一个通用的IBM viavoice语音识别语音朗读的接口,适用于基于IBM viavoice开发

// sapi.cpp  -  IBM Sapi speech engine interface

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "winnls.h"

#ifndef _SPEECH_
#include "objbase.h"
#include "initguid.h"
#include <objerror.h>
#include <speech.h>
#include <ibmspch.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>

#include "SRWrapEn.h"
#include "myresource.h"
#include "global.hpp"
#include "sapi.hpp"

DWORD               ListenKey;
WantNotifications tellMe;  // Notification Sink flags
const char   *pGStopPhr; // "stop dictation" phrase for various languages

// Description: SapiSpeech class implementation
// Description: constructor
SapiSpeech:: SapiSpeech(CEdit *pCEdit)
 pGStopPhr = 0;

 m_pCEdit   = pCEdit;
 m_pSpchCentral  = 0;
 m_pSpchEngSink  = 0;
 m_pSpchDctSink  = 0;
 m_pSpchGramDict  = 0;
 m_pGramCommon  = 0;
 m_pStatusLB         = 0;
    m_pLtdGramCommon    = 0;   
 m_pSpchLtdSink      = 0;   

 // setup the nofification sink's notifications.
 memset(&tellMe, 0, sizeof(tellMe));
 tellMe.bDctPhraseStart  = TRUE;
 tellMe.bDctPhraseHypothesis = TRUE;
 tellMe.bDctPhraseFinish  = TRUE;

    // initialize the speech engine and grammars for Dictation
 if ( !initForDictation(SRSEQUENCE_CONTINUOUS) )
  if ( !initForDictation(SRSEQUENCE_DISCRETE) )
   state = RC_SPEECH_FAILED;
   state = RC_SUCCESS;
  state = RC_SUCCESS;

// Description: destructor
SapiSpeech:: ~SapiSpeech()
 m_pStatusLB = 0;

// Description: terminate speech session... cleanup
void SapiSpeech:: terminate()

 if (m_pSpchCentral && m_pSpchEngSink->m_dwKey )
    m_pSpchCentral->UnRegister( m_pSpchEngSink->m_dwKey );

 if (m_pIBMAcoustics)

 if (m_pSpchCentral)

 if( m_pSpchGramDict )   m_pSpchGramDict->Release();

 if( m_pGramCommon ) m_pGramCommon->Release();
    if ( m_pLtdGramCommon )  m_pLtdGramCommon->Release();

    if (m_pISRListen )
     if (m_dwListenKey)

 if( m_pGramActionCommon ) m_pGramActionCommon->Release();

// Description: Initializes the Speech engine via SAPI. Only the IBM dictation speech engine
//    is searched.
int SapiSpeech:: initForDictation(int Sequencing)
 HRESULT      hRes;
 SRMODEINFO     wantSRMode;
 SRMODEINFO     gotSRMode;
 PISRFIND     pFind  = 0;
 PISRENUM     pEnum  = 0;
 int                      yes=1, no=0;
    int                      success = yes;

 // First we create the enumerator so we can search for the IBM dictation engine
 hRes = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SREnumerator, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ISREnum, (void**)&pEnum );
 if( FAILED(hRes) ) 
  pEnum = NULL;
  Error(hRes, TEXT("Error creating SREnumerator (CoCreateInstance)."), NULL, MB_OK );
  goto initForDictation_done;

 ASSERT( pEnum );

 // Get the find interface so we can search for the IBM dictation engine
 hRes = pEnum->QueryInterface(IID_ISRFind, (void**)&pFind);
 pEnum->Release(); pEnum = 0;
 if( FAILED(hRes) )
  pFind = NULL;
  Error( hRes, _T("Could not create PISRFIND interface") );
  goto initForDictation_done;

 //Setup the SRMODEINFO structure with the parameters we are interested in having in out speech
 // engine. Then use the enumerator to find the engine we want.
 memset( &wantSRMode, 0, sizeof(SRMODEINFO) );
 hRes = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, "IBM", -1, wantSRMode.szMfgName, SRMI_NAMELEN);

 wantSRMode.dwSequencing = Sequencing;

 hRes = pFind->Find( &wantSRMode, NULL, &gotSRMode );
 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Failed trying to find engine mode (Find)") );
  goto initForDictation_done;

 // Did we get the IBM dictation engine???
 if (wcscmp(wantSRMode.szMfgName, gotSRMode.szMfgName) != 0)
  Error(-1, TEXT("Could not find IBM dictation engine"));
        success = no;
  goto initForDictation_done;

 // It is preferred to not share the dictation engine. Usually, it does not make sense to do so.
 // Therefore, create a non-shared dictation engine. For a nonshared engine, we must get the
 // mmdevice
 hRes = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MMAudioSource, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IAudioMultiMediaDevice, (void**)&pMMDev);
 if( FAILED(hRes))
  Error(hRes, TEXT("CoCreateInstance for mm device failed in EngModeSelect()."));
  goto initForDictation_done;

 hRes = pMMDev->DeviceNumSet( WAVE_MAPPER );
 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Error in IAudioMultimediaDevice::DeviceNumSet().") );

 // Select now...

 // if the mode was found using the ISRFind interface then use the Find::Select()...
 hRes = pFind->Select(gotSRMode.gModeID, &m_pSpchCentral, (LPUNKNOWN)pMMDev);

 pMMDev = 0;

 pFind = 0;

 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error(hRes, TEXT("Could not select the engine"));
  m_pSpchCentral = 0;
  goto initForDictation_done;

 if (0 == m_pSpchCentral)
  Error(hRes, TEXT("Failed to create speech engine (m_pSpchCentral = 0)"));
        success = no;
  goto initForDictation_done;

 // register the notification object to the engine
 m_pSpchEngSink = new SpchEngSink(this);
 hRes = m_pSpchCentral->Register (m_pSpchEngSink, IID_ISRNotifySink, &(m_pSpchEngSink->m_dwKey) );
 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Error Registering engine notification class") );
  m_pSpchEngSink = 0;
  goto initForDictation_done;
    hRes = m_pSpchCentral->QueryInterface(IID_IIBM_SRListen, (void**)&m_pISRListen);
    if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Error Querying IBM Listen Extension") );
  m_pISRListen = 0;
  goto initForDictation_done;


 // In order to work in non-US languages, the phrase to stop dictation needs to reflect the language
 // we are working in.
 const char   *pGramLangSuffix;
 GUID engGuid = gotSRMode.gModeID;
 pGramLangSuffix = getGrammarLanguageSuffix(engGuid);
 pGStopPhr  = getStopPhrase(pGramLangSuffix);
 // Create the dictation and limited-domain grammars in memory and load
    // them into the engine.
    success = initGrammars( pGStopPhr );

    hRes = m_pSpchCentral->QueryInterface(IID_IIBM_SRDialogs, (void**)&m_pIBMTrainDialog);
    if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Error Querying IBM Dialogs Extension") );
  m_pIBMTrainDialog = 0;
  goto initForDictation_done;
    hRes = m_pSpchCentral->QueryInterface(IID_IIBM_SRAcousticPronunciations, (void**)&m_pIBMAcoustics);
    if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Error Querying IBM Acoustic Pronunciations Extension") );
  m_pIBMAcoustics = 0;
  goto initForDictation_done;

 if (pMMDev) pMMDev->Release();
 if (pFind) pFind->Release();

 if (FAILED(hRes))
        success = no;

 if ( success == no && Sequencing == SRSEQUENCE_CONTINUOUS )
  AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Now, trying for discrete engine"));

    return success;

// Description: Initializes the Dictation and Limite-domain Grammars for SAPI speech.
int SapiSpeech:: initGrammars( const char * const stopPhrase )
 int       Actionlen,wordlen;
 HRESULT      hRes;
 SDATA      dictGram, ltdGram, actionGram;
 PSRCHUNK     pSRChunk = 0;
 PSRHEADER     pSRHeader = 0;
 PSRACTIONVERB            pSRActionVerb = 0;
 LPUNKNOWN     lpUnkDict  = 0;
 LPUNKNOWN     lpUnkLtd   = 0;
 LPUNKNOWN     lpUnkAction= 0;
    int                      yes=1, no=0;
    int                      success = yes;
    dictGram.pData = 0;

 // Create the dictation grammar in memory and load it into the engine.

    wordlen = strlen(stopPhrase) * 2 + 2;  // +2 for ending null

 dictGram.dwSize = sizeof(SRHEADER) + sizeof(SRCHUNK) + wordlen;
 dictGram.pData = (void*) new unsigned int[dictGram.dwSize];

 pSRHeader = (SRHEADER *)dictGram.pData;
    pSRHeader->dwType = SRHDRTYPE_DICTATION;
    pSRHeader->dwFlags = SRHDRFLAG_UNICODE;
    pSRChunk = (SRCHUNK *) ((PBYTE)dictGram.pData + sizeof(SRHEADER));
 pSRChunk->dwChunkID = SRCKD_SUBTOPIC;
 pSRChunk->dwChunkSize = wordlen;
 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, "dummy", -1, (unsigned short *)&pSRChunk->avInfo[0], wordlen);

 m_pSpchDctSink = new SpchDctSink(this);
 hRes = m_pSpchCentral->GrammarLoad( SRGRMFMT_DICTATION,
          &lpUnkDict );
 if( FAILED(hRes))
  Error(hRes, TEXT("Could not load the dictation grammar"));
  goto initGrammars_done;

 /* Now that we have the Unknown to the grammer object, lets get the common interface. */
 hRes = lpUnkDict->QueryInterface( IID_ISRGramCommon, (void**)&m_pGramCommon );
 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Could not get ISRGramCommon interface."));
  goto initGrammars_done;
 hRes = lpUnkDict->QueryInterface( IID_ISRGramDictation, (void**)&m_pSpchGramDict );
 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Could not get the ISRGramDictation interface."));
  goto initGrammars_done;

    hRes = lpUnkDict->QueryInterface( IID_IIBM_SRGramDictation, (void**)&m_pIBMGramDict );
 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Could not get the IBM SRGramDictation interface."));
  goto initGrammars_done;

 // Create the limited-domain grammar in memory and load it into the engine.
    ltdGram.pData = 0;

 wordlen = strlen(stopPhrase) * 2 + 2;  // +2 for ending null

 ltdGram.dwSize = sizeof(SRHEADER) + sizeof(SRCHUNK) + wordlen;
 ltdGram.pData = (void*) new unsigned int[ltdGram.dwSize];

 pSRHeader = (SRHEADER *)ltdGram.pData;
    pSRHeader->dwFlags = SRHDRFLAG_UNICODE;

 pSRChunk = (SRCHUNK *) ((PBYTE)ltdGram.pData + sizeof(SRHEADER));
 pSRChunk->dwChunkID = SRCKLD_WORDS;
 pSRChunk->dwChunkSize = wordlen;
 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, stopPhrase, -1, (unsigned short *)&pSRChunk->avInfo[0], wordlen);

 m_pSpchLtdSink = new SpchLtdSink(this);
 hRes = m_pSpchCentral->GrammarLoad( SRGRMFMT_LIMITEDDOMAIN,
          &lpUnkLtd );
 if( FAILED(hRes))
  Error(hRes, TEXT("Could not load the dictation grammar"));
  goto initGrammars_done;

 /* Now that we have the Unknown to the grammer object, lets get the Action interface. */
 hRes = lpUnkLtd->QueryInterface( IID_IIBM_SRUpdateWords, (void**)&m_pIBMUpdateWords );
 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Could not get IBM SRUpdateWords interface."));
  goto initGrammars_done;

 /* Now that we have the Unknown to the grammer object, lets get the common interface. */
 hRes = lpUnkLtd->QueryInterface( IID_ISRGramCommon, (void**)&m_pLtdGramCommon );
 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Could not get ISRGramCommon interface."));
  goto initGrammars_done;


    actionGram.pData = 0;

 Actionlen = strlen("sel") * 2 + 2;
 wordlen = strlen("dummy") * 2 + 2;

 actionGram.dwSize = sizeof(SRHEADER) + (sizeof(SRCHUNK) *2) + sizeof(SRACTIONVERB) + Actionlen + wordlen;
 actionGram.pData = (void*) new unsigned int[actionGram.dwSize];

 // Set Header Data
 pSRHeader = (SRHEADER *)actionGram.pData;
    pSRHeader->dwType = IBM_SRHDRTYPE_ACTION;
    pSRHeader->dwFlags = SRHDRFLAG_UNICODE;

    // Fill in Chunk Data
    pSRChunk = (SRCHUNK *) ((PBYTE)actionGram.pData + sizeof(SRHEADER));
 pSRChunk->dwChunkSize = sizeof(SRACTIONVERB) + Actionlen;
 // Fill In Action Verb Data

    pSRActionVerb = (PSRACTIONVERB)((PBYTE)actionGram.pData + sizeof(SRHEADER)+ sizeof(SRCHUNK));
 pSRActionVerb->dwSize = sizeof(SRACTIONVERB) + Actionlen;
    pSRActionVerb->dwActionNum = 1;
 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, "sel", -1, (unsigned short *)&pSRActionVerb->szString[0], Actionlen);

 // Fill in Word  Data
    pSRChunk = (SRCHUNK *) ((PBYTE)pSRActionVerb + sizeof(SRACTIONVERB) + Actionlen);
 pSRChunk->dwChunkSize = wordlen;
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, "dummy", -1, (unsigned short *)&pSRChunk->avInfo[0], wordlen);

    m_pSpchActionSink = new SpchActionSink(this);
 hRes = m_pSpchCentral->GrammarLoad( (SRGRMFMT) IBM_SRGRMFMT_ACTION,
          &lpUnkAction );
 if( FAILED(hRes))
  Error(hRes, TEXT("Could not load the IBM Action grammar"));
  goto initGrammars_done;

 /* Now that we have the Unknown to the grammer object, lets get the Action interface. */
 hRes = lpUnkAction->QueryInterface( IID_IIBM_SRGramAction, (void**)&m_pGramAction );
 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Could not get IBM SRGramAction interface."));
  goto initGrammars_done;

    hRes = lpUnkAction->QueryInterface( IID_ISRGramCommon, (void**)&m_pGramActionCommon );
 if (FAILED(hRes))
  Error( hRes, TEXT("Could not get ISRGramCommon interface."));
  goto initGrammars_done;


 if (lpUnkDict) lpUnkDict->Release();
 if (dictGram.pData) delete dictGram.pData;
 if (lpUnkLtd) lpUnkLtd->Release();
 if (ltdGram.pData) delete ltdGram.pData;

 if (lpUnkAction) lpUnkAction->Release();
 if (actionGram.pData) delete actionGram.pData;

 if (FAILED(hRes))
        success = no;

    return success;

// Description: returns the "stop dictation" phrase that is appropriate for
//    the current language.
const char *SapiSpeech:: getStopPhrase(const char *pCountryCode)
 if (0 == strcmp(pCountryCode, "US")) return "stop dictation"; // United States
 if (0 == strcmp(pCountryCode, "UK")) return "stop dictation"; // United Kingdom
 if (0 == strcmp(pCountryCode, "FR")) return "stop dictation"; // French
 if (0 == strcmp(pCountryCode, "GR")) return "stop dictation"; // German
 if (0 == strcmp(pCountryCode, "IT")) return "stop dictation"; // Italian
 if (0 == strcmp(pCountryCode, "ES")) return "stop dictation"; // Spanish

 return "unknown language";

// Description: returns the prefix for the grammars based upon which language
//              we are in.                                         
const char * SapiSpeech:: getGrammarLanguageSuffix(GUID &engGuid)
 if (engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMDiscreteDictationModeUS ||
  engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMContinuousDictationModeUS)  // US english
  return "US";
 if (engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMDiscreteDictationModeUK ||
  engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMContinuousDictationModeUK)  // UK english
  return "UK";
 if (engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMDiscreteDictationModeFR ||
  engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMContinuousDictationModeFR)  // french
  return "FR";
 if (engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMDiscreteDictationModeGR ||
  engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMContinuousDictationModeGR)  // german
  return "GR";
 if (engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMDiscreteDictationModeIT ||
  engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMContinuousDictationModeIT)  // italian
  return "IT";
 if (engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMDiscreteDictationModeES ||
  engGuid == CLSID_SREngineEnumIBMContinuousDictationModeES)  // spanish
  return "ES";

 return "";
// Description: Activates the Grammar
int SapiSpeech:: activate(BOOL pause)
 HRESULT hres;


 hres = m_pISRListen->StartListening(m_dwListenKey);
 if ( FAILED(hres) )
        return( hres );

    hres = m_pGramCommon->Activate( m_pCEdit->GetParent()->m_hWnd, pause, NULL );
    if ( FAILED(hres) )
     return( hres );


 return m_pLtdGramCommon->Activate( m_pCEdit->GetParent()->m_hWnd, pause, NULL );

// Description: Deactivates the Grammar
int SapiSpeech:: deactivate()
 HRESULT hres;

    if (0 != m_pISRListen)
      hres = m_pISRListen->StopListening(m_dwListenKey);
   if ( FAILED(hres) )
        return( hres );

    if (0 != m_pGramCommon)
        hres = m_pGramCommon->Deactivate(NULL);
        if ( FAILED(hres) )
            return hres;

    if (0 != m_pLtdGramCommon)
        hres = m_pLtdGramCommon->Deactivate(NULL);
        if ( FAILED(hres) )
            return hres;

    return RC_SUCCESS;

// Description: Activates an Action in an action Grammar
int SapiSpeech:: ActivateAction(char * szAction)
 HRESULT hres;
 WCHAR   wszAction[100];

// Activate Action Specified

    hres = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szAction, -1, wszAction, 100);
    hres = m_pGramActionCommon->Activate( m_pCEdit->GetParent()->m_hWnd, false, wszAction );

 return hres;

// Description: Activates an Action in an action Grammar
int SapiSpeech:: DeActivateAction(char * szAction)
 HRESULT hres;
    WCHAR   wszAction[100];
// Activate Action Specified

    hres = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szAction, -1, wszAction, 100);
    hres = m_pGramActionCommon->Deactivate(wszAction );

 return hres;


// Description: This logs the events from the grammar sink and the engine sink.
void SapiSpeech::logEventSink(SPCHEVENTID id, char *fmt, ...)
    static char buf[1000];
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, fmt);
    vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);

 if (m_pStatusLB)

// Description: reset the context for word(s) that are to be corrected.
int  SapiSpeech:: resetContext( void )

 PWSTR  pszPrior = NULL;
 PWSTR  pszAfter = NULL;

 // reset the context... prior and after words are null
 HRESULT hres = m_pSpchGramDict->Context( pszPrior, pszAfter );
 if ( hres != NOERROR )
        return 0;

 return 1;

void SapiSpeech::DisplayTopics(CListBox *pLB)
 HRESULT      hRes;
    PIIBM_SRSUBTOPIC         pISRTopic  = 0;
 PCWSTR                   pTopicList = NULL;
 DWORD                    dwTopicSize;
 char                     szTopic[256];

 hRes = m_pSpchCentral->QueryInterface(IID_IIBM_SRSubTopic, (void**)&pISRTopic);

 if (FAILED(hRes))
   Error( hRes, TEXT("Error Querying IBM Topics Extension") );

 // loop through all of the Topics and display them...

    if (dwTopicSize > 0)
  WCHAR *  pSRWord= (WCHAR *) pTopicList;
  WCHAR *  pSRMax = (WCHAR *) ((BYTE*)pTopicList + (dwTopicSize-2));
  while( pSRWord < pSRMax)
  int count = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, (unsigned short *)pSRWord, -1, szTopic, dwTopicSize, NULL, NULL);
  if (count == 0)
   Error( -1000, TEXT("WideCharToMultiByte failed") );
   if (pLB)

        pSRWord = (WCHAR *) pSRWord + count;

 if (pTopicList)

// Description: Speech engine notification sink implementation
// Description: constructor
SpchEngSink::SpchEngSink( SapiSpeech *pSpchObj )
 m_pSpchObj = pSpchObj;
 m_dwRefCnt = 0;

// Description: destructor

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchEngSink::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv )
 *ppv = NULL;

 // always return our IUnkown for IID_IUnknown...
 if (IsEqualIID (riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid,IID_ISRNotifySink))
  *ppv = (LPVOID)this;
  return S_OK;

 // otherwise, cant find...
 return ResultFromScode (E_NOINTERFACE);

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
 return ++m_dwRefCnt;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) SpchEngSink::Release()
 if( --m_dwRefCnt == 0 )
  delete this;
  return 0;
 return m_dwRefCnt;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchEngSink::AttribChanged( DWORD dwAttribID )
 if (tellMe.bEngAttribChanged)
  m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(ENG_ATTRIBCHANGED, TEXT("Attrib Id: 0x%x"), dwAttribID);

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchEngSink::Interference( QWORD qTimeStampBegin,QWORD qTimeStampEnd, DWORD dwType )
 if (tellMe.bEngInterference)
  m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(ENG_INTERFERENCE, TEXT("Interference Beg: %I64x End: %I64x Type: 0x%04x"),
        qTimeStampBegin, qTimeStampEnd, dwType);

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchEngSink::Sound( QWORD qTimeStampBegin, QWORD qTimeStampEnd )
 if (tellMe.bEngSound)
  m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(ENG_SOUND, TEXT("Sound: Beg: %I64x, end %I64x"), qTimeStampBegin, qTimeStampEnd);

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchEngSink::UtteranceBegin( QWORD qTimeStampBegin )
 if (tellMe.bEngUtteranceBegin)
  m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(ENG_UTTERANCEBEGIN, TEXT("UtteranceBeg Beg: %I64x"), qTimeStampBegin);

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchEngSink::UtteranceEnd( QWORD qTimeStampBegin,QWORD qTimeStampEnd )
 if (tellMe.bEngUtteranceEnd)
  m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(ENG_UTTERANCEEND, TEXT("UtteranceEnd      Beg: %I64x End: %I64x"), qTimeStampBegin, qTimeStampEnd);

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchEngSink::VUMeter( QWORD qTimeStampBegin, WORD wLevel )
 if (tellMe.bEngVUMeter)
  m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(ENG_VUMETER, TEXT("VUMeter Beg: %I64x Level: 0x%04x"), qTimeStampBegin, wLevel);

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Dictation Grammar notification sink implementation
// Description: constructor
SpchDctSink::SpchDctSink( SapiSpeech *pSpch)
 m_pSpchObj = pSpch;
 m_dwRefCnt = 0;

// Description: destructor

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchDctSink::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv )
 *ppv = NULL;

 // always return our IUnknown for IID_IUnknown...
 if (IsEqualIID (riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid,IID_ISRGramNotifySink))
  *ppv = (LPVOID)this;
  return S_OK;

 // otherwise, cant find...
 return ResultFromScode (E_NOINTERFACE);

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
 return ++m_dwRefCnt;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) SpchDctSink::Release()
 if( --m_dwRefCnt == 0 )
  delete this;
  return 0;
 return m_dwRefCnt;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchDctSink::BookMark( DWORD dwID )
 if (tellMe.bDctBookmark)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_BOOKMARK, TEXT("Dict:BookMark id: 0x%lx"), dwID);
 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchDctSink::Paused()
 if (tellMe.bDctPaused)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PAUSED, TEXT("Dict:Paused..."));

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchDctSink::PhraseStart( QWORD qTimeStampBegin )
 if (tellMe.bDctPhraseStart)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PHRASESTART, TEXT("Dict:PhraseStart Beg: %I64x"), qTimeStampBegin );


 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchDctSink::PhraseHypothesis( DWORD dwFlags, QWORD qTimeStampBegin,
   QWORD qTimeStampEnd, PSRPHRASE pSRPhrase, LPUNKNOWN lpResults )
 if (tellMe.bDctPhraseHypothesis)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PHRASEHYPOTHESIS, TEXT("Dict:PhraseHypothesis Beg: %I64x End: %I64x Flags: 0x%lx"), qTimeStampBegin, qTimeStampEnd, dwFlags );

 char  buf[MAX_PHRASELEN];
 CString  phrase;

    // Make sure that the reco is for us
    if ( !(dwFlags & ISRNOTEFIN_THISGRAMMAR)) return NOERROR;
 if ( !(dwFlags & ISRNOTEFIN_RECOGNIZED )) return NOERROR;

    // unrecognized utterance
 if( !pSRPhrase )
  return NOERROR;

 // loop through all of the words and display them...
 PSRWORD  pSRWord = (PSRWORD) (pSRPhrase->abWords);
 PSRWORD  pSRMax = (PSRWORD) ((BYTE*)pSRPhrase + pSRPhrase->dwSize);
 while( pSRWord < pSRMax )
  int count = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, pSRWord->szWord, -1, buf, MAX_PHRASELEN, NULL, NULL);
  if (count = 0)
   Error( -1000, TEXT("Dct PhraseHypothesis: WideCharToMultiByte failed") );
  if (phrase.GetLength() > 0)
         phrase += " ";
  phrase += buf;
  pSRWord = (PSRWORD) ((BYTE*) pSRWord + pSRWord->dwSize);


 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchDctSink::PhraseFinish( DWORD     dwFlags,
                                          QWORD     qTimeStampBegin,
                                          QWORD     qTimeStampEnd,
                                          PSRPHRASE pSRPhrase,
                                          LPUNKNOWN lpResults )
 char buf[MAX_PHRASELEN];

    // Make sure that the reco is for us
    if ( !(dwFlags & ISRNOTEFIN_THISGRAMMAR)) return NOERROR;
 if ( !(dwFlags & ISRNOTEFIN_RECOGNIZED )) return NOERROR;

 if (tellMe.bDctPhraseFinish)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PHRASEFINISH, TEXT("Dict:PhraseFinish Beg: %I64x End: %I64x Flags: 0x%lx"), qTimeStampBegin, qTimeStampEnd, dwFlags );

 PSRWORD  pSRWord, pSRMax;
 CString  phrase;

    // unrecognized utterance
 if( !pSRPhrase )
  return NOERROR;

 // loop through all of the words and display them...
 pSRMax  = (PSRWORD) ((BYTE*)pSRPhrase + pSRPhrase->dwSize);
 pSRWord = (PSRWORD) (pSRPhrase->abWords);
 while( pSRWord < pSRMax )
  int count = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, pSRWord->szWord, -1, buf, MAX_PHRASELEN, NULL, NULL);
  if (count = 0)
   Error( -1000, TEXT("Dct PhraseHypothesis: WideCharToMultiByte failed") );

  // store the phrase to display in the results list box...
  if( lpResults )
   if (phrase.GetLength() > 0)
             phrase += " ";
   phrase += buf;
  pSRWord = (PSRWORD) ((BYTE*) pSRWord + pSRWord->dwSize);

 if ("" == phrase)         // new phrase is empty
  return NOERROR;

 return m_ResList.dctText(lpResults, phrase);


// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchDctSink::ReEvaluate( LPUNKNOWN lpUnk )
 if (tellMe.bDctReevaluate)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_REEVALUATE, TEXT("Dict:Reevaluate lpUnk: %08x"), lpUnk);

 if ( 0 == lpUnk ) return NOERROR;

// Let the ResultList do its thing for correction.

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchDctSink::Training( DWORD dwTrain )
 if (tellMe.bDctTraining)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_TRAINING, TEXT("Dict:TrainingRequest Flag: 0x%lx."), dwTrain );

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchDctSink::UnArchive( LPUNKNOWN lpUnk )
 if (tellMe.bDctUnarchive)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_UNARCHIVE, TEXT("Dict:Unarchive lpUnk: %08x"), lpUnk);

 return NOERROR;


// Description: Limited-domain Grammar notification sink implementation
// Description: constructor
SpchLtdSink::SpchLtdSink( SapiSpeech *pSpch)
 m_pSpchObj = pSpch;
 m_dwRefCnt = 0;

// Description: destructor

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchLtdSink::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv )
 *ppv = NULL;

 // always return our IUnknown for IID_IUnknown...
 if (IsEqualIID (riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid,IID_ISRGramNotifySink))
  *ppv = (LPVOID)this;
  return S_OK;

 // otherwise, cant find...
 return ResultFromScode (E_NOINTERFACE);

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
 return ++m_dwRefCnt;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) SpchLtdSink::Release()
 if( --m_dwRefCnt == 0 )
  delete this;
  return 0;
 return m_dwRefCnt;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchLtdSink::BookMark( DWORD dwID )
 if (tellMe.bDctBookmark)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_BOOKMARK, TEXT("Ltd:BookMark id: 0x%lx"), dwID);
 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchLtdSink::Paused()
 if (tellMe.bDctPaused)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PAUSED, TEXT("Ltd:Paused..."));

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchLtdSink::PhraseStart( QWORD qTimeStampBegin )
 if (tellMe.bDctPhraseStart)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PHRASESTART, TEXT("Ltd:PhraseStart Beg: %I64x"), qTimeStampBegin );


 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchLtdSink::PhraseHypothesis( DWORD dwFlags, QWORD qTimeStampBegin,
   QWORD qTimeStampEnd, PSRPHRASE pSRPhrase, LPUNKNOWN lpResults )
 if (tellMe.bDctPhraseHypothesis)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PHRASEHYPOTHESIS, TEXT("Ltd:PhraseHypothesis Beg: %I64x End: %I64x Flags: 0x%lx"), qTimeStampBegin, qTimeStampEnd, dwFlags );

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec...
//              The "stop dictation" phrase is searched for here. If it is found, then dictaiton
//    is deactivated. Note that additional PhraseFinish invocation will still come
//    since the speech engine will firm up all remaining word
STDMETHODIMP SpchLtdSink::PhraseFinish( DWORD     dwFlags,
                                          QWORD     qTimeStampBegin,
                                          QWORD     qTimeStampEnd,
                                          PSRPHRASE pSRPhrase,
                                          LPUNKNOWN lpResults )
 char buf[MAX_PHRASELEN];

    // Make sure that the reco is for us
    if ( !(dwFlags & ISRNOTEFIN_THISGRAMMAR)) return NOERROR;
    if ( !(dwFlags & ISRNOTEFIN_RECOGNIZED )) return NOERROR;

 if (tellMe.bDctPhraseFinish)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PHRASEFINISH, TEXT("Ltd:PhraseFinish Beg: %I64x End: %I64x Flags: 0x%lx"), qTimeStampBegin, qTimeStampEnd, dwFlags );

 PSRWORD  pSRWord, pSRMax;
 CString  phrase;

    // unrecognized utterance
 if( !pSRPhrase )
  return NOERROR;

 // loop through all of the words and display them...
 pSRMax  = (PSRWORD) ((BYTE*)pSRPhrase + pSRPhrase->dwSize);
 pSRWord = (PSRWORD) (pSRPhrase->abWords);
 while( pSRWord < pSRMax )
  int count = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, pSRWord->szWord, -1, buf, MAX_PHRASELEN, NULL, NULL);
  if (count = 0)
   Error( -1000, TEXT("Ltd PhraseHypothesis: WideCharToMultiByte failed") );

  // store the phrase to display in the results list box...
  if (phrase.GetLength() > 0)
         phrase += " ";
  phrase += buf;

        pSRWord = (PSRWORD) ((BYTE*) pSRWord + pSRWord->dwSize);

 if ("" == phrase)         // new phrase is empty
  return NOERROR;

    // did we recognize the stop dictation phrase for this language
 if ( phrase.Compare(pGStopPhr) == 0 )
  m_pSpchObj->m_pCEdit->GetParent()->PostMessage(WM_DICT_STOPPING, 0, 0);

    return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchLtdSink::ReEvaluate( LPUNKNOWN lpUnk )
 if (tellMe.bDctReevaluate)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_REEVALUATE, TEXT("Ltd:Reevaluate lpUnk: %08x"), lpUnk);

 if ( 0 == lpUnk ) return NOERROR;

 // Let the ResultList do its thing for correction.

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchLtdSink::Training( DWORD dwTrain )
 if (tellMe.bDctTraining)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_TRAINING, TEXT("Ltd:TrainingRequest Flag: 0x%lx."), dwTrain );

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchLtdSink::UnArchive( LPUNKNOWN lpUnk )
 if (tellMe.bDctUnarchive)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_UNARCHIVE, TEXT("Ltd:Unarchive lpUnk: %08x"), lpUnk);

 return NOERROR;


// Description: Action Grammar notification sink implementation
// Description: constructor
SpchActionSink::SpchActionSink( SapiSpeech *pSpch)
 m_pSpchObj = pSpch;
 m_dwRefCnt = 0;

// Description: destructor

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchActionSink::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv )
 *ppv = NULL;

 // always return our IUnknown for IID_IUnknown...
 if (IsEqualIID (riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid,IID_ISRGramNotifySink))
  *ppv = (LPVOID)this;
  return S_OK;

 // otherwise, cant find...
 return ResultFromScode (E_NOINTERFACE);

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP_ (ULONG) SpchActionSink::AddRef()
 return ++m_dwRefCnt;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) SpchActionSink::Release()
 if( --m_dwRefCnt == 0 )
  delete this;
  return 0;
 return m_dwRefCnt;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchActionSink::BookMark( DWORD dwID )
 if (tellMe.bDctBookmark)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_BOOKMARK, TEXT("Action:BookMark id: 0x%lx"), dwID);
 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchActionSink::Paused()
 if (tellMe.bDctPaused)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PAUSED, TEXT("Action:Paused..."));

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchActionSink::PhraseStart( QWORD qTimeStampBegin )
 if (tellMe.bDctPhraseStart)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PHRASESTART, TEXT("Action:PhraseStart Beg: %I64x"), qTimeStampBegin );


 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchActionSink::PhraseHypothesis( DWORD dwFlags, QWORD qTimeStampBegin,
   QWORD qTimeStampEnd, PSRPHRASE pSRPhrase, LPUNKNOWN lpResults )
 if (tellMe.bDctPhraseHypothesis)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PHRASEHYPOTHESIS, TEXT("Action:PhraseHypothesis Beg: %I64x End: %I64x Flags: 0x%lx"), qTimeStampBegin, qTimeStampEnd, dwFlags );

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec...
//              The "stop dictation" phrase is searched for here. If it is found, then dictaiton
//    is deactivated. Note that additional PhraseFinish invocation will still come
//    since the speech engine will firm up all remaining word
STDMETHODIMP SpchActionSink::PhraseFinish( DWORD     dwFlags,
                                           QWORD     qTimeStampBegin,
                                           QWORD     qTimeStampEnd,
                                           PSRPHRASE pSRPhrase,
                                           LPUNKNOWN lpResults )
 char buf[MAX_PHRASELEN];
 DWORD   dwActionID = 0; 

    // Make sure that the reco is for us
    if ( !(dwFlags & ISRNOTEFIN_THISGRAMMAR)) return NOERROR;
    if ( !(dwFlags & ISRNOTEFIN_RECOGNIZED )) return NOERROR;

    if (tellMe.bDctPhraseFinish)
       m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PHRASEFINISH, TEXT("Action:PhraseFinish Beg: %I64x End: %I64x Flags: 0x%lx"), qTimeStampBegin, qTimeStampEnd, dwFlags );

 PSRWORD  pSRWord, pSRMax;
 CString  phrase;

    // unrecognized utterance
 if( !pSRPhrase )
  return NOERROR;

 // loop through all of the words
 pSRMax  = (PSRWORD) ((BYTE*)pSRPhrase + pSRPhrase->dwSize);
 pSRWord = (PSRWORD) (pSRPhrase->abWords);
 while( pSRWord < pSRMax )
  int count = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, pSRWord->szWord, -1, buf, MAX_PHRASELEN, NULL, NULL);
  if (count = 0)
   Error( -1000, TEXT("Ltd PhraseHypothesis: WideCharToMultiByte failed") );

  // store the phrase to display in the results list box...
  if (phrase.GetLength() > 0)
         phrase += " ";
  phrase += buf;

  if (dwActionID == 0)
    dwActionID = pSRWord->dwWordNum;

        pSRWord = (PSRWORD) ((BYTE*) pSRWord + pSRWord->dwSize);

 if ("" == phrase)         // new phrase is empty
  return NOERROR;

    m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_PHRASEFINISH, TEXT("Action Recognized: %s Action ID = %d"), (LPCSTR)phrase , dwActionID);

    return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchActionSink::ReEvaluate( LPUNKNOWN lpUnk )
 if (tellMe.bDctReevaluate)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_REEVALUATE, TEXT("Action:Reevaluate lpUnk: %08x"), lpUnk);

 if ( 0 == lpUnk ) return NOERROR;

 // Let the ResultList do its thing for correction.

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchActionSink::Training( DWORD dwTrain )
 if (tellMe.bDctTraining)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_TRAINING, TEXT("Action:TrainingRequest Flag: 0x%lx."), dwTrain );

 return NOERROR;

// Description: Defined in SAPI Spec
STDMETHODIMP SpchActionSink::UnArchive( LPUNKNOWN lpUnk )
 if (tellMe.bDctUnarchive)
        m_pSpchObj->logEventSink(DCT_UNARCHIVE, TEXT("Action:Unarchive lpUnk: %08x"), lpUnk);

 return NOERROR;

评论 1




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