Relative to SQLCE Various Errors Information

Understanding Common Errors

This table lists common errors (and suggested solutions) that you might encounter when you use Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Windows® CE Edition (SQL Server CE).

Native errorError numbersSolution
2803780072EFDThe user's device must have network connectivity. For example, the device might not have a working modem, network card, or universal serial bus (USB) connection.


Ensure that the computer running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is available, and that the ISP or network is functioning properly.

2801780004005Ensure that the virtual directory is specified correctly.
For example, the URL might be incorrectly listed as http://server/ssqlce/sscesa20.dll instead of http://server/sqlce/sscesa20.dll.


The string "sscesa20.dll" must be included in the URL.
For example, the URL might be incorrectly listed as http://server/sqlce instead of http://server/sqlce/sscesa20.dll.

080045017The SQL Server CE Replication Provider must have read permissions to the snapshot folder. Read permission is needed so the SQL Server CE Replication Provider can download the initial subscription to the Windows CE-based device.

The identity under which the SQL Server CE Replication Provider runs depends upon how IIS authentication is configured.

080045020Ensure that the data type length of the column supplied by the client is supported.

SQL Server CE supports only Unicode data types. It converts all ANSI character data types to their Unicode equivalent.

For example, if you subscribe to a table with a char column of 256 characters, SQL Server CE maps that table to a SQL Server CE ntext column. Then, if a user inserts into the ntext column a record that has a value larger than 256 characters, the user gets an error because the data cannot fit into the char column at the Publisher.

To correct this error, if you cannot change the schema of the Publisher to avoid this type of data type mapping, add application-level logic to limit the number of characters that users can enter on their devices.

2856080040E14The snapshot format must be set to character mode for the publication.
25016 Ensure that no duplicate key violations have occurred.

Such violations may occur when users insert records into a table with an identity column. SQL Server CE remote data access (RDA) does not manage identity columns when a table is pulled.


Ensure that a replication publication is configured to manage identity columns for a table(s) in the publication.

406080004005Ensure that the user ID, password, and Initial Catalog to the OLEDBConnectionString parameter of your RDA Pull method are correct.



SQL Server CE Errors

The following categories of errors can be generated from Microsoft® SQL Server™ for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Windows® CE Edition (SQL Server CE). When SQL Server CE returns an error, use the native number of the error to look up an error description in the following tables. Parameters are also listed in these tables. The first three parameters of an error (P0,P1,P2) are integers, and the last three parameters (P3,P4,P5) are strings.

Note  Although parameters might exist for an error, not all occurrences of the error will return parameters.

Note  If you are looking for other HRESULTs, see Oledberr.h in Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects for Windows CE 3.1 (ADOCE), or Winerror.h and Wininet.h that are included with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and in Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools. For more information about HRESULT values, search the MSDN® Library at this Microsoft Web site or the Microsoft Knowledge Base at this Microsoft Web site.



Engine Errors
25001 Either the cursor is not on a row or there are no rows left.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOCURRENTRECORD
25002 The specified buffer size is not valid.P0: Buffer size specifiedSSCE_M_INVALIDBUFFERSIZE
25003 The specified length is too long for the column type.P0: Specified length

P1: Column data type

25004 The column cannot be modified.P3: Column nameSSCE_M_COLUMNNOTUPDATEABLE
25005 The column cannot contain null values.Not applicableSSCE_M_NULLINVALID
25006 The operation cannot be performed on the object.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDOPERATION
25007 The operation cannot be performed in a transaction.Not applicableSSCE_M_INTRANSACTION
25008 The parameter is not valid.P0: Numeric parameter

P3: String parameter

25009 The path is not valid. Check the directory for the database.P3: PathSSCE_M_INVALIDPATH
25010 The file name is not valid. Check the file name for the database.P3: File nameSSCE_M_INVALIDFILENAME
25011 The file is not a valid database file. An internal error has occurred.P3:DatabasenameSSCE_M_INVALIDDATABASE
25012 An internal error has occurred.Not applicableSSCE_M_UPDATENOTPREPARED
25013 The operation is supported only on tables with exclusive locks.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_TABLENOTLOCKED
25014 Access to the system column is denied. Not applicableSSCE_M_SYSCOLACCESSDENIED
25015 A page cannot be allocated. There might not be enough memory on the device.Not applicableSSCE_M_CANTALLOCATEPAGE
25016 A duplicate value cannot be inserted into a unique index.Not applicableSSCE_M_KEYDUPLICATE
25017 The database file is corrupted.P3: Database nameSSCE_M_DATABASECORRUPTED
25018 Failed to obtain a lock for a write operation.Not applicableSSCE_M_WRITECONFLICT
25019 Failed to obtain a lock for a read operation.Not applicableSSCE_M_READCONFLICT
25020 Failed to obtain a lock for a commit.Not applicableSSCE_M_COMMITCONFLICT
25021 Failed to obtain lock for a read or write operation.Not applicableSSCE_M_SESSIONWRITECONFLICT
25022 Null keys are not allowed on indexes.Not applicableSSCE_M_NULLKEYDISALLOWED
25025 The primary key value cannot be deleted because references to this key still exist.P3: Foreign key constraint nameSSCE_M_INTEGRITYVIOLATION_MSTR
25026 A foreign key value cannot be inserted because a corresponding primary key value does not exist.P3: Primary key constraint nameSSCE_M_INTEGRITYVIOLATION_SLV
25027 The row being created exceeds the maximum size allowed.Not applicableSSCE_M_RECORDTOOBIG
25028 The specified password does not match the database password.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDPASSWORD
25029 An attempt was made to update a field in a record twice.Not applicableSSCE_M_RI_UPDATETWICE
25030 A duplicate key value was found as a result of referential integrity action.P3: Foreign table nameSSCE_M_RI_DUPLICATEKEY
25031 A referential cascade action is setting a nonnull column to NULL.P3: Foreign table nameSSCE_M_RI_KEYNULLDISALLOWED
25032 A write conflict occurred because a referential integrity action is not allowed.P3: Foreign table nameSSCE_M_RI_SESSIONWRITECONFLICT
25033 The sort sequence is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_ILLEGALCOLLATINGSEQ
25034 There is a file locking violation.Not applicableSSCE_M_FILELOCKVIOLATION
25035 There is a file sharing violation. A different process might be using the file.Not applicableSSCE_M_FILESHAREVIOLATION
25036 File locking is not available.Not applicableSSCE_M_FILELOCKINGUNAVAILABLE
25037 There is not enough disk space left for the database.Not applicableSSCE_M_DISKFULL
25038 There is not enough disk space left for the temp database.Not applicableSSCE_M_TEMPDISKFULL
25039 Access to the database file is not allowed.P3: File nameSSCE_M_FILEACCESSDENIED
25042 The language required for this database file is not fully installed on this operating system.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDSORTDLL
25044 Too many files are open.Not applicableSSCE_M_TOOMANYOPENFILES
25045 The database file format is obsolete.Not applicableSSCE_M_OBSOLETEDATABASEFORMAT
25046 The database file cannot be found. Check the path to the database.P3: File nameSSCE_M_FILENOTFOUND
25047 Error occurred when reading from the database file.Not applicableSSCE_M_READVERIFYERROR
25048 No more file handles can be created.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOMOREFILEHANDLES
25049 The disk is not ready. Not applicableSSCE_M_DISKNOTREADY
25050 Too many files are open for sharing. Not applicableSSCE_M_SHARINGBUFFEREXCEEDED
25051 An internal error occurred. Unable to successfully execute disk IO on the file system.Not applicableSSCE_M_DISKIO
25052 The operating system does not support threads.Not applicableSSCE_M_THREADSNOTSUPPORTED
25054 Too many columns were specified for the index.Not applicableSSCE_M_TOOMANYKEYS
25056 The size of the Unicode text column is not even.P0: Column size

P3: Column name

25059 The column data type cannot be indexed.Not applicableSSCE_M_ILLEGALINDEXCOLUMN
25060 The reference does not exist.Not applicableSSCE_M_REFERENCENOTFOUND
25062 The object is not replicable.P3: Object nameSSCE_M_OBJECTNOTREPLICABLE
25064 Only one ROWGUID, autoincrement and version are allowed for each column in a table.P3: Object nameSSCE_M_ONLYONESPECIALCOLUMN
25065 Too many indexes were created for the table.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_TOOMANYINDEXES
25066 Too many columns were specified for the table.P0: Column count

P3: Column name

25067 The transactions are nested too deeply.Not applicableSSCE_M_TRANSTOODEEP
25068 A column in an index cannot reference itself.Not applicableSSCE_M_SELFREFERENCE
25069 The referenced table must have a primary index.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOPRIMARYINDEX
25070 The definition of referring columns (such as number of columns or data types) in referential relationships must match the referred columns.Not applicableSSCE_M_DIFFNUMRELCOLUMNS
25071 A reference to this column already exists.P3: Index nameSSCE_M_CONFLICTINGREFERENCE
25072 Primary keys cannot be created on columns that support null values.Not applicableSSCE_M_PRIMARYKEYNULLCONFLICT
25073 Tables must contain at least one column.Not applicableSSCE_M_TABLEMUSTHAVECOLUMNS
25074 The expression string for the default value cannot be longer than 255 characters.P0: Length of expression stringSSCE_M_DEFAULTEXPRTOOLONG
25075 Nullable columns cannot be identity columns. Not applicableSSCE_M_DISALLOWIDENTITYNULL
25077 The constraint cannot be removed because it is referenced by another constraint.P3: Constraint nameSSCE_M_CONSTRAINTINUSE
25078 The index cannot be removed because it is being used to enforce a constraint.P3: Index nameSSCE_M_INDEXINUSE
25079 A password must be specified when a database is created using encryption.Not applicableSSCE_M_ENCRYPTEDDBMUSTHAVEPWD
25080 The operating system does not support encryption.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOOSENCRYPTIONSUPPORT
25081 The new value generated for the inserted row does not fall within the allowable range.P0: Generated valueSSCE_M_VIOLATEDAUTOINCRANGE
25082 Unique indexes and constraints cannot be created on columns that allow null values.Not applicableSSCE_M_UNIQUENULLCONFLICT
25083 The referential relationship will result in a cyclical reference that is not allowed.Not applicableSSCE_M_CYCLEDETECTED
25084 The data types of the columns in the relationship do not match.Not applicableSSCE_M_RELCOLUMNSTYPEMISMATCH
25085 The table already has a primary key.Not applicableSSCE_M_PKDUPLICATE
25086 The identity column contains an increment value that is not valid.P3: Column nameSSCE_M_INVALIDINCREMENT
25087A new GUID cannot be generated for the new row.Not applicableSSCE_M_GENERATEGUIDFAILED
25088The key size exceeded the maximum allowed.Not applicableSSCE_M_KEYTOOLARGE
25089The lock failed due to conflict.Not applicableSSCE_M_LOCKCONFLICT
25090The system timed out waiting for a lock.Not applicableSSCE_M_LOCKTIMEOUT
25091The lock manager has no more space for locks.Not applicableSSCE_M_OUTOFLOCKS
25092The path specified for the temp database is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDTEMPPATH
25200 The column cannot be NULL.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_COLUMNNULL
25201 The data was truncated.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_BUFFERTRUNCATED
25202 Seek was not able to find an exact match.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_SEEKNOTEQUAL
25203 Some specified options were ignored for this operation.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_OPTIONSIGNORED
25204 The data was truncated.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_COLUMNDATATRUNCATED
25205 The database is encrypted. A password is necessary to access the database.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_DATABASEENCRYPTED
25206 Additional records were updated as a result of referential integrity actions.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_RI_RECORDSUPDATED
25207 Additional records were deleted as a result of referential integrity actions.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_RI_RECORDSDELETED
25208 The request for a row-level lock was denied.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_ROWLOCKCONNECTFAILED
25209 The request for a page-level lock was denied.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_PAGELOCKCONNECTFAILED
25500 The execution plan cannot be generated.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_BADOPT
25501 There was an error parsing the query.P0: Token line number
P1: Token line offset
P3: Token in error
25502 The count of column names and source expressions do not match.P0: Column name count

P1: Source expression count

25503 The column name is not valid.P3: Node name (if any)
P4: Column name
25505 The constraint specified is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_BADCNSTS
25506 There is not enough memory to complete the operation.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_NOMEMORY
25507 The comment block is not complete.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_UNCLOSEDCOMMENT
25508 The token specified is too long. The maximum length is 128 charactersP0: Maximum size of token (if known)
P3: Token (if known)
25509 A conversion from string to float data failed.P3: StringSSCE_M_QP_ATOF_OVERFLOW
25510 A conversion from string to numeric data failed.P3: String valueSSCE_M_QP_NUME_OUTOFRANGE
25511 A quotation mark delimiter is missing from the end of the query.P3: Query stringSSCE_M_QP_UNCLOSEDQUOTE
25512 Conversion from string to money data failed.P3: Bad valueSSCE_M_QP_BADMONEY
25513 Null values are not valid identifiers.P3: IdentifierSSCE_M_QP_IDENTWITHNULL
25514 The identifier cannot be an empty string. Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_NAME_EMPTY
25515 In aggregate and grouping expressions, the SELECT clause can contain only aggregates and grouping expressions.P3: Select clauseSSCE_M_QP_NO_SCALAR_IN_SELECT
25516 Nested aggregate expressions are not allowed.P3: Query stringSSCE_M_QP_NO_AGG_IN_AGG
25517 In aggregate and grouping expressions, the HAVING clause can contain only aggregate functions and grouping expressions. P3: Having clauseSSCE_M_QP_NO_SCALAR_IN_HAVING
25518 In aggregate and grouping expressions, the ORDER BY clause can contain only aggregate functions and grouping expressions.P3: Order by clauseSSCE_M_QP_NO_SCALAR_IN_AGGRORDERBY
25519 Expressions in the GROUP BY list cannot contain aggregate functions.P3: Group by listSSCE_M_QP_NO_AGG_IN_GROUPBY
25520 Expressions in the ORDER BY list cannot contain aggregate functions.P3: Order by listSSCE_M_QP_NO_AGG_IN_ORDERBY
25521 The ORDER BY list cannot have duplicate expressions.P3: Order by list

P4: Duplicate expression

25522 The table aliases must be unique.P3: Name of duplicate aliasSSCE_M_QP_DUP_TABLE_ALIAS
25523 The column aliases must be unique.P3: Name of duplicate aliasSSCE_M_QP_DUP_COLUMN_ALIAS
25524 A HAVING clause must have a GROUP BY clause (implicit or explicit).P3: Having clauseSSCE_M_QP_HAVING_WITHOUT_GROUPBY
25525 The WHERE clause cannot refer to aggregate expressions . P3: Where clauseSSCE_M_QP_NO_AGG_IN_WHERE
25526 Duplicate constraints cannot be specified.P3: ConstraintSSCE_M_QP_DUP_CNST
25527 A function with the same signature already exists.P3: Name of functionSSCE_M_QP_AMBIGUOUS_FUNC
25529 The OLE DB provider cannot be instantiated.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_CANT_COCREATE
25530 A column with the same name has already been specified.P3: Name of duplicate columnSSCE_M_QP_SETLIST_DUPCOLNAME
25531 The column name cannot be resolved to a table. Specify the table to which the column belongs.P3: Name of ambiguous columnSSCE_M_QP_AMBIGUOUS_COLNAME
25532 The float precision is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_BAD_FLOAT_PRECISION
25533 The identifier name is too long.P3: Name of column (if known)SSCE_M_QP_LONGIDNAME
25534 Large objects (ntext and image) cannot be used in ORDER BY clauses.P3: Order by clauseSSCE_M_QP_LOB_IN_ORDERBY
25536 The meta data for the large object is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_INVALIDMETA_FOR_LOB
25537 The columns in the subquery do not match.P3: Column nameSSCE_M_QP_SUBQUERY_COLUMN_MISMATCH
25538 The database is encrypted. A password must be specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_ENCRYPTION_NO_DBPASSWORD
25539 The escape character for the LIKE predicate is not valid.P3: Escape characterSSCE_M_QP_BADLIKEESCCHAR
25540 The datepart is not valid.P3: Portion of data in errorSSCE_M_QP_BADDATEOPTION
25541 The identifier is not valid.P3: IdentifierSSCE_M_QP_INVALID_IDENTIFIER
25542 Data cannot be inserted into a read-only table.P3: Name of read-only tableSSCE_M_QP_READONLYINSERT
25543 Data cannot be updated in a read-only table.P3: Name of read-only tableSSCE_M_QP_READONLYUPDATE
25544 Data cannot be deleted from a read-only table.P3: Name of read-only tableSSCE_M_QP_READONLYDELETE
25545 A value must be provided for the INSERT statement into <table_name>.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_QP_NOINSERTCOLUMNS
25546 The column is read-only and cannot be modified.P3: Column nameSSCE_M_QP_MODIFYPROTECTEDCOL
25547 ORDER BY <column number> is not supported.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_SCALARORDERBYNOTSUPPORTED
25548 DISTINCT cannot be used with ntext and image data. Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_LOB_IN_DISTINCT
25549 GROUP BY cannot be used with ntext and image data.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_LOB_IN_GROUPBY
25550 Too many identity columns are specified for the table. Only one identity column for each table is allowed.P3: SQL statementSSCE_M_QP_MULTI_IDENTITY_COLUMNS
25551 The identity column must be an integer data type and cannot be NULL. Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_BAD_IDENTITY_TYPE
25552 Elements in the GROUP BY clause must reference columns in the select list. P3: SQL statementSSCE_M_QP_GROUPBY_MUST_REFERENCE_COLS
25553 A foreign key constraint that has an UPDATE or a DELETE CASCADE rule and self-references a column in the same table, is not allowed.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_CASCADEONSELFREFFK
25554 Defaults cannot be created on identity columns.P3: Name of table
P5: Name of column
25555 Subquery columns cannot be ntext or image data types.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_SUBQUERY_NOLOBCOLUMNS
25556 The number sign (#) is reserved and cannot be used as the first character of an identifier.P3: Invalid nameSSCE_M_QP_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_IDENTIFIER
25557Expressions combined by a UNION operator must have the same number of columns.Not applicableSSCE_M_UNIONCOLUMNCOUNT
25558The number of columns in the query and the table must match.Not applicableSSCE_M_DIFFERENTCOLUMNCOUNT
25900 The query processor encountered an error evaluating the expression.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_BADEXPR
25901 Expression evaluation caused an overflow.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_OVFLO
25902 The data types in the IN expression do not match. P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_EXPRTYPECHECK
25903 There is an error in the datepart format. P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_DATEPART
25904 There is an error in the date format.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_DATEABORT
25905 A syntax error occurred. P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_SYNTAX
25906 Conversion failed due to a syntax errorP3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_CONVSYNTAX
25907 An overflow occurred while converting the string data type to money.P3: StringSSCE_M_QP_MONEYOVERFLOW
25909 Default values cannot have column references.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_NOCOLUMNREFINDEFAULT
25910 Default values cannot have aggregate functions.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_NOAGGRINDEFAULT
25911 Aggregate value expressions cannot have ntext or image data.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_NOAGGRONLOB
25912 The original data is truncated and cannot be converted.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_NOCONVDUETOTRUNC
25913 The arithmetic operator is not supported for the data type.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_ARITHOPNOTSUPPORTED
25914 Modulo is not supported on real, float, money, and numeric data types.P3: Data typeSSCE_M_QP_NOMODULOSUPPORT
25916 An operator on the result data type from a subquery is not valid. P3: Operator

P4: Subquery expression

25917 Bit operators (&,|,^,~) are not supported on real, float, money, and numeric data types.P3: Data typeSSCE_M_QP_NOBITOPSUPPORT
25918 The data type is not valid for the arithmetic operation.P0: Data type

P3: Expression

25919 The arithmetic operator is not recognized by SQL Server CE. P3: OperatorSSCE_M_QP_BADARITHOP
25920 The data is truncated.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_TRUNCATION
25921 The function is not recognized by SQL Server CE.P3: Name of function
P5: Data type
25922 The arguments for <func_name> function are not valid.P3: Name of function (if known)SSCE_M_QP_INVALIDFUNCTIONARGS
25923 The ntext and image data types cannot be used in WHERE, HAVING, GROUP BY, ON, or IN clauses, except when these data types are used with the LIKE or IS NULL predicates.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_NOSUPPORTFORLOB
25924 An overflow might have occurred while converting binary to datetime.P0: Binary valueSSCE_M_QP_BINDTSYNTAX
25925 An overflow might have occurred while converting numeric to datetime.P0: Numeric valueSSCE_M_QP_NUMDTSYNTAX
25926 An overflow might have occurred while converting money to datetime.P0: Money valueSSCE_M_QP_MONDTSYNTAX
25927 An overflow might have occurred while converting bigint to datetime.P0: bigint valueSSCE_M_QP_BIGINTDTSYNTAX
25928 There are too many arguments specified for the function.P0: Count of argumentsSSCE_M_QP_TOOMANYARGS
25929 A unary minus can be performed only on tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, money, and numeric data types.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_UMINUSNUMONLY
25930 The operation cannot be performed because the precision of the numeric data types do not match.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_PRECISIONMISMATCH
25931 The operation cannot be performed because the scale of the numeric data types do not match.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_SCALEMISMATCH
25932 The data types cannot be converted implicitly.P0: Source data type

P1: Destination data type

25933 An overflow occurred while converting to datetime.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_DATETIMEOVFLO
25935 Dividing by zero is not allowed.P3: ExpressionSSCE_M_QP_DIVBYZERO
25937 A time datepart must be specified to convert a string to datetime.P3: StringSSCE_M_QP_NOTIMEPARTSPECIFIED
25938 The specified hour in the time datepart is not valid.P3: StringSSCE_M_QP_INVALIDHOURTIMEPARTSPECIFIED
25939 The specified minute in the time datepart is not valid.P3: StringSSCE_M_QP_INVALIDMINUTETIMEPARTSPECIFIED
25940 The specified second in the time datepart is not valid.P3: StringSSCE_M_QP_INVALIDSECONDIMEPARTSPECIFIED
25941 The specified millisecond in the time datepart is not valid.P3: StringSSCE_M_QP_INVALIDMSEDCONDIMEPARTSPECIFIED
25942 The specified date or time datepart is not valid.P3: StringSSCE_M_QP_SYNTAXERRORINDATETIMESTRING
25943 The format of the specified date or time datepart is not valid.P3: StringSSCE_M_QP_FORMATERRORINDATETIMESTRING
25944 The order of the specified date or time datepart is not valid.P3: StringSSCE_M_QP_INVALIDORDERINDATETIMESTRING
25945The escape sequence used in the LIKE predicate is not valid.P3: Escape sequence

P4: Like predicate

25946The number of arguments specified for function <func_name> is not correct.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_INVALIDFUNCTIONARGNUM
25947The conversion is not supported.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_INVALIDCONVERSION
25948The specified argument value for the function is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_INVALIDFUNCTIONARGVALUE
25949The expressions in UNION are not compatible.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES
25950A parameter is missing.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_MISSINGPARAMETER
25951A parameter is not allowed in this location.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_PARAMETERNOTALLOWED
25952At least one input table is required.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_EMPTYFROMLIST
26100 The table name is not valid.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_QP_BADTABLE
26101 An error occurred while accessing the schema rowset.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_BADSCHEMAROWSET
26102 An error occurred while accessing the table schema rowset. P3: Table nameSSCE_M_QP_TBLSCHEMAROWSET
26300 OLE DB returned an error.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_OLEDBERR
26302 The specified data type is not valid.P0: Data typeSSCE_M_QP_BADTYPE
26303 An internal query processor error occurred.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_INTERNAL
26305 The meta data is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_BADADTMETAINFO
26306 Data conversion failed.P0: OLE DB status valueSSCE_M_QP_COERSIONERROR
26307Syntax error in query.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_BADQUERY
26308 Zero-length binary constants are not supported in SQL Server CE.Not applicableSSCE_M_QP_ZEROLENGTHBINARYCONST
27000 Too many sessions are open.Not applicableSSCE_M_TOOMANYSESSIONSOUTSTANDING
27001 The new column cannot be set as the PRIMARY KEY constraint. Create a table-level constraint instead.P3: Table name

P4: Column name

27002 The new column cannot be set as a UNIQUE constraint. Create a table-level constraint instead. P3: Table name

P4: Column name

27003 Column nullability cannot be changed after the column is created.P3: Table name

P4: Column name

27004 The column cannot become an identity column after it is created.P3: Table name

P4: Column name

27005 The column property is not valid.P3: Table name

P4: Column name

P5: Property

27006An attempt to set the SQLServer CE DBINIT property is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDSSCEDBINITPROPERTY
27500 An overflow occurred while setting decimal data.Not applicableSSCE_M_DECIMALOVERFLOW
27501 Decimal data was truncated.Not applicableSSCE_M_DECIMALTRUNCATED
27502 The parameter is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_CMN_INVALIDPARAMETER
27700Decimal data was truncated.Not applicableSSC_WRN_DECIMALTRUNCATED
27750Cannot load sscemw20.dll or ssceca20.dll is missing or not registered.Not applicableSSCE_M_SSCEMWFAILURE
Replication Transport Errors
28000 An internal error has occurred.Not applicableSSCE_M_OPENTWICE
28001 A read operation from the Internet returned an incorrect number of bytes.Not applicableSSCE_M_INTERNETREADERROR
28002 A write operation to the Internet wrote an incorrect number of bytes.Not applicableSSCE_M_INTERNETWRITEERROR
28003 Either the computer running IIS is out of memory or an incorrect RSCBID was sent in a request.P0: RSCBIDSSCE_M_INVALIDRSCBID
28004 A SQL Server CE Server Agent queue is full and can take no further requests. Try again later.Not applicableSSCE_M_TOOMANYPENDINGREQUESTS
28005 A thread to host the SQL Server Reconciler cannot be started. Check system resources.Not applicableSSCE_M_COULDNTSTARTRECTHREAD
28006 The SQL Server Reconciler resource DLL cannot be loaded.Not applicableSSCE_M_CANTLOADRECRESOURCEDLL
28007 An internal error has occurred.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDRECONCILERPARAM
28008 The transport failed due to incorrect message format or content.P0: Command numberSSCE_M_INVALIDTRNSPTCOMMAND
28009 An instance of the SQL Server Reconciler cannot be created.Not applicableSSCE_M_CANTCOCREATERECONCILER
28010 An instance of the SQL Server Reconciler error object cannot be created.Not applicableSSCE_M_CANTCOCREATERECONERROR
28011 Authentication failed on the computer running IIS. Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSDENIED
28012 Authentication failed on the proxy server. Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSPROXYAUTHREQ
28013 The HTTP request failed due to incorrect format or content.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSBADREQUEST
28014 This site requires payment before it can be accessed.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSPAYMENTREQ
28015 A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection is required to access this site.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSFORBIDDEN
28016 The URL cannot be found. Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSNOTFOUND
28017 An incorrect or unsupported HTTP function call was made.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSBADMETHOD
28018 An HTTP function failed to establish a connection to the computer running IIS.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSNONEACCEPT
28019 The request timed out on the computer running IIS.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSREQTIMEOUT
28020 The computer running IIS returned a Conflict status.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSCONFLICT
28021 The computer running IIS returned a Gone status.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSGONE
28022 An error has occurred on the computer running IIS.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSSERVERERROR
28023 The computer running IIS returned a Not Supported status.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSNOTSUPPORTED
28024 A gateway error has occurred.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSBADGATEWAY
28025 The IIS service is not available.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSSVCUNAVAIL
28026 The gateway has timed out.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSTATUSGATTIMEOUT
28027 HTTPS is not supported on Windows CE 1.1-based devices. Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSNOTSUPPORTED
28028 Replication is prohibited for this SQL Server CE Server Agent on the computer running IIS.Not applicableSSCE_M_REPLPROHIBITED
28029 RDA is prohibited for this SQL Server CE Server Agent on the computer running IIS.Not applicableSSCE_M_RDAPROHIBITED
28030 Internal error: Compression failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_COMPRESSIONFAILED
28031 Internal error: Decompression failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_DECOMPRESSIONFAILED
28032 Internet Open failed at the client.Not applicableSSCE_M_FAILUREINITIALIZINGINTERNET
28033 The URL syntax is not valid.P3: URLSSCE_M_INVALIDURLSYNTAX
28034 An Internet connection cannot be established.Not applicableSSCE_M_INTERNETCONNECTFAILURE
28035 Header information is either corrupted or missing.P3: Header nameSSCE_M_FAILUREQUERYINGHEADER
28036 An internal or network problem was encountered while trying to close an Internet handle.Not applicableSSCE_M_CLOSEINTERNETHANDLEFAILED
28037 A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information, see HRESULT.Not applicableSSCE_M_HTTPSENDREQUESTFAILED
28038The connection was refused by the computer running IIS because the maximum number of RSCBs has been exceeded. Try connecting later.Not applicableSSCE_M_MAXIMUMRSCBSEXCEEDED
28039The request was superseded by a subsequent request.Not applicableSSCE_M_REQUESTSUPERSEDED
28040The command has been completed. The resent command was ignored.Not applicableM_RESENTCOMMANDIGNORED
28041An internal error occurred.Not applicableM_RESENDREQUEST
Client Agent Errors
28500 An instance of the SSCEErrors collection object cannot be created.Not applicableSSCE_M_CANTCOCREATESSCEERRORS
28501 The SubscriberConnectionString property is not specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_SUBSCRIBERDATABASEPATHMISSING
28502 The InternetURL property is not specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_INTERNETURLPROPERTYMISSING
28503 The Publisher property is not specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_PUBLISHERPROPERTYMISSING
28504 The PublisherDatabase property is not specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_PUBLISHERDATABASEPROPERTYMISSING
28505 The Publication property is not specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_PUBLICATIONPROPERTYMISSING
28506 The Subscriber property is not specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_SUBSCRIBERPROPERTYMISSING
28507 Some Distributor properties are not specified. Not applicableSSCE_M_MISSINGDISTRIBUTORPROPERTIES
28508 The DistributorAddress property is not specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_MISSINGDISTRIBUTORADDRESS
28509 The PublisherAddress property is not specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_MISSINGPUBLISHERADDRESS
28510 The value specified for the PublisherSecurityMode property is not valid.P0: Publisher security modeSSCE_M_INVALIDPUBLISHERSECURITYMODE
28511 The value specified for the DistributorSecurityMode property is not valid.P0: Distributor security modeSSCE_M_INVALIDDISTRIBUTORSECURITYMODE
28512 The value specified for the QueryTimeout property is not valid.P0: Query timeout valueSSCE_M_INVALIDQUERYTIMEOUTVALUE
28513 The value specified for the LoginTimeout property is not valid.P0: Login timeout valueSSCE_M_INVALIDLOGINTIMEOUTVALUE
28514 The value specified for the DistributorNetwork property is not valid.P0: Distributor networkSSCE_M_INVALIDDISTRIBUTORNETWORK
28515 The value specified for the ExchangeType property is not valid.P0: Exchange typeSSCE_M_INVALIDEXCHANGETYPE
28516 The value specified for the ValidateType property is not valid.P0: Validation typeSSCE_M_INVALIDVALIDATIONTYPE
28517 The Initialize method failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_INITIALIZEFAILED
28518 The AddSubscription method failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_ADDSUBSCRIPTIONFAILED
28519 The value specified for DBDROPOPTION is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_UNSUPPORTEDDBDROPOPTION
28520 The DropSubscription method failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_DROPSUBSCRIPTIONFAILED
28521 The SQL Server CE database is already enabled for replication.Not applicableSSCE_M_DBALREADYREPLICABLE
28522 The Run method failed. Not applicableSSCE_M_RUNFAILED
28523 Internal error: Initializing an internal object failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_INITIALIZATIONFAILED
28524 The Terminate method failed. Not applicableSSCE_M_TERMINATEFAILED
28525 The ReinitializeSubscription method failed. Not applicableSSCE_M_REINITIALIZESUBSCRIPTIONFAILED
28526 The message contains an unexpected replication operation code.P0: ROCSSCE_M_UNEXPECTEDROCENCOUNTERED
28527 Internal error: The column ordinal cannot be found.P0: Column ordinal

P3: Table name

28528 A nickname was not generated.Not applicableSSCE_M_NICKNAMEGENERATIONFAILED
28529 The SQL Server CE database is not enabled for replication.Not applicableSSCE_M_DBNOTREPLICABLE
28530 Reading the registry failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_FAILUREREADINGREGISTRY
28531 Writing to the registry failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_FAILUREWRITINGREGISTRY
28532 A read operation from the transport returned no data.Not applicableSSCE_M_TRANSPORTREADRETURNEDNODATA
28533 Another instance of SQL Server CE cannot be created.Not applicableSSCE_M_CANTCOCREATESQLSERVERCE
28534 The Pull method failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_RDAPULLFAILED
28535 The Push method failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_RDAPUSHFAILED
28536 The SubmitSQL method failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_RDASUBMITSQLFAILED
28537 The identity range was not established.Not applicableSSCE_M_IDENTITYRANGE
28538 An article in the message is not valid.P0: Article nicknameSSCE_M_INVALIDARTICLE
28539 The object is already initialized.P3: Connection stringSSCE_M_OBJECTALREADYINITIALIZED
28540 The object is not initialized.P3: Connection stringSSCE_M_OBJECTNOTINITIALIZED
28541 The value for the LocalTableName parameter is not specified for the Push call.Not applicableSSCE_M_LOCALTABLENAMEMISSING
28542 Some parameters were not specified for the Pull method.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOTALLPARAMSSETFORPULL
28543 The table is not a tracked table. P3: Table nameSSCE_M_TABLENOTTRACKED
28544 The Push method returned one or more error rows. See the specified error table.P3: Error table nameSSCE_M_RDAERRORROWSRETURNED
28545 The OLE DB connection string is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_SUBSCRIBERCONNECTIONSTRINGMISSING
28546 The specified OLE DB for SQL Server CE connection string is not valid.P3: Connection stringSSCE_M_INVALIDCONNECTIONSTRING
28547 The SQL Server CE database cannot be compacted because it is open.Not applicableSSCE_M_DATABASEALREADYOPEN
28548 A specified parameter is too large.P0: Size of parameter

P1: Max size

P3: Parameter value

28549 The row update or insert cannot be reapplied due to an integrity violation.Not applicableSSCE_M_FAILEDRETRIES
28550 The SQL Server CE database cannot be compacted. Not applicableSSCE_M_COMPACTFAILED
28551 The LocalConnectionString parameter is not specified for either a Push or Pull method.Not applicableSSCE_M_MISSINGCONNECTSTRING
28552 This table does not have a ROWGUID column.Not applicableSSCE_M_ROW_RUID
28553 This table does not have a ROWGUID column nor an Identity range.Not applicableSSCE_M_SPECIAL_COLUMN
28554 The number of rows at the client does not match the number of rows at the server.P0: SQL Server Count
P1: SQL Server CE Count
28555 The SQL Server CE database cannot be replicated. The subscription must be reinitialized.Not applicableSSCE_M_FAILEDMAKEDBREP
28556 The LocalTableName parameter is not specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_TABLENAMEMISSING
28557 The SQL Server CE database cannot be used for replication. Delete and then re-create the database.P3: Connection stringSSCE_M_UNUSABLEDATABASE
28558 SQL Server CE encountered problems in creating the SQL Server CE database.P3: Connection stringSSCE_M_CREATEDATABASE
28559 SQL Server CE encountered problems in opening the SQL Server CE database.P3: Database nameSSCE_M_OPENDATABASE
28560 The OLE DB Execute method failed. The SQL statement is not valid.P3: SQL statementSSCE_M_EXECUTEFAILED
28561 Internal error: Failed to roll back changes.Not applicableSSCE_M_ROLLBACKFAILED
28562 The delete message for the server was not created.Not applicableSSCE_M_PROCESSDELETEFAILED
28563 The device does not have sufficient memory.Not applicableSSCE_M_CLIENTAGENT_NOMEMORY
28564 The delete action failed.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_DELETEFAILED
28565 The insert action failed.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_INSERTFAILED
28566 The update action failed.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_UPDATEFAILED
28567 The table cannot be opened.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_OPENTABLEFAILED
28568 The table cannot be closed.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_CLOSETABLEFAILED
28569 The index cannot be set on the ROWGUID column.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDINDEX
28570 The data row cannot be accessed.Not applicableSSCE_M_ERRORFETCHINGDATA
28571 The column data for a row cannot be accessed.Not applicableSSCE_M_ERRORFETCHINGCOLUMNDATA
28572 Row data cannot be set.Not applicableSSCE_M_ERRORSETTINGDATA
28573The LocalTableName parameter is already specified.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_TABLEALREADYEXISTS
28574An internal error occurred.P0:IDSSCE_M_INTERNALERROR
28575There is not enough space for lineage in a row.Not applicableSSCE_M_INSUFFICIENTLINEAGESPACE
28577The schema has changed since the table was pulled.Not applicableSSCE_M_SCHEMAHASCHANGED
28578The data type is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_UNSUPPORTEDDATATYPE
28579The move to the next row failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_MOVENEXTFAILED
28580The specified parameter is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDCOMPACTPARAMETER
28581The message cannot be built. The Make Message failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_FAILUREMAKINGMESSAGE
28582The parameter is either not specified or not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDRDAPARAMETER
28583The Publisher login property is not specified. Not applicableSSCE_M_PUBLISHERLOGINMISSING
Server Agent Errors
29000 An unexpected state was found when reading generation information.Not applicableSSCE_M_UNEXPECTEDSTATEREADINGGENINFO
29001 An unexpected state was encountered when processing inserts. Not applicableSSCE_M_EXPECTEDINSERTSONLY
29002 The identity seed or range is too large. P0: Seed or low range

P1: High range

29003 An unexpected state was encountered when processing deletes. Not applicableSSCE_M_UNEXPECTEDSTATEPROCESSINGTOMBSTONES
29004 The OLE DB provider for SQL Server CE cannot be initialized. Not applicableSSCE_M_CANTCOCREATEMSDAINITIALIZE
29005 A replication session control block already exists.Not applicableSSCE_M_RSCBWITHSAMEEXCHANGEID
29006 A call to SQL Server Reconciler failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_SQLRECONCILERFAILED
29007 The query cannot be tracked. There might not be a primary key, or the query may involve multiple tables. P3: Query stringSSCE_M_QUERYCANNOTBETRACKED
29008 The prepare/update command process failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_PREPAREUPDATECMDFAILED
29009 The expression or literal cannot be processed without an alias.Not applicableSSCE_M_EXPRESSIONWITHOUTALIAS
29010 The table does not have a primary key. P3: Table nameSSCE_M_NOPRIMARYKEY
29011 The table contains a timestamp or another row versioning column.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_ROWVERCOLUMN
29012 An internal error occurred during the push operation in the SQL Server CE Server Agent.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDPUSHSEQUENCE
29013 The attempt to replace an existing parameter value in the push operation failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_PUSHPARAMSETONVALUE
29014 Incomplete parameters were set for the push operation.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOTALLPARAMSETFORPUSH
29015 The expected column count does not match the data column specified.P0: Supplied count

P1: Expected count

29016 Client-side and server-side columns for the RDA table do not match.P3: Table nameSSCE_M_VF_MISSINGSERVERCOLUMN
29017 The OLE DB data type information in the SQL Server CE columns does not match the information in the SQL Server columns for the RDA table.P0: SQL Server CE data type

P1: SQL Server data type

P3: Table name

29018 No columns were found. Either the table name is missing or the permissions are not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_VF_MISSINGTABLE
29020 A row cannot be updated or deleted in the SQL Server using RDA.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOROWSAFFECTED
29021 More than one row was affected by an update or delete operation in the SQL Server using RDA.Not applicableSSCE_M_TOOMANYROWSAFFECTED
29022 The version of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server is not correct.P3: VersionSSCE_M_INCORRECTPROVIDERVERSION
29023 The OLE DB Provider for SQL Server on the computer running IIS is not compatible with SQL Server CE.P3: ProviderSSCE_M_INCORRECTPROVIDER
29024 The push operation cannot match the orders of the client-side and server-side primary key columns.Not applicableSSCE_M_VF_PRIMARYKEYCHANGE
29025 The push operation cannot find a primary key column on the SQL Server table.Not applicableSSCE_M_VF_MISSINGSERVERPKCOLUMN
29026 The push operation has found an extra primary key column on the SQL Server table.Not applicableSSCE_M_VF_EXTRASERVERPKCOLUMN
29027 The current OLE DB provider is not supported.Not applicableSSCE_M_MISSINGCOLUMNSCHEMACOLS
29028 The OLE DB data type is not supported by the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.P0: Data typeSSCE_M_UNSUPPORTEDOLEDBTYPE
29029 The SQL Server CE and SQL Server column meta data information does not match.Not applicableSSCE_M_VF_NONLOBIUNKNOWN
29030 The query cannot be tracked because one or more columns of the primary key are missing.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOTRACKPKCOLMISSING
29031 The query cannot be tracked because the table includes a computed column that cannot be pulled.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOTRACKCOMPUTEDCOLUMN
29032 The query cannot be tracked because it is a multi-table query.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOTRACKMULTITABLE
29033 The server code page, or the override code page, is either not valid or not installed on the computer running IIS.P0: Code pageSSCE_M_INVALIDCODEPAGE
29034The SQL Server CE Client Agent and SQL Server CE Server Agent component versions do not match.P0: Client version

P1: Server version

P3: SQL Server CE Client Agent version

P4: SQL Server CE Server Agent version

29042The replication session control block was inactive for longer than the cleanup interval.Not applicableSSCE_M_RSCBTIMEDOUT
29043The operating system on the Windows CE-based device does not support authenticated proxy servers.Not applicableSSCE_M_NOPROXYSERVERSUPPORT
29044SQL Server CE failed in renaming an .IN file to .OUT.Not applicableSSCE_M_FILERENAMEFAILED
29045Initializing SQL Server Reconciler has failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_INITIALIZERECONCILERFAILED
29046This cursor is read-only.Not applicableSSCE_M_READONLY
29047Row processing resulted in an error.Not applicableSSCE_M_PROCESSINGROWS
29048The Windows user account could not be impersonated at the computer running IIS.Not applicableSSCE_M_IMPERSONATIONFAILED
Message Protocol Errors
29500 The transport read operation returned an incorrect data length.P0: Returned length

P1: Expected length

29501 Internal error: The write message failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_UNEXPECTEDSTATEWRITINGMESSAGE
29502 The column number is not valid.P0: Column number

P3: Table name

29503 The column cannot be found.P3: Column name

P4: Table name

29504 Internal error: The names buffer is too small.Not applicableSSCE_M_NAMESBUFFERTOOSMALL
29506 Internal error: The get column failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_UNEXPECTEDSTATEGETTINGCOLUMNS
29507 Internal error: The get column length failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_UNEXPECTEDSTATEGETCOLLENGTH
29508 Internal error: The get column data failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_UNEXPECTEDSTATEGETCOLDATA
29509 Internal error: The set column failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_UNEXPECTEDSTATESETCOLUMN
29510 The ISequentialStream interface detects that the BLOB data stream is not empty.Not applicableSSCE_M_STREAMNOTEXHAUSTED
29511 The message received from the server cannot be decoded.Not applicableSSCE_M_GARBLEDMESSAGEFROMSERVER
29512 The message received from the client cannot be decoded.Not applicableSSCE_M_GARBLEDMESSAGEFROMCLIENT


SQL Server CE Relay Errors
30000The socket cannot be initialized/uninitialized. Not applicableSSCE_M_WSANOTINITIALISED
30001The network was unavailable, and the initialization/uninitialization of the socket failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_WSAENETDOWN
30002The socket cannot be initialized/uninitialized. A blocking operation is currently executing. Not applicableSSCE_M_WSAEINPROGRESS
30003The socket caninitialized/uninitialized. Either a driver is missing or multiple implementations are being used.Not applicableSSCE_M_WSASYSNOTREADY
30004The socket cannot be initialized/uninitialized. The current version is not supported.Not applicableSSCE_M_WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED
30005The socket cannot be initialized/uninitialized. The limit on the number of processes using Windows Sockets has been reached.Not applicableSSCE_M_WSAEPROCLIM
30006An address passed to the function is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_WSAEFAULT
30007A create event failed. For more information, see HRESULT.Not applicableSSCE_M_CREATEEVENTFAILED
30008A set event failed. For more information, see HRESULT.Not applicableSSCE_M_SETEVENTFAILED
30009A WAITFOR event failed. For more information, see HRESULT.Not applicableSSCE_M_WAITFAILED
30010The specified desktop computer port is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDCLIENTPORT
30011The conversion of the server name to Unicode failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_CONVERSIONTOUNICODEFAILED
30012The server port specified is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDSERVERPORT
30013The system menu cannot be accessed.Not applicableSSCE_M_FAILUREACCESSINGSYSTEMMENU
30014The registry keys cannot be set or created.Not applicableSSCE_M_FAILURESETTINGREGISTRY
30015A parameter passed to SQL Server CE Relay is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDARGUMENT
30016The combination of arguments is not valid.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDARGUMENTS
30017Either a port number is not valid or the server name is missing.Not applicableSSCE_M_MISSINGPORTORSERVER
30018The socket call failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_SOCKETCALLFAILED
30019The socket port is already in use on this device.Not applicableSSCE_M_PORTALREADYINUSE
30020The bind failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_BINDFAILED
30021The server address cannot be resolved.Not applicableSSCE_M_CANTRESOLVESERVERADDRESS
30022The Listen function failed on a socket.Not applicableSSCE_M_LISTENFAILED
30023An accept from the server failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_ACCEPTFAILED
30024A connection request to the server has failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_CONNECTFAILED
30025A thread cannot be created due to system problems or lack of resources.Not applicableSSCE_M_CANTCREATETHREAD
30026Internal error: Setting a socket option for keep alive failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_SETKEEPALIVEFAILED
30027Internal error: Setting a socket option for the Nagle algorithm failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_SETNAGLEFAILED
30028The receive operation from the socket failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_RECEIVEFAILED
30029The send operation to the socket failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_SENDFAILED
30030The initialization of arguments failed.Not applicableSSCE_M_INITARGSFAILED
30031The WSAStartup function failed during socket initialization.Not applicableSSCE_M_WSASTARTUPFAILED
30032The WSACleanup function failed during a cleanup operation.Not applicableSSCE_M_WSACLEANUPFAILED
30033The server name is either not valid or not specified.Not applicableSSCE_M_INVALIDSERVERNAME
30034The socket connection was reset.Not applicableSSCE_M_CONNECTIONRESET
Page view tracker
Miscellaneous Errors
39999The evaluation copy has expired.Not applicableSSCE_M_EVALUATIONCOPYEXPIRED
Client Agent Warnings
28800 The Push returned one or more error rows. See the specified error table.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_RDAERRORROWSRETURNED
28801 A data error occurred and was fixed. Call the Run method again to merge data.Not applicableSSCE_WRN_SUBWINSERRORSFIXED
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