
1. 失败并不可怕,可怕的是你还相信这句话
Failure is not horrible. What's horrible is that you believe this.
2. 你以为有钱人很快乐吗? 他们的快乐你根本想象不到。
You think the rich are happy? No, the way they're happy is beyond your imagination.
3. 你们之所以喝鸡汤,是因为肉被别人吃了。
You have chicken soup for the soul, because someone else already ate the chicken.
4. 条条大路通罗马,而有些人就生在罗马。
All roads lead to Rome. Yet, some people have been living there ever since they were born.
5. 别灰心, 人生就是这样起起落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落.
Don't be discouraged, life is full of ups and downs, and all the downs after those downs.
6. 有些人出现在你的生命里,就是为了告诉你,你真好骗
Some people come to you in your life to make you know that you are such an easy target.
7. 比一个人吃火锅更寂寞的是,一个人没有钱吃火锅
What makes one even lonelier than having chafingdish alone? That you can't even afford the chafingdish.
8 你不努力一下怎么知道什么叫绝望呢?
If you don't try, how can you know what it feels like to be desperate?
9 男女之间一定有纯真的友谊
There has to be real friendship between boys and girls.
Because every girl I know told me that
we could only be friends.
10 比尔·盖茨休学创业成了世界首富, 但人家休的是哈佛大学
Bill Gates became the richest man by dropping out of school and starting his own business. But the school he dropped out is Harvard.
11 不要没完没了地修图 你现实中长得不好看我们都知道
Don't photoshop yourself again and again. We know you look ugly in reality.
12 你无法用钱买到幸福 因为你没有钱
You can't buy happiness with money, Because you don't have money.
13 最怕你一生碌碌无为 还安慰自己平凡可贵
The worst nightmare is that you achieve nothing in your life and manage to believe it's a blessing to be common.
14 不要看别人表面上一帆风顺 实际上,他们背地里,也是一帆风顺
Some people seem to have everything. In fact, they do have everything.
15 受够了又肥又丑的自己吗?快去健身房吧,光丑就行了
Tired of being fat and ugly? Then go to the gym. Just be ugly!
16 你无法叫醒一个不回你消息的人 但是红包可以
You can't wake up someone who doesn't want to text you back. But money can.
17 虽然你单身 但你胖若两人
Though you're single, you occupy twice the space.
18 好女孩只得到了好字 而漂亮女孩却得到了所有
A good girl has good reputation. A pretty girl has everything.
19 爱笑的女生运气不会太差, 说实话,如果一个女生运气一直不好, 我不知道她怎么笑得出来
A girl who laughs a lot usually has fortune on her side. Seriously, I don't know how someone can manage to laugh if she got screwed by life.
20 像我这种连名牌都不认识几个的人, 有时候连别人在炫富都感觉不到
With such limited knowledge of brands, I can't even recognize when some people show off their wealth.




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