sipp -- help 参数与在线帮助

Sipp是一款用于性能测试和验证SIP设备与应用的工具。本文详细介绍了sipp命令行参数的用法,包括 `-v` 显示版本信息,`-aa` 自动回复,`-auth_uri` 设置验证URI,`-bind_local` 绑定本地IP,`-buff_size` 设置缓冲区大小,以及`-calldebug_file`,`-ci`,`-cp`等参数,涵盖了Sipp的基本配置和高级功能。了解这些参数有助于更好地利用Sipp进行SIP系统的测试和调试。

  sipp remote_host[:remote_port] [options]

  Available options:
   -v               : Display version and copyright information.   ;显示版本号与版权信息

   -aa              : Enable automatic 200 OK answer for INFO, UPDATE and ;对 INFO ,UPDATE,NOTIFY 回复 200OK
                      NOTIFY messages.

   -auth_uri        : Force the value of the URI for authentication.   ;验证 URI
                      By default, the URI is composed of    ;默认情况下 URI 由
                      remote_ip:remote_port.     ;remote_ip:remote_port 组成

   -base_cseq       : Start value of [cseq] for each call.    ;互相送 cseq 起始值

   -bg              : Launch SIPp in background mode.    ;运行 sipp 在后台模式

   -bind_local      : Bind socket to local IP address, i.e. the local IP   ;绑定本地IP与端口,本地IP地址会使用
                      address is used as the source IP address.  If SIPp runs ;源Ip 地址。如果sipp运行在UAS模式
                      in server mode it will only listen on the local IP  ;它仅会监听本地端口
                      address instead of all IP addresses.

   -buff_size       : Set the send and receive buffer size.    ;设定发送与接收的缓冲区大小

   -calldebug_file  : Set the name of the call debug file.    ;设定debug文件名

   -calldebug_overwrite: Overwrite the call debug file (default true).   ;重写呼叫 debug 文件名,

   -cid_str         : Call ID string (default %u-%p@%s).  %u=call_number,  ;呼叫 字符串 (默认是%u-%p@%s
                      %s=ip_address, %p=process_number, %%=% (in any order). ;%u=call_number %s=ip_address %p=process_number %%=%(in any order)

   -ci              : Set the local control IP address    ;设定本地管理IP地址

   -cp              : Set the local control port number. Default is 8888.  ;设定本地管理 端口 默认 8888

   -d               : Controls the length of calls. More precisely, this  ;控制呼叫时间
                      controls the duration of 'pause' instructions in the  ;两次呼叫的中间时间
                      scenario, if they do not have a 'milliseconds' section.  ;如果没有设定 毫秒级的间隔
                      Default value is 0 and default unit is milliseconds.  ;默认值为 0,单位是 毫秒

   -deadcall_wait   : How long the Call-ID and final status of calls should be  ;设定bug提醒之间延时
                      kept to improve message and error logs (default unit is ;单位为 ms

   -default_behaviors: Set the default behaviors that SIPp will use.  Possbile  ;设定Sipp的默认行为 :
                      values are:
                      - all     Use all default behaviors    ;使用默认行为
                      - none    Use no default behaviors    ;不使用默认行为
                      - bye     Send byes for aborted calls   ;默认送 bye
                      - abortunexp      Abort calls on unexpected messages ;终止 意外的呼叫
                      - pingreply       Reply to ping requests   ;回复Ping 请求
                      If a behavior is prefaced with a -, then it is turned  ;添加一个 - ,则代表关闭此功能
                      off.  Example: all,-bye     ;如 ,all,-bye

   -error_file      : Set the name of the error log file.    ;设定error log 文件名

   -error_overwrite : Overwrite the error log file (default true).   ;重写 error log 文件

   -f               : Set the statistics report frequency on screen. Default is  ;设定在屏幕上显示的统计报告
                      1 and default unit is seconds.    ;默认是 1, 时间为秒

   -fd              : Set the statistics dump log report frequency. Default is  ;设定转储日志的时间与单位
                      60 and default unit is seconds.    ;默认是 60 s
   -i               : Set the local IP address for 'Contact:','Via:', and  ;设定本地IP地址,用在 ‘Contact:’‘Via:’‘From:’
                      'From:' headers. Default is primary host IP address.  ;头域, 默认是主机Ip 地址

   -inf             : Inject values from an external CSV file during calls into  ;载入 CSV 场景文件
                      the scenarios.
                      First line of this file say whether the data is to be  ;SEQUENTIAL
                      read in sequence (SEQUENTIAL), random (RANDOM), or user ;RANDOM
                      (USER) order.      ;USER
                      Each line corresponds to one call and has one or more
                      ';' delimited data fields. Those fields can be referred
                      as [field0], [field1], ... in the xml scenario file.
                      Several CSV files can be used simultaneously (syntax:
                      -inf f1.csv -inf f2





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