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原创 javascript手冊-u-z

 unescape functionReturns the ASCII string for the specified value. 语法unescape("string")string is a string or a property of an existing object, containing characters in either of the following

2001-08-27 20:10:00 1137

原创 javascript手冊-t

 tan methodReturns the tangent of a number. 语法Math.tan(number)number is a numeric expression representing the size of an angle in radians, or a property of an existing object. 用法Math 描述

2001-08-27 20:09:00 1071

原创 javascript手冊-s2

setTime methodSets the value of a date object. 语法dateObjectName.setTime(timevalue) dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. timevalue is an integ

2001-08-27 20:08:00 996

原创 javascript手冊-s1

 search propertyA string beginning with a question mark that specifies any query information in the URL. 语法1. links[index].search2. location.searchindex is an integer representing a link o

2001-08-27 20:07:00 1419

原创 javascript手冊-p&q

parent propertyThe parent property is a synonym for a window or frame whose frameset contains the current frame. 语法1. parent.propertyName2. parent.methodName3. parent.frameName4. parent.fram

2001-08-27 20:04:00 927

原创 javascript手冊-r

 radio objectA set of radio buttons on an htm form. A set of radio buttons lets the user choose one item from a list. 语法To define a set of radio buttons, use standard htm 语法 with the addition

2001-08-27 20:04:00 975

原创 javascript手冊-o

onBlur event handlerA blur event occurs when a select, text, or textarea field on a form loses focus. The onBlur event handler executes JavaScript code when a blur event occurs. See the relevant o

2001-08-27 20:02:00 1166

原创 javascript手冊-m&n

 Math objectA built-in object that has properties and methods for mathematical constants and functions. For example, the Math objects PI property has the value of pi. 语法To use a Math object:

2001-08-27 20:01:00 972

原创 javascript手冊-l

lastIndexOf methodReturns the index within the calling string object of the last occurrence of the specified value. The calling string is searched backwards, starting at fromIndex. 语法stringName.la

2001-08-27 19:59:00 1117

原创 javascript手冊-i

index propertyAn integer representing the index of an option in a select object. 语法selectName.options[indexValue].indexselectName is either the value of the NAME attribute of a select object o

2001-08-27 19:58:00 793

原创 javascript手冊-h

 hash propertyA string beginning with a hash mark (#) that specifies an anchor name in the URL. 语法1. links[index].hash2. location.hashindex is an integer representing a link object. Prop

2001-08-27 19:57:00 823

原创 javascript手冊-g

getDate methodReturns the day of the month for the specified date. 语法dateObjectName.getDate()dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. 方法Date

2001-08-27 19:56:00 709

原创 javascript手冊-f

 fgColor propertyA string specifying the color of the document text. 语法document.fgColorProperty ofdocument 描述The fgColor property is expressed as a hexadecimal RGB triplet or as one of t

2001-08-27 19:55:00 702

原创 javascript手冊-e

E propertyEulers constant and the base of natural logarithms, approximately 2.718. 语法Math.EProperty ofMath 描述Because E is a constant, it is a read-only property of Math. 例子The followi

2001-08-27 19:54:00 791

原创 javascript手冊-d

 Date objectLets you work with dates and times. 语法To create a Date object: 1. dateObjectName = new Date()2. dateObjectName = new Date("month day, year hours:minutes:seconds")3. dateObjectN

2001-08-27 19:53:00 663

原创 javascript手冊-c

ceil methodReturns the least integer greater than or equal to a number. 语法Math.ceil(number)number is any numeric expression or a property of an existing object. 用法Math 例子//Displays the val

2001-08-27 19:51:00 841

原创 javascript手冊-b

back methodLoads the previous URL in the history list. 语法history.back()用法history 描述This method performs the same action as a user choosing the Back button in the Navigator. The back method

2001-08-27 19:50:00 635

原创 javascript手冊-a

abs methodReturns the absolute value of a number. 语法Math.abs(number)number is any numeric expression or a property of an existing object. 用法Math 例子In the following example, the user ente

2001-08-27 19:48:00 684

原创 javascript手冊总纲

 按字母排序: abs acos action alert alinkColor anchor anchor (anchors array) anchors appCodeName appName appVersion asin atan back bgColor big blink blur bold

2001-08-27 19:44:00 965 1

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