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原创 倒车轨迹线

最近公司项目需要绘制倒车轨迹,特地研究并实现了此需求。由于公司项目,所以不公开源码了,总结如下:原理:倒车轨迹线的实现方法(基于前人基础改进和验证)_c++ 中的符号->-CSDN博客_倒车轨迹图形库:ImGuiImGuizmo

2022-03-10 22:13:49 5313 3

原创 OpenGL ES Tutorial for Android


2021-06-01 14:13:55 188 1

转载 写给Android开发者的混淆使用手册

综述毫无疑问,混淆是打包过程中最重要的流程之一,在没有特殊原因的情况下,所有 app 都应该开启混淆。首先,这里说的的混淆其实是包括了代码压缩、代码混淆以及资源压缩等的优化过程。依靠 ProGuard,混淆流程将主项目以及依赖库中未被使用的类、类成员、方法、属性移除,这有助于规避64K方法数的瓶颈;同时,将类、类成员、方法重命名为无意义的简短名称,增加了逆向工程的难度。而依靠 Gradle

2016-11-02 09:46:53 337

转载 Automatic versionCode generation in Android Gradle

https://www.jayway.com/2015/03/11/automatic-versioncode-generation-in-android-gradle/In this post I’ll show you how to setup Gradle for an Android project to automatically generate a usablev

2016-04-14 13:39:26 471

转载 Android Custom View Tutorial (Part 4) – Animation

http://www.intertech.com/Blog/android-custom-view-tutorial-part-4-animation/Android Custom View Tutorial (Part 4) – AnimationBy Dustin Rothwell+September 3, 20150 CommentsThis

2016-04-14 13:14:53 542

转载 Messages ListFragment

15. Messages ListFragmentFor the chat screen create a layout file activity_chat.xml with the following content.LinearLayoutxmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/a

2016-03-09 23:56:46 445

转载 Android SQlite性能优化

Android 中 SQLite 性能优化http://droidyue.com/blog/2015/12/13/android-sqlite-tuning/Dec 13th, 2015数据库是应用开发中常用的技术,在Android应用中也不例外。Android默认使用了SQLite数据库,在应用程序开发中,我们使用最多的无外乎增删改查。纵使操作简单,也有可能出现查找数据缓慢,插入

2016-01-20 15:29:49 494

转载 Callbacks (Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed)

CallbacksDecouplingcode behaviorFunctorCommandStrategyObserverLikethe other forms of callback: a hook point where you can change code. Differenceis in observer’s completely dynamic

2015-12-31 20:32:39 470

转载 Fragment使用时的一些Tips


2015-10-28 10:13:25 430

转载 Android: Launching activities

Android: Launching activities

2015-10-22 18:20:06 499

转载 Monitor Screen Touch Event in Android

Monitor Screen Touch Event in Android

2015-10-20 10:31:22 467

转载 android 4.4省电技术详解,如何开发一个省电的app

android 4.4省电技术详解,如何开发一个省电的app

2015-10-16 15:41:14 634

转载 The Storage Situation: External Storage

External Storage

2015-10-16 10:37:25 694

转载 Building Apps Faster with Android Data Binding

Android Data Binding

2015-10-15 11:07:51 374

转载 Android Studio 共享库项目

https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/sharing-android-source-code-and-resources-using-library-projects.htmlSharing Android Source Code and Resources Using Library ProjectsIntelliJ IDEA supports An

2015-08-27 15:42:43 972

转载 Android 开发最佳实践

https://github.com/futurice/android-best-practicesSummaryUse Gradle and its recommended project structurePut passwords and sensitive data in gradle.propertiesDon't write your own HTTP cl

2015-08-27 11:51:44 726

转载 Article 7 - Android Connectivity

http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/818734/Article-Android-ConnectivityIntroductionThis article is dediated in explaining various Android Connectivity options. Below are the topics covered in

2015-03-12 10:45:43 1206

转载 android strings.xml的特殊字符

项目中要在string.xml 中显示特殊符号,如@号冒号等,直接写肯定不行啦。。只能考虑使用ASCII码进行显示: @号 @ :号 : 空格   以下为常见的ASCII十进制交换编码: --> !-->!"-->"#-->#$-->$%-->%&

2015-01-20 17:36:29 447

原创 自己常用的Makefile

开发时常用的Makefile,make编译链接,make run运行。(支持汇编 c c++ vala)#Program build mode : debug/release BUILD_MODE := debug#BUILD_MODE := re

2013-05-06 21:38:44 816

转载 A few of my favorite Vala things: interfaces

A few of my favorite Vala things: interfacesPosted on November 1, 2011 byJim Nelson— 15 Comments ↓ In my prior post on Vala’s language features, I discussed enums and how I appreciated

2013-04-24 22:56:43 712

转载 Vala for Java Programmers

Vala for Java ProgrammersContentsVala for Java ProgrammersSource FilesCompilationUsing LibrariesNaming ConventionsCode OrganizationMain Entry PointBasic TypesStringsArraysType InferenceF

2013-04-24 21:56:53 827

原创 学习Gtkmm系列之七

调试的时候总是使用std:cout比较麻烦,干脆写个log头文件,方便自己调试程序。注意一下,LOG_FUNCTION_SCOPE可以打印出函数运行时间,你只需要在函数入口处使用该宏就可以了。/* * log.h * * Copyright (C) 2012 - Lei.Cao * * This program is free software; you can redistrib

2013-04-18 22:16:22 650

原创 Dalvik jit分析

2013-04-18 22:06:36 881

原创 C++函数中引用参数与指针参数分析

0. 采用的源代码如下,通过宏来控制#define PTR_TEST#ifdef PTR_TESTvoid test_arg_ptr(int *ptr){ *ptr = 4;}#elsevoid test_arg_ref(int& ref){ ref = 4;}#endifintmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { i

2013-04-18 22:02:35 819

原创 学习Gtkmm系列之六

为了防止内存泄漏,研究了一下valgrind在gtkmm下的使用,方法如下:1 生成supp文件,具体方法参见http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Valgrind_Suppression_File_Howto,我使用文件如下:{ Memcheck:Addr4 obj:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libfontconfig.so.1.4

2013-04-08 23:00:30 1275

原创 学习Gtkmm系列之五


2013-04-06 20:46:41 1280 1

原创 学习Gtkmm系列之四

从从 GLib 2.26 起增加了GSettings组件,便于编写程序的设置参数。据说比GConf快很多,许多GNOME程序都开始使用它了。使用它的话需要先编写一个名字以gschema.xml结尾的文件,将需要的设置项设置好,最后使用glib-compile-schemas来编译成二进制文件。 true Is the toolbar showing

2013-03-24 17:21:33 773

原创 学习Gtkmm系列之三

About对话框应该是最容易实现的了,废话不说了,看代码吧。SampleWindow::onHelpAbout(){ static Gtk::AboutDialog *pAbout = NULL; std::cout << " onHelpAbout " << std::endl; if(pAbout == NULL) { std::vector authors;

2013-03-23 18:08:06 697

转载 Dalvik JIT - jump to the JITed code by Ben Cheng

Your observation is actually correct - the initial transition from the interpreter to JIT'ed code requires the the Dalvik PC to be executed for at least 2N + 1 times. N is the profiling threshold as y

2013-03-20 22:38:05 1130

转载 Dalvik JIT - triggering condition by Bill Buzbee

Yes, the simple hash function in footer.S is loose by design and willdefinitely trigger false positive "hot" traces.   Note, though, thatas far as triggering an actual trace compilation request, t

2013-03-20 22:22:17 581

转载 Hello, JIT World: The Joy of Simple JITs

This is a demonstration of how simple and enjoyable small JITs (just-in-time compilers) can be. The word "JIT" tends to invoke an image of deepest wizardry, something that only teams of the most har

2013-03-20 22:10:25 723

转载 Using CodeSourcery bare metal toolchain for Cortex-M3

CodeSourcery provides toolchains for many architectures, and among them there are “bare metal” toolchains that produce programs that can be run natively on the processor.In the past I already explor

2013-03-19 21:19:59 1656

转载 Using QEMU for Embedded Systems Development, Part 3

In embedded systems, especially in mobile devices, ARM processor-based devices are leading the market. For ARM, U-Boot is the best choice for a bootloader. The good thing about it is that we can use i

2013-03-19 21:09:39 780

转载 Using QEMU for Embedded Systems Development, Part 2

First of all, I would like to explain the need for a bootloader. The bootloader is code that is used to load the kernel into RAM, and then specify which partition will be mounted as the root filesyste

2013-03-19 21:08:27 455

转载 Using QEMU for Embedded Systems Development, Part 1

Techies who work in the embedded domain must be familiar with the ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) architecture. In the modern era, our lives have been taken over by mobile devices like phones, PDAs, MP3 p

2013-03-19 21:07:06 627

转载 Hello Gtk+ in Linux Assembly Language

# Hello GTK+ in Assembly## as -g asm-gtk.s -o asm-gtk.s.o# gcc asm-gtk.s.o `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` -g -o test# ./test## Author: Pengu1n , Date: 20090508#.section .data# StringsAPP_TIT

2013-03-18 21:28:45 516

原创 栈溢出

调用下面的函数会产生什么结果?void stack_overflow(void) {    int i;      int name [10];    for( i = 0 ; i         name[i] = 0;    }} 这道题需要了解一下调用该函数时堆栈的情况,如下图所示:    高地址    |              |

2013-03-13 23:15:18 423

原创 学习Gtkmm系列之二

主程序main.cpp放在src目录下 ,内容很简单:#include #include "views/sample_window.h"intmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { Gt

2013-03-13 22:59:11 1094

原创 Android锁屏尝试次数太多导致需要google账户登录问题

给别人做项目时用的android pad,为了防止儿子沉溺其中,故设置图形锁屏。没想到小家伙尝试多次导致需要google账户登录。问题就在于我没有原始的google账户密码。幸好当时烧的是eng版本,adb登录后就有root权限,将设置选项删除就可以了。具体做法如下: adb shellcd data/data/com.android.providers.settingssql

2013-03-12 22:40:39 2820

转载 Dalvik opcodes

Dalvik opcodesAuthor: Gabor PallerVx values in the table denote aDalvik register. Depending on the instruction, 16, 256 or 64k registerscan be accessed. Operations on long and double values

2013-03-12 22:22:15 476

The Definitive Guide to NetBeans Platform 7

The Definitive Guide to NetBeans Platform 7



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