



#define KERN_SUCCESS            0

#define KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS        1
        /* Specified address is not currently valid.

        /* Specified memory is valid, but does not permit the
         * required forms of access.

#define KERN_NO_SPACE           3
        /* The address range specified is already in use, or
         * no address range of the size specified could be
         * found.

        /* The function requested was not applicable to this
         * type of argument, or an argument is invalid

#define KERN_FAILURE            5
        /* The function could not be performed.  A catch-all.

        /* A system resource could not be allocated to fulfill
         * this request.  This failure may not be permanent.

#define KERN_NOT_RECEIVER       7
        /* The task in question does not hold receive rights
         * for the port argument.

#define KERN_NO_ACCESS          8
        /* Bogus access restriction.

        /* During a page fault, the target address refers to a
         * memory object that has been destroyed.  This
         * failure is permanent.

#define KERN_MEMORY_ERROR       10
        /* During a page fault, the memory object indicated
         * that the data could not be returned.  This failure
         * may be temporary; future attempts to access this
         * same data may succeed, as defined by the memory
         * object.

#define KERN_ALREADY_IN_SET     11
        /* The receive right is already a member of the portset.

#define KERN_NOT_IN_SET         12
        /* The receive right is not a member of a port set.

#define KERN_NAME_EXISTS        13
        /* The name already denotes a right in the task.

#define KERN_ABORTED            14
        /* The operation was aborted.  Ipc code will
         * catch this and reflect it as a message error.

#define KERN_INVALID_NAME       15
        /* The name doesn't denote a right in the task.

#define KERN_INVALID_TASK       16
        /* Target task isn't an active task.

#define KERN_INVALID_RIGHT      17
        /* The name denotes a right, but not an appropriate right.

#define KERN_INVALID_VALUE      18
        /* A blatant range error.

#define KERN_UREFS_OVERFLOW     19
        /* Operation would overflow limit on user-references.

        /* The supplied (port) capability is improper.

#define KERN_RIGHT_EXISTS       21
        /* The task already has send or receive rights
         * for the port under another name.

#define KERN_INVALID_HOST       22
        /* Target host isn't actually a host.

#define KERN_MEMORY_PRESENT     23
        /* An attempt was made to supply "precious" data
         * for memory that is already present in a
         * memory object.

#define KERN_MEMORY_DATA_MOVED      24
        /* A page was requested of a memory manager via
         * memory_object_data_request for an object using
         * a MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_CALL strategy, with the
         * VM_PROT_WANTS_COPY flag being used to specify
         * that the page desired is for a copy of the
         * object, and the memory manager has detected
         * the page was pushed into a copy of the object
         * while the kernel was walking the shadow chain
         * from the copy to the object. This error code
         * is delivered via memory_object_data_error
         * and is handled by the kernel (it forces the
         * kernel to restart the fault). It will not be
         * seen by users.

        /* A strategic copy was attempted of an object
         * upon which a quicker copy is now possible.
         * The caller should retry the copy using
         * vm_object_copy_quickly. This error code
         * is seen only by the kernel.

        /* An argument applied to assert processor set privilege
         * was not a processor set control port.

#define KERN_POLICY_LIMIT       27
        /* The specified scheduling attributes exceed the thread's
         * limits.

#define KERN_INVALID_POLICY     28
        /* The specified scheduling policy is not currently
         * enabled for the processor set.

#define KERN_INVALID_OBJECT     29
        /* The external memory manager failed to initialize the
         * memory object.

#define KERN_ALREADY_WAITING        30
        /* A thread is attempting to wait for an event for which 
         * there is already a waiting thread.

#define KERN_DEFAULT_SET        31
        /* An attempt was made to destroy the default processor
         * set.

        /* An attempt was made to fetch an exception port that is
         * protected, or to abort a thread while processing a
         * protected exception.

#define KERN_INVALID_LEDGER     33
        /* A ledger was required but not supplied.

        /* The port was not a memory cache control port.

#define KERN_INVALID_SECURITY       35
        /* An argument supplied to assert security privilege    
         * was not a host security port.

#define KERN_NOT_DEPRESSED      36
        /* thread_depress_abort was called on a thread which
         * was not currently depressed.

#define KERN_TERMINATED         37
        /* Object has been terminated and is no longer available

        /* Lock set has been destroyed and is no longer available.

#define KERN_LOCK_UNSTABLE      39
        /* The thread holding the lock terminated before releasing
         * the lock

#define KERN_LOCK_OWNED         40
        /* The lock is already owned by another thread

#define KERN_LOCK_OWNED_SELF        41
        /* The lock is already owned by the calling thread

        /* Semaphore has been destroyed and is no longer available.

        /* Return from RPC indicating the target server was 
         * terminated before it successfully replied 

        /* Terminate an orphaned activation.

        /* Allow an orphaned activation to continue executing.

#define KERN_NOT_SUPPORTED      46
        /* Empty thread activation (No thread linked to it)

#define KERN_NODE_DOWN          47
        /* Remote node down or inaccessible.

#define KERN_NOT_WAITING        48
        /* A signalled thread was not actually waiting. */

#define KERN_OPERATION_TIMED_OUT        49
        /* Some thread-oriented operation (semaphore_wait) timed out

#define KERN_CODESIGN_ERROR     50
        /* During a page fault, indicates that the page was rejected
         * as a result of a signature check.

#define KERN_POLICY_STATIC      51
        /* The requested property cannot be changed at this time.

        /* The provided buffer is of insufficient size for the requested data.

#define KERN_RETURN_MAX         0x100
        /* Maximum return value allowable

#endif  /* _MACH_KERN_RETURN_H_ */


头文件目录 /usr/include/sys/errno.h

#define EPERM       1       /* Operation not permitted */
#define ENOENT      2       /* No such file or directory */
#define ESRCH       3       /* No such process */
#define EINTR       4       /* Interrupted system call */
#define EIO     5       /* Input/output error */
#define ENXIO       6       /* Device not configured */
#define E2BIG       7       /* Argument list too long */
#define ENOEXEC     8       /* Exec format error */
#define EBADF       9       /* Bad file descriptor */
#define ECHILD      10      /* No child processes */
#define EDEADLK     11      /* Resource deadlock avoided */
                    /* 11 was EAGAIN */
#define ENOMEM      12      /* Cannot allocate memory */
#define EACCES      13      /* Permission denied */
#define EFAULT      14      /* Bad address */
#define ENOTBLK     15      /* Block device required */
#define EBUSY       16      /* Device / Resource busy */
#define EEXIST      17      /* File exists */
#define EXDEV       18      /* Cross-device link */
#define ENODEV      19      /* Operation not supported by device */
#define ENOTDIR     20      /* Not a directory */
#define EISDIR      21      /* Is a directory */
#define EINVAL      22      /* Invalid argument */
#define ENFILE      23      /* Too many open files in system */
#define EMFILE      24      /* Too many open files */
#define ENOTTY      25      /* Inappropriate ioctl for device */
#define ETXTBSY     26      /* Text file busy */
#define EFBIG       27      /* File too large */
#define ENOSPC      28      /* No space left on device */
#define ESPIPE      29      /* Illegal seek */
#define EROFS       30      /* Read-only file system */
#define EMLINK      31      /* Too many links */
#define EPIPE       32      /* Broken pipe */

/* math software */
#define EDOM        33      /* Numerical argument out of domain */
#define ERANGE      34      /* Result too large */

/* non-blocking and interrupt i/o */
#define EAGAIN      35      /* Resource temporarily unavailable */
#define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN      /* Operation would block */
#define EINPROGRESS 36      /* Operation now in progress */
#define EALREADY    37      /* Operation already in progress */

/* ipc/network software -- argument errors */
#define ENOTSOCK    38      /* Socket operation on non-socket */
#define EDESTADDRREQ    39      /* Destination address required */
#define EMSGSIZE    40      /* Message too long */
#define EPROTOTYPE  41      /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
#define ENOPROTOOPT 42      /* Protocol not available */
#define EPROTONOSUPPORT 43      /* Protocol not supported */
#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 44      /* Socket type not supported */
#define ENOTSUP     45      /* Operation not supported */
#if !__DARWIN_UNIX03 && !defined(KERNEL)
 * This is the same for binary and source copmpatability, unless compiling
 * the kernel itself, or compiling __DARWIN_UNIX03; if compiling for the
 * kernel, the correct value will be returned.  If compiling non-POSIX
 * source, the kernel return value will be converted by a stub in libc, and
 * if compiling source with __DARWIN_UNIX03, the conversion in libc is not
 * done, and the caller gets the expected (discrete) value.
#define EOPNOTSUPP   ENOTSUP    /* Operation not supported on socket */
#endif /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 && !KERNEL */

#define EPFNOSUPPORT    46      /* Protocol family not supported */
#define EAFNOSUPPORT    47      /* Address family not supported by protocol family */
#define EADDRINUSE  48      /* Address already in use */
#define EADDRNOTAVAIL   49      /* Can't assign requested address */

/* ipc/network software -- operational errors */
#define ENETDOWN    50      /* Network is down */
#define ENETUNREACH 51      /* Network is unreachable */
#define ENETRESET   52      /* Network dropped connection on reset */
#define ECONNABORTED    53      /* Software caused connection abort */
#define ECONNRESET  54      /* Connection reset by peer */
#define ENOBUFS     55      /* No buffer space available */
#define EISCONN     56      /* Socket is already connected */
#define ENOTCONN    57      /* Socket is not connected */
#define ESHUTDOWN   58      /* Can't send after socket shutdown */
#define ETOOMANYREFS    59      /* Too many references: can't splice */
#define ETIMEDOUT   60      /* Operation timed out */
#define ECONNREFUSED    61      /* Connection refused */

#define ELOOP       62      /* Too many levels of symbolic links */
#define ENAMETOOLONG    63      /* File name too long */

/* should be rearranged */
#define EHOSTDOWN   64      /* Host is down */
#define EHOSTUNREACH    65      /* No route to host */
#define ENOTEMPTY   66      /* Directory not empty */

/* quotas & mush */
#define EPROCLIM    67      /* Too many processes */
#define EUSERS      68      /* Too many users */
#define EDQUOT      69      /* Disc quota exceeded */

/* Network File System */
#define ESTALE      70      /* Stale NFS file handle */
#define EREMOTE     71      /* Too many levels of remote in path */
#define EBADRPC     72      /* RPC struct is bad */
#define ERPCMISMATCH    73      /* RPC version wrong */
#define EPROGUNAVAIL    74      /* RPC prog. not avail */
#define EPROGMISMATCH   75      /* Program version wrong */
#define EPROCUNAVAIL    76      /* Bad procedure for program */

#define ENOLCK      77      /* No locks available */
#define ENOSYS      78      /* Function not implemented */

#define EFTYPE      79      /* Inappropriate file type or format */
#define EAUTH       80      /* Authentication error */
#define ENEEDAUTH   81      /* Need authenticator */

/* Intelligent device errors */
#define EPWROFF     82  /* Device power is off */
#define EDEVERR     83  /* Device error, e.g. paper out */

#define EOVERFLOW   84      /* Value too large to be stored in data type */

/* Program loading errors */
#define EBADEXEC    85  /* Bad executable */
#define EBADARCH    86  /* Bad CPU type in executable */
#define ESHLIBVERS  87  /* Shared library version mismatch */
#define EBADMACHO   88  /* Malformed Macho file */

#define ECANCELED   89      /* Operation canceled */

#define EIDRM       90      /* Identifier removed */
#define ENOMSG      91      /* No message of desired type */   
#define EILSEQ      92      /* Illegal byte sequence */
#define ENOATTR     93      /* Attribute not found */

#define EBADMSG     94      /* Bad message */
#define EMULTIHOP   95      /* Reserved */
#define ENODATA     96      /* No message available on STREAM */
#define ENOLINK     97      /* Reserved */
#define ENOSR       98      /* No STREAM resources */
#define ENOSTR      99      /* Not a STREAM */
#define EPROTO      100     /* Protocol error */
#define ETIME       101     /* STREAM ioctl timeout */

#if __DARWIN_UNIX03 || defined(KERNEL)
/* This value is only discrete when compiling __DARWIN_UNIX03, or KERNEL */
#define EOPNOTSUPP  102     /* Operation not supported on socket */
#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 || KERNEL */

#define ENOPOLICY   103     /* No such policy registered */

#if __DARWIN_C_LEVEL >= 200809L
#define ENOTRECOVERABLE 104     /* State not recoverable */
#define EOWNERDEAD      105     /* Previous owner died */

#define EQFULL      106     /* Interface output queue is full */
#define ELAST       106     /* Must be equal largest errno */

#endif /* _SYS_ERRNO_H_ */



enum {
  paramErr                      = -50,  /*error in user parameter list*/
  noHardwareErr                 = -200, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
  notEnoughHardwareErr          = -201, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
  userCanceledErr               = -128,
  qErr                          = -1,   /*queue element not found during deletion*/
  vTypErr                       = -2,   /*invalid queue element*/
  corErr                        = -3,   /*core routine number out of range*/
  unimpErr                      = -4,   /*unimplemented core routine*/
  SlpTypeErr                    = -5,   /*invalid queue element*/
  seNoDB                        = -8,   /*no debugger installed to handle debugger command*/
  controlErr                    = -17,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  statusErr                     = -18,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  readErr                       = -19,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  writErr                       = -20,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  badUnitErr                    = -21,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  unitEmptyErr                  = -22,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  openErr                       = -23,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  closErr                       = -24,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  dRemovErr                     = -25,  /*tried to remove an open driver*/
  dInstErr                      = -26   /*DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources*/

enum {
  abortErr                      = -27,  /*IO call aborted by KillIO*/
  iIOAbortErr                   = -27,  /*IO abort error (Printing Manager)*/
  notOpenErr                    = -28,  /*Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened*/
  unitTblFullErr                = -29,  /*unit table has no more entries*/
  dceExtErr                     = -30,  /*dce extension error*/
  slotNumErr                    = -360, /*invalid slot # error*/
  gcrOnMFMErr                   = -400, /*gcr format on high density media error*/
  dirFulErr                     = -33,  /*Directory full*/
  dskFulErr                     = -34,  /*disk full*/
  nsvErr                        = -35,  /*no such volume*/
  ioErr                         = -36,  /*I/O error (bummers)*/
  bdNamErr                      = -37,  /* bad file name passed to routine; there may be no bad names in the final system!*/
  fnOpnErr                      = -38,  /*File not open*/
  eofErr                        = -39,  /*End of file*/
  posErr                        = -40,  /*tried to position to before start of file (r/w)*/
  mFulErr                       = -41,  /*memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)*/
  tmfoErr                       = -42,  /*too many files open*/
  fnfErr                        = -43,  /*File not found*/
  wPrErr                        = -44,  /*diskette is write protected.*/
  fLckdErr                      = -45   /*file is locked*/

enum {
  vLckdErr                      = -46,  /*volume is locked*/
  fBsyErr                       = -47,  /*File is busy (delete)*/
  dupFNErr                      = -48,  /*duplicate filename (rename)*/
  opWrErr                       = -49,  /*file already open with with write permission*/
  rfNumErr                      = -51,  /*refnum error*/
  gfpErr                        = -52,  /*get file position error*/
  volOffLinErr                  = -53,  /*volume not on line error (was Ejected)*/
  permErr                       = -54,  /*permissions error (on file open)*/
  volOnLinErr                   = -55,  /*drive volume already on-line at MountVol*/
  nsDrvErr                      = -56,  /*no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)*/
  noMacDskErr                   = -57,  /*not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)*/
  extFSErr                      = -58,  /*volume in question belongs to an external fs*/
  fsRnErr                       = -59,  /*file system internal error:during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored.*/
  badMDBErr                     = -60,  /*bad master directory block*/
  wrPermErr                     = -61,  /*write permissions error*/
  dirNFErr                      = -120, /*Directory not found*/
  tmwdoErr                      = -121, /*No free WDCB available*/
  badMovErr                     = -122, /*Move into offspring error*/
  wrgVolTypErr                  = -123, /*Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS]*/
  volGoneErr                    = -124  /*Server volume has been disconnected.*/

enum {
  fidNotFound                   = -1300, /*no file thread exists.*/
  fidExists                     = -1301, /*file id already exists*/
  notAFileErr                   = -1302, /*directory specified*/
  diffVolErr                    = -1303, /*files on different volumes*/
  catChangedErr                 = -1304, /*the catalog has been modified*/
  desktopDamagedErr             = -1305, /*desktop database files are corrupted*/
  sameFileErr                   = -1306, /*can't exchange a file with itself*/
  badFidErr                     = -1307, /*file id is dangling or doesn't match with the file number*/
  notARemountErr                = -1308, /*when _Mount allows only remounts and doesn't get one*/
  fileBoundsErr                 = -1309, /*file's EOF, offset, mark or size is too big*/
  fsDataTooBigErr               = -1310, /*file or volume is too big for system*/
  volVMBusyErr                  = -1311, /*can't eject because volume is in use by VM*/
  badFCBErr                     = -1327, /*FCBRecPtr is not valid*/
  errFSUnknownCall              = -1400, /* selector is not recognized by this filesystem */
  errFSBadFSRef                 = -1401, /* FSRef parameter is bad */
  errFSBadForkName              = -1402, /* Fork name parameter is bad */
  errFSBadBuffer                = -1403, /* A buffer parameter was bad */
  errFSBadForkRef               = -1404, /* A ForkRefNum parameter was bad */
  errFSBadInfoBitmap            = -1405, /* A CatalogInfoBitmap or VolumeInfoBitmap has reserved or invalid bits set */
  errFSMissingCatInfo           = -1406, /* A CatalogInfo parameter was NULL */
  errFSNotAFolder               = -1407, /* Expected a folder, got a file */
  errFSForkNotFound             = -1409, /* Named fork does not exist */
  errFSNameTooLong              = -1410, /* File/fork name is too long to create/rename */
  errFSMissingName              = -1411, /* A Unicode name parameter was NULL or nameLength parameter was zero */
  errFSBadPosMode               = -1412, /* Newline bits set in positionMode */
  errFSBadAllocFlags            = -1413, /* Invalid bits set in allocationFlags */
  errFSNoMoreItems              = -1417, /* Iteration ran out of items to return */
  errFSBadItemCount             = -1418, /* maximumItems was zero */
  errFSBadSearchParams          = -1419, /* Something wrong with CatalogSearch searchParams */
  errFSRefsDifferent            = -1420, /* FSCompareFSRefs; refs are for different objects */
  errFSForkExists               = -1421, /* Named fork already exists. */
  errFSBadIteratorFlags         = -1422, /* Flags passed to FSOpenIterator are bad */
  errFSIteratorNotFound         = -1423, /* Passed FSIterator is not an open iterator */
  errFSIteratorNotSupported     = -1424, /* The iterator's flags or container are not supported by this call */
  errFSQuotaExceeded            = -1425, /* The user's quota of disk blocks has been exhausted. */
  errFSOperationNotSupported    = -1426, /* The attempted operation is not supported */
  errFSAttributeNotFound        = -1427, /* The requested attribute does not exist */
  errFSPropertyNotValid         = -1428, /* The requested property is not valid (has not been set yet) */
  errFSNotEnoughSpaceForOperation = -1429, /* There is not enough disk space to perform the requested operation */
  envNotPresent                 = -5500, /*returned by glue.*/
  envBadVers                    = -5501, /*Version non-positive*/
  envVersTooBig                 = -5502, /*Version bigger than call can handle*/
  fontDecError                  = -64,  /*error during font declaration*/
  fontNotDeclared               = -65,  /*font not declared*/
  fontSubErr                    = -66,  /*font substitution occurred*/
  fontNotOutlineErr             = -32615, /*bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only*/
  firstDskErr                   = -84,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  lastDskErr                    = -64,  /*I/O System Errors*/
  noDriveErr                    = -64,  /*drive not installed*/
  offLinErr                     = -65,  /*r/w requested for an off-line drive*/
  noNybErr                      = -66   /*couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries*/

enum {
  noAdrMkErr                    = -67,  /*couldn't find valid addr mark*/
  dataVerErr                    = -68,  /*read verify compare failed*/
  badCksmErr                    = -69,  /*addr mark checksum didn't check*/
  badBtSlpErr                   = -70,  /*bad addr mark bit slip nibbles*/
  noDtaMkErr                    = -71,  /*couldn't find a data mark header*/
  badDCksum                     = -72,  /*bad data mark checksum*/
  badDBtSlp                     = -73,  /*bad data mark bit slip nibbles*/
  wrUnderrun                    = -74,  /*write underrun occurred*/
  cantStepErr                   = -75,  /*step handshake failed*/
  tk0BadErr                     = -76,  /*track 0 detect doesn't change*/
  initIWMErr                    = -77,  /*unable to initialize IWM*/
  twoSideErr                    = -78,  /*tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive*/
  spdAdjErr                     = -79,  /*unable to correctly adjust disk speed*/
  seekErr                       = -80,  /*track number wrong on address mark*/
  sectNFErr                     = -81,  /*sector number never found on a track*/
  fmt1Err                       = -82,  /*can't find sector 0 after track format*/
  fmt2Err                       = -83,  /*can't get enough sync*/
  verErr                        = -84,  /*track failed to verify*/
  clkRdErr                      = -85,  /*unable to read same clock value twice*/
  clkWrErr                      = -86,  /*time written did not verify*/
  prWrErr                       = -87,  /*parameter ram written didn't read-verify*/
  prInitErr                     = -88,  /*InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized*/
  rcvrErr                       = -89,  /*SCC receiver error (framing; parity; OR)*/
  breakRecd                     = -90   /*Break received (SCC)*/

enum {
                                        /*Scrap Manager errors*/
  noScrapErr                    = -100, /*No scrap exists error*/
  noTypeErr                     = -102  /*No object of that type in scrap*/

enum {
                                        /* ENET error codes */
  eLenErr                       = -92,  /*Length error ddpLenErr*/
  eMultiErr                     = -91   /*Multicast address error ddpSktErr*/

enum {
  ddpSktErr                     = -91,  /*error in soket number*/
  ddpLenErr                     = -92,  /*data length too big*/
  noBridgeErr                   = -93,  /*no network bridge for non-local send*/
  lapProtErr                    = -94,  /*error in attaching/detaching protocol*/
  excessCollsns                 = -95,  /*excessive collisions on write*/
  portNotPwr                    = -96,  /*serial port not currently powered*/
  portInUse                     = -97,  /*driver Open error code (port is in use)*/
  portNotCf                     = -98   /*driver Open error code (parameter RAM not configured for this connection)*/

enum {
                                        /* Memory Manager errors*/
  memROZWarn                    = -99,  /*soft error in ROZ*/
  memROZError                   = -99,  /*hard error in ROZ*/
  memROZErr                     = -99,  /*hard error in ROZ*/
  memFullErr                    = -108, /*Not enough room in heap zone*/
  nilHandleErr                  = -109, /*Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other*/
  memWZErr                      = -111, /*WhichZone failed (applied to free block)*/
  memPurErr                     = -112, /*trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block*/
  memAdrErr                     = -110, /*address was odd; or out of range*/
  memAZErr                      = -113, /*Address in zone check failed*/
  memPCErr                      = -114, /*Pointer Check failed*/
  memBCErr                      = -115, /*Block Check failed*/
  memSCErr                      = -116, /*Size Check failed*/
  memLockedErr                  = -117  /*trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi)*/

enum {
                                        /* Printing Errors */
  iMemFullErr                   = -108,
  iIOAbort                      = -27

enum {
  resourceInMemory              = -188, /*Resource already in memory*/
  writingPastEnd                = -189, /*Writing past end of file*/
  inputOutOfBounds              = -190, /*Offset of Count out of bounds*/
  resNotFound                   = -192, /*Resource not found*/
  resFNotFound                  = -193, /*Resource file not found*/
  addResFailed                  = -194, /*AddResource failed*/
  addRefFailed                  = -195, /*AddReference failed*/
  rmvResFailed                  = -196, /*RmveResource failed*/
  rmvRefFailed                  = -197, /*RmveReference failed*/
  resAttrErr                    = -198, /*attribute inconsistent with operation*/
  mapReadErr                    = -199, /*map inconsistent with operation*/
  CantDecompress                = -186, /*resource bent ("the bends") - can't decompress a compressed resource*/
  badExtResource                = -185, /*extended resource has a bad format.*/
  noMemForPictPlaybackErr       = -145,
  rgnOverflowErr                = -147,
  rgnTooBigError                = -147,
  pixMapTooDeepErr              = -148,
  insufficientStackErr          = -149,
  nsStackErr                    = -149

enum {
  evtNotEnb                     = 1     /*event not enabled at PostEvent*/

/* OffScreen QuickDraw Errors */
enum {
  cMatchErr                     = -150, /*Color2Index failed to find an index*/
  cTempMemErr                   = -151, /*failed to allocate memory for temporary structures*/
  cNoMemErr                     = -152, /*failed to allocate memory for structure*/
  cRangeErr                     = -153, /*range error on colorTable request*/
  cProtectErr                   = -154, /*colorTable entry protection violation*/
  cDevErr                       = -155, /*invalid type of graphics device*/
  cResErr                       = -156, /*invalid resolution for MakeITable*/
  cDepthErr                     = -157, /*invalid pixel depth */
  rgnTooBigErr                  = -500, /* should have never been added! (cf. rgnTooBigError = 147) */
  updPixMemErr                  = -125, /*insufficient memory to update a pixmap*/
  pictInfoVersionErr            = -11000, /*wrong version of the PictInfo structure*/
  pictInfoIDErr                 = -11001, /*the internal consistancy check for the PictInfoID is wrong*/
  pictInfoVerbErr               = -11002, /*the passed verb was invalid*/
  cantLoadPickMethodErr         = -11003, /*unable to load the custom pick proc*/
  colorsRequestedErr            = -11004, /*the number of colors requested was illegal*/
  pictureDataErr                = -11005 /*the picture data was invalid*/

/* ColorSync Result codes */
enum {
                                        /* General Errors */
  cmProfileError                = -170,
  cmMethodError                 = -171,
  cmMethodNotFound              = -175, /* CMM not present */
  cmProfileNotFound             = -176, /* Responder error */
  cmProfilesIdentical           = -177, /* Profiles the same */
  cmCantConcatenateError        = -178, /* Profile can't be concatenated */
  cmCantXYZ                     = -179, /* CMM cant handle XYZ space */
  cmCantDeleteProfile           = -180, /* Responder error */
  cmUnsupportedDataType         = -181, /* Responder error */
  cmNoCurrentProfile            = -182  /* Responder error */

enum {
                                        /*Sound Manager errors*/
  noHardware                    = noHardwareErr, /*obsolete spelling*/
  notEnoughHardware             = notEnoughHardwareErr, /*obsolete spelling*/
  queueFull                     = -203, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
  resProblem                    = -204, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
  badChannel                    = -205, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
  badFormat                     = -206, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
  notEnoughBufferSpace          = -207, /*could not allocate enough memory*/
  badFileFormat                 = -208, /*was not type AIFF or was of bad format,corrupt*/
  channelBusy                   = -209, /*the Channel is being used for a PFD already*/
  buffersTooSmall               = -210, /*can not operate in the memory allowed*/
  channelNotBusy                = -211,
  noMoreRealTime                = -212, /*not enough CPU cycles left to add another task*/
  siVBRCompressionNotSupported  = -213, /*vbr audio compression not supported for this operation*/
  siNoSoundInHardware           = -220, /*no Sound Input hardware*/
  siBadSoundInDevice            = -221, /*invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice*/
  siNoBufferSpecified           = -222, /*returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed*/
  siInvalidCompression          = -223, /*invalid compression type*/
  siHardDriveTooSlow            = -224, /*hard drive too slow to record to disk*/
  siInvalidSampleRate           = -225, /*invalid sample rate*/
  siInvalidSampleSize           = -226, /*invalid sample size*/
  siDeviceBusyErr               = -227, /*input device already in use*/
  siBadDeviceName               = -228, /*input device could not be opened*/
  siBadRefNum                   = -229, /*invalid input device reference number*/
  siInputDeviceErr              = -230, /*input device hardware failure*/
  siUnknownInfoType             = -231, /*invalid info type selector (returned by driver)*/
  siUnknownQuality              = -232  /*invalid quality selector (returned by driver)*/

/*Speech Manager errors*/
enum {
  noSynthFound                  = -240,
  synthOpenFailed               = -241,
  synthNotReady                 = -242,
  bufTooSmall                   = -243,
  voiceNotFound                 = -244,
  incompatibleVoice             = -245,
  badDictFormat                 = -246,
  badInputText                  = -247

/* Midi Manager Errors: */
enum {
  midiNoClientErr               = -250, /*no client with that ID found*/
  midiNoPortErr                 = -251, /*no port with that ID found*/
  midiTooManyPortsErr           = -252, /*too many ports already installed in the system*/
  midiTooManyConsErr            = -253, /*too many connections made*/
  midiVConnectErr               = -254, /*pending virtual connection created*/
  midiVConnectMade              = -255, /*pending virtual connection resolved*/
  midiVConnectRmvd              = -256, /*pending virtual connection removed*/
  midiNoConErr                  = -257, /*no connection exists between specified ports*/
  midiWriteErr                  = -258, /*MIDIWritePacket couldn't write to all connected ports*/
  midiNameLenErr                = -259, /*name supplied is longer than 31 characters*/
  midiDupIDErr                  = -260, /*duplicate client ID*/
  midiInvalidCmdErr             = -261  /*command not supported for port type*/

enum {
  nmTypErr                      = -299  /*Notification Manager:wrong queue type*/

enum {
  siInitSDTblErr                = 1,    /*slot int dispatch table could not be initialized.*/
  siInitVBLQsErr                = 2,    /*VBLqueues for all slots could not be initialized.*/
  siInitSPTblErr                = 3,    /*slot priority table could not be initialized.*/
  sdmJTInitErr                  = 10,   /*SDM Jump Table could not be initialized.*/
  sdmInitErr                    = 11,   /*SDM could not be initialized.*/
  sdmSRTInitErr                 = 12,   /*Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.*/
  sdmPRAMInitErr                = 13,   /*Slot PRAM could not be initialized.*/
  sdmPriInitErr                 = 14    /*Cards could not be initialized.*/

enum {
  smSDMInitErr                  = -290, /*Error; SDM could not be initialized.*/
  smSRTInitErr                  = -291, /*Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.*/
  smPRAMInitErr                 = -292, /*Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.*/
  smPriInitErr                  = -293, /*Error; Cards could not be initialized.*/
  smEmptySlot                   = -300, /*No card in slot*/
  smCRCFail                     = -301, /*CRC check failed for declaration data*/
  smFormatErr                   = -302, /*FHeader Format is not Apple's*/
  smRevisionErr                 = -303, /*Wrong revison level*/
  smNoDir                       = -304, /*Directory offset is Nil*/
  smDisabledSlot                = -305, /*This slot is disabled (-305 use to be smLWTstBad)*/
  smNosInfoArray                = -306  /*No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error.*/

enum {
  smResrvErr                    = -307, /*Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0.*/
  smUnExBusErr                  = -308, /*Unexpected BusError*/
  smBLFieldBad                  = -309, /*ByteLanes field was bad.*/
  smFHBlockRdErr                = -310, /*Error occurred during _sGetFHeader.*/
  smFHBlkDispErr                = -311, /*Error occurred during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).*/
  smDisposePErr                 = -312, /*_DisposePointer error*/
  smNoBoardSRsrc                = -313, /*No Board sResource.*/
  smGetPRErr                    = -314, /*Error occurred during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).*/
  smNoBoardId                   = -315, /*No Board Id.*/
  smInitStatVErr                = -316, /*The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.*/
  smInitTblVErr                 = -317, /*An error occurred while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.*/
  smNoJmpTbl                    = -318, /*SDM jump table could not be created.*/
  smReservedSlot                = -318, /*slot is reserved, VM should not use this address space.*/
  smBadBoardId                  = -319, /*BoardId was wrong; re-init the PRAM record.*/
  smBusErrTO                    = -320, /*BusError time out.*/
                                        /* These errors are logged in the  vendor status field of the sInfo record. */
  svTempDisable                 = -32768L, /*Temporarily disable card but run primary init.*/
  svDisabled                    = -32640, /*Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.*/
  smBadRefId                    = -330, /*Reference Id not found in List*/
  smBadsList                    = -331, /*Bad sList: Id1 < Id2 < Id3 ...format is not followed.*/
  smReservedErr                 = -332, /*Reserved field not zero*/
  smCodeRevErr                  = -333  /*Code revision is wrong*/

enum {
  smCPUErr                      = -334, /*Code revision is wrong*/
  smsPointerNil                 = -335, /*LPointer is nil From sOffsetData. If this error occurs; check sInfo rec for more information.*/
  smNilsBlockErr                = -336, /*Nil sBlock error (Don't allocate and try to use a nil sBlock)*/
  smSlotOOBErr                  = -337, /*Slot out of bounds error*/
  smSelOOBErr                   = -338, /*Selector out of bounds error*/
  smNewPErr                     = -339, /*_NewPtr error*/
  smBlkMoveErr                  = -




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