



D 程序语言, 简称为D,是由Digital Mars公司的Walter Bright设计的一种面向对象的, 命令方式的,多范例的系统级程序设计语言. D语言起源于重构C++语言这一想法,仅管它受C++语言的极大影响,但它并不是C++语言的一种变体.D语言被设计成具备C++的一些特征,并且也具备其他语言的一些优良特点,如Java,C#和Eiffer. 当前D语言的版本是在2007年一月二是发布的1.0版.在2007年6月发布的2.0是它的一个实验版本


D is being designed with lessons learned from practical C++ usage rather than from a theoretical perspective. Even though it uses many C/C++ concepts it also discards some, and as such is not strictly backward compatible with C/C++ source code. It adds to the functionality of C++ by also implementing design by contract, unit testing, true modules, automatic memory management (garbage collection), first class arrays, associative arrays, dynamic arrays, array slicing, nested functions, inner classes, limited form of closures, anonymous functions, compile time function execution, lazy evaluation and has a reengineered template syntax. D retains C++'s ability to do low-level coding, and adds to it with support for an integrated inline assembler. C++ multiple inheritance is replaced by Java style single inheritance with interfaces and mixins. D's declaration, statement and expression syntax closely matches that of C++.

The inline assembler typifies the differences between D and application languages like Java and C#. An inline assembler lets programmers enter machine-specific assembly code in with standard D code—a technique often used by system programmers to access the low-level features of the processor needed to run programs that interface directly with the underlying hardware, such as operating systems and device drivers.

D has built-in support for documentation comments, but so far only the compiler supplied by Digital Mars implements a documentation generator.



D supports three main programming paradigms—imperative, object-oriented, and metaprogramming.


[edit] Imperative

Imperative programming is almost identical to C. Functions, data, statements, declarations and expressions work just as C, and the C runtime library can be accessed directly.



OO programming in D is based on a single inheritance hierarchy, with all classes derived from class Object. Multiple inheritance is possible from interfaces (interfaces are a lot like C++ abstract classes).



Metaprogramming is supported by a combination of templates, compile time function execution, tuples, and string mixins.



Memory is usually managed with garbage collection, but specific objects can be finalized immediately when they go out of scope. Explicit memory management is possible using the overloaded operators new and delete, and by simply calling C's malloc and free directly. Garbage collection can be disabled for individual objects, or even for a full program, if more control over memory management is desired. The manual gives many examples of how to implement different highly optimized memory management schemes for when garbage collection is inadequate in a program.



C's application binary interface (ABI) is supported as well as all of C's fundamental and derived types, enabling direct access to existing C code and libraries. C's standard library is part of standard D. Unless you use very explicit namespaces it can be somewhat messy to access, as it is spread throughout the D modules that use it -- but the pure D standard library is usually sufficient unless interfacing with C code.

C++'s ABI is not fully supported, although D can access C++ code that is written to the C ABI, and can access C++ COM (Component Object Model) code. The D parser understands an extern (C++) calling convention for linking to C++ objects, but it is only implemented in the currently experimental D 2.0.

[edit] D 2.0

D 2.0, a branch version of D that includes experimental features, was released on June 17, 2007. Some of these features include support for enforcing const-correctness, limited support for linking with code written in C++, and support for "real" closures.

[edit] Implementation

Current D implementations compile directly into native code for efficient execution.

Even though D is still under development, changes to the language are no longer made regularly since version 1.0 of January 2, 2007. The design is currently virtually frozen, and newer releases focus on resolving existing bugs. Version 1.0 is not completely compatible with older versions of the language and compiler. The official compiler by Walter Bright defines the language itself.

  • DMD Compiler: the Digital Mars D compiler, the official D compiler by Walter Bright. The compiler front end is licensed under both the Artistic License and the GNU GPL; sources for the front end are distributed along with the compiler binaries. The compiler back end is proprietary.
  • GDC: D 1.0 Compiler, built using the DMD compiler front end and the GCC back end.

[edit] Development tools

D is still lacking support in many IDEs, which is a potential stumbling block for some users. Editors used include Entice Designer, emacs, vi and Smultron among others. A bundle is available for TextMate, and the Code::Blocks IDE includes partial support for the language. However, standard IDE features such as code completion or refactoring are not yet available.

There are at least two actively developed Eclipse plug-ins for D, Descent and Mmrnmhrm.

Additionally, there are open source D IDEs written in the D language itself such as Poseidon, which does feature code completion, syntax highlighting, and integrated debugging.

D applications can be debugged using any C/C++ debugger, like GDB or WinDBG, although support for various fundamental language features is extremely limited then. Debuggers with explicit support for D are Ddbg for Windows and ZeroBUGS for Linux. Ddbg can be used with various IDEs or from the command line, ZeroBUGS has its own GUI.

[edit] Problems and controversies

[edit] Operator overloading

D operator overloads are significantly less powerful than the C++ counterparts. A popular example is the opIndex, which does not allow returning references. This makes assignments like obj[i] = 5; impossible. The D solution is the opIndexAssign operator, which only fixes this very case, but not variations like obj[i] += 5;. In addition, the C++ way of returning a reference allows for the usage of the returned type's overloaded assignment operator. This is currently not possible in D. D 2.0 will fix this by introducing an opIndexLvalue - like operator overload, and deprecating opIndexAssign.

[edit] Division around and lack of functionality in the standard library

D's standard library is called Phobos, and is often perceived as being far too simplistic, in addition to having numerous quirks and other issues. The tango project is an attempt at fixing this by writing an alternative standard library. However, phobos and tango are currently incompatible due to different implementation of the Object class (which leads to GC difficulties). The existence of two de-facto standard libraries could lead to significant problems where some packages use phobos and others use tango.

[edit] Lack of a clear goal

D is often stated as being a "fixed and improved C++". This can lead to featuritis due to the fact that new features are added just because they are perceived as being useful.

[edit] Unfinished support for shared/dynamic libraries

Unix' ELF shared libraries are supported to an extent using the GDC compiler. On Windows systems, DLLs are supported. D's garbage collector allocated objects can be safely passed to C functions, since the garbage collector scans the stack for pointers. However, there are still limitations with DLLs in D including the fact that run-time type information of classes defined in the DLL are incompatible with those defined in the executable, and that any object created from within the DLL must be finalized before the DLL is unloaded.[1]

[edit] Examples

[edit] Example 1

This example program prints its command line arguments. The main function is the entry point of a D program, and args is an array of strings representing the command line arguments. A string in D is an array of characters, represented by char[]. Newer versions of the language define string as an alias for char[], however, an explicit alias definition is necessary for compatibility with older versions.

import std.stdio;       // for writefln()
int main(string[] args)
    foreach(i, a; args)
        writefln("args[%d] = '%s'", i, a);
    return 0;

The foreach statement can iterate over any collection, in this case it is producing a sequence of indexes (i) and values (a) from the array args. The index i and the value a have their types inferred from the type of the array args.

[edit] Example 2

This illustrates the use of associative arrays to build much more complex data structures.

import std.stdio;       // for writefln()
int main(string[] args)
    // Declare an associative array with string keys and
    // arrays of strings as data
    string[] [string] container;
    // Add some people to the container and let them carry some items
    container["Anya"] ~= "scarf";
    container["Dimitri"] ~= "tickets";
    container["Anya"] ~= "puppy";
    // Iterate over all the persons in the container
    foreach (string person, string[] items; container)
        display_item_count(person, items);
    return 0;//success
void display_item_count(string person, string[] items)
    writefln(person, " is carrying ", items.length, " items.");

[edit] Example 3

This heavily annotated example highlights many of the differences from C++, while still retaining some C++ aspects.

#!/usr/bin/dmd -run
/* sh style script syntax is supported! */
/* Hello World in D
 * To compile:
 *   dmd hello.d
 * or to optimize:
 *   dmd -O -inline -release hello.d
 * or to get generated documentation:
 *   dmd hello.d -D
import std.stdio;                        // References to  commonly used I/O routines.
int main(string[] args)                 
    // 'writefln' (Write-Formatted-Line) is the type-safe 'printf'
    writefln("Hello World, "             // automatic concatenation of string literals
    // Strings are denoted as a dynamic array of chars 'char[]', aliased as 'string'
    // auto type inference and built-in foreach
    foreach(argc, argv; args)
        auto cl = new CmdLin(argc, argv);                    // OOP is supported
        writefln(cl.argnum, cl.suffix, " arg: %s", cl.argv);       // user-defined class properties.
        delete cl;                   // Garbage Collection or explicit memory management - your choice
    // Nested structs, classes and functions
    struct specs
        // all vars automatically initialized to 0 at runtime
        int count, allocated;
        // however you can choose to avoid array initialization
        int[10000] bigarray = void;
    specs argspecs(string[] args)
    // Optional (built-in) function contracts.
        assert(args.length > 0);                   // assert built in
        assert(result.count == CmdLin.total);
        assert(result.allocated > 0);
        specs* s = new specs;
        // no need for '->'
        s.count = args.length;  // The 'length' property is number of elements.
        s.allocated = typeof(args).sizeof; // built-in properties for native types
        foreach(arg; args)
            s.allocated += arg.length * typeof(arg[0]).sizeof;
        return *s;
    // built-in string and common string operations, eg. '~' is concatenate.
    string argcmsg  = "argc = %d";
    string allocmsg = "allocated = %d";
    writefln(argcmsg ~ ", " ~ allocmsg,
    return 0;
 * Stores a single command line argument.
class CmdLin
        int _argc;
        string _argv;
        static uint _totalc;
         * Object constructor.
         * params:
         *   argc = ordinal count of this argument.
         *   argv = text of the parameter
        this(int argc, string argv)
            _argc = argc + 1;
            _argv = argv;
        ~this() // Object destructor
            // Doesn't actually do anything for this example.
        int argnum() // A property that returns arg number
            return _argc;
        string argv() // A property that returns arg text
            return _argv;
        wstring suffix() // A property that returns ordinal suffix
            wstring suffix; // Built in Unicode strings (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32)
                case 1:
                    suffix = "st";
                case 2:
                    suffix = "nd";
                case 3:
                    suffix = "rd";
                default:  // 'default' is mandatory with "-w" compile switch.
                    suffix = "th";
            return suffix;
          * A static property, as in C++ or Java,
          * applying to the class object rather than instances.
          * returns: The total number of commandline args added.
        static typeof(_totalc) total()
            return _totalc;
        // Class invariant, things that must be true after any method is run.
        invariant ()
            assert(_argc > 0);
            assert(_totalc >= _argc);

[edit] Example 4

This example demonstrates some of the power of D's compile-time features.

 * Templates in D are much more powerful than those in C++.  Here we can see
 * the use of static if, D's compile-time conditional construct, to easily
 * construct a factorial template.
template Factorial(ulong n)
    static if( n <= 1 )
        const Factorial = 1;
        const Factorial = n * Factorial!(n-1);
 * Here is a regular function that performs the same calculation.  Notice how
 * similar they are.
ulong factorial(ulong n)
    if( n <= 1 )
        return 1;
        return n * factorial(n-1);
 * Finally, we can compute our factorials.  Notice that we don't need to
 * specify the type of our constants explicitly: the compiler is smart enough
 * to fill in the blank for us, since it already knows the type of the
 * right-hand side of the assignment.
const fact_7 = Factorial!(7);
 * This is an example of compile-time function evaluation: ordinary functions
 * may be used in constant, compile-time expressions provided they meet
 * certain criteria.
const fact_9 = factorial(9);
 * Here we can see just how powerful D's templates are: we are using the
 * std.metastrings.Format template to perform printf-style data formatting,
 * and displaying the result using the message pragma.
import std.metastrings;
pragma(msg, Format!("7! = %s", fact_7));
pragma(msg, Format!("9! = %s", fact_9));
 * Our task done, we can forcibly stop compilation.  This program need never
 * actually be compiled into an executable!
static assert(false, "My work here is done.");
【6层】一字型框架办公楼(含建筑结构图、计算书) 1、资源项目源码均已通过严格测试验证,保证能够正常运行; 2、项目问题、技术讨论,可以给博主私信或留言,博主看到后会第一时间与您进行沟通; 3、本项目比较适合计算机领域相关的毕业设计课题、课程作业等使用,尤其对于人工智能、计算机科学与技术等相关专业,更为适合; 4、下载使用后,可先查看README.md或论文文件(如有),本项目仅用作交流学习参考,请切勿用于商业用途。 5、资源来自互联网采集,如有侵权,私聊博主删除。 6、可私信博主看论文后选择购买源代码。 1、资源项目源码均已通过严格测试验证,保证能够正常运行; 2、项目问题、技术讨论,可以给博主私信或留言,博主看到后会第一时间与您进行沟通; 3、本项目比较适合计算机领域相关的毕业设计课题、课程作业等使用,尤其对于人工智能、计算机科学与技术等相关专业,更为适合; 4、下载使用后,可先查看README.md或论文文件(如有),本项目仅用作交流学习参考,请切勿用于商业用途。 5、资源来自互联网采集,如有侵权,私聊博主删除。 6、可私信博主看论文后选择购买源代码。 1、资源项目源码均已通过严格测试验证,保证能够正常运行; 2、项目问题、技术讨论,可以给博主私信或留言,博主看到后会第一时间与您进行沟通; 3、本项目比较适合计算机领域相关的毕业设计课题、课程作业等使用,尤其对于人工智能、计算机科学与技术等相关专业,更为适合; 4、下载使用后,可先查看README.md或论文文件(如有),本项目仅用作交流学习参考,请切勿用于商业用途。 5、资源来自互联网采集,如有侵权,私聊博主删除。 6、可私信博主看论文后选择购买源代码。
深度学习是机器学习的一个子领域,它基于人工神经网络的研究,特别是利用多层次的神经网络来进行学习和模式识别。深度学习模型能够学习数据的高层次特征,这些特征对于图像和语音识别、自然语言处理、医学图像分析等应用至关重要。以下是深度学习的一些关键概念和组成部分: 1. **神经网络(Neural Networks)**:深度学习的基础是人工神经网络,它是由多个层组成的网络结构,包括输入层、隐藏层和输出层。每个层由多个神经元组成,神经元之间通过权重连接。 2. **前馈神经网络(Feedforward Neural Networks)**:这是最常见的神经网络类型,信息从输入层流向隐藏层,最终到达输出层。 3. **卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks, CNNs)**:这种网络特别适合处理具有网格结构的数据,如图像。它们使用卷积层来提取图像的特征。 4. **循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Networks, RNNs)**:这种网络能够处理序列数据,如时间序列或自然语言,因为它们具有记忆功能,能够捕捉数据中的时间依赖性。 5. **长短期记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM)**:LSTM 是一种特殊的 RNN,它能够学习长期依赖关系,非常适合复杂的序列预测任务。 6. **生成对抗网络(Generative Adversarial Networks, GANs)**:由两个网络组成,一个生成器和一个判别器,它们相互竞争,生成器生成数据,判别器评估数据的真实性。 7. **深度学习框架**:如 TensorFlow、Keras、PyTorch 等,这些框架提供了构建、训练和部署深度学习模型的工具和库。 8. **激活函数(Activation Functions)**:如 ReLU、Sigmoid、Tanh 等,它们在神经网络中用于添加非线性,使得网络能够学习复杂的函数。 9. **损失函数(Loss Functions)**:用于评估模型的预测与真实值之间的差异,常见的损失函数包括均方误差(MSE)、交叉熵(Cross-Entropy)等。 10. **优化算法(Optimization Algorithms)**:如梯度下降(Gradient Descent)、随机梯度下降(SGD)、Adam 等,用于更新网络权重,以最小化损失函数。 11. **正则化(Regularization)**:技术如 Dropout、L1/L2 正则化等,用于防止模型过拟合。 12. **迁移学习(Transfer Learning)**:利用在一个任务上训练好的模型来提高另一个相关任务的性能。 深度学习在许多领域都取得了显著的成就,但它也面临着一些挑战,如对大量数据的依赖、模型的解释性差、计算资源消耗大等。研究人员正在不断探索新的方法来解决这些问题。




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