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原创 Playing MP3 in Ubuntu

Install the package gstreamer0.8-pluginsandgst-register-0.8

2006-08-06 20:27:00 621

原创 Debian is really COOL

As I have finished my paper and am ready for gruadation, it is time for abandoning Microsoft Windows forever.Today, I tried to configure my Debian GNU/Linux system to be an English interface plus Chin

2006-06-01 18:46:00 718

转载 A function to retrieve the directory of a program

Ive needed to get the directory a program was running several times. Ive used it to determine where configuration files could be found. Ive used it for determining where images should be stored/loa

2006-05-19 13:42:00 641

转载 Beware File Open/Save Dialogs: They May Change The Current Directory

On some Windows operating systems (primarily Windows 95, 98, and ME), GetOpenFileName() and GetSaveFileName() (and wrappers of these functions such as MFC’s CFileDialog) will permanently change the

2006-05-19 13:39:00 768

转载 How to boot Debian GNU/Linux without entering X GUI

如果您只想在 runlevel 5 下启动图形,可以运行下面的命令:(以gdm为例)#删除原有关于 gdm 的符号链接update-rc.d -f gdm remove#重新设置各runlevel下的符号链接,只在runlevel 5 下启动 gdm。update-rc.d -f gdm start 99 5 . stop 01 0 1 2 3 4 6 .这样,你就可以在 /etc/inittab

2006-05-15 14:43:00 805

转载 值得珍藏的80句话

Quoted:http://blog.csdn.net/lanbolin/archive/2004/08/14/74996.aspx值得珍藏的80句话01.每天告诉自己一次,『我真的很不错』。 02.生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。 03.生活中若没有朋友,就像生活中没有阳光一样。 04.明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。 05.生活若剥去理想、梦想、幻想,那生命便只是

2004-08-17 01:02:00 836 1

原创 Encapsulation can make things change-Create a container that demostrates the "resize" of an array

It is generally belived that once an array has been initialized, its size is unmodifiable. This concept is right.But through composition, so called “Encapsulation”, we can make it possible to “chang

2004-08-11 23:41:00 923

转载 Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

quoted:http://www.norvig.com/21-days.htmlTeach Yourself Programming in Ten YearsPeter NorvigWhy is everyone in such a rush?Walk into any bookstore, and youll see how to Teach Yourself Jav

2004-08-11 19:01:00 876

转载 JAVA学习,是一条漫长的道路(蔡学镛)

quoted:http://blog.csdn.net/bluevoyage/archive/2004/08/02/58844.aspx         我在Java 1.0正式问世前就开始学习Java,这么多年过去了,到现在我的Java学习历程还没有停过。我阅读原文书,研究原始码,撰写程序,自认为走得扎实,不奢望一步登天。像我这样老式的学习方式,显然和现在的快餐主义背道而驰。从许多读者的来信和

2004-08-02 20:06:00 784

转载 [J2SE 1.5]逐渐挖掘Enhanced for Loop

quoted:http://blog.csdn.net/avius/archive/2004/07/29/55368.aspx .article {padding:1em;background:white;} .abstract {padding:1em 1ex 1em 2em;} .author, .date {padding:0.5ex 0 0 1em;font-size:menu;}

2004-08-02 19:48:00 831

原创 Java Study Note:Reference and Object

I never refuse to confess that I am a newbie of Java programming. It took me some time to understand the connection between reference and object, the difference between reference and pointer ( I learn

2004-07-25 00:03:00 853

原创 Some unsure problems about JCreator Pro

As my favorite Java compiler, JCreator has confused me so much. There have been times that I was told that main() methods could not be found although main() was in effect there! Now I have a solution

2004-07-24 22:06:00 1514 3



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