Step-by-step guide on File-to-IDoc using SAP PI 7.0



Brief Overview:

The purpose of thisexercise is to implement a simple one way Asynchronous link between a filesender and SAP R/3 system using SAP XI/PI. Custom XML Document ContainingVendor information is picked up from the FTP server by file adapter. TheMessage is mapped to IDoc –XML format & then routed to the IDoc adapter.The CREMAS IDoc is then posted into the backend R/3 System and vendor will becreated by the R/3 system provided that it has authorization to do so.  


1.     Basic Knowledge of SAP PI/ XI 7.0

2.     Business Systemconfiguration in SLD is not covered in detail.  

3.     FTP configuration shouldbe in place to pick up flat file from specified  location

4.     Try creating a vendor inR/3 using transaction XK01 and get list of mandatory fields that are necessaryin the source file structure  


A.) Maintain XI/PI System (Pick File – Transform into IDocxml)     

 A.1) Maintain SLD (SystemLandscape Directory)

This Document does notcontain configuration steps for creating the Business System, Technical system,Product & Software component. It is assumed that the sender and receiverBusiness Systems are already created along with corresponding Technical System,Product, Software components. Also the Software Component is imported intoIntegration Repository.

In thisExample,  

Sender Business System: TBIT40_Legacy_BS_DS

Receiver Business System: CX1_Business_System

Software Component: TBIT40_DS_SWCW, 1.0 ofSAP     

A.2) Maintain IR(Integration Repository)  

A.2.1 Importing IDoc fromSAP R/3 System

Double Click on yourSoftware Component in the Integration Repository.

Select the radio Button “Import of RFC and IDocinterfaces from SAP system Permitted

Enter the Connection Datafor Import from SAP System

Add a new Namespace “”.

Click on SAVE & Activate.  

Now right click onImported Object under your Software Component and click on Import of SAPObjects.  

Give the relevant SenderSystem information

Select the IDoc CREMAS03and click continue  


Click finish to startimport. Once the IDoc is successfully imported save & activate it.

Note: We dont need any Data Type,Message Type and Message Interface for Receiver side as IDoc itself will beused for receiver Data Type, Message Type and Message Interface.  

A.2.2 Create DataType for Sender:

Go to Interface Objectstab in your namespace.

Go to Data type and Clickon new

Here we will create adata type Address_DT and Vendor_DT.

Address_DT will be referred as type forone of the field in the Vendor_DT.

This is called as Nestingof Data types.

This is achieved bySelecting “Search Help” from the Drop downmenu. There you will be able to select any existing data type in the SAME SoftwareComponent  


The Structure of Bothdata types are as follows  



A.2.3 Create MessageType for Sender:

 In the Left Frame,Right Click on the Node Message type and select “New”.  

The Name of the Messagetype will be “Vendor”.

Note: Message type formsthe root element of the XML business Document.

For section “data type used”, select your data type “Vendor_ DT” from F4 help.

Save &activate.  



A.2.3 Create MessageInterface for Receiver:

In the Left Frame, RightClick on the Node Message Interface and select “New”

The Name of the MessageInterface will be “Vendor_out”.

The Interface Shouldbe OUTBOUND & ASYNCHRONOUS

It should Reference themessage type “Vendor_MT

Save & activate.

A.2.3 Create MessageMapping:

Create a graphicalmapping between the Custom XML message & IDoc CREMAS03

In the left frame, rightclick on the Message Mapping under “Message objects”tab and select “new”.

The Name of the MessageMapping will be “Vendor_CREMA03”.

Source message “Vendor

Target message “CREMAS.CREMAS03”.

Perform the Mapping ofeach target field with suitable source fields as per your requirements.

Save & activate.

A.2.3 CreateInterface Mapping:

Now Create the InterfaceMapping “Vendor_out_CREMAS03

In the left frame, rightclick on the Interface Mapping under “Message objects”tab and select “new”.

Source Interface: “Vendor_out

Target Interface: “CREMAS.CREMAS03

Mapping Program: “Vendor_CREMA03”

Save &activate  

A.3) Create RFCDestination in XI system pointing to Receiver R/3 System  

Create a RFCdestination RFC_CX1 of type 3(ABAP connection) inthe sender XI system, pointing to receiver R/3 System.

This RFC Destination willbe used to remotely logon to receiver system so as to post IDoc into receiverR/3 system.  

A.3) Create RFC Port forthe RFC Destination created above  

Go to Transaction IDX1and create a RFC port “SAPCX1” for the RFC destination“RFC_CX1” created above.  

A.4) Maintain ID(Integration Directory)  

A.4.1 CreateConfiguration Scenario  

Open IntegrationDirectory

Create a newConfiguration Scenario or use an existing one. In our example scenario “TBIT40_WORKSHOP_SD” will contain all ourscenario objects.  

A.4.2 Add Sender andreceiver Business System.

Add sender and receiverbusiness System in your Configuration scenario

Please verify that theAdapter specific parameters for both these Sender & receiver System arefilled in properly.


A.4.3 Create SenderCommunication Channel  

Go to your SenderBusiness System, right click on communication channel and select “new”.

Create a new receivercommunication channel “File_Sender_DS1”.

Select the SenderRadio button to identify the channel as sender.

Adapter type: File

Transport Protocol: FileTransfer Protocol (FTP)

Message Protocol: File

Adapter Engine: IntegrationServer.

Source Directory: /XMLFiles

File name: Vendor_DS.xml

Provide Your FTP serverDetails

Quality of service: Exactlyonce

Poll interval(secs.): 60

Processing Mode: Delete

Save & activate.

A.4.4 CreateReceiver Communication Channel.  

Go to your ReceiverBusiness System, right click on communication channel and select “new”.

Create a new receivercommunication channel “IDoc_rcv”.

Select the ReceiverRadio button to identify the channel as receiver.

Adapter type: IDoc

Transport Protocol: IDoc

Message Protocol: IDoc

Adapter Engine: IntegrationServer.

RFC Destination: RFC_CX1

Interface version: SAPRelease 4.0 or higher

Port: SAPCX1

Save &activate.  

A.4.5 CreateReceiver Determination.  

Create a new ReceiverDetermination.

Sender service: TBIT40_Legacy_BS_DS

Interface: Vendor_out


Note: If you are notable to see your sender interface when you click F4, then Select ALL under InterfaceSelection option.  

Enter your receiverbusiness system “CX1_Business_System”.  Save.

A.4.6 CreateInterface Determination.

Create a new InterfaceDetermination.

Sender service: “TBIT40_Legacy_BS_DS

Interface: “Vendor_out


Inbound Interface: “CREMAS.CREMAS03”

Namespace: “urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages”

Interface mapping: “Vendor_out_CREMAS03”

Save &activate  

A.4.7 CreateReceiver Agreement.  

Sender service: “TBIT40_Legacy_BS_DS

Receiver service: “CX1_Business_System

Inbound Interface: “CREMAS.CREMAS03”

Namespace: “urn:sap-com:document:sap:idoc:messages”

Select the ReceiverCommunication Channel “IDoc_rcv” created above.

Save &activate.  

A.4.8 CreateSender Agreement

Sender service: “TBIT40_Legacy_BS_DS

Interface: “Vendor_out


Select the senderCommunication channel “File_Sender_DS1” created above.


B.) Maintain R/3 Receiver System (For receiving IDoc from XI)     

B.1) Create LogicalSystem (LS) for IDoc Sender System:

Go to Transaction BD54


Click on New EntriesButton

Enter Logical System Nameof your Receiver Business System (WESS in this example)  

Now click on save. Hereone window may appear (if so) just click on continue. Now the Logical System(LS) is ready

B.2)Create Partner Profile with Inbound Parameter.

Maintain the PartnerProfile for Sender File System and add the inbound parameter as follows: 

Go to Transaction WE20

Select Partner Type LSfrom Partner (left tree panel)

Click on Create Button

Enter Logical System Namewhich we have just created in step 5 as Partner No.(WESS), Partner Type shouldbe LS (Just Check), Agent (some valid data) Language (EN).

Now click on Save              

Now we need to addInbound Parameter, so click on Add to create inbound parameter.

Select the Message Typeas CREMAS

Select Process Code asCRE1

Select Triggerimmediately.  

Click on Save & goback to previous screen.

Here you will see MessageType CREMAS is added in the inbound parameter.

Testing the Scenario

Putthe file containing vendor data ”Vendor_DS.xml” on to the FTP server().

Thefile should be picked up by the sender channel “File_Sender_DS1

Logon to XI system to see whether the message has been successfully processed byXI or not in transaction SXMB_MONI.

In backend R/3 system, goto transaction WE05 and verify that your IDoc was posted or not.

If every thing goes wellthen IDoc should have status as 53.

Expand the status recordof the IDoc to see the Vendor Number that was created.

Check in transaction “MK03” that your vendor wascreated.





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