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原创 数据仓库


2015-03-15 16:52:00 124

原创 https and subversion

启动SSLEngine 参考http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/ssl/ssl_howto.html<VirtualHost *:443>        SSLEngine on        SSLCertificateFile    /etc/apache2/ssl.key/server.cert        SSLCertifi...

2014-12-11 22:13:34 148

原创 依赖管理

       Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation f...

2014-12-10 22:02:29 116

转载 8.9.3 The MySQL Query Cache

8.9.3 The MySQL Query Cache8.9.3.1 How the Query Cache Operates8.9.3.2 Query Cache SELECT Options8.9.3.3 Query Cache Configuration8.9.3.4 Query Cache Status and MaintenanceThe query ca

2014-08-03 09:37:08 420

转载 Buffering and Caching

8.9 Buffering and Caching8.9.1 The InnoDB Buffer Pool8.9.2 The MyISAM Key Cache8.9.3 The MySQL Query Cache8.9.4 Caching of Prepared Statements and Stored ProgramsMySQL uses several s

2014-08-02 22:48:49 543

转载 3.6.9 Using AUTO_INCREMENT

3.6.9 Using AUTO_INCREMENTThe AUTO_INCREMENT attribute can be used to generate a unique identity for new rows:CREATE TABLE animals ( id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name CHAR

2014-08-02 21:53:29 320

原创 html5

HTML5 is the latest and most enhanced version of HTML. Technically, HTML is not aprogramming language, but rather a markup language. This tutorial gives very goodunderstanding on HTML5.HTML5 Overview...

2014-05-14 18:56:48 122

原创 Ab Test How to use ab (ApacheBench) for quickly load testing a web site


2014-04-21 16:22:20 94

原创 优化groupby 和distinct

Optimizing GROUP BY and DISTINCTMySQL optimizes these two kinds of queries similarly in many cases, and in fact con-verts between them as needed internally during the optimization process. Both t...

2014-04-21 13:43:58 500

原创 一个简单的sql优化

Simple optimizationsYou can sometimes use MyISAM’s COUNT(*) optimization to your advantage when youwant to count all but a very small number of rows that are well indexed. The followingexample ...

2014-04-21 13:09:49 86

原创 牛刀感想


2014-04-20 20:11:13 81

原创 表示层模式:Transfer Object Assembler—传输对象组装器模式

ContextIn a Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application, the server-side businesscomponents are implemented using session beans, entity beans, DAOs, and so forth.Application clients frequ...

2014-04-10 22:48:32 684

原创 表示层模式:Value List Handler—值列表处理器模式

ContextThe client requires a list of items from the service for presentation. The number ofitems in the list is unknown and can be quite large in many instances.ProblemMost Java 2 Platform, Enterpri...

2014-04-09 20:32:04 183

原创 业务层模式:Service Locator—服务定位器模式

ContextService lookup and creation involves complex interfaces and network operations.ProblemJ2EE clients interact with service components, such as Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)and Java Message Service...

2014-04-09 20:31:48 227

原创 集成层模式:Data Access Object—数据访问对象模式

ContextAccess to data varies depending on the source of the data. Access to persistent storage,such as to a database, varies greatly depending on the type of storage (relational databases,object-ori...

2014-04-09 20:31:30 165

原创 集成层模式:Service Activator—服务激发器模式

ContextEnterprise beans and other business services need a way to be activatedasynchronously.ProblemWhen a client needs to access an enterprise bean, it first looks up the bean's homeobject. The cli...

2014-04-09 20:31:01 2328

原创 volatile变量的特性


2014-04-09 20:26:05 123

原创 业务层模式:Composite Entity—复合实体模式

ContextEntity beans are not intended to represent every persistent object in the object model.Entity beans are better suited for coarse-grained persistent business objects.ProblemIn a Java 2 Platfor...

2014-04-08 21:38:36 306

原创 业务层模式:Session Facade—会话门面模式

ContextEnterprise beans encapsulate business logic and business data and expose theirinterfaces, and thus the complexity of the distributed services, to the client tier.ProblemIn a multitiered Java ...

2014-04-08 21:38:14 372

原创 业务层模式:Transfer Object—传输对象模式

ContextApplication clients need to exchange data with enterprise beans.ProblemJava 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications implement server-sidebusiness components as session beans and en...

2014-04-08 21:37:56 304

原创 业务层模式:Business Delegate—业务委托模式

ContextA multi-tiered, distributed system requires remote method invocations to send andreceive data across tiers. Clients are exposed to the complexity of dealing with distributedcomponents.Problem...

2014-04-08 21:37:43 357

原创 表示层模式:Dispatcher View—分发者视图模式

ContextSystem controls flow of execution and access to presentation processing, which isresponsible for generating dynamic content.NoteThe Dispatcher View pattern, like the Service to Worker pattern...

2014-04-08 21:37:28 237

原创 表示层模式:Service to Worker—工作者服务模式

ContextThe system controls flow of execution and access to business data, from which itcreates presentation content.NoteThe Service to Worker pattern, like the Dispatcher View pattern, describes a com...

2014-04-07 10:48:35 276

原创 表示层模式:Front Controller—前端控制器模式

ContextThe presentation-tier request handling mechanism must control and coordinateprocessing of each user across multiple requests. Such control mechanisms may bemanaged in either a centralized or de...

2014-04-07 10:45:09 207

原创 表示层模式:Composite View—复合视图模式

ContextSophisticated Web pages present content from numerous data sources, using multiplesubviews that comprise a single display page. Additionally, a variety of individuals withdifferent skill sets...

2014-04-07 10:41:21 398

原创 表示层模式:View Helper—视图助手模式

ContextThe system creates presentation content, which requires processing of dynamicbusiness data.ProblemPresentation tier changes occur often and are difficult to develop and maintain whenbusiness ...

2014-04-07 10:37:11 301

原创 表示层模式:Intercepting Filter—拦截过滤器模式

Context        The presentation-tier request handling mechanism receives many different types ofrequests, which require varied types of processing. Some requests are simply forwarded tothe appropria...

2014-04-07 10:29:25 96

原创 ThreadLocal

1.ThreadLocal处理数据在线程属性threadLocals引用;2.ThreadLocalMap key 是ThreadLocal对象,value的类型是ThreadLocal范型参数类型;3.ThreadLocalMap的线性表会resize, int newLen = oldLen * 2,其中 threshold = len * 2 / 3 ,触发rehash的必要条件是 

2014-03-22 11:11:12 404

原创 mysql date info

取昨天的这个时间点    select date_add(now(),interval-1 day)    输出:2013-12-29 18:36:44取明天的这个时间点    select date_add(now(),interval1 day)    输出:2013-12-31 18:40:23

2013-12-31 10:40:52 511

转载 How to calculate the MD5 hash of a large file in C?

#include #include int main(){ unsigned char c[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; char *filename="file.c"; int i; FILE *inFile = fopen (filename, "rb"); MD5_CTX mdContext; int bytes; u

2013-11-01 16:04:09 728

转载 Install Google’s Android Eclipse plugin

How-To: Install Google’s Android Eclipse plugin (and/or adb) on 64-bit Debian/UbuntuHow-To: Install Google’s Android Eclipse plugin (and/or adb) on 64-bit Debian/UbuntuBy Tim Mattison

2013-10-31 08:56:26 448

转载 mvn introduction

4.2 变量 1) 问:如何使用变量替换?项目中的某个配置文件比如jdbc.properties使用了一些pom中的变量,如何在发布中使用包含真实内容的最终结果文件? 答:使用资源过滤功能,比如:      ...              com.mysql.jdbc.Driver         jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/devel

2013-10-27 17:06:46 304

转载 veloeclipse eclipse上的几个Velocity插件

http://code.google.com/p/veloeclipse/or http://blog.csdn.net/superbeck/article/details/5721382

2013-10-26 15:34:58 388

转载 java.util.concurrent介绍

http://www.cnblogs.com/sarafill/archive/2011/05/18/2049461.htmlhttp://www.cnblogs.com/sarafill/ http://heipark.iteye.com/blog/1156011 http://www.itzhai.com/the-java-util-concurrent-the-overa

2013-10-24 13:19:28 366

转载 Java Language and Virtual Machine Specifications


2013-10-24 09:15:11 591

转载 深入分析Java ClassLoader原理


2013-10-24 09:08:05 597

转载 APACHE中增加模块遇到的问题 http_proxy proxy_util

在用apxs安装apache mod_proxy时候出现undefined symbol: ap_proxy_lb_workers的错误,原先用的是:apxs -i -a -c mod_proxy.c错误信息:httpd: Syntax error on line 19 of /opt/lamp/apache2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load /opt/lamp/

2013-10-22 15:17:51 4097

转载 Building Apache2 From Source on Linux (Redhat 8)

Building Apache2 From Source on Linux (Redhat 8)This page shows the steps used to compile and build apache2 on linux. The example uses Apache 2.0.46 on Redhat 8 using a bash shell, you will need gcc

2013-10-21 11:26:52 387

原创 apache2 add rewrite 增加 rewrite mod_rewrite

如果在安装目录下的modules目录里有mod_rewrite.so,则在/conf/httpd.conf文件中加入LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so如果在安装目录下的modules目录里没有mod_rewrite.so,在apache源码包解压目录modules/mappers中find文件mod_rewrite.c,执行

2013-10-21 11:22:35 411

原创 线程相关的

ConnectionPool.javapackage pool;import java.sql.Connection;public interface ConnectionPool {    Connection borrow();    boolean repay(Connection conn);}Connecti

2013-09-07 19:57:15 349



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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