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转载 已处理证书链,但是在不受信任提供程序信任的根证书中终止-Windows 7安装.Net Framework 4.6.2

在全新安装 Windows 7 SP1 后,通过离线包安装 .Net Framework 4.6.2时,遇到错误提示:已处理证书链,但是在不受信任提供程序信任的根证书中终止。原因是计算机中没有相应的受信任证书,通过导入微软的证书,成功解决此问题。文末附安装包下载链接。1.点击链接下载微软官方证书:MicrosoftRootCertificateAuthority2011.cer2.按 Windows徽标键+R 打开运行,输入MMC3.打开控制台,文件→添加/删除管理单元 (Ctrl+M

2022-01-21 11:52:45 14517 1

转载 sql server在高并发状态下同时执行查询与更新操作时的死锁问题

  最近在项目上线使用过程中使用SqlServer的时候发现在高并发情况下,频繁更新和频繁查询引发死锁。通常我们知道如果两个事务同时对一个表进行插入或修改数据,会发生在请求对表的X锁时,已经被对方持有了。由于得不到锁,后面的Commit无法执行,这样双方开始死锁。但是select语句和update语句同时执行,怎么会发生死锁呢?看完下面的分析,你会明白的…  首先看到代码中使用的查询的方法Select /// <summary> /// 根据学生ID查询教师信息

2021-08-30 21:12:52 2125

转载 delphi:临界区对象TCriticalSection(Delphi) 与 TRtlCriticalSection 的区别

临界区对象TCriticalSection(Delphi) 与 TRtlCriticalSection 的区别TRtlCriticalSection 是一个结构体,在windows单元中定义;是InitializeCriticalSection,EnterCriticalSection,LeaveCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection 等这几个kernel32.dll中的临界区操作API的参数;TCriticalSection是在SyncObjs单元中实现的类

2021-08-23 15:21:29 548

转载 临界区对象TCriticalSection(Delphi) 与 TRtlCriticalSection 的区别

临界区对象TCriticalSection(Delphi) 与 TRtlCriticalSection 的区别TRtlCriticalSection 是一个结构体,在windows单元中定义;是InitializeCriticalSection,EnterCriticalSection,LeaveCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection 等这几个kernel32.dll中的临界区操作API的参数;TCriticalSection是在SyncObjs单元中实现的类

2021-06-24 10:07:29 472

原创 C#如何拿到从http上返回JSON数据?

C#如何拿到从http上返回JSON数据在实际开发中,我们经常会使用到API,所谓API一般就是一个地址,我们称之为接口。然后我们通过用C#对这地址发送请求,请求后,服务器就会给我们返回数据,一般是XML或者JSON,这里我们主要讲述的是JSON。为了演示,我们这里准备了一个接口,这是一个查询物流的接口。(读者读到这篇文章的时候,接口可能有效,也可能失效,因为接口是网上找的,不是笔者自己写的,但是原理是一样的。)接口: http://www.kuaidi100.com/query?type=快递公司

2020-09-17 15:34:14 2703

原创 C#集合中的Add与AddRange方法

C#.NET的集合主要位于System.Collections和System.Collections.Generic(泛型)这两个namespace中。1、System.Collections比如ArrayList,其Add(继承自接口IList)和AddRange方法可用于想集合中添加元素。代码示例:(1)Add:添加单个元素ArrayList myAL = new ArrayList();myAL.Add( "The" );myAL.Add( "quick" );myAL.A

2020-09-17 14:57:50 1993

转载 C#中HttpWebRequest的用法详解

HttpWebRequest和HttpWebResponse类是用于发送和接收HTTP数据的最好选择。它们支持一系列有用的属性。这两个类位 于System.Net命名空间,默认情况下这个类对于控制台程序来说是可访问的。请注意,HttpWebRequest对象不是利用new关键字通过构 造函数来创建的,而是利用工厂机制(factory mechanism)通过Create()方法来创建的。另外,你可能预计需要显式地调用一个“Send”方法,实际上不需要。接下来调用 HttpWebRequest.GetResp

2020-09-17 11:24:46 587 1

转载 无法启动服务,原因可能是已被禁用或与其相关联的设备没有启动

无法启动服务,原因可能是已被禁用或与其相关联的设备没有启动更新了一个win10系统,安装某软件并启动后提示需要使用.NETFramework 3.5点击下载并安装此应用后,页面显示无法安装。错误原因为:无法启动服务,原因可能是已被禁用或与其相关联的设备没有启动。百度了很多文章都没有解决,后来发现安装界面的一句话,Windows 将从Windows更新中获取所需的文件并完成安装,想起来去维修店装win10系统时小哥好像把我的windows更新禁用了,于是乎我打开了更新,成功把.NET...

2020-07-25 00:30:34 8200 1

转载 C#调用带结构体指针的C Dll的方法

C#调用带结构体指针的C Dll的方法在C#中调用C(C++)类的DLL的时候,有时候C的接口函数包含很多参数,而且有的时候这些参数有可能是个结构体,而且有可能是结构体指针,那么在C#到底该如何安全的调用这样的DLL接口函数呢?本文将详细介绍如何调用各种参数的方法。一、调用接口仅含普通变量int fnAdd(int num1,int num2);那么在C#调用这种函数最简单了,直...

2020-04-10 22:46:33 327

原创 如何设置WebBrowser显示网页的比例


2018-10-05 13:53:35 2885

转载 关于XE10提示can't load package 'xxx.bpl.' 错误问题的解决方

关于XE10提示can't load package 'xxx.bpl.' 错误问题的解决方案    'xxx.bpl'包实际存在, 路径并且正确. 但是总提示'can't load package 'xxx.bpl'. a.  一般情况, 把packge设计包安装在默认输出路径下, 可以正常使用.    默认输出路径一般为(bpl, dcp路径), 如下:       $(BDSCOMM...

2018-09-02 12:52:06 1334

转载 DELPHI中的消息处理机制(三种消息处理方法的比较,如何截断消息)


2017-05-13 14:16:13 345

原创 好打印机


2013-04-16 10:09:59 408

转载 用Delphi画圆角Panel的方法

用Delphi画圆角Panel的方法procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);var fhr :Thandle;beginfhr:=createroundrectrgn(0,0,panel1.width,panel1.height,4,4);setwindowrgn(panel1.handle,fhr,tr

2013-04-16 10:07:00 627

转载 Delphi中绘制圆角矩形的窗体

制作圆角矩形的窗体:01.procedure TPortForm.FormCreate(Sender: Tobject);02.var hr :thandle;03.begin04.hr:=createroundrectrgn(0,0,width,height,20,20);05.setwindowrgn(handle,hr,true); 06.end;如果不要窗体

2013-04-16 10:05:41 528

转载 SqlServer标识列

SqlServer标识列  2011-03-22 09:41:09|  分类:SqlServer |  标签:|字号大中小 订阅收藏这个,非常详细一、标识列的定义以及特点SQL Server中的标识列又称标识符列,习惯上又叫自增列。该种列具有以下三种特点:1、列的数据类型为不带小数的数值类型2、在进行插入(Insert)操作时,该列的值是

2012-08-31 16:59:35 1222

转载 SQL取得表中所有约束,主键等信息

SQL取得表中所有约束,主键等信息SELECT name,type_descFROM sys.objectswhere [type] in ('C','D','F','PK','UQ')and parent_object_id=object_id('tablename')

2012-08-31 16:50:49 377

转载 http://www.jeasyui.com/demo/index.php


2012-08-28 16:30:17 976

SynEdit D7-2010

Unicode SynEdit =============== This is the Unicode version of SynEdit, a syntax highlighting editor that had originally been designed for ANSI character sets. For the available information check out the "Unicode SynEdit" Web-site at: http://mh-nexus.de/en/unisynedit.php The ANSI version of SynEdit is located at: http://synedit.sourceforge.net The SynEdit project has also a page at SourceForge http://sourceforge.net/projects/synedit where you may find additional information. Installation note: The Unicode and ANSI version of SynEdit may not be used together on the same system. If you used ANSI SynEdit before delete every DCU and BPL it created. Also make sure your library/source path in the environment options is set correctly. To get started check out the different examples. If you have questions, please subscribe to the SynEdit user list and ask there, if you want to hack SynEdit you should subscribe to the SynEdit developer list. General feedback and suggestions or fixes are welcome. There is no documentation yet, help in this area is especially welcome! CVS access ---------- CVSROOT is: :pserver:anonymous@synedit.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/synedit To get Unicode SynEdit you have to choose the tag/branch: Unicode_2004_08_31 Note that the date stamp included above was the date when the branch was made and does not have any correlation with the latest release date, i.e. you will always get the latest version using the branch above. Historical Note --------------- SynEdit has been started as an attempt to continue the no longer maintained sources of the mwEdit project.The last public version 0.92a of mwEdit can be found at the SynEdit website in the download section. The mwEdit project was started in 1998 by Martin Waldenburg, aim was to produce a syntax highlighting editor component for an Open Source IDE. In the 15 months that mwEdit was developped in public Martin was increasingly dissatisfied with the direction the development of mwEdit took, so he finally requested that his name and initials had to be removed from the project. Therefore this is now called SynEdit, and it is an Open Source project under the MPL (Mozilla Public License, but see the individual source files for the terms). There would however be no such project if Martin had not started to develop mwEdit, so we would like to thank Martin Waldenburg for his efforts, and of course all the other developers of the mwEdit project. $Id: Readme.txt,v 2008/11/08 15:48:34 maelh Exp $


Delphi2010 LMD控件组

delphi 2010 LMD控件组 安装方法: 1.download setup.exe of lmdtools 2010 2.run setup.exe 3.Copy lib -> [install path]\lib


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