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翻译 AndroidAnnotations——SharedPreferencesHelpers

SharedPreferencesHelpersSince AndroidAnnotations 2.1SharedPreferences helpers allow you to use Android SharedPreferences, but in a typesafe manner, instead of using strings.Sha

2013-12-17 09:49:14 2587 4

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——OnActivityResult

OnActivityResultSince AndroidAnnotations 2.7This annotation is intended to be used on methods to receive results from an activity started withandroid.app.Activity.startActivityForRes

2013-12-16 15:34:56 1669

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——BackgroundTasksAndActivityBinding后台任务和activity绑定

BackgroundTasksAndActivityBindingSince AndroidAnnotations 2.5Like an AsyncTask, @Background does not handle any lifecycle changes on your activities.和AsyncTask类似, @Background 不会处理任

2013-12-16 14:03:29 1164

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Publish progress显示进度

Publish progressSince AndroidAnnotations 1.0Publish progress made easyIt's actually quite easy to deal with progress reports when you let AndroidAnnotations handle thread related

2013-12-16 13:23:27 1532

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Fork join

Fork joinSince AndroidAnnotations 1.0Fork / Join for the poor Android devLet's say you want to split a background operation into two separate operations that run concurrently, an

2013-12-16 13:16:12 919

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——WorkingWithThreads线程操作

WorkingWithThreads04/03/2013 The 2.7.1 release is outUsing AndroidAnnotationsGet started!DownloadCookbook, full of recipesList of all available annotationsRelease NotesExamples

2013-12-16 11:21:37 1568

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Handling options menu处理选项菜单

Handling options menuSince AndroidAnnotations 2.2You can easily add options menu support in your activities, with the @OptionsMenu and@OptionsItem annotations.你可以使用 @Option

2013-12-16 10:58:47 1271

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——TextChangeEvents文本改变事件

TextChangeEventsSince AndroidAnnotations 2.6@TextChangeThis annotation is intended to be used on methods to receive events defined byandroid.text.TextWatcher.onTextChanged(

2013-12-16 09:17:57 1937

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Adapters and lists 适配器和列表

Adapters and listsThis is just a simple demonstration of how you could handle Adapters and AdapterViews in a simple way with AndroidAnnotations.这是一个使用AndroidAnnotations处理 Adapters和 A

2013-12-13 16:13:06 2263

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——SeekBarEventsSeekBar事件

SeekBarEventsSince AndroidAnnotations 2.7You can bind methods to handle specific events from SeekBar view.你可以绑定方法去处理来自 SeekBar视图的指定的事件。@SeekBarProgressChangeT

2013-12-09 19:52:08 1005

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Listening to AdapterViewEvents监听适配器视图事件

AdapterViewEvents适配器视图事件Since AndroidAnnotations 1.0You can bind methods to handle events on items in an AdapterView:你可以绑定方法来处理适配器视图中项目的事件:Item clicks with @ItemClickLong ite

2013-12-07 20:37:54 1294

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——ClickEvents单击事件

ClickEvents04/03/2013 The 2.7.1 release is outUsing AndroidAnnotationsGet started!DownloadCookbook, full of recipesList of all available annotationsRelease NotesExamplesQuestio

2013-12-07 20:05:28 1880

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Injecting FragmentArg注入Fragment参数

FragmentArgSince AndroidAnnotations 2.7@FragmentArgThe @FragmentArg annotation indicates that a fragment field should be injected with the corresponding Fragment Argument

2013-12-06 08:56:30 2803

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Simple HTTPS 简单的HTTPS

不熟悉这块,所以前面的解释没怎么懂,例子倒是蛮好懂的Simple HTTPSSince AndroidAnnotations 2.6@HttpsClientThe @HttpsClient simplifies HTTPS requests by injecting a HttpClient instance with a con

2013-12-05 16:25:46 1374

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Reinject NonConfiguration Instance重新注入NonConfiguration 实例

NonConfiguration InstanceSince AndroidAnnotations 2.5When a configuration change occurs, your activities are usually destroyed and recreated. This behavior is great to reload r

2013-12-04 20:39:46 1238

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Injecting html注入html文本

Injecting html注入htmlSince AndroidAnnotations 2.2If you want to inject HTML text in a TextView (may it be to format it or because you love HTML), there are two annotations that ca

2013-12-04 20:16:28 813

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Injecting SystemServices注入系统服务

SystemServicesSince AndroidAnnotations 1.0Standard Android System Service injectionRetrieving Android System Services requires remembering the name of the constant, and casti

2013-12-04 20:14:52 1251

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Injecting Extras注入Extras

ExtrasSince AndroidAnnotations 1.0@ExtraThe @Extra annotation indicates that an activity field should be injected with the correspondingExtra from the Intent that was used to

2013-12-04 20:12:46 1425

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Injecting project Resources注入项目资源

ResourcesSince AndroidAnnotations 1.0All @XXXRes annotations indicate that an activity field should be injected with the correspondingAndroid resource from your res folder. The r

2013-12-04 20:11:28 1063

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Injecting Views视图注入

Injecting Views视图注入Since AndroidAnnotations 1.0@ViewByIdThe @ViewById annotation indicates that an activity field should be bound with the corresponding View component from t

2013-12-04 20:09:55 2024

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Enhance contentproviders优化ContentProvider

Enhance contentproviders优化ContentProviderSince AndroidAnnotations 2.4You can enhance an Android Content Provider with the @EProvider annotation:你可以使用 @EProvider 优化Android Content

2013-12-04 16:59:52 842

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Enhance broadcastreceivers优化广播接收器

Enhance broadcastreceivers优化广播接收器Since AndroidAnnotations 2.4You can enhance an Android BroadcastReceiver with the @EReceiver annotation:你可以使用@EReceiver 优化一个Android广播接收器:

2013-12-04 16:57:37 1032

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Enhance services优化服务

Enhance services 优化servicesSince AndroidAnnotations 2.4You can enhance an Android Service with the @EService annotation:你可以使用 @EService 优化一个Android Service:@EServicepu

2013-12-04 16:55:55 1067

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Enhancing the Application class优化Application类

Enhancing the Application class 优化Application类Since AndroidAnnotations 2.4You can enhance your Android Application class with the @EApplication annotation:你可以使用 @EApplication

2013-12-04 16:53:49 1198

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Enhance custom views 优化自定义组件

Enhance custom views 优化自定义组件@EView and @EViewGroup are the annotations to use if you want to create custom components.假如你想创建自定义组件,你可以使用@EView和@EViewGroup注解。Why should I use custo

2013-12-04 16:49:41 1584

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Enhance custom classes 优化自定义类

Enhance custom classesSince AndroidAnnotations 2.4Enhancing custom classes 优化自定义类You can use annotations in a class that is not a standard Android component (such as an Act

2013-12-04 16:42:30 1853

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Enhance Fragments 优化Fragments

Enhance Fragments 优化FragmentsSupport for FragmentActivity 对FragmentActivity的支持Since AndroidAnnotations 2.1Prior to AndroidAnnotations 2.6, there was no support for fragment

2013-12-04 15:55:43 3921 6

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Enhance activities 优化Activities

Enhance activitiesSince AndroidAnnotations 1.0@EActivityThe @EActivity annotation indicates that an activity will be enhanced by AndroidAnnotations. Its value parameter m

2013-12-04 15:34:28 1192

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——Annotation recipes 注解使用方法

Annotation recipes 注解使用方法Enhanced components 优化的组件How to enhance ActivitiesHow to enhance FragmentsHow to enhance custom classesHow to enhance custom viewsHow to enhance your Application cla

2013-12-04 15:29:01 2460

翻译 AndroidAnnotations——How It Works,AndroidAnnotation是如何工作的

How It WorksOverview 概述AndroidAnnotations works in a very simple way. It automatically adds an extra compilation step that generates source code, using the standard Java Annotation P

2013-12-04 15:22:05 1642

翻译 Androidannotations——Home主页,了解AndroidAnnotations

做好AndroidAnnotations的准备工作以后,就可以开始了解如何使用了AndroidAnnotations在Github上有详细的说明文档,英文好的可以直接去阅读下面文章内容都是简单翻译说明文档,不当之处,还请不吝指教。Home主页04/03/2013 The 2.7.1 release is outUsing Androi

2013-12-04 15:11:00 1657

原创 Androidannotations——开源框架简介&简易使用准备


2013-12-04 14:57:09 2150 1





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