【总结】LED ON 反汇编程序


#define GPFCON      (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x56000050)
#define GPFDAT      (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x56000054)

int main()
    GPFCON = 0x00000100;    // 设置GPF4为输出口, 位[8:7]=0b01
    GPFDAT = 0x00000000;    // GPF4输出0,LED1点亮

    return 0;


led_on_c_elf:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <_start>:
   0:   e3a00453    mov r0, #1392508928 ; 0x53000000
   4:   e3a01000    mov r1, #0  ; 0x0
   8:   e5801000    str r1, [r0]
   c:   e3a0da01    mov sp, #4096   ; 0x1000
  10:   eb000000    bl  18 <main>

00000014 <halt_loop>:
  14:   eafffffe    b   14 <halt_loop>

00000018 <main>:
  18:   e1a0c00d    mov ip, sp
  1c:   e92dd800    stmdb   sp!, {fp, ip, lr, pc}
  20:   e24cb004    sub fp, ip, #4  ; 0x4
  24:   e3a03456    mov r3, #1442840576 ; 0x56000000
  28:   e2833050    add r3, r3, #80 ; 0x50
  2c:   e3a02c01    mov r2, #256    ; 0x100
  30:   e5832000    str r2, [r3]
  34:   e3a03456    mov r3, #1442840576 ; 0x56000000
  38:   e2833054    add r3, r3, #84 ; 0x54
  3c:   e3a02000    mov r2, #0  ; 0x0
  40:   e5832000    str r2, [r3]
  44:   e3a03000    mov r3, #0  ; 0x0
  48:   e1a00003    mov r0, r3
  4c:   e89da800    ldmia   sp, {fp, sp, pc}
Disassembly of section .comment:

00000000 <.comment>:
   0:   43434700    cmpmi   r3, #0  ; 0x0
   4:   4728203a    undefined
   8:   2029554e    eorcs   r5, r9, lr, asr #10
   c:   2e342e33    mrccs   14, 1, r2, cr4, cr3, {1}
  10:   Address 0x10 is out of bounds.

Disassembly of section .debug_aranges:

00000000 <.debug_aranges>:
   0:   0000001c    andeq   r0, r0, ip, lsl r0
   4:   00000002    andeq   r0, r0, r2
   8:   00040000    andeq   r0, r4, r0
  14:   00000018    andeq   r0, r0, r8, lsl r0
  20:   0000001c    andeq   r0, r0, ip, lsl r0
  24:   004f0002    subeq   r0, pc, r2
  28:   00040000    andeq   r0, r4, r0
  2c:   00000000    andeq   r0, r0, r0
  30:   00000018    andeq   r0, r0, r8, lsl r0
  34:   00000038    andeq   r0, r0, r8, lsr r0
Disassembly of section .debug_pubnames:

00000000 <.debug_pubnames>:
   0:   00000017    andeq   r0, r0, r7, lsl r0
   4:   004f0002    subeq   r0, pc, r2
   8:   00710000    rsbeqs  r0, r1, r0
   c:   00520000    subeqs  r0, r2, r0
  10:   616d0000    cmnvs   sp, r0
  14:   00006e69    andeq   r6, r0, r9, ror #28
  18:   Address 0x18 is out of bounds.

Disassembly of section .debug_info:

00000000 <.debug_info>:
   0:   0000004b    andeq   r0, r0, fp, asr #32
   4:   00000002    andeq   r0, r0, r2
   8:   01040000    tsteq   r4, r0
  14:   00000018    andeq   r0, r0, r8, lsl r0
  18:   30747263    rsbccs  r7, r4, r3, ror #4
  1c:   2f00532e    swics   0x0000532e
  20:   6b726f77    blvs    1c9be04 <__bss_end__+0x1c93db4>
  24:   6469762f    strvsbt r7, [r9], #-1583
  28:   655f6f65    ldrvsb  r6, [pc, #-3941]    ; fffff0cb <__bss_end__+0xffff707b>
  2c:   706d6178    rsbvc   r6, sp, r8, ror r1
  30:   672f656c    strvs   r6, [pc, -ip, ror #10]!
  34:   2f6f6970    swics   0x006f6970
  38:   5f64656c    swipl   0x0064656c
  3c:   635f6e6f    cmpvs   pc, #1776   ; 0x6f0
  40:   554e4700    strplb  r4, [lr, #-1792]
  44:   20534120    subcss  r4, r3, r0, lsr #2
  48:   35312e32    ldrcc   r2, [r1, #-3634]!
  4c:   6d800100    stfvss  f0, [r0]
  50:   02000000    andeq   r0, r0, #0  ; 0x0
  54:   00001400    andeq   r1, r0, r0, lsl #8
  58:   36010400    strcc   r0, [r1], -r0, lsl #8
  5c:   50000000    andpl   r0, r0, r0
  60:   18000000    stmneda r0, {}
  64:   47000000    strmi   r0, [r0, -r0]
  68:   4320554e    teqmi   r0, #327155712  ; 0x13800000
  6c:   342e3320    strcct  r3, [lr], #-800
  70:   0100352e    tsteq   r0, lr, lsr #10
  74:   5f64656c    swipl   0x0064656c
  78:   635f6e6f    cmpvs   pc, #1776   ; 0x6f0
  7c:   2f00632e    swics   0x0000632e
  80:   6b726f77    blvs    1c9be64 <__bss_end__+0x1c93e14>
  84:   6469762f    strvsbt r7, [r9], #-1583
  88:   655f6f65    ldrvsb  r6, [pc, #-3941]    ; fffff12b <__bss_end__+0xffff70db>
  8c:   706d6178    rsbvc   r6, sp, r8, ror r1
  90:   672f656c    strvs   r6, [pc, -ip, ror #10]!
  94:   2f6f6970    swics   0x006f6970
  98:   5f64656c    swipl   0x0064656c
  9c:   635f6e6f    cmpvs   pc, #1776   ; 0x6f0
  a0:   6d010200    sfmvs   f0, 4, [r1]
  a4:   006e6961    rsbeq   r6, lr, r1, ror #18
  a8:   00690501    rsbeq   r0, r9, r1, lsl #10
  ac:   00180000    andeqs  r0, r8, r0
  b0:   00500000    subeqs  r0, r0, r0
  b4:   5b010000    blpl    400bc <__bss_end__+0x3806c>
  b8:   746e6903    strvcbt r6, [lr], #-2307
  bc:   00050400    andeq   r0, r5, r0, lsl #8
Disassembly of section .debug_abbrev:

00000000 <.debug_abbrev>:
   0:   10001101    andne   r1, r0, r1, lsl #2
   4:   12011106    andne   r1, r1, #-2147483647    ; 0x80000001
   8:   1b080301    blne    200c14 <__bss_end__+0x1f8bc4>
   c:   13082508    tstne   r8, #33554432   ; 0x2000000
  10:   00000005    andeq   r0, r0, r5
  14:   10011101    andne   r1, r1, r1, lsl #2
  18:   11011206    tstne   r1, r6, lsl #4
  1c:   13082501    tstne   r8, #4194304    ; 0x400000
  20:   1b08030b    blne    200c54 <__bss_end__+0x1f8c04>
  24:   02000008    andeq   r0, r0, #8  ; 0x8
  28:   0c3f002e    ldceq   0, cr0, [pc], #-184
  2c:   0b3a0803    bleq    e82040 <__bss_end__+0xe79ff0>
  30:   13490b3b    cmpne   r9, #60416  ; 0xec00
  34:   01120111    tsteq   r2, r1, lsl r1
  38:   00000a40    andeq   r0, r0, r0, asr #20
  3c:   03002403    tsteq   r0, #50331648   ; 0x3000000
  40:   3e0b0b08    fmacdcc d0, d11, d8
  44:   0000000b    andeq   r0, r0, fp
Disassembly of section .debug_line:

00000000 <.debug_line>:
   0:   00000032    andeq   r0, r0, r2, lsr r0
   4:   001a0002    andeqs  r0, sl, r2
   8:   01020000    tsteq   r2, r0
   c:   000a0efb    streqd  r0, [sl], -fp
  10:   01010101    tsteq   r1, r1, lsl #2
  14:   01000000    tsteq   r0, r0
  18:   74726300    ldrvcbt r6, [r2], #-768
  1c:   00532e30    subeqs  r2, r3, r0, lsr lr
  20:   00000000    andeq   r0, r0, r0
  24:   00020500    andeq   r0, r2, r0, lsl #10
  28:   17000000    strne   r0, [r0, -r0]
  2c:   2d2d2c2c    stccs   12, cr2, [sp, #-176]!
  30:   0002022d    andeq   r0, r2, sp, lsr #4
  34:   00350101    eoreqs  r0, r5, r1, lsl #2
  38:   00020000    andeq   r0, r2, r0
  3c:   0000001e    andeq   r0, r0, lr, lsl r0
  40:   0efb0102    cdpeq   1, 15, cr0, cr11, cr2, {0}
  44:   0101000a    tsteq   r1, sl
  48:   00000101    andeq   r0, r0, r1, lsl #2
  4c:   6c000100    stfvss  f0, [r0], {0}
  50:   6f5f6465    swivs   0x005f6465
  54:   2e635f6e    cdpcs   15, 6, cr5, cr3, cr14, {3}
  58:   00000063    andeq   r0, r0, r3, rrx
  5c:   05000000    streq   r0, [r0]
  60:   00001802    andeq   r1, r0, r2, lsl #16
  64:   80641300    rsbhi   r1, r4, r0, lsl #6
  68:   04022c81    streq   r2, [r2], #-3201
  6c:   Address 0x6c is out of bounds.

Disassembly of section .debug_frame:

00000000 <.debug_frame>:
   0:   0000000c    andeq   r0, r0, ip
   4:   ffffffff    swinv   0x00ffffff
   8:   7c010001    stcvc   0, cr0, [r1], {1}
   c:   000d0c0e    andeq   r0, sp, lr, lsl #24
  10:   0000001c    andeq   r0, r0, ip, lsl r0
  14:   00000000    andeq   r0, r0, r0
  18:   00000018    andeq   r0, r0, r8, lsl r0
  1c:   00000038    andeq   r0, r0, r8, lsr r0
  20:   440c0d44    strmi   r0, [ip], #-3396
  24:   038d028e    orreq   r0, sp, #-536870904 ; 0xe0000008
  28:   0c44048b    cfstrdeq    mvd0, [r4], {139}
  2c:   0000040b    andeq   r0, r0, fp, lsl #8
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