








struct  ListNode
     int  val ;
     ListNode  * next ;
     ListNode ( int  x ) : val ( x ) , next ( nullptr ) { }
} ;
*p.data //(*p).data
p->data //
p->next //





链表头指针;指向链表开始结点的指针(无头结点时),单链表由头指针唯一确定,所以单链表可以用头指                       针的名字来命名;头指针的设置是的对链表第一个位置上的操作与在表其他位置上的操作一                          致

头结点;人为的在链表的开始结点之前附加的一个结点。有了头结点,头指针指向头结点,无论链表是否为                空,头指针总是非空。


  note head

#include <iostream>
using  namespace  std ;
struct  ListNode
     int  val ;
     ListNode  * next ;
     ListNode ( int  x ) : val ( x ) , next ( nullptr ) { }
} ;
ListNode  * creat ( )
     ListNode  * head = new  ListNode ( 0 ) ;
     ListNode  * p = head ;
     ListNode  * node = nullptr ;
     int  x = 0 ;
     int  cycle = 1 ;
     while ( cycle )
         cout << "please input the data:" << endl ;
         cin >> x ;
         if ( x != 0 )        //0
              node = new  ListNode ( x ) ;
              p -> next = node ;
              p = node ;
              cycle = 0 ;
     p -> next = nullptr ;   //
     return  head ;
void  printList ( ListNode  * head )   //notehead
     if ( head -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "list is empty!" << endl ;
         return  ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     int  index = 0 ;
     while ( p != nullptr )
         cout << "" <<++ index << "" << p -> val << endl ;
         p = p -> next ;
int  getListLength ( ListNode  * head )   //notehead
     int  len = 0 ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     while ( p != nullptr )
         ++ len ;
         p = p -> next ;
     return  len ;
ListNode  * insertList ( ListNode  * head , int  pos , int  data ) //notehead
      ListNode  * newNode = new  ListNode ( data ) ;
      ListNode  * p = head ;
      int  index = 1 ;
      while ( p != nullptr && index < pos )
          p = p -> next ;
          ++ index ;
      newNode -> next = p -> next ;
      p -> next = newNode ;
      return  head ;
ListNode  * deleteNode ( ListNode  * head , int  pos ) //pos11
         ListNode  * p = head ;
         if ( p -> next == nullptr )   //
               cout << "" << endl ;
              return  nullptr ;
         ListNode  * node = nullptr ;
         int  index = 1 ;
         while ( p != nullptr && index < pos )
              p = p -> next ;
              ++ index ;
         if ( p != nullptr && p -> next != nullptr )  
         node = p -> next ;
         p -> next = node -> next ;
         delete  node ;
         return  head ;
int  main ( )
     ListNode  * head = new  ListNode ( 0 ) ;
     head = creat ( ) ;
     cout << "" << endl ;
     printList ( head ) ;
     int  len = getListLength ( head ) ;
     cout << "" << len << endl ;
     int  pos = 1 ;
     int  data = 50 ;
     insertList ( head , pos , data ) ;
     cout << "" << endl ;
     printList ( head ) ;
     int  i = 5 ;
     deleteNode ( head ,  i ) ;
     cout << "" << endl ;
     printList ( head ) ;
     system ( "pause" ) ;
     return  0 ;

ListNode  *  deleteHead ( ListNode  * head ) //head
     ListNode  * beginNode = new  ListNode ( 0 ) ;
     beginNode -> next = head ;
     ListNode  * node = head ;
     beginNode -> next = head -> next ;
     delete  node ;
     ListNode  * result = beginNode -> next ;
     delete  beginNode ;
     return  result ;             //  
  void  deleteHead ( ListNode  * head ) // head
      ListNode  * node = head -> next ;
      head -> next = node -> next ;
      delete  node ;

ListNode  * searchNode ( ListNode  * head , int  pos ) //head
     if ( head -> next == nullptr || pos < 0 )
         return  nullptr ;
     if ( pos == 0 )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     while ( -- pos )
         p = p -> next ;
         if ( p == nullptr )
              cout << "incorrect postion to search node!" << endl ;
              break ;
     return  p ;
//        到达链表尾部时,slow恰好到达链表中间(fast到达链表尾部,当链表长度为奇数时,此时slow
//        指向的即为中间节点;当链表长度为偶数时,此时slow及slow的下一个元素均为中间节点)
//        只需遍历链表一次 
ListNode  * searchMidNode ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * slow = head -> next ;
     ListNode  * fast = head -> next ;
     while ( fast != nullptr && fast -> next != nullptr && fast -> next -> next != nullptr ) //lenslowslowmid
                                     //while(fast!=nullptr&&fast->next!=nullptr)lenslowslow mid                                                          

         slow = slow -> next ;
         fast = fast -> next -> next ;

     return  slow ;
//        当p2走到链表尾时,p1所指位置就是所要找的节点
ListNode  * searchReverseKthNode ( ListNode  * head , int  k )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr || k == 0 )
        return  head ;
     ListNode  * p1 = head -> next ;
     ListNode  * p2 = head -> next ;
     while ( p2 != nullptr &&-- k )
         p2 = p2 -> next ;
     while ( p2 -> next != nullptr )
         p1 = p1 -> next ;
         p2 = p2 -> next ;
     return  p1 ;  



ListNode  * reverse ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr && head -> next -> next == nullptr )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * tail = head -> next ;
     ListNode  * cur = tail -> next ;
     while ( cur != nullptr )
         tail -> next = cur -> next ;
         cur -> next = head -> next ;
         head -> next = cur ;
         cur = tail -> next ;
     return  head ;
ListNode  * reverse2 ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * pre = head -> next ;
     ListNode  * cur = pre -> next ;
     pre -> next = nullptr ;  //
     ListNode  * tmp = nullptr ;
     while ( cur != nullptr )
         tmp = cur -> next ;
         cur -> next = pre ;
         pre = cur ;
         cur = tmp ;
     head -> next = pre ; //  
     return  head ;

//        输出节点的值;只需遍历一遍链表,但需维护一个额外的栈空间;

//方法二:在递归函数之后输出的当前元素,这样能确保输出第n个节点的元素语句永远在第n+1个递归函数之后执行, 也就是说第n个元素永远在第n+1个元素之后输出,最终先输出最后一个元素;  

递归本质上就是一个栈结构;  基于递归的代码看起来很简单,单链表非常长时,就会导致函数调用的层级很深 ,从而可能导致函数调用栈溢出。显式用栈基于循环的代码鲁棒性要好一些。

include < iostream >
#include <stack>
using  namespace  std ;
struct  ListNode 
     int  val ;
     ListNode  * next ;
     ListNode ( int  x ) : val ( x ) , next ( nullptr ) { }
} ;
ListNode  * creat ( )
     ListNode  * head = new  ListNode ( -1 ) ;
     ListNode  * p = head ;
     ListNode  * node = nullptr ;
     int  x = 0 ;
     int  cycle = 1 ;
     while ( cycle )
         cout << "please input the data:" << endl ;
         cin >> x ;
         if ( x != 0 )        //0
              node = new  ListNode ( x ) ;
              p -> next = node ;
              p = node ;
              cycle = 0 ;
     p -> next = nullptr ;   //
     return  head ;
void  printList ( ListNode  * head )   //notehead
     if ( head -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "list is empty!" << endl ;
         return  ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     int  index = 0 ;
     while ( p != nullptr )
         cout << "" <<++ index << "" << p -> val << endl ;
         p = p -> next ;
void  printReversely1 ( ListNode  * head )
     stack < ListNode  *> stackNode ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     while ( p != nullptr )
         stackNode . push ( p ) ;
         p = p -> next ;
     int  index = 1 ;
     while ( ! stackNode . empty ( ))
         p = stackNode . top ( ) ;
         cout << "" << index << "" << p -> val << endl ;
         stackNode . pop ( ) ;
void  printListReversely2 ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next != nullptr )
         printListReversely2 ( head -> next ) ;
         int  index = 1 ;
         cout << "" << index ++<< "" ;
         cout << head -> next -> val << endl ;
int  main ( )
      ListNode  * head = new  ListNode ( 0 ) ;
     head = creat ( ) ;
     cout << "" << endl ;
     printList ( head ) ;
     cout << endl ;
     cout << "1" << endl ;
     printReversely1 ( head ) ;
     cout << "" << endl ;
     printList ( head ) ;
     cout << endl ;
     cout << "2" << endl ;
     printListReversely2 ( head ) ;
     cout << "" << endl ;
     printList ( head ) ;
     cout << endl ;
     system ( "pause" ) ;
     return  0 ;
void  printListReversely ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next != nullptr )
         printListReversely ( head -> next ) ;
         cout << head -> next -> val << endl ;

#include  <cstdlib>  
#include  <iostream>  
using  namespace  std ;  
int  getLen ( char  * str )  
     if ( * str ==  '/0' )  
         return  0 ;  
     return  getLen ( str  +  1 )  +  1 ;  
int  main ( int  argc ,  char  * argv [ ])  
     char  str [ ]  =  { "abcdefghigkl" } ;  
     cout  <<  getLen ( str )  <<  endl ;  
     system ( "PAUSE" ) ;  
     return  EXIT_SUCCESS ;  
int  strlen ( const  char  * str )
    return  * str ? ( strlen ( str +1 ) +1 ) : 0 ;
#include  <cstdlib>  
#include  <iostream>  
using  namespace  std ;  
int  getLen ( char  * str )  
     if ( * str ==  '/0' )  
         return  0 ;  
     return  getLen ( str  +  1 )  +  1 ;  
int  main ( int  argc ,  char  * argv [ ])  
     char  str [ ]  =  { "abcdefghigkl" } ;  
     cout  <<  getLen ( str )  <<  endl ;  
     system ( "PAUSE" ) ;  
     return  EXIT_SUCCESS ;  
int  strlen ( const  char  * str )
    return  * str ? ( strlen ( str +1 ) +1 ) : 0 ;
size_t  strlen ( const  char  * str )
     const  char  * eos = str ;
     while ( *( eos ++) ) ;
     return  ( eos - str -1 ) ;

1. 空链表不成环

   2. 一个节点自环

   3. 一条链表完整成环

【方法一】 空间复杂度 O(n),时间复杂度 O(N )

用一个哈希表 unordered_map<ListNode *, bool> visited,记录每个元素是否被访问过,一旦出现某个元素被重复访问,说明存在环。


 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
 * };
class  Solution  {
public :
     bool  hasCycle ( ListNode  * head )
      if ( head == nullptr )
          return  false ;
      unordered_map < ListNode * , bool >  visited(false) ;
      bool  isCycle = false ;
      while ( head != nullptr )
          if ( visited [ head ] == true )
               isCycle = true ;
               break ;
               visited [ head ] = true ;
          head = head -> next ;
      return  isCycle ;
} ;
  【方法二】 时间复杂度 O(n),空间复杂度 O(1) 的。





2)考虑一个特殊情况,当输入的链表为空时,算法应该返回false,空链表肯定是不含有环的。如果没有fast != null,也会导致fast.next抛出NullPointerException异常。    


 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
 * };
class  Solution  {
public :
     bool  hasCycle ( ListNode  * head )
      if ( head == nullptr )
          return  false ;
      ListNode  * slow = head ;
      ListNode  * fast = head ;
      while ( fast != nullptr && fast -> next != nullptr )
          slow = slow -> next ;
          fast = fast -> next -> next ;
          if ( slow == fast )
               return  true ;
      return  false ;
} ;









因为fast的速度是slow的两倍,所以fast走的距离是slow的两倍,有 2(a+b) = a+b+c+b,可以得到a=c(这个结论很重要!)



struct  ListNode
     int  val ;
     ListNode  * next ;
     ListNode ( int  x ) : val ( x ) , next ( nullptr ) { }
} ;
class  Solution
public :
     ListNode  * detectCycle ( ListNode  * head )
         if ( head == nullptr )
              return  nullptr ;
         ListNode  * slow = head ;
         ListNode  * fast = head ;
         ListNode  * slow2 = head ;
         while ( fast != nullptr && fast -> next != nullptr )
              slow = slow -> next ;
              fast = fast -> next -> next ;
              if ( fast == slow )
                   while ( slow != slow2 )
                        slow = slow -> next ;
                        slow2 = slow2 -> next ;
                   return  slow2 ;
         return  nullptr ;
} ;


1. 环的长度是多少?




因为fast的速度是slow的两倍,所以fast走的距离是slow的两倍,有 2(a+b) = a+b+c+b,可以得到a=c(这个结论很重要!)



2. 如何找到环中第一个节点(即Linked List Cycle II)?

      3. 如何将有环的链表变成单链表(解除环)?

      4. 如何判断两个单链表是否有交点?如何找到第一个相交的节点?
         先判断两个链表是否有环,如果一个有环一个没环,肯定不相交;如果两个都没有环,判断两个列表的尾部是否相等;如果两个都          有环,判断一个链表上的Z点是否在另一个链表上。
        求出两个链表的长度L1,L2(如果有环,则将Y点当做尾节点来算),假设L1<L2,用两个指针分别从两个链表的头部开始走,长度         为L2的链表先走(L2-L1)步,然后两个一起走,直到二者相遇。


//方法一: 递归;
//              则直接返回head1;如果head1链表的第一个数据小于head2链表的第一个数据,则把head1链表的
//              元素存储到新合并的链表中,递归遍历去掉第一个元素的head1链表和整个head2链表。如果head1
//              链表的第一个元素>=head2链表的第一个元素,则把head2链表的第一个元素存储到新合并的链表
//               中,递归遍历整个head1链表和去除第一个元素后的head2链表。直到两个链表的节点都被加入到
//               新合并的链表中。
//               递归终止条件:若head1为空,返回head2指针(head);若head2为空,返回head1指针(head);
//        递归方法所使用的栈空间与链表的长度成正比。  
ListNode  * mergeRecursive ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //head1head2
     if ( head1 == nullptr )
         return  head2 ;
     if ( head2 == nullptr )
         return  head1 ;
     ListNode  * newHead = nullptr ;
     if ( head1 -> val < head2 -> val )
         newHead = head1 ;
         newHead -> next = mergeRecursive ( head1 -> next , head2 ) ;
         newHead = head2 ;
         newHead -> next = mergeRecursive ( head1 , head2 -> next ) ;
     return  newHead ;

方法二 :非递归;

ListNode  * mergeList ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //head1head2
     ListNode  * newHead = new  ListNode ( 0 ) ;
     ListNode  * node = newHead ;
     while ( head1 != nullptr && head2 != nullptr )
         if ( head1 -> val < head2 -> val )
              node -> next = head1 ;
              node = head1 ;
              head1 = head1 -> next ;
              node -> next = head2 ;
              node = head2 ;
              head2 = head2 -> next ;
     if ( head1 != nullptr )
         node -> next = head1 ;
     if ( head2 != nullptr )
         node -> next = head2 ;
     return  newHead ;  //

 题目:一个无序链表 如list={1,8,10,2,3,4,4,2,5,6,3,12,4,7},要求去掉重复项,并保留原顺序,去重后list={1,8,10,2,3,4,5,6,12,7}。

ListNode  *  deleteDuplicateFromUnsortedList ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr && head -> next -> next == nullptr )
         return  head ;
      unordered_map < int , bool >  visited ( false ) ;
      ListNode  * pre = head ;
      ListNode  * cur = pre -> next ;
      ListNode  * tmp = nullptr ;
      while ( cur != nullptr )
          if ( visited [ cur -> val ])
              tmp = cur ;   //tmp
              pre -> next = cur -> next ;  //
              cur = cur -> next ;
              delete  tmp ;  //
               visited [ cur -> val ] = true ;
               pre = pre -> next ;
               cur = cur -> next ;
      return  head ;
//       1、建立指针cur用于遍历链表;
//       2、建立指针p,p遍历cur之后的节点,并与cur的内容进行比较;
//       3、建立指针tmp,tmp保存要删除的节点,把需要删除的节点前后相连,删除重复节点 
ListNode  *  deleteDuplicateFromUnsortedList2 ( ListNode  * head )
       if ( head -> next == nullptr )
           return  head ;
       ListNode  * cur = head -> next ;
       ListNode  * p = nullptr ;
       ListNode  * tmp = nullptr ;
       while ( cur != nullptr )
           p = cur ;
           while ( p -> next != nullptr )
                if ( p -> next -> val == cur -> val )
                     tmp = p -> next ;
                     p -> next = p -> next -> next ;
                     delete  tmp ;
                     p = p -> next ;
           cur = cur -> next ;
       return  head ;
ListNode  *  deleteDuplicateFromUnsortedList3 ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * tmp = head ;    //headtmphead
     head -> next = deleteDuplicateFromUnsortedList3 ( head -> next ) ; //head->nexthead
     ListNode  * cur = head -> next ; //curheadtmp=head
       while ( cur != nullptr )
           if ( cur -> val == head -> val ) //headheadhead
                tmp -> next = cur -> next ;
                delete  cur ;
                cur = tmp -> next ;
                cur = cur -> next ;
                tmp = tmp -> next ; //tempheadcurcur
       return  head ;




struct  ListNode
     int  val ;
     ListNode  * next ;
     ListNode ( int  x ) : val ( x ) , next ( nullptr ) { }
} ;
class  Solution
private :
     bool  hasCycle ( ListNode  * head )  //head
      if ( head == nullptr )
           return  false ;
      ListNode  * slow = head ;
      ListNode  * fast = head ;
      while ( fast != nullptr && fast -> next != nullptr )
           slow = slow -> next ;
           fast = fast -> next -> next ;
           if ( slow == fast )
                return  true ;
      return  false ;
private :
     ListNode  * detectCycle ( ListNode  * head ) //head
         if ( head == nullptr )
              return  nullptr ;
         ListNode  * slow = head ;
         ListNode  * fast = head ;
         ListNode  * slow2 = head ;
         while ( fast != nullptr && fast -> next != nullptr )
              slow = slow -> next ;
              fast = fast -> next -> next ;
              if ( fast == slow )
                   while ( slow != slow2 )
                        slow = slow -> next ;
                        slow2 = slow2 -> next ;
                   return  slow2 ;
         return  nullptr ;
private :
int  getListLength ( ListNode  * head )   //notehead
     int  len = 0 ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     while ( p != nullptr )
         ++ len ;
         p = p -> next ;
     return  len ;
public :
ListNode  *  findFristCommonNode1 ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //notehead
     if ( head1 -> next == nullptr || head2 -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "" << endl ;
              return  nullptr ;
     ListNode  * p1 = head1 -> next ;
     ListNode  * p2 = head2 -> next ;
     while ( p1 != nullptr )
         while ( p2 != nullptr )
              if ( p1 == p2 )
                   cout << "" << endl ;
                   return  p1 ;
                   p2 = p2 -> next ;
         p1 = p1 -> next ;
     cout << "" << endl ;
     return  nullptr ;
     ListNode  *  findFristCommonNode2 ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //notehead
         if ( head1 -> next == nullptr || head2 -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "" << endl ;
              return  nullptr ;
         int  len1 = getListLength ( head1 ) ;
         int  len2 = getListLength ( head2 ) ;
         int  k = len1 - len2 ;
         ListNode  * plong = nullptr ;
         ListNode  * pshort = nullptr ;
         if ( k > 0 )
              plong = head1 -> next ;
              pshort = head2 -> next ;
              while ( k -- )
                   plong = plong -> next ;
              plong = head2 -> next ;
              pshort = head1 -> next ;
              k = ( - k ) ;
              while ( k -- )
                   plong = plong -> next ;
         while ( plong != nullptr && pshort != nullptr && plong != pshort )
              plong = plong -> next ;
              pshort = pshort -> next ;
         if ( plong == pshort )
              cout << "" << endl ;
              return  plong ;
         cout << "" << endl ;
         return  nullptr ;
ListNode  *  findFristCommonNode3 ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //notehead
     if ( head1 -> next == nullptr || head2 -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "" << endl ;
              return  nullptr ;
     ListNode  * p = head1 -> next ;
     ListNode  * newHead = p ;
     while ( p -> next != nullptr )
         p = p -> next ;
     p -> next = head2 -> next ;
     if ( hasCycle ( newHead ))
          cout << ""  << endl ;
         return  detectCycle ( newHead ) ;
     cout << "" << endl ;
     return  nullptr ;
ListNode  *  findFristCommonNode4 ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //notehead
     if ( head1 -> next == nullptr || head2 -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "" << endl ;
              return  nullptr ;
     stack < ListNode  *> stack1 ;
     stack < ListNode  *> stack2 ;
     ListNode  * p1 = head1 -> next ;
     ListNode  * p2 = head2 -> next ;
     ListNode  * commonNode = nullptr ;
     while ( p1 != nullptr )
         stack1 . push ( p1 ) ;
         p1 = p1 -> next ;
     while ( p2 != nullptr )
         stack2 . push ( p2 ) ;
         p2 = p2 -> next ;
     while ( ! stack1 . empty ( ) &&! stack2 . empty() )
         ListNode  * node1 = stack1 . top ( ) ;
         ListNode  * node2 = stack2 . top ( ) ;
         if ( node1 == node2 )
              commonNode = node1 ;
              stack1 . pop ( ) ;
              stack2 . pop ( ) ;
              break ;
     return  commonNode ;
public :
bool  isHasCommonNode ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //notehead
     if ( head1 -> next == nullptr || head2 -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "" << endl ;
              return  false ;
     bool  cycle1 = hasCycle ( head1 -> next ) ;
     bool  cycle2 = hasCycle ( head2 -> next ) ;
     if (( cycle1 &&! cycle2 ) || ( ! cycle1 && cycle2 ))
         cout << "" << endl ;
         return  false ;
     if ( cycle1 && cycle2 )              
         ListNode  * R1 = detectCycle ( head1 -> next ) ;
         R1 -> next = nullptr ;
         ListNode  * R2 = detectCycle ( head2 -> next ) ;
         R2 -> next = nullptr ;
         ListNode  * commonNode1 = findFristCommonNode2 ( head1 , head2 ) ;
         if ( commonNode1 != nullptr )
              cout << ""  << endl ;
              cout << "" << commonNode1 -> val << endl ;
              return  true ;
              cout << ""  << endl ;
              return  false ;
     if ( ! cycle1 &&! cycle2 )
         ListNode  * commonNode2 = findFristCommonNode2 ( head1 , head2 ) ;
         if ( commonNode2 != nullptr )
              cout << "均无"  << endl ;
              cout << "" << commonNode2 -> val << endl ;
              return  true ;
              cout << ""  << endl ;
              return  false ;
     return  false ;
} ;


#include <iostream>
using  namespace  std ;
struct  ListNode
     int  val ;
     ListNode  * next ;
     ListNode ( int  x ) : val ( x ) , next ( nullptr ) { }
} ;
ListNode  * creat ( )
     ListNode  * head = new  ListNode ( -1 ) ;
     ListNode  * p = head ;
     ListNode  * node = nullptr ;
     int  x = 0 ;
     int  cycle = 1 ;
     while ( cycle )
         cout << "please input the data:" << endl ;
         cin >> x ;
         if ( x != 0 )        //0
              node = new  ListNode ( x ) ;
              p -> next = node ;
              p = node ;
              cycle = 0 ;
     p -> next = nullptr ;   //
     return  head ;
void  printList ( ListNode  * head )   //notehead
     if ( head -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "list is empty!" << endl ;
         return  ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     int  index = 0 ;
     while ( p != nullptr )
         cout << "" <<++ index << "" << p -> val << endl ;
         p = p -> next ;
ListNode  * searchNode ( ListNode  * head , int  pos ) //head
     if ( head -> next == nullptr || pos < 0 )
         return  nullptr ;
     if ( pos == 0 )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     while ( -- pos )
         p = p -> next ;
         if ( p == nullptr )
              cout << "incorrect postion to search node!" << endl ;
              break ;
     return  p ;
  ListNode  * findPre ( ListNode  * head , ListNode  * node )
      ListNode  * p = head ;
      while ( p -> next != node )
          p = p -> next ;
      return  p ;
ListNode  * swap ( ListNode  * head , ListNode  * node1 , ListNode  * node2 ) //notehead
     if ( head -> next == nullptr || node1 == nullptr || node2 == nullptr )
         cout << "invalid parameter:nullptr" << endl ;
         return  head ;
     if ( node1 == head || node2 == head )
         return  head ;
     if ( node1 -> val == node2 -> val )
         return  head ;
      ListNode  * preNode1 = findPre ( head , node1 ) ;
      ListNode  * postNode1 = node1 -> next ;
      ListNode  * preNode2 = findPre ( head , node2 ) ;
      ListNode  * postNode2 = node2 -> next ;
      if ( postNode1 == node2 )
          node1 -> next = postNode2 ;
          preNode1 -> next = node2 ;
          node2 -> next = node1 ;
      else  if ( postNode2 == node1 )
          node2 -> next = postNode1 ;
          preNode2 -> next = node1 ;
          node1 -> next = node2 ;
      else  if ( node1 != node2 )
          preNode1 -> next = node2 ;
          node2 -> next = postNode1 ;
          preNode2 -> next = node1 ;
          node1 -> next = postNode2 ;
      return  head ;
int  main ( )
     ListNode  * head = new  ListNode ( 0 ) ;
     head = creat ( ) ;
     cout << "" << endl ;
     printList ( head ) ;
     int  pos1 = 0 ;
     ListNode  * node1 = searchNode ( head , pos1 ) ;
     cout << "" << pos1 << "" << node1 -> val << endl ;
     int  pos2 = 6 ;
     ListNode  * node2 = searchNode ( head , pos2 ) ;
     cout << "" << pos2 << "" << node2 -> val << endl ;
     ListNode  * newHead = swap ( head , node1 , node2 ) ;
     cout << "" << endl ;
     printList ( newHead ) ;
     system ( "pause" ) ;
     return  0 ;

#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <stack>
using  namespace  std ;
struct  ListNode
     int  val ;
     ListNode  * next ;
     ListNode ( int  x ) : val ( x ) , next ( nullptr ) { }
} ;
ListNode  * creat ( )
     ListNode  * head = new  ListNode ( -1 ) ;
     ListNode  * p = head ;
     ListNode  * node = nullptr ;
     int  x = 0 ;
     int  cycle = 1 ;
     while ( cycle )
         cout << "please input the data:" << endl ;
         cin >> x ;
         if ( x != 0 )        //0
              node = new  ListNode ( x ) ;
              p -> next = node ;
              p = node ;
              cycle = 0 ;
     p -> next = nullptr ;   //
     return  head ;
void  printList ( ListNode  * head )   //notehead
     if ( head -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "list is empty!" << endl ;
         return  ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     int  index = 0 ;
     while ( p != nullptr )
         cout << "" <<++ index << "" << p -> val << endl ;
         p = p -> next ;
int  getListLength ( ListNode  * head )   //notehead
     int  len = 0 ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     while ( p != nullptr )
         ++ len ;
         p = p -> next ;
     return  len ;
ListNode  * insertList ( ListNode  * head , int  pos , int  data ) //notehead
      ListNode  * newNode = new  ListNode ( data ) ;
      ListNode  * p = head ;
      int  index = 1 ;
      while ( p != nullptr && index < pos )
           p = p -> next ;
           ++ index ;
      newNode -> next = p -> next ;
      p -> next = newNode ;
      return  head ;
ListNode  * deleteNode ( ListNode  * head , int  pos ) //pos11
         ListNode  * p = head ;
         if ( p -> next == nullptr )   //
                cout << "" << endl ;
              return  nullptr ;
         ListNode  * node = nullptr ;
         int  index = 1 ;
         while ( p != nullptr && index < pos )
              p = p -> next ;
              ++ index ;
         if ( p != nullptr && p -> next != nullptr )  
         node = p -> next ;
         p -> next = node -> next ;
         delete  node ;
         return  head ;
ListNode  * searchNode ( ListNode  * head , int  pos ) //head
     if ( head -> next == nullptr || pos < 0 )
         return  nullptr ;
     if ( pos == 0 )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     while ( -- pos )
         p = p -> next ;
         if ( p == nullptr )
              cout << "incorrect postion to search node!" << endl ;
              break ;
     return  p ;
//        slowfastslow
//        slowslow
ListNode  * searchMidNode ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * slow = head -> next ;
     ListNode  * fast = head -> next ;
     while ( fast != nullptr && fast -> next != nullptr && fast -> next -> next != nullptr ) //lenslowslowmid
         slow = slow -> next ;
         fast = fast -> next -> next ;
     return  slow ;
// k
//        p2p1
ListNode  * searchReverseKthNode ( ListNode  * head , int  k )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr || k == 0 )
        return  head ;
     ListNode  * p1 = head -> next ;
     ListNode  * p2 = head -> next ;
     while ( p2 != nullptr &&-- k )
         p2 = p2 -> next ;
     while ( p2 -> next != nullptr )
         p1 = p1 -> next ;
         p2 = p2 -> next ;
     return  p1 ;  
ListNode  * reverse ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr && head -> next -> next == nullptr )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * tail = head -> next ;
     ListNode  * cur = tail -> next ;
     while ( cur != nullptr )
         tail -> next = cur -> next ;
         cur -> next = head -> next ;
         head -> next = cur ;
         cur = tail -> next ;
     return  head ;
ListNode  * reverse2 ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * pre = head -> next ;
     ListNode  * cur = pre -> next ;
     pre -> next = nullptr ;  //
     ListNode  * tmp = nullptr ;
     while ( cur != nullptr )
         tmp = cur -> next ;
         cur -> next = pre ;
         pre = cur ;
         cur = tmp ;
     head -> next = pre ; //  
     return  head ;
//        nn+1
void  printListReversely ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next != nullptr )
         printListReversely ( head -> next ) ;
         cout << head -> next -> val << endl ;
//              head1head1head2head1
//              head1head2head1
//              >=head2head2
//               head1head2
//               head1head2headhead2head1head;
//        使
ListNode  * mergeRecursive ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //head1head2
     if ( head1 == nullptr )
         return  head2 ;
     if ( head2 == nullptr )
         return  head1 ;
     ListNode  * newHead = nullptr ;
     if ( head1 -> val < head2 -> val )
         newHead = head1 ;
         newHead -> next = mergeRecursive ( head1 -> next , head2 ) ;
         newHead = head2 ;
         newHead -> next = mergeRecursive ( head1 , head2 -> next ) ;
     return  newHead ;    //
// head1head2head1head2
//                 head1head2
ListNode  * mergeList ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //head1head2
     ListNode  * newHead = new  ListNode ( 0 ) ;
     ListNode  * node = newHead ;
     while ( head1 != nullptr && head2 != nullptr )
         if ( head1 -> val < head2 -> val )
              node -> next = head1 ;
              node = head1 ;
              head1 = head1 -> next ;
              node -> next = head2 ;
              node = head2 ;
              head2 = head2 -> next ;
     if ( head1 != nullptr )
         node -> next = head1 ;
     if ( head2 != nullptr )
         node -> next = head2 ;
     return  newHead ;  //
//  1hashkey
//  2
//     1hash
//     2hashhash
ListNode  *  deleteDuplicateFromUnsortedList ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr && head -> next -> next == nullptr )
         return  head ;
      unordered_map < int , bool >  visited ( false ) ;
      ListNode  * pre = head ;
      ListNode  * cur = pre -> next ;
      ListNode  * tmp = nullptr ;
      while ( cur != nullptr )
           if ( visited [ cur -> val ])
              tmp = cur ;   //tmp
              pre -> next = cur -> next ;  //
              cur = cur -> next ;
              delete  tmp ;  //
                visited [ cur -> val ] = true ;
                pre = pre -> next ;
                cur = cur -> next ;
      return  head ;
//       1cur
//       2ppcurcur
//       3tmptmp
ListNode  *  deleteDuplicateFromUnsortedList2 ( ListNode  * head )
       if ( head -> next == nullptr )
            return  head ;
       ListNode  * cur = head -> next ;
       ListNode  * p = nullptr ;
       ListNode  * tmp = nullptr ;
       while ( cur != nullptr )
            p = cur ;
            while ( p -> next != nullptr )
                 if ( p -> next -> val == cur -> val )
                      tmp = p -> next ;
                      p -> next = p -> next -> next ;
                      delete  tmp ;
                      p = p -> next ;
            cur = cur -> next ;
       return  head ;
ListNode  *  deleteDuplicateFromUnsortedList3 ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * tmp = head ;    //headtmphead
     head -> next = deleteDuplicateFromUnsortedList3 ( head -> next ) ; //head->nexthead
     ListNode  * cur = head -> next ; //curheadtmp=head
       while ( cur != nullptr )
            if ( cur -> val == head -> val ) //headheadhead
                 tmp -> next = cur -> next ;
                 delete  cur ;
                 cur = tmp -> next ;
                 cur = cur -> next ;
                 tmp = tmp -> next ; //tempheadcurcurtmpheadcurtemp->nextcur
       return  head ;
     bool  hasCycle ( ListNode  * head )  //head
      if ( head == nullptr )
           return  false ;
      ListNode  * slow = head ;
      ListNode  * fast = head ;
      while ( fast != nullptr && fast -> next != nullptr )
           slow = slow -> next ;
           fast = fast -> next -> next ;
           if ( slow == fast )
                return  true ;
      return  false ;
     ListNode  * detectCycle ( ListNode  * head ) //head
         if ( head == nullptr )
              return  nullptr ;
         ListNode  * slow = head ;
         ListNode  * fast = head ;
         ListNode  * slow2 = head ;
         while ( fast != nullptr && fast -> next != nullptr )
              slow = slow -> next ;
              fast = fast -> next -> next ;
              if ( fast == slow )
                   while ( slow != slow2 )
                        slow = slow -> next ;
                        slow2 = slow2 -> next ;
                   return  slow2 ;
         return  nullptr ;
ListNode  *  findFristCommonNode1 ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 )
     if ( head1 -> next == nullptr || head2 -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "" << endl ;
              return  nullptr ;
     ListNode  * p1 = head1 -> next ;
     ListNode  * p2 = head2 -> next ;
     while ( p1 != nullptr )
         while ( p2 != nullptr )
              if ( p1 == p2 )
                   cout << "" << endl ;
                   return  p1 ;
                   p2 = p2 -> next ;
         p1 = p1 -> next ;
     return  nullptr ;
     ListNode  *  findFristCommonNode2 ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 )
         if ( head1 -> next == nullptr || head2 -> next == nullptr )
              cout << "" << endl ;
              return  nullptr ;
         int  len1 = getListLength ( head1 ) ;
         int  len2 = getListLength ( head2 ) ;
         int  k = len1 - len2 ;
         ListNode  * plong = nullptr ;
         ListNode  * pshort = nullptr ;
         if ( k > 0 )
              plong = head1 -> next ;
              pshort = head2 -> next ;
              while ( k -- )
                   plong = plong -> next ;
              plong = head2 -> next ;
              pshort = head1 -> next ;
              k = ( - k ) ;
              while ( k -- )
                   plong = plong -> next ;
         while ( plong != nullptr && pshort != nullptr && plong != pshort )
              plong = plong -> next ;
              pshort = pshort -> next ;
         if ( plong == pshort )
              return  plong ;
         return  nullptr ;
ListNode  *  findFristCommonNode3 ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 )
     if ( head1 -> next == nullptr || head2 -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "" << endl ;
              return  nullptr ;
     ListNode  * p = head1 -> next ;
     ListNode  * newHead = p ;
     while ( p -> next != nullptr )
         p = p -> next ;
     p -> next = head2 -> next ;
     if ( hasCycle ( newHead ))
         return  detectCycle ( newHead ) ;
     return  nullptr ;
ListNode  *  findFristCommonNode4 ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //notehead
     if ( head1 -> next == nullptr || head2 -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "" << endl ;
              return  nullptr ;
     stack < ListNode  *> stack1 ;
     stack < ListNode  *> stack2 ;
     ListNode  * p1 = head1 -> next ;
     ListNode  * p2 = head2 -> next ;
     ListNode  * commonNode = nullptr ;
     while ( p1 != nullptr )
         stack1 . push ( p1 ) ;
         p1 = p1 -> next ;
     while ( p2 != nullptr )
         stack2 . push ( p2 ) ;
         p2 = p2 -> next ;
     while ( ! stack1 . empty ( ) &&! stack2 . empty ( ))
         ListNode  * node1 = stack1 . top ( ) ;
         ListNode  * node2 = stack2 . top ( ) ;
         if ( node1 == node2 )
              commonNode = node1 ;
              stack1 . pop ( ) ;
              stack2 . pop ( ) ;
              break ;
     return  commonNode ;
bool  isHasCommonNode ( ListNode  * head1 , ListNode  * head2 ) //notehead
     if ( head1 -> next == nullptr || head2 -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "" << endl ;
              return  false ;
     bool  cycle1 = hasCycle ( head1 -> next ) ;
     bool  cycle2 = hasCycle ( head2 -> next ) ;
     if (( cycle1 &&! cycle2 ) || ( ! cycle1 && cycle2 ))
         cout << "" << endl ;
         return  false ;
     if ( cycle1 && cycle2 )              
         ListNode  * R1 = detectCycle ( head1 -> next ) ;
         R1 -> next = nullptr ;
         ListNode  * R2 = detectCycle ( head2 -> next ) ;
         R2 -> next = nullptr ;
         ListNode  * commonNode1 = findFristCommonNode2 ( head1 , head2 ) ;
         if ( commonNode1 != nullptr )
              cout << ""  << endl ;
              cout << "" << commonNode1 -> val << endl ;
              return  true ;
              cout << ""  << endl ;
              return  false ;
     if ( ! cycle1 &&! cycle2 )
         ListNode  * commonNode2 = findFristCommonNode2 ( head1 , head2 ) ;
         if ( commonNode2 != nullptr )
              cout << ""  << endl ;
              cout << "" << commonNode2 -> val << endl ;
              return  true ;
              cout << ""  << endl ;
              return  false ;
     return  false ;

int  main ( )
    ListNode *head=new ListNode(0);
    int len=getListLength(head);
    int pos=1;
    int data=50;
    int i=5;
    deleteNode(head, i);
    int pos2=0;
    ListNode *snode=searchNode(head,pos2);
    ListNode *mid=searchMidNode(head);
    int k=1;
    ListNode *kNode=searchReverseKthNode(head,k);
    ListNode *rhead=reverse(head);
    ListNode *rhead=reverse2(head);
    ListNode *head1=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *head2=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *newHead=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *newHead1=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *head3=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *head4=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *newHead2=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *head5=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *newHead5=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *head6=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *newHead6=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *head7=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *newHead7=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *head3=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *head1=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *newHead1=head1;
    ListNode *head2=new ListNode(0);
    ListNode *newHead2=head2;
    ListNode *newHead7=new ListNode(0);
    bool hasCom=isHasCommonNode(head1,head2);
    system ( "pause" ) ;
     return  0 ;






p = R1 -> next ;  //R1
R1 -> next = R2 -> next -> next ; //
delete  R2 -> next ; //
R2 -> next = p ; //

  void  deletePreNodeInSingleLoopList ( ListNode  * head , ListNode  * s )
      if ( head == nullptr || head -> next == nullptr )
          return ;
      ListNode  * p = s ;
      ListNode  * q = nullptr ;
      while ( p -> next -> next != s )
          q = p ;
          p = p -> next ;
      q -> next = s ;
      delete  p ;


// 1,2...NN
#include  <iostream>
using  namespace  std ;
struct  ListNode 
     int  val ;
     ListNode  * next ;
     ListNode ( int  x ) : val ( x ) , next ( nullptr ) { }
} ;
ListNode  *  creatSingleLoopList ( int  n )       //
     ListNode  * rear = nullptr ;
     if ( n != 0 )
         ListNode  * beginNode = new  ListNode ( -1 ) ;
         rear = beginNode ;
         int  value = 1 ;
         ListNode  * node = nullptr ;
         while ( value <= n )
              node = new  ListNode ( value ) ;
              rear -> next = node ;
              node -> next = beginNode ;
              rear = node ;
              ++ value ;
         rear -> next = beginNode -> next ;
         delete  beginNode ;
     return  rear ;
void  printSingleLoopList ( ListNode  * rear )  // //
     if ( rear -> next == nullptr )
         cout << "list is empty!" << endl ;
     ListNode  * p = rear ;
     int  i = 1 ;
     while ( p -> next != rear )
         p = p -> next ;
         cout << i ++<< ":" << p -> val << endl ;
     p = p -> next ;   //
     cout << i ++<< ":" << p -> val << endl ;
int  main ( )
    int n=15;
    ListNode *rear=creatSingleLoopList (n);
     int  n = 10 ;
     int  m = 6 ;
     ListNode  * rear = creatSingleLoopList  ( n ) ;
     printSingleLoopList ( rear ) ;
     ListNode  * prear = creatSingleLoopList  ( n ) ;
     ListNode  * pcur = prear -> next ;  
     m %= n ;
     while ( pcur != pcur -> next )
         for ( int  i = 1 ; i < m -1 ; ++ i )
              pcur = pcur -> next ;
         cout << pcur -> next -> val << endl ; //m
           //m=pcur->next->val;    //mMM
         ListNode  * tmp = pcur -> next ;
         pcur -> next = pcur -> next -> next ;
         pcur = pcur -> next ;
         delete  tmp ;
     cout << pcur -> val << endl ;  //
     system ( "pause" ) ;
     return  0 ;

#include <iostream>
using  namespace  std ;
struct  ListNode
     int  val ;
     ListNode  * prior ;
     ListNode  * next ;
     ListNode ( int  x ) : val ( x ) , prior ( nullptr ) , next ( nullptr ) { }
} ;
  ListNode  * creatDList ( )
      ListNode  * beginNode = new  ListNode ( -1 ) ;
      beginNode -> prior = nullptr ;
      beginNode -> next = nullptr ;
      ListNode  * p = beginNode ;
      int  x = 0 ;
      int  cycle = 1 ;
      while ( cycle )
         cout << "please input the data:" << endl ;
         cin >> x ;
         if ( x != 0 )        //0
              ListNode  * node = new  ListNode ( x ) ;
              p -> next = node ;
              node -> prior = p ;
              node -> next = nullptr ;
              p = node ;
              cycle = 0 ;
     return  beginNode ;
  void  printDList ( ListNode  * head )
      if ( head -> next == nullptr )
          cout << "list is empty!" << endl ;
          return ;
      ListNode  * q = head -> next ;
      int  index = 1 ;
      while ( q != nullptr )
          cout << index ++<< "" << q -> val << endl ;
          q = q -> next ;
  int  getDListLength ( ListNode  * head )
      if ( head -> next == nullptr )
          cout << "list is empty!" << endl ;
          return  0 ;
      int  index = 0 ;
      ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
      while ( p != nullptr )
          ++ index ;
          p = p -> next ;
      return  index ;
  bool  isEmpty ( ListNode  * head )
      if ( head -> prior == head -> next )
          return  true ;
          return  false ;
ListNode  * searchNode ( ListNode  * head , int  pos )
     if ( head -> next == nullptr || pos < 0 )
         return  nullptr ;
     if ( pos == 0 )
         return  head ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     while ( -- pos )
         p = p -> next ;
         if ( p == nullptr )
              cout << "incorrect postion to search node!" << endl ;
              break ;
     return  p ;
ListNode  * insertDList ( ListNode  * head , int  pos , int  data )
      int  len = getDListLength ( head ) ;
      ListNode  * newNode = new  ListNode ( data ) ;
      ListNode  * p = nullptr ;
      if ( pos == 0 )   //
          newNode -> next = head -> next ;
          newNode -> prior = head ;
          head -> next -> prior = newNode ;
          head -> next = newNode ;
      else  if ( pos > 0 && pos < len +1 ) //
          p = searchNode ( head , pos -1 ) ;  //i-1
          newNode -> next = p -> next ;
          newNode -> prior = p ;
          p -> next -> prior = newNode ;
          p -> next = newNode ;
      else  if ( pos == len +1 )  //
          p = searchNode ( head , pos -1 ) ;
          newNode -> next = nullptr ;
          newNode -> prior = p ;
          p -> next = newNode ;
      else   //
        cout << "incorrect postion to insert node!" << endl ;
      return  head ;
ListNode  * deleteNode ( ListNode  * head , int  pos )
     ListNode  * p = searchNode ( head , pos ) ; //i
     if ( p == nullptr )  //
         cout << "incorrect postion to delete node!" << endl ;
     else  if ( p -> prior == nullptr ) //
         if ( p -> next != nullptr ) //
           p -> next -> prior = nullptr ;
           ListNode  * newBeginNode = new  ListNode ( -2 ) ;
            newBeginNode -> next = p -> next ;
           delete  p ;
           return  newBeginNode ;
     else  if ( p -> next == nullptr ) // 
         p -> prior -> next = nullptr ;
         delete  p ;
     else    //
         p -> prior -> next = p -> next ;
         p -> next -> prior = p -> prior ;
         delete  p ;
     return  head ;
void  clearDList ( ListNode  * head )
     ListNode  * tmp = nullptr ;
     ListNode  * p = head -> next ;
     while ( p != nullptr )
         tmp = p -> next ;
         delete  p ;
         p = tmp ;
     head -> next = head -> prior = nullptr ;
void  printReversely ( ListNode  * head )
     if ( head -> next != nullptr )
          int  index = 1 ;
          printReversely ( head -> next ) ;
          cout << index ++<< "" << head -> next -> val << endl ;
         cout << "list is empty!" << endl ;
  int  main ( )
      ListNode  * head = creatDList ( ) ;
      cout << "" << endl ;
      printDList ( head ) ;
      int  len = getDListLength ( head ) ;
      cout << "" << len << endl ;
      int  pos1 = 7 ;
      ListNode  * sNode = searchNode ( head , pos1 ) ;
      if ( sNode != nullptr )
        cout << "" << pos1 << "" << sNode -> val << endl ;
      int  pos2 = 7 ;
      int  data = 88 ;
      ListNode  * head1 = insertDList ( head , pos2 , data ) ;
      cout << "" << endl ;
      printDList ( head1 ) ;
      int  pos3 = 0 ;
      ListNode  * head2 = deleteNode ( head , pos3 ) ;
      cout << "" << endl ;
      printDList ( head2 ) ;
      if ( pos3 == 0 )
         cout << endl ;
         cout << head2 -> val ;
      bool  flag = isEmpty ( head ) ;
      if ( flag )
          cout << "list is empty!" << endl ;
          cout << "list is not empty!" << endl ;
      clearDList ( head ) ;
      cout << "" << endl ;
      printDList ( head ) ;
      cout << "" << endl ;
      printReversely ( head ) ;
      cout << "" << endl ;
      printDList ( head ) ;
      system ( "pause" ) ;
      return  0 ;





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