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转载 Zero to the Zero Power

It is commonly taught that any number to the zero power is 1, and zero to any power is 0. But if that is the case, what is zero to the zero power? Well, it is undefined (since xy as a function of 2 v

2014-08-25 23:51:25 614

转载 linux命--find

·find   path   -option   [   -print ]   [ -exec   -ok   command ]   {} \; find命令的参数; pathname: find命令所查找的目录路径。例如用.来表示当前目录,用/来表示系统根目录。 -print: find命令将匹配的文件输出到标准输出。 -exec: find命令对匹配的文件执行该参数所给出

2014-08-23 07:57:41 681

转载 linux grep命令

1.作用 Linux系统中grep命令是一种强大的文本搜索工具,它能使用正则表达式搜索文本,并把匹 配的行打印出来。grep全称是Global Regular Expression Print,表示全局正则表达式版本,它的使用权限是所有用户。 2.格式 grep [options] 3.主要参数 [options]主要参数: -c:只输出匹配行的计数。 -I:不区分大 小写(

2014-08-23 07:55:04 576

原创 grep

clong#07:02 PM@~/softwares/opengm/include/opengm $grep "arg_impl" ./* -R ./inference/external/libdai/inference.hxx:         virtual InferenceTermination arg_impl(std::vector& v, const size_t= 1)cons

2014-08-23 06:57:43 519

转载 opengmtest/infer.hxx

548 lines (487 sloc)  18.597 kb RawBlameHistory       //   // Created by Toru Tamaki on 2013/11/28.   // Copyright (c) 2013 tamaki. All rights reserved.   /

2014-08-22 15:12:15 1210

原创 Why doesn't .bashrc run automatically?

put some alias commands in my .bashrc file, so that they might be loaded everytime I open a new Terminal window. Yet this doesn't happen. I have to select run script: in the Terminal>Preference

2014-08-19 12:01:24 646

转载 For loops in R: how to do a “continue”

In R, you can use “for” loops just like in most other programming languages. Sometimes when you are looping through items and you encounter a certain condition, you want to skip over an item and mov

2014-08-19 09:29:06 1562

转载 Factors in R

Conceptually, factors are variables in R which take on a limited number of different values; such variables are often refered to as categorical variables. One of the most important uses of factors i

2014-08-16 03:41:46 966

转载 chmod----改变一个或多个文件的存取模式(mode)

chmod [options] mode files 只能文件属主或特权用户才能使用该功能来改变文件存取模式。mode可以是数字形式或以who opcode permission形式表示。who是可选的,默认是a(所有用户)。只能选择一个opcode(操作码)。可指定多个mode,以逗号分开。 options: -c,--changes

2014-08-15 22:25:59 548

转载 Quick-R

Built-in Functions Almost everything in R is done through functions. Here I'm only refering to numeric and character functions that are commonly used in creating or recoding variables. Numeric F

2014-08-15 20:18:32 923

转载 Bash scripting Tutorial

This bash script tutorial assumes no previous knowledge of bash scripting.As you will soon discover in this quick comprehensive bash scripting guide, learning the bash shell scripting is very easy tas

2014-08-15 20:03:23 921

转载 Passing command line arguments to R CMD BATCH

My impression is that R CMD BATCH is a bit of a relic. In any case, the more recent Rscriptexecutable (available on all platforms), together with commandArgs() makes processing command line argu

2014-08-15 04:54:43 811

转载 vim编辑器---批量注释与反注释

在使用vim编写代码的时候,经常需要用到批量注释与反注释一段代码。下面简要介绍其操作。 方法一 块选择模式 插入注释: 用v进入virtual模式 用上下键选中需要注释的行数 按Control+v(win下面ctrl+q)进入列模式 按大些“I”进入插入模式,输入注释符“#”或者是"//",然后立刻按下ESC(

2014-08-14 02:02:07 556

转载 Linux上安装R

1.修改源列表文件:sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list 在该文件中添加:deb http://cran.stat.upd.edu.ph/bin/linux/ubuntu precise/ 其中http://cran.stat.upd.edu.ph/为选择的镜像服务器(University of the Philippines and

2014-08-13 08:37:00 562

转载 glibc

红帽企业 Linux 4 提供的 glibc 可以执行附加的内部数据健全检查,从而在尽可能早的时候发现和保护数据被破坏。在默认的情况下,当被破坏的数据被发现时,与以下相似的错误信息会被显示在标准的错误输出上(如果 stderr 没有打开,会被记录在 syslog 中):       *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption: 0x0

2014-08-10 10:10:20 587

转载 *** glibc detected *** double free ....

*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: *** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0x00000000005c18a0 *** *** glibc detected

2014-08-10 09:46:04 623



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