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转载 Struts2标签使用

相关文章:   strust2实践总结 『出错』ww中的<ww:select/>标签问题 带下拉框的数据编辑页面 推荐圈子: JSF 更多相关推荐 new Draggable("related_topics"); Struts2标签使用 (1):  ----  文本输入框      使用: (2):   --

2008-11-28 11:27:00 710

原创 人生就是一顿自助餐

曾读过一篇文章:一位老人从东欧来到美国,在曼哈顿的一间餐馆想找点东西吃,他坐在空无一物的餐桌旁,等着有人拿餐盘来为他点菜。但是没有人来,他等了很久,直到他看到有一个女人端着满满的一盘食物过来坐在他的对面。   老人问女人怎么没有侍者,女人告诉他这是一家自助餐馆。果然,老人看见有许多食物陈列在台子上排成长长的一行。“从一头开始你挨个地拣你喜欢吃的菜,等你拣完到另一头,他们会告诉你该付多少钱。”女人告

2008-11-27 12:44:00 506 2

原创 爱的极致是宽容

女人有了外遇,要和丈夫离婚。丈夫不同意,女人便整天吵吵闹闹。无奈之下,丈夫只好答应妻子的要求。不过,离婚前,他想见见妻子的男朋友。妻子满口应承。第二天一大早,便把一个高大英俊的中年人带回家来。        女人本以为丈夫一见到自己的男朋友必定气势汹汹的讨伐。可丈夫没有,他很有风度的和男人握了握手。之后,他说他很想和她的男朋友交谈一下,希望妻子回避一会儿。女人遵从了丈夫的建议。站在门外

2008-11-27 12:38:00 674 7

转载 一碗饭菜

这天傍晚下班,我走进沿街的一间报刊零售小屋里看报,经营报刊的是一对年青夫妻,男的是一家企业的下岗职工。    男的正伏在一张小桌子上吃着饭,双手端着一只很大的瓷碗,他从碗的一边吃,饭头上一边堆着菜,我瞅了瞅,是豆腐烧肉。    我在翻看着架子上的报刊杂志,不一会儿,男的站起身轻轻地将筷子平稳地放在碗口上,碗里留下一半的饭,两块烧肉还在豆腐上架着。他对老婆说:“我吃好了,你来吃吧。”他老婆拿起筷子,

2008-11-27 12:35:00 860 3

原创 吃肉的坏处

2008-9-28 10:53:07 作者:佚名 来源:本站    从前有一个商人带着他的一个伙计去外地做生意,途中吃饭的时候,俩人就着馒头吃着青菜和牛肉,才吃了几口,商人见伙计只吃牛肉不吃青菜,有点不高兴了,说:“少吃点肉,吃多了不好。”    伙计傻傻的问:“为什么啊。”商人说:“吃多了牛肉长痔疮的。”伙计又说:“那你为什么不怕啊。”商人说:“反正我已经长了

2008-11-27 12:31:00 624 2

原创 电视教育

2007-12-6 16:45:00 作者:佚名 来源:网络    幼儿园的老师拿出一张中国地图问:“哪位小朋友能告诉我这是什么?”     只听有人回答:“天气预报。”    老师有拿一个地球仪问:“这是什么?”    所有小朋友都答:“新闻联播。”责任编辑:自在飞花 阅读次数: 29839

2008-11-27 12:30:00 442 1

原创 校园笑话两则

初出茅庐    中学时,语文课上,老师让一名同学解释“初出茅庐”的意思。那同学属于后进生那一类,抓耳挠腮磨蹭了半天,最后小声地问老师:“是不是刚刚从厕所里出来的意思?”迟到与睡眠    初中时,班上有一同学很牛,要么迟到,要么一上课就呼呼大睡,直到下课才醒来。一天,他迟到了十分钟,数学老师看到他就说:“你不能再迟到了,否则你会睡眠不足的啊!”

2008-11-27 12:27:00 547 1

原创 判断失误

    "祝贺你,朋友!你和妻子总算言归于好了。"  "何以见得?"  "昨天,我看见你们在一块儿锯木头。"  "你一句也没说对,那不是在锯木头,而是在分家具。"

2008-11-27 12:21:00 539

转载 owa exchange 的配置操作,全程图片解析

 上篇博文中我们介绍了如何发布Exchange OWA,今天我们来介绍如何发布Exchange的SMTP和POP3服务器。用SMTP,POP3客户端访问Exchange服务器也是邮件用户常用的选择,用ISA发布Exchange的SMTP,POP3服务器并不困难,只要用非Web服务器发布规则把Exchange服务器的SMTP和POP3发布到ISA服务器外网网卡即可,我们举例加以说明。  实验拓扑

2008-11-27 09:49:00 1079

转载 启动过程中sendmail启动慢

本来REDHAT一直很好,但一次开机中发现sendmail突然出现了问题!  make***warning entering directory /etc/mail  make file/virtusertable.db has modification time in the future(2002-10-19 22:48-----2002-10-19 21:07)  warning c

2008-11-18 13:32:00 1313 1

转载 Redhat linux 9下telnet的配置和使用

Telnet服务的配置步骤如下:  一、安装telnet软件包(通常要两个)  1、telnet-client (或 telnet),这个软件包提供的是 telnet 客户端程序;  2、telnet-server ,这个软件包提供的是 telnet 服务器端程序;  安装之前先检测是否这些软件包已安装,方法如下:[root@wljs root]#rpm –q

2008-11-18 11:46:00 536

转载 Struts2中select/doubleselect标签数据显示

   Struts2 tags内容丰富,但是所提供的文档不是很详细(个人认为)在showcase下的例子如:   等都是一些简单的值显示,在实际的开发中并没有那么简单,如果我们要迭代显示List、Map、Set里的值,我们该怎样做呢?  看看html里的例子, select name="sex">    option value="man">男option>

2008-11-13 21:17:00 2246

转载 Struts2 标签

标签Data标签方便在页面进行格式化的日期输出。格式有多种可供选择。同时,还可以通过在properties属性文件中定义好”struts.date.format”参数的值,从而自定义格式输出。Date标签包含三个属性,可以从下面的代码中感受一下,分别是:l         Name:l         Nicel         Format1.WebRoot/pages/

2008-11-12 19:16:00 718

转载 Struts2中的日期的格式化

1.Struts2中的日期的格式化:在struts2中,提供了date.../>标签,可以很方便地处理日期。有了这个标签,就可以随意地以各种方式来格式化日期,如指定日期格式为“dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm”,或者是自定义可读性强的日期格式“2 hours 14 minutes”,或者使用在properties文件中预先定义好日期格式。s:date标签共有四个属性,id,name,for

2008-11-12 19:14:00 3191

转载 Struts2 显示嵌套LIST

LIST构成,组成LIST也可能包含多个LIST。昨天在做jBPM开发时,想得到所有当前代办事项,发现jBPM的GraphSession只提供了findProcessInstances(long id)。如何得到所有流程定义的所有实例呢,笨人笨办法:List allInstance;List pdList=jbpmContext.getGraphSession().findLate

2008-11-12 18:25:00 2544 1

转载 No result defined for action and result input - action

这是struts2的一个拦截器报的错误,当你的form中的数据有问题,比如说当 name值为NULL时,就出这个错了,所以你可以在当前页面加入以下标签div style="color:red">s:fielderror />div>它就会显示拦截器的错误,并在struts的XML中对应action里加如result name="input">/errir.jspre

2008-11-10 18:55:00 1135 2

转载 网络端口介绍及漏洞分析

网络端口介绍及漏洞分析 分类:默认栏目2007.3.29 21:50 作者:bin1997kk | 评论:0 | 阅读:355 在上网的时候,我们经常会看到“端口”这个词,也会经常用到端口号,比如在smtp服务器的“25”端口。那么端口到底是什么意思呢?怎样查看端口号呢?一个端口是否成为网络恶意攻击的大门呢?我们应该如何面对形形色色的端口呢?下面就将介绍这方面的内容,以供大家参考。

2008-11-05 11:34:00 809

转载 DNS在linux下的配置,相当精辟

DNS简介    DNS就是Domain Name System,它能够把形如www.21php.com这样的域名转换为211.152.50.35这样的IP地址;没有DNS,浏览21php.com这个网站时,就必须用211.152.50.35这么难记的数字来访问。提供DNS服务的就是DNS服务器。DNS服务器可以分为三种,高速缓存服务器(Cache-only server)、主服务器(Primar

2008-11-05 10:56:00 698

转载 多少錢你肯出賣感情?

 我看上你女朋友了,多少钱你肯出卖爱情? 一个简单的测试可能会告诉我们很多的东西。      女主持人气势咄咄的问一个男嘉宾,你为什么那么在乎钱,男嘉宾说:"钱能买到一切!"      现场的观众哗然了。      男嘉宾微笑的说:"我们做个测试吧。"      一个很简单的主题,你的一个仇人爱上了你的女友,现在想要你退出,你是一个正常的人,你爱自己的女友。那个男人愿意出一点钱来补偿你。

2008-11-04 15:27:00 542

转载 struts2 国际化

国际化是商业系统中不可或缺的一部分,所以无论您学习的是什么Web框架,它都是必须掌握的技能。其实,Struts 1.x在此部分已经做得相当不错了。它极大地简化了我们程序员在做国际化时所需的工作,例如,如果您要输出一条国际化的信息,只需在代码包中加入FILE-NAME_xx_XX.properties(其中FILE-NAME为默认资源文件的文件名),然后在struts-config.xml中指明

2008-11-04 11:04:00 578





Copyright iv Deitel® Books, Cyber Classrooms, Complete Training Courses and Web-Based Training Courses published by Prentice Hall ii Preface xxv Features in Java How to Program, 6/e xxvi Teaching Approach xxix Tour of the Book xxxiii A Tour of the Optional Case Study on Object-Oriented Design with the UML xliii A Tour of the Optional GUI and Graphics Case Study xlv Software Included with Java How to Program, 6/e xlvi Teaching Resources for Java How to Program, 6/e xlvii Java in the Lab xlvii OneKey, CourseCompassSM, WebCT™ and by Blackboard™ xlix Java 2 Multimedia Cyber Classroom, 6/e Through OneKey l PearsonChoices l Computer Science AP Courses li Deitel® Buzz Online Free E-mail Newsletter li Acknowledgments li About the Authors lv About Deitel & Associates, Inc. lv Before You Begin lvii Software and Other Resources on the CD That Accompanies Java How to Program, Sixth Edition lvii Hardware and Software Requirements to Run JDK 5.0 lvii Copying and Organizing Files lviii Copying the Book Examples from the CD lviii Changing the Read-Only Property of Files lviii Installing the J2SE Development Kit (JDK) lxii Setting the PATH Variable lxiv Chapter 1. Introduction to Computers, the Internet and the World Wide Web 1 Section 1.1. Introduction 2 Section 1.2. What Is a Computer? 4 Section 1.3. Computer Organization 4 Section 1.4. Early Operating Systems 5 Section 1.5. Personal, Distributed and Client/Server Computing 6 Section 1.6. The Internet and the World Wide Web 6 Section 1.7. Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High-Level Languages 7 Section 1.8. History of C and C++ 8 Section 1.9. History of Java 9 Section 1.10. Java Class Libraries 9 Section 1.11. FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal and Ada 11 Section 1.12. BASIC, Visual Basic, Visual C++, C# and .NET 11 Section 1.13. Typical Java Development Environment 12 Section 1.14. Notes about Java and Java How to Program, Sixth Edition 15 Section 1.15. Test-Driving a Java Application 16 Section 1.16. Software Engineering Case Study: Introduction to Object Technology and the UML (Required) 21 Section 1.17. Wrap-Up 26 Section 1.18. Web Resources 26 Summary 28 Terminology 30 Self-Review Exercises 32 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 32 Exercises 33 Chapter 2. Introduction to Java Applications 35 Section 2.1. Introduction 36 Section 2.2. First Program in Java: Printing a Line of Text 36 Section 2.3. Modifying Our First Java Program 43 Section 2.4. Displaying Text with printf 45 Section 2.5. Another Java Application: Adding Integers 47 Section 2.6. Memory Concepts 51 Section 2.7. Arithmetic 52 Section 2.8. Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators 56 Section 2.9. (Optional) Software Engineering Case Study: Examining the Requirements Document 60 Section 2.10. Wrap-Up 69 Summary 70 Terminology 73 Self-Review Exercises 74 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 75 Exercises 77 Chapter 3. Introduction to Classes and Objects 81 Section 3.1. Introduction 82 Section 3.2. Classes, Objects, Methods and Instance Variables 82 Section 3.3. Declaring a Class with a Method and Instantiating an Object of a Class 84 Section 3.4. Declaring a Method with a Parameter 88 Section 3.5. Instance Variables, set Methods and get Methods 91 Section 3.6. Primitive Types vs. Reference Types 96 Section 3.7. Initializing Objects with Constructors 97 Section 3.8. Floating-Point Numbers and Type double 100 Section 3.9. (Optional) GUI and Graphics Case Study: Using Dialog Boxes 104 Section 3.10. (Optional) Software Engineering Case Study: Identifying the Classes in a Requirements Document 107 Section 3.11. Wrap-Up 114 Summary 115 Terminology 119 Self-Review Exercises 119 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 120 Exercises 121 Chapter 4. Control Statements: Part I 123 Section 4.1. Introduction 124 Section 4.2. Algorithms 124 Section 4.3. Pseudocode 125 Section 4.4. Control Structures 125 Section 4.5. if Single-Selection Statement 128 Section 4.6. if...else Double-Selection Statement 129 Section 4.7. while Repetition Statement 134 Section 4.8. Formulating Algorithms: Counter-Controlled Repetition 135 Section 4.9. Formulating Algorithms: Sentinel-Controlled Repetition 140 Section 4.10. Formulating Algorithms: Nested Control Statements 148 Section 4.11. Compound Assignment Operators 153 Section 4.12. Increment and Decrement Operators 154 Section 4.13. Primitive Types 156 Section 4.14. (Optional) GUI and Graphics Case Study: Creating Simple Drawings 157 Section 4.15. (Optional) Software Engineering Case Study: Identifying Class Attributes 162 Section 4.16. Wrap-Up 166 Summary 167 Terminology 168 Self-Review Exercises 169 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 171 Exercises 172 Chapter 5. Control Statements: Part 2 179 Section 5.1. Introduction 180 Section 5.2. Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition 180 Section 5.3. for Repetition Statement 182 Section 5.4. Examples Using the for Statement 186 Section 5.5. do...while Repetition Statement 191 Section 5.6. switch Multiple-Selection Statement 192 Section 5.7. break and continue Statements 200 Section 5.8. Logical Operators 202 Section 5.9. Structured Programming Summary 208 Section 5.10. (Optional) GUI and Graphics Case Study: Drawing Rectangles and Ovals 213 Section 5.11. (Optional) Software Engineering Case Study: Identifying Objects' States and Activities 216 Section 5.12. Wrap-Up 220 Summary 221 Terminology 223 Self-Review Exercises 224 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 225 Exercises 226 Chapter 6. Methods: A Deeper Look 230 Section 6.1. Introduction 231 Section 6.2. Program Modules in Java 232 Section 6.3. static Methods, static Fields and Class Math 233 Section 6.4. Declaring Methods with Multiple Parameters 236 Section 6.5. Notes on Declaring and Using Methods 240 Section 6.6. Method Call Stack and Activation Records 241 Section 6.7. Argument Promotion and Casting 241 Section 6.8. Java API Packages 243 Section 6.9. Case Study: Random-Number Generation 245 Section 6.10. Case Study: A Game of Chance (Introducing Enumerations) 250 Section 6.11. Scope of Declarations 255 Section 6.12. Method Overloading 257 Section 6.13. (Optional) GUI and Graphics Case Study: Colors and Filled Shapes 261 Section 6.14. (Optional) Software Engineering Case Study: Identifying Class Operations 263 Section 6.15. Wrap-Up 271 Summary 271 Terminology 274 Self-Review Exercises 275 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 277 Exercises 279 Chapter 7. Arrays 285 Section 7.1. Introduction 286 Section 7.2. Arrays 286 Section 7.3. Declaring and Creating Arrays 288 Section 7.4. Examples Using Arrays 289 Section 7.5. Case Study: Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation 298 Section 7.6. Enhanced for Statement 301 Section 7.7. Passing Arrays to Methods 303 Section 7.8. Case Study: Class GradeBook Using an Array to Store Grades 307 Section 7.9. Multidimensional Arrays 311 Section 7.10. Case Study: Class GradeBook Using a Two-Dimensional Array 316 Section 7.11. Variable-Length Argument Lists 322 Section 7.12. Using Command-Line Arguments 323 Section 7.13. (Optional) GUI and Graphics Case Study: Drawing Arcs 325 Section 7.14. (Optional) Software Engineering Case Study: Collaboration Among Objects 328 Section 7.15. Wrap-Up 336 Summary 337 Terminology 339 Self-Review Exercises 339 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 340 Exercises 341 Special Section: Building Your Own Computer 350 Chapter 8. Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look 357 Section 8.1. Introduction 358 Section 8.2. Time Class Case Study 359 Section 8.3. Controlling Access to Members 362 Section 8.4. Referring to the Current Object's Members with the this Reference 363 Section 8.5. Time Class Case Study: Overloaded Constructors 366 Section 8.6. Default and No-Argument Constructors 371 Section 8.7. Notes on Set and Get Methods 372 Section 8.8. Composition 373 Section 8.9. Enumerations 376 Section 8.10. Garbage Collection and Method finalize 379 Section 8.11. static Class Members 380 Section 8.12. static Import 385 Section 8.13. final Instance Variables 386 Section 8.14. Software Reusability 388 Section 8.15. Data Abstraction and Encapsulation 389 Section 8.16. Time Class Case Study: Creating Packages 390 Section 8.17. Package Access 396 Section 8.18. (Optional) GUI and Graphics Case Study: Using Objects with Graphics 396 Section 8.19. (Optional) Software Engineering Case Study: Starting to Program the Classes of the ATM System 401 Section 8.20. Wrap-Up 406 Summary 407 Terminology 410 Self-Review Exercises 410 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 411 Exercises 411 Chapter 9. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance 415 Section 9.1. Introduction 416 Section 9.2. Superclasses and Subclasses 417 Section 9.3. protected Members 419 Section 9.4. Relationship between Superclasses and Subclasses 420 Section 9.5. Constructors in Subclasses 444 Section 9.6. Software Engineering with Inheritance 450 Section 9.7. Object Class 451 Section 9.8. (Optional) GUI and Graphics Case Study: Displaying Text and Images Using Labels 453 Section 9.9. Wrap-Up 455 Summary 455 Terminology 456 Self-Review Exercises 457 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 457 Exercises 458 Chapter 10. Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism 459 Section 10.1. Introduction 460 Section 10.2. Polymorphism Examples 462 Section 10.3. Demonstrating Polymorphic Behavior 463 Section 10.4. Abstract Classes and Methods 466 Section 10.5. Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism 468 Section 10.6. final Methods and Classes 483 Section 10.7. Case Study: Creating and Using Interfaces 484 Section 10.8. (Optional) GUI and Graphics Case Study: Drawing with Polymorphism 496 Section 10.9. (Optional) Software Engineering Case Study: Incorporating Inheritance into the ATM System 498 Section 10.10. Wrap-Up 506 Summary 506 Terminology 507 Self-Review Exercises 507 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 508 Exercises 508 Chapter 11. GUI Components: Part 1 510 Section 11.1. Introduction 511 Section 11.2. Simple GUI-Based Input/Output with JOptionPane 512 Section 11.3. Overview of Swing Components 515 Section 11.4. Displaying Text and Images in a Window 518 Section 11.5. Text Fields and an Introduction to Event Handling with Nested Classes 522 Section 11.6. Common GUI Event Types and Listener Interfaces 529 Section 11.7. How Event Handling Works 530 Section 11.8. JButton 533 Section 11.9. Buttons that Maintain State 536 Section 11.10. JComboBox and Using an Anonymous Inner Class for Event Handling 543 Section 11.11. JList 546 Section 11.12. Multiple-Selection Lists 549 Section 11.13. Mouse Event Handling 551 Section 11.14. Adapter Classes 556 Section 11.15. JPanel Subclass for Drawing with the Mouse 559 Section 11.16. Key-Event Handling 563 Section 11.17. Layout Managers 567 Section 11.18. Using Panels to Manage More Complex Layouts 576 Section 11.19. JTextArea 578 Section 11.20. Wrap-Up 581 Summary 581 Terminology 587 Self-Review Exercises 589 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 590 Exercises 590 Chapter 12. Graphics and Java 2D™ 595 Section 12.1. Introduction 596 Section 12.2. Graphics Contexts and Graphics Objects 598 Section 12.3. Color Control 599 Section 12.4. Font Control 606 Section 12.5. Drawing Lines, Rectangles and Ovals 611 Section 12.6. Drawing Arcs 616 Section 12.7. Drawing Polygons and Polylines 618 Section 12.8. Java 2D API 622 Section 12.9. Wrap-Up 629 Summary 629 Terminology 631 Self-Review Exercises 632 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 633 Exercises 633 Chapter 13. Exception Handling 638 Section 13.1. Introduction 639 Section 13.2. Exception-Handling Overview 640 Section 13.3. Example: Divide By Zero Without Exception Handling 641 Section 13.4. Example: Handling ArithmeticExceptions and InputMismatchExceptions 643 Section 13.5. When to Use Exception Handling 648 Section 13.6. Java Exception Hierarchy 649 Section 13.7. finally block 652 Section 13.8. Stack Unwinding 656 Section 13.9. printStackTrace, getStackTrace and getMessage 658 Section 13.10. Chained Exceptions 660 Section 13.11. Declaring New Exception Types 662 Section 13.12. Preconditions and Postconditions 663 Section 13.13. Assertions 664 Section 13.14. Wrap-Up 666 Summary 666 Terminology 668 Self-Review Exercises 669 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 670 Exercises 670 Chapter 14. Files and Streams 672 Section 14.1. Introduction 673 Section 14.2. Data Hierarchy 674 Section 14.3. Files and Streams 675 Section 14.4. Class File 678 Section 14.5. Sequential-Access Text Files 682 Section 14.6. Object Serialization 697 Section 14.7. Random-Access Files 706 Section 14.8. Additional java.io Classes 727 Section 14.9. Opening Files with JFileChooser 729 Section 14.10. Wrap-Up 733 Summary 733 Terminology 735 Self-Review Exercises 737 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 738 Exercises 739 Chapter 15. Recursion 744 Section 15.1. Introduction 745 Section 15.2. Recursion Concepts 745 Section 15.3. Example Using Recursion: Factorials 747 Section 15.4. Example Using Recursion: Fibonacci Series 750 Section 15.5. Recursion and the Method Call Stack 753 Section 15.6. Recursion vs. Iteration 754 Section 15.7. String Permutations 756 Section 15.8. Towers of Hanoi 761 Section 15.9. Fractals 763 Section 15.10. Recursive Backtracking 774 Section 15.11. Wrap-Up 775 Section 15.12. Internet and Web Resources 775 Summary 776 Terminology 778 Self-Review Exercises 779 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 780 Exercises 780 Chapter 16. Searching and Sorting 785 Section 16.1. Introduction 786 Section 16.2. Searching Algorithms 786 Section 16.3. Sorting Algorithms 796 Section 16.4. Invariants 810 Section 16.5. Wrap-up 812 Summary 812 Terminology 814 Self-Review Exercises 814 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 814 Exercises 814 Chapter 17. Data Structures 817 Section 17.1. Introduction 818 Section 17.2. Type-Wrapper Classes for Primitive Types 819 Section 17.3. Autoboxing and Auto-Unboxing 819 Section 17.4. Self-Referential Classes 820 Section 17.5. Dynamic Memory Allocation 821 Section 17.6. Linked Lists 821 Section 17.7. Stacks 832 Section 17.8. Queues 836 Section 17.9. Trees 838 Section 17.10. Wrap-Up 845 Summary 846 Terminology 847 Self-Review Exercises 848 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 849 Exercises 850 Special Section: Building Your Own Compiler 855 Chapter 18. Generics 869 Section 18.1. Introduction 870 Section 18.2. Motivation for Generic Methods 871 Section 18.3. Generic Methods: Implementation and Compile-Time Translation 873 Section 18.4. Additional Compile-Time Translation Issues: Methods That Use a Type Parameter as the Return Type 876 Section 18.5. Overloading Generic Methods 879 Section 18.6. Generic Classes 879 Section 18.7. Raw Types 890 Section 18.8. Wildcards in Methods That Accept Type Parameters 891 Section 18.9. Generics and Inheritance: Notes 898 Section 18.10. Wrap-Up 898 Section 18.11. Internet and Web Resources 899 Summary 899 Terminology 901 Self-Review Exercises 901 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 902 Exercises 902 Chapter 19. Collections 904 Section 19.1. Introduction 905 Section 19.2. Collections Overview 906 Section 19.3. Class Arrays 907 Section 19.4. Interface Collection and Class Collections 910 Section 19.5. Lists 911 Section 19.6. Collections Algorithms 922 Section 19.7. Stack Class of Package java.util 935 Section 19.8. Class PriorityQueue and Interface Queue 938 Section 19.9. Sets 939 Section 19.10. Maps 942 Section 19.11. Properties Class 946 Section 19.12. Synchronized Collections 949 Section 19.13. Unmodifiable Collections 950 Section 19.14. Abstract Implementations 950 Section 19.15. Wrap-Up 951 Summary 951 Terminology 954 Self-Review Exercises 955 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 955 Exercises 956 Chapter 20. Introduction to Java Applets 958 Section 20.1. Introduction 959 Section 20.2. Sample Applets Provided with the JDK 959 Section 20.3. Simple Java Applet: Drawing a String 964 Section 20.4. Applet Life-Cycle Methods 968 Section 20.5. Initializing an Instance Variable with Method init 970 Section 20.6. Sandbox Security Model 972 Section 20.7. Internet and Web Resources 972 Section 20.8. Wrap-Up 973 Summary 973 Terminology 975 Self-Review Exercises 975 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 975 Exercises 975 Chapter 21. Multimedia: Applets and Applications 977 Section 21.1. Introduction 978 Section 21.2. Loading, Displaying and Scaling Images 979 Section 21.3. Animating a Series of Images 982 Section 21.4. Image Maps 987 Section 21.5. Loading and Playing Audio Clips 987 Section 21.6. Playing Video and Other Media with Java Media Framework 993 Section 21.7. Wrap-Up 997 Section 21.8. Internet and Web Resources 998 Summary 999 Terminology 1000 Self-Review Exercises 1001 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 1001 Exercises 1001 Special Section: Challenging Multimedia Projects 1002 Chapter 22. GUI Components: Part 2 1005 Section 22.1. Introduction 1006 Section 22.2. JSlider 1006 Section 22.3. Windows: Additional Notes 1010 Section 22.4. Using Menus with Frames 1011 Section 22.5. JPopupMenu 1019 Section 22.6. Pluggable Look-and-Feel 1022 Section 22.7. JDesktopPane and JInternalFrame 1026 Section 22.8. JTabbedPane 1030 Section 22.9. Layout Managers: BoxLayout and GridBagLayout 1032 Section 22.10. Wrap-Up 1046 Summary 1046 Terminology 1048 Self-Review Exercises 1049 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 1050 Exercises 1050 Chapter 23. Multithreading 1052 Section 23.1. Introduction 1053 Section 23.2. Thread States: Life Cycle of a Thread 1055 Section 23.3. Thread Priorities and Thread Scheduling 1056 Section 23.4. Creating and Executing Threads 1058 Section 23.5. Thread Synchronization 1062 Section 23.6. Producer/Consumer Relationship without Synchronization 1064 Section 23.7. Producer/Consumer Relationship with Synchronization 1071 Section 23.8. Producer/Consumer Relationship: Circular Buffer 1076 Section 23.9. Producer/Consumer Relationship: ArrayBlockingQueue 1084 Section 23.10. Multithreading with GUI 1087 Section 23.11. Other Classes and Interfaces in java.util.concurrent 1093 Section 23.12. Monitors and Monitor Locks 1093 Section 23.13. Wrap-Up 1100 Summary 1100 Terminology 1102 Self-Review Exercises 1103 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 1104 Exercises 1104 Chapter 24. Networking 1106 Section 24.1. Introduction 1107 Section 24.2. Manipulating URLs 1108 Section 24.3. Reading a File on a Web Server 1114 Section 24.4. Establishing a Simple Server Using Stream Sockets 1117 Section 24.5. Establishing a Simple Client Using Stream Sockets 1119 Section 24.6. Client/Server Interaction with Stream Socket Connections 1119 Section 24.7. Connectionless Client/Server Interaction with Datagrams 1132 Section 24.8. Client/Server Tic-Tac-Toe Using a Multithreaded Server 1139 Section 24.9. Security and the Network 1154 Section 24.10. Case Study: DeitelMessenger Server and Client 1155 Section 24.11. Wrap-Up 1181 Summary 1181 Terminology 1183 Self-Review Exercises 1184 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 1185 Exercises 1185 Chapter 25. Accessing Databases with JDBC 1189 Section 25.1. Introduction 1190 Section 25.2. Relational Databases 1191 Section 25.3. Relational Database Overview: The books Database 1192 Section 25.4. SQL 1196 Section 25.5. Instructions to install MySQL and MySQL Connector/J 1206 Section 25.6. Instructions on Setting MySQL User Account 1206 Section 25.7. Creating Database books in MySQL 1207 Section 25.8. Manipulating Databases with JDBC 1207 Section 25.9. Stored Procedures 1224 Section 25.10. RowSet Interface 1224 Section 25.11. Wrap-Up 1227 Section 25.12. Internet and Web Resources 1227 Recommended Readings 1228 Summary 1229 Terminology 1232 Self-Review Exercises 1234 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 1234 Exercises 1234 Chapter 26. Servlets 1236 Section 26.1. Introduction 1237 Section 26.2. Servlet Overview and Architecture 1239 Section 26.3. Setting Up the Apache Tomcat Server 1243 Section 26.4. Handling HTTP get Requests 1246 Section 26.5. Handling HTTP get Requests Containing Data 1255 Section 26.6. Handling HTTP post Requests 1258 Section 26.7. Redirecting Requests to Other Resources 1261 Section 26.8. Multitier Applications: Using JDBC from a Servlet 1265 Section 26.9. Welcome Files 1270 Section 26.10. Wrap-Up 1274 Section 26.11. Internet and Web Resources 1274 Summary 1275 Terminology 1277 Self-Review Exercises 1277 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 1278 Exercises 1278 Chapter 27. JavaServer Pages (JSP) 1280 Section 27.1. Introduction 1281 Section 27.2. JavaServer Pages Overview 1282 Section 27.3. First JSP Example 1283 Section 27.4. Implicit Objects 1285 Section 27.5. Scripting 1286 Section 27.6. Standard Actions 1291 Section 27.7. Directives 1305 Section 27.8. Case Study: Guest Book 1309 Section 27.9. Wrap-Up 1321 Section 27.10. Internet and Web Resources 1321 Summary 1321 Terminology 1323 Self-Review Exercises 1324 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 1325 Exercises 1325 Chapter 28. Formatted Output 1326 Section 28.1. Introduction 1327 Section 28.2. Streams 1327 Section 28.3. Formatting Output with printf 1328 Section 28.4. Printing Integers 1328 Section 28.5. Printing Floating-Point Numbers 1329 Section 28.6. Printing Strings and Characters 1330 Section 28.7. Printing Dates and Times 1331 Section 28.8. Other Conversion Characters 1335 Section 28.9. Printing with Field Widths and Precisions 1335 Section 28.10. Using Flags in the printf Format String 1337 Section 28.11. Printing with Argument Indices 1342 Section 28.12. Printing Literals and Escape Sequences 1342 Section 28.13. Formatting Output with Class Formatter 1342 Section 28.14. Wrap-Up 1344 Summary 1344 Terminology 1346 Self-Review Exercises 1346 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 1347 Exercises 1348 Chapter 29. Strings, Characters and Regular Expressions 1350 Section 29.1. Introduction 1351 Section 29.2. Fundamentals of Characters and Strings 1352 Section 29.3. Class String 1352 Section 29.4. Class StringBuffer 1364 Section 29.5. Class Character 1372 Section 29.6. Class StringTokenizer 1376 Section 29.7. Regular Expressions, Class Pattern and Class Matcher 1378 Section 29.8. Wrap-Up 1387 Summary 1387 Terminology 1391 Self-Review Exercises 1391 Answers to Self-Review Exercises 1392 Exercises 1392 Special Section: Advanced String-Manipulation Exercises 1393 Special Section: Challenging String-Manipulation Projects 1396 Appendix A. Operator Precedence Chart 1398 Section A.1. Operator Precedence 1398 Appendix B. ASCII Character Set 1400 Appendix C. Keywords and Reserved Words 1401 Appendix D. Primitive Types 1402 Appendix E. (On CD) Number Systems 1403 Appendix F. (On CD) Unicode®





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