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翻译 3 ways to define a JavaScript class

3 ways to define a JavaScript class Introduction JavaScript is a very flexible object-oriented language when it comes to syntax. In th

2011-08-18 17:12:06 430

转载 Paths in Yii

{basePath} 1 echo Yii::app()->basePath; path/to/protected {like} /YiiBlog/protected {theme baseUrl}

2011-08-05 23:14:00 353

转载 Data type confusion: what is an int(11)?

Over and over I see customers that don't understand what int(11) really means. Their confusion is understandable. Many know what defining a

2011-07-19 08:43:25 370

原创 php - zoj 1295

AC<?php // Run Time(ms) 10 // Run Memory(KB) 212 fscanf(STDIN,"%d",$num); while($num){ $strline = fgets(STDIN, 4096); echo strrev(tr

2011-07-08 15:33:48 400

原创 SSH KEY Linux下无法连接问题

Windows下生成的密钥拿到别的Windows上去用是OK的,但是一拿到Linuxxia就游客能出现问题。错误信息显示如下@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @

2011-07-05 12:41:34 6134 1

转载 Setting Up Git Server Using Gitosis

Gitosis is a software for hosting git repositories witten by Tommi Virtanen. It manages multiple repositories under the same user

2011-07-05 10:36:08 489

转载 Set Up Git Server through SSH Connection

If you need to set up a git server for multiple users which may contain contributors and administrator, I recommend using gitosis:

2011-07-04 17:24:04 736

转载 Setup the SSH server to use keys for authentication

November 10th, 2005 by George Notaras"Secure Shell or SSH is both a computer program and an associated network protocol designed f

2011-07-04 12:30:25 1021

转载 Installing the EPEL Repository on CentOS or RHEL

The EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository is a community-based effort from the Fedora Project to bring Fedora pack

2011-07-04 08:21:49 840

转载 Setting up Git on CentOS 5 server

I’m currently setting up Git for our company. The reason is that Git is better than X. This post is all about how to get Git setup

2011-07-04 08:16:05 2354

转载 关系型 Active Record

我们已经了解了怎样使用 Active Record (AR) 从单个数据表中获取数据。 在本节中,我们讲解怎样使用 AR 连接多个相关数据表并取回关联(join)后的数据集。为了使用关系型 AR,我们建议在需要关联的表中定义主键-外键约束。这些约束可以帮助保证相关数据的一致性和完整性。为简单起见,我们使用如下所示的实体-关系(ER)图中的数据结构演示此节中的例子。ER Diag

2011-06-29 22:36:00 371

转载 Theming your Zii Widgets

One aspect of User Interface Design has to do with the coherence of the design and the use of the colors between the different User Interface Components used.Normally a site or web application is

2011-06-28 09:55:00 480

转载 Using relations in views

Relations are easier if you setup a foreign key in your database first. To do this you need to use MySQL (not SQLite) with the InnoDB engine (not MyISAM), and the field in question needs an index and

2011-06-27 22:14:00 294

原创 外文系统中MySQL乱码解决方案——字符集设定更改

外文系统中MySQL乱码解决方案编码设定更改    在外文系统下,使用MySQL作为数据库开发网站会遇到中文显示的问题。其中一个原因可能是MySQL编码设定导致的。MySQL默认的字符集编码是latin1。你可以登录到MySQL执行:show variables like ‘character%’;来查看数据库系统当前的编码方式,一般情况下,你会看到如下所示:+————————–+——

2011-06-27 10:10:00 711

转载 10 best Linux distros for 2011

Linux Mint 11: The best distro for your desktop Hardware compatibility, ease of use, the size of a software repository. These three attributes are unique to

2011-06-25 23:46:00 619

转载 Facebook 的系统架构

来源:http://www.quora.com/What-is-Facebooks-architecture (由Micha?l Figuière回答)根据我现有的阅读和谈话,我所理解的今天Facebook的架构如下:Web 前端是由 PHP 写的。Facebook 的 HipHop [1] 会把PHP转成 C++ 并用 g++编译,这样就可以为模板和Web逻贺业务层提供高的性能。

2011-06-24 21:59:00 250

转载 PHP Echo Vs Print

  Foreword: We have established that PHP is a web development language that can make developers a hefty sum of money. Before we can start learning the language, we need to know a few things. What

2011-06-24 17:20:00 301

原创 php C++ - zoj 1180 Self Numbers

AC - C++// Run Time(ms) 1160// Run Memory(KB) 1160#include #include #include using namespace std;int maxDigit = 6;const int NUMBER = 1000001;char arr[NUMBER];void run(int ndigit, i

2011-06-24 16:40:00 540

转载 Did you know that each integer in a PHP array takes 68 bytes of storage?

Each array having two integers, when placed in another array representing the collection, was using around 300 bytes. The corresponding number for objects is around 350 bytes. I did some googling and

2011-06-24 12:50:00 370

转载 Let's make the web faster

Link  PHP performance tipsAuthor: Eric Higgins, Google WebmasterRecommended experience: Beginner to intermediate PHP knowledgePHP is a very popular scripting language, used on many popular

2011-06-24 12:37:00 332

原创 php - zoj 1067 Color Me Less

AC<?php// Run Time(ms) 0// Run Memory(KB) 212$arr = array();for($ii = 0; $ii < 16; $ii++){ fscanf(STDIN, "%d%d%d", $arr[$ii][R], $arr[$ii][G], $arr[$ii][B]);}while( fscanf(STD

2011-06-24 08:52:00 283

原创 php - zoj 1090 The Circumference of the Circle

AC<?php// Run Time(ms) 0// Run Memory(KB) 212$pi = 3.141592653589793;function check($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3) { if($x1 === $x2) { return 1; } if($x1 === $x3) {

2011-06-24 07:17:00 252

原创 php - zoj 1151 Word Reversal

AC<?php// Run Time(ms) 210// Run Memory(KB) 212fscanf(STDIN, "%d", $cb);while($cb--){ fscanf(STDIN, "%s", $blank); fscanf(STDIN, "%d", $cc); for($ii =0; $ii < $cc; $ii++)

2011-06-24 07:11:00 284

原创 php - zoj 1115 Digital Roots

AC<?php// Run Time(ms) 10// Run Memory(KB) 212while(fscanf(STDIN,"%s",$integer) <> NULL){ if($integer == 0){ break; } $arr = str_split($integer); $rst = 0; fo

2011-06-24 06:49:00 329

原创 PHP - zoj 1074 To the Max

AC Code <?php// Run Time(ms) 310 // Run Memory(KB) 1228fscanf(STDIN, "%d", $n);$arr = array();$c = 0;$r = 0;while(($strline = fgets(STDIN, 4096)) <> NULL) { $tmp = explode("

2011-06-23 17:00:00 390



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