
using System;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Net;
 using System.Net.Sockets;
 using System.Threading;

 public class MainApp
  public const String Version = "0.0.1";
  public static String szFtpRoot = @"E:/incoming";
  public static bool fDebug = true;

  public static void Usage( )
   Console.WriteLine("ftpd usage:");
   Console.WriteLine("-r [path]/t:/tSpecifies FTP Root");
   Console.WriteLine("-?       /t:/tPrints this help");

  public static int Main( String[] Arguments )

   for( int i = 0; i < Arguments.Length; i++ )

    switch( Arguments [ i ] )
     case "-r":
      szFtpRoot = Arguments[ i + 1 ];
     case "-?":
      return 0;
      szFtpRoot = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

   Ftpd pFtpd = new Ftpd();
   if( pFtpd.StartServer() == false )

    Console.WriteLine( "Failed to start FTP Server." );
    return -1;


   return 0;


 public class SessionInfo
  public bool fBinary = false;
  public bool fPassive = false;
  public String szFtpRoot = MainApp.szFtpRoot;
  public String szUsername;
  public PassiveInfo pi;

 public struct PassiveInfo
  public IPHostEntry iphostentry;
  public TcpListener tcpListener;
  public Int32 iPort;

 public class Ftpd
  public Socket s;
  public TcpListener TCPListener;
  public IPEndPoint LocalIPEndPoint;
  public IPEndPoint localEP;
  public IPEndPoint remoteEP;

  public Ftpd()
   TCPListener = new TcpListener(21);

  public bool StartServer()

    while( true )
     s = TCPListener.AcceptSocket();

     /* NOTE: Would be using System.Threading.ThreadPool(s) but they are not supported on 9x systems */
     Thread client = new Thread( new ThreadStart( ServeConnection ) );


   catch( SocketException Se )
    DBG_TRACE( "An Socket Class Exception Has Occured" );
    DBG_TRACE( "Error: {0}", Se.ErrorCode );

    return false;


  // Function:
  // Reply()
  // Purpose:
  // Sends a status command back to the client, with a descriptive message.
  // Parameters:
  // Socket sSocket - Client's Connected Socket
  // int iResponseCode - Response Code to Send
  // String szMessage - Message to send

  public void Reply( Socket sSocket, int iResponseCode, String szMessage )
    String szResponse = "" + iResponseCode + " " + szMessage + "/r/n";
    Byte[] OutputBytes = GetBytes( szResponse );
    sSocket.Send( OutputBytes );
   catch(Exception e)



  // Function:
  // GetBytes()
  // Purpose:
  // Returns a Byte Array of the Bytes which formulate the String szMessage
  // Parameters:
  // String szMessage - Message to Convert

  public Byte[] GetBytes( String szMessage )
   return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( szMessage.ToCharArray() );

  // Function:
  // ServeConnection()
  // Purpose:
  // 处理一个请求

  public void ServeConnection( )
   Socket sSocket = s;
   SessionInfo si = new SessionInfo();
   String szMessage = " FTPD Server v" + MainApp.Version + "";
   Reply(sSocket, 220, szMessage);

   ParseInputs(sSocket, si);


  public void ParseInputs( Socket sSocket, SessionInfo si )
   String Username = "";
   String Password = "";
    while( true )
     Byte[] ReceivedBytes = new Byte[256];
     sSocket.Receive( ReceivedBytes );

     String Command = "";
     String Parameter = "";

     for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )

      if( ReceivedBytes[i] != 0 && ReceivedBytes[i] != 13 && ReceivedBytes[i] != 10 && ReceivedBytes[i] != 32 )

       Command += (char)ReceivedBytes[i];



     if( Command != "CWD" && Command != "PWD" )

      for( int i = 5; i < ReceivedBytes.Length; i++ )

       if( ReceivedBytes[i] != 0 && ReceivedBytes[i] != 13 && ReceivedBytes[i] != 10 )

        //     DBG_TRACE("Char: {0} :: Byte {1}", (char)ReceivedBytes[i], ReceivedBytes[i]);

        Parameter += (char)ReceivedBytes[i];





      for( int i = 4; i < ReceivedBytes.Length; i++ )

       if( Command != "CWD" )

        if( ReceivedBytes[i] != 0 && ReceivedBytes[i] != 13 && ReceivedBytes[i] != 10 )

         //     DBG_TRACE( "Char: {0} :: Byte {1}", (char)ReceivedBytes[i], ReceivedBytes[i] );
         Parameter += (char)ReceivedBytes[i];




        if( ReceivedBytes[i] != 0 && ReceivedBytes[i] != 13 && ReceivedBytes[i] != 10 )

         //   DBG_TRACE("Char: {0} :: Byte {1}", (char)ReceivedBytes[i], ReceivedBytes[i]);

         Parameter += (char)ReceivedBytes[i];





     System.Console.Write("From "+sSocket.RemoteEndPoint+" : "+Command+" "+Parameter+"/n");
     switch( Command )
      case "USER":
       Username = Parameter;
       Reply( sSocket, 331, "Password required for " + Parameter + "." );
      case "PASS":
       Password = Parameter;
       AuthenticateUser( Username, Password, sSocket );
      case "EPSV":
       Reply( sSocket, 522, "Extended Passive Mode not supported." );
      case "PASV":
       ProcessPassiveCommand( sSocket, Parameter, si );
      case "PORT":
       ProcessPortCommand( sSocket,Parameter );
      case "LIST":
       ProcessListCommand( sSocket,Parameter, si );
      case "RETR":
       ProcessRetreiveCommand( sSocket, Parameter, si );
      case "NLST":
       ProcessListCommand( sSocket,Parameter, si );
      case "SYST":
       Reply( sSocket, 215, ".NET" );
      case "STOR":
       ProcessStoreCommand( sSocket, Parameter, si );
      case "CWD":
       ProcessCWDCommand( sSocket, Parameter, si );
      case "CDUP":
       si.szFtpRoot = MainApp.szFtpRoot;
       Reply( sSocket, 250, "CWD Command successful" );
      case "XPWD":
       ProcessPWDCommand( sSocket, Parameter, si );
      case "TYPE":
      switch( Parameter )
       case "I":
        si.fBinary = true;
        Reply( sSocket, 200, "Type set to I." );
       case "A":
        si.fBinary = false;
        Reply( sSocket, 200, "Type set to A." );
      case "PWD":
       ProcessPWDCommand( sSocket, Parameter, si );
      case "QUIT":
       Reply( sSocket, 502, "'" + Command + "': not implemented." );

   catch(Exception e)

  public void ProcessPassiveCommand( Socket sSocket, String Parameter, SessionInfo si )
   IPHostEntry LocalHostEntry = Dns.GetHostByName(Dns.GetHostName());
   Random iRand = new Random();
   Int32 iRandOne = iRand.Next( 0,100 );
   Int32 iRandTwo = iRand.Next( 2,200 );
   Int32 iPort = (iRandOne << 8) | (iRandTwo);

   String[] tmp = LocalHostEntry.AddressList[0].ToString().Split( '.' );
   String szPasvReply = "" + tmp[0] + "," + tmp[1] + "," + tmp[2] + "," + tmp[3] + "," + iRandOne + "," + iRandTwo;

   TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(iPort);

   si.pi.iphostentry = LocalHostEntry;
   si.pi.iPort = iPort;
   si.pi.tcpListener = tcpListener;
   si.fPassive = true;

   IPEndPoint LocalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint( Dns.GetHostByAddress( "" ).AddressList[0], iPort );
   localEP = LocalEndPoint;

   Reply( sSocket, 227, szPasvReply );

  public void ProcessCWDCommand( Socket sSocket, String Parameter, SessionInfo si )
    char[] chTmp = Parameter.ToCharArray(); // Check for initial '/'
    const Byte byteSlash = (byte)'/';
    const Byte byteBackSlash = (byte)'//';
    String szNewDir = "";
    DirectoryInfo tmp;

    if( chTmp[0] == (char)byteSlash )
     tmp = new DirectoryInfo( MainApp.szFtpRoot + Parameter );

     chTmp = ( si.szFtpRoot + @"/" + Parameter ).ToCharArray();
     for( int i = 0; i < chTmp.Length; i++ )
      switch( chTmp[i] )
       case (char)byteBackSlash:
        szNewDir += @"//";
        szNewDir += chTmp[i];

     tmp = new DirectoryInfo( szNewDir );


    tmp.GetFiles(); // 测试指定目录是否存在,如果不存在将抛出一个DirNotFoundException

    si.szFtpRoot = tmp.FullName;
    Reply( sSocket, 250, "CWD Command successful" );
   catch( DirectoryNotFoundException )
    Reply( sSocket, 550, "" + Parameter + ": No such file or directory" );
   catch( IOException )
    Reply( sSocket, 550, "" + Parameter + ": Not a directory." ); // Someone typed a filename
   catch( ArgumentException )
    Reply(sSocket, 550, "'" + Parameter + "': illegal characters in file/directory name.");


  public void ProcessPWDCommand(Socket sSocket, String Parameter, SessionInfo si)
   Byte byteSlash = 92;

   String[] tmp = si.szFtpRoot.Split((char)byteSlash);
   String cwd = "/";

   for(int i = 1; i < tmp.Length; i++)
    cwd += tmp[i];
    cwd += @"/";
   Reply(sSocket, 257, "'" + cwd + "' is the current directory.");

  public void ProcessListCommand(Socket sSocket, String Parameter, SessionInfo si)

   String[] DirList = Directory.GetDirectories(si.szFtpRoot);
   String szDirList = "";
   DirectoryInfo curDir = new DirectoryInfo(si.szFtpRoot);
   FileInfo[] szFileListArray = curDir.GetFiles();
   String szFileList = "";

   for(int i = 0; i < DirList.Length; i++ )
    DirectoryInfo tmp = new DirectoryInfo(DirList[i]);
    szDirList += tmp.Name;
    szDirList += "/r/n";

   // Now Files

   for(int i = 0; i < szFileListArray.Length; i++)
    szFileList += szFileListArray[i].Name;
    szFileList += "/r/n";

   szDirList += szFileList;

   Reply(sSocket, 150, "Opening ASCII Mode Data Connection for 'file list'");

    SendOverPassiveDataConnection(GetBytes( szDirList ), si);
    SendOverDataConnection( GetBytes( szDirList ) );

   Reply(sSocket, 226, "Transfer complete.");

  public bool SendOverDataConnection(Byte[] pBytes)
   // Data Connection Socket. See the ProcessPortCommand Function
   // for more information

    Socket s1 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

    return false;

   return true;

  public bool SendOverPassiveDataConnection(Byte[] pBytes, SessionInfo si)

   if(si.pi.tcpListener.Pending() == true)
    Socket s1 = si.pi.tcpListener.AcceptSocket();


   return true;


  public void ProcessStoreCommand(Socket sSocket, String Parameter, SessionInfo si)
    FileStream pStream = new FileStream( si.szFtpRoot + @"/" + Parameter, FileMode.Create);
    Socket s1 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

     Reply( sSocket, 150, "Opening BINARY mode data connection for '" + Parameter + "'");
     Reply( sSocket, 150, "Opening ASCII mode data connection for '" + Parameter + "'");

    Socket sBinarySocket;


     sBinarySocket = si.pi.tcpListener.AcceptSocket();


     sBinarySocket = s1;

    Byte[] ReceivedBytes = new Byte[1];
    BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(pStream);
    StreamWriter bs = new StreamWriter(pStream);

    while(sBinarySocket.Receive(ReceivedBytes) > 0)


      for(int i = 0; i < ReceivedBytes.Length; i++)


    Reply( sSocket, 250, "Transfer complete");

   catch( Exception Ex )
    Console.Write("" + Ex.Message);


  public void ProcessRetreiveCommand(Socket sSocket, String Parameter, SessionInfo si)
    FileStream pStream = new FileStream(si.szFtpRoot + @"/" + Parameter, FileMode.Open);
    //               Socket s1 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

     Reply(sSocket, 150, "Opening BINARY mode data connection for '" + Parameter + "'");

     BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(pStream);

     Socket sBinarySocket;

      sBinarySocket = si.pi.tcpListener.AcceptSocket();
      sBinarySocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

     while(br.PeekChar() > -1)




     Reply(sSocket, 150, "Opening ASCII mode data connection for '" + Parameter + "'");
     StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pStream);
      SendOverPassiveDataConnection(GetBytes(sr.ReadToEnd()), si);

   catch(Exception Ex)

   Reply(sSocket, 200, "Transfer Complete");

  public void ProcessPortCommand(Socket sSocket, String Parameter)
   // PORT command -
   // PORT is used to denote the Data Port the client wishes to recieve
   // data on. We have to send all data requests back to the client via this
   // port...

   String[] tmp = Parameter.Split( ',' );

   String szIP = "" + tmp[0] + "." + tmp[1] + "." + tmp[2] + "." + tmp[3];

   int iPortNum = (int.Parse(tmp[4]) << 8) | int.Parse(tmp[5]);

   Random iRand = new Random();
   Int32 iPort = iRand.Next(0,30000);

   IPEndPoint LocalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint( Dns.GetHostByAddress( "" ).AddressList[0], iPort );

   IPEndPoint RemoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint( Dns.GetHostByAddress(szIP).AddressList[0], iPortNum );

   localEP = LocalEndPoint;
   remoteEP = RemoteEndPoint;

   Reply(sSocket, 200, "PORT Command successful.");


  public void AuthenticateUser(String Username, String Password, Socket sSocket)

   // TODO: Integrate w/ NTLM if running on NT, Some new Password Scheme on 9x
   // For now just let anyone in

   Reply(sSocket, 230, "Login Successful.");


  // Debugging Routines

  public void DumpSocket(Socket sSocket)
   DBG_TRACE("AddressFamily: {0}", sSocket.AddressFamily);
   DBG_TRACE("Available: {0}", sSocket.Available);
   DBG_TRACE("Blocking: {0}", sSocket.Blocking);
   DBG_TRACE("Connection: {0}", sSocket.Connected);
   DBG_TRACE("Handle: {0}", sSocket.Handle);
   DBG_TRACE("LocalEndPoint: {0}", sSocket.LocalEndPoint);
   DBG_TRACE("ProtocolType: {0}", sSocket.ProtocolType);

  public void DBG_TRACE(String szMessage)
    Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: " + szMessage);

  public void DBG_TRACE(String szMessage, Object Parm1)
    Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: " + szMessage, Parm1);

  public void DBG_TRACE(String szMessage, Object Parm1, Object Parm2)
    Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: " + szMessage, Parm1, Parm2);

  public void DBG_TRACE(String szMessage, Object Parm1, Object Parm2, Object Parm3)
    Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: " + szMessage, Parm1, Parm2, Parm3);

  public void DBG_TRACE(String szMessage, Object Parm1, Object Parm2, Object Parm3, Object Parm4)
    Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: " + szMessage, Parm1, Parm2, Parm3, Parm4);


评论 4




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