RSS类RSSFeed - Class

RSS类RSSFeed - Class


     *      RSSFeed - Class
     *      The RSSFeed-class makes it possible to create a well-formed RSSFeed
     *      for your Website. It can be easily be included into your code.
     *      See Example for more details on how to include / setup.
     *      Use Feedreader ( to read your feeds.
     *      **CUT**
     *            Feedreader is a freeware Windows application that reads and displays Internet
     *            newsfeeds aka RSS feeds based on XML.
     *            It supports all major RSS formats - 0.9, 0.91, 1.0 and various extensions such
     *            as Dublin Core and Slashback. Feedreader utilizes advanced caching methods to
     *            reduce bandwitch usage, making the program ideal for mobile communication.
     *      **CUTEND**
     *      The contents of this file are subject to the Gnu Public License (GPL).
     *      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
     *      copy of the License at   
     *      Latest releases are available at For feedback or
     *      bug reports, please contact the author at [email][/email]. Thanks!
     *      The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cornelius Bolten.
     *      Portions created by Cornelius Bolten are Copyright (C) 2003 Cornelius Bolten.
     *      All Rights Reserved.

     class RSSFeed {
           *      variables
           *      @access private
           var $m_RSSversion      =      '1.0';
           var $m_XMLversion      =      '2.0';
           var      $m_channel            =      NULL;
           var $m_FeedItem            =      '';
           var $m_channelItem      =      '';
           *      function RSSFeed
           *      this is the constructor-method of RSSFeed-class
           *      @access public
           function RSSFeed() {
                 $this->m_channel      =      "<?xml version=/"".$this->m_XMLversion."/"?>/n";
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "<rdf:RDF /n xmlns:rdf=/""/n xmlns=/""/n >/n";
           *      function addChannel
           *      Add a Channel to the opened Feed. This is a MUST.
           *      @access public
           *      @param      ChannelTitle            String      Title of Channel
           *      @param      ChannelDescription      String      Description of Channel
           *      @param      ChannelLanguage            String      en,de,fr..etc. Language that channel uses
           *      @param      ChannelURL                  String      URL corresponding to RSS-File                        
           function addChannel($ChannelTitle, $ChannelDescription, $ChannelLanguage, $ChannelURL) {
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "/t<channel rdf:about=/"".$ChannelURL."/">/n";
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "/t/t<title>".$ChannelTitle."</title>/n";
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "/t/t<description>".$ChannelDescription."</description>/n";
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "/t/t<language>".$ChannelLanguage."</language>/n";

           *      function addChannelLink
           *      Add a Link-Tag to Channel-Informations.
           *      @access public
           *      @param      ChannelLink                  String      Extra add of Link. can be same as ChanneLink@addChannel
           *      @see      addChannel
           function addChannelLink($ChannelLink) {
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "/t/t<link>".$ChannelLink."</link>/n";

           *      function addChannelImage
           *      Add an Image to Channel-Informations. This image is displayed in FeedReader.
           *      @access public
           *      @param      ImageULR            String      URL to ChannelImage
           *      @param      ImageTitle            String      Title of the Image
           *      @param      ImageLink            String      Link to which image points
           function addChannelImage($ImageURL, $ImageTitle, $ImageLink) {
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "/t/t<image>/n";
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "/t/t/t<title>".$ImageTitle."</title>/n";
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "/t/t/t<url>".$ImageURL."</url>/n";
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "/t/t/t<link>".$ImageLink."</link>";
                 $this->m_channel      .=      "/t/t</image>/n";
           *      function addChannelItem
           *      Add a channelitem to Channel. this is not a news- or article-item!
           *      to add a news-item use addFeedItem instead.      
           *      @access public
           *      @param      ChannelItem            String      Item-Resource-Link
           *      @see      addFeedItem                        
           function addChannelItem($ChannelItem) {
                 $this->m_channelItem      .=      "/t/t/t/t<rdf:li resource=/"".$ChannelItem."/" />/n";
           *      function addFeedItem
           *      add a feed-item to your feed. this contains the main informations for
           *      each news/article/etc.-item
           *      @access public
           *      @param      ItemTitle                  String      Title of Item
           *      @param      ItemURL                        String      URL corresponding to Article
           *      @param      ItemDescription            String      Description of Item (News-Teaser, etc.)
           function addFeedItem($ItemTitle, $ItemURL, $ItemDescription) {
                 $this->m_FeedItem      .=      "/t<item rdf:about=/"".$ItemURL."/">/n";
                 $this->m_FeedItem      .=      "/t/t<title>".$ItemTitle."</title>/n";
                 $this->m_FeedItem      .=      "/t/t<link>".$ItemURL."</link>/n";
                 $this->m_FeedItem      .=      "/t/t<description>".$ItemDescription."</description>/n";
                 $this->m_FeedItem      .=      "/t</item>/n";
           *      function releaseFeed
           *      function to release Feed an print the whole RSS-Data.
           *      this is the final-call of the object.
           function releaseFeed() {
                 header("Content-Type: text/xml");
                 print $this->m_channel;
                 if(strlen($this->m_channelItem) >= 1) {
                       print "/t/t<items>/n
                 print "/t</channel>/n";
                 print $this->m_FeedItem;
                 print "</rdf:RDF>/n";





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