目标之间进行切换。


Advanced Rendering Configuration

By default, the SDK generates configuration values that optimize for rendering quality.

It also provides a degree of flexibility. For example, you can make changes when creating render target textures.

This section discusses changes you can make when choosing between rendering quality and performance, or if the engine you are using imposes constraints.

Coping with Graphics API or Hardware Rendertarget Granularity

The SDK is designed with the assumption that you want to use your video memory as carefully as possible and that you can create exactly the right render target size for your needs.

However, real video cards and real graphics APIs have size limitations (all have a maximum size; some also have a minimum size). They might also have granularity restrictions, for example, only being able to create render targets that are a multiple of 32 pixels in size or having a limit on possible aspect ratios. As an application developer, you can also impose extra restrictions to avoid using too much graphics memory.

In addition to the above, the size of the actual render target surface in memory might not necessarily be the same size as the portion that is rendered to. The latter may be slightly smaller. However, since it is specified as a viewport, it typically does not have any granularity restrictions. When you bind the render target as a texture, however, it is the full surface that is used, and so the UV coordinates must be corrected for the difference between the size of the rendering and the size of the surface it is on. The API will do this for you, but you need to tell it the relevant information.

The following code shows a two-stage approach for settings render target resolution. The code first calls ovr_GetFovTextureSize to compute the ideal size of the render target. Next, the graphics library is called to create a render target of the desired resolution. In general, due to idiosyncrasies of the platform and hardware, the resulting texture size might be different from that requested.

// Get recommended left and right eye render target sizes.
 Sizei recommenedTex0Size = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Left,
 session->DefaultEyeFov[0], pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
 Sizei recommenedTex1Size = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Right,
 session->DefaultEyeFov[1], pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
 // Determine dimensions to fit into a single render target.
 Sizei renderTargetSize;
 renderTargetSize.w = recommenedTex0Size.w + recommenedTex1Size.w;
 renderTargetSize.h = max ( recommenedTex0Size.h, recommenedTex1Size.h );
 // Create texture.
 pRendertargetTexture = pRender->CreateTexture(renderTargetSize.w, renderTargetSize.h);
 // The actual RT size may be different due to HW limits.
 renderTargetSize.w = pRendertargetTexture->GetWidth();
 renderTargetSize.h = pRendertargetTexture->GetHeight();
 // Initialize eye rendering information.
 // The viewport sizes are re-computed in case RenderTargetSize changed due to HW limitations.
 ovrFovPort eyeFov[2] = { session->DefaultEyeFov[0], session->DefaultEyeFov[1] };
 EyeRenderViewport[0].Pos = Vector2i(0,0);
 EyeRenderViewport[0].Size = Sizei(renderTargetSize.w / 2, renderTargetSize.h);
 EyeRenderViewport[1].Pos = Vector2i((renderTargetSize.w + 1) / 2, 0);
 EyeRenderViewport[1].Size = EyeRenderViewport[0].Size;

This data is passed into ovr_SubmitFrame as part of the layer description.

You are free to choose the render target texture size and left and right eye viewports as you like, provided that you specify these values when calling ovr_SubmitFrame using the ovrTexture. However, using ovr_GetFovTextureSize will ensure that you allocate the optimum size for the particular HMD in use. The following sections describe how to modify the default configurations to make quality and performance tradeoffs. You should also note that the API supports using different render targets for each eye if that is required by your engine (although using a single render target is likely to perform better since it will reduce context switches). OculusWorldDemo allows you to toggle between using a single combined render target versus separate ones for each eye, by navigating to the settings menu (press the Tab key) and selecting the Share RenderTarget option.

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