


C - Disables communication alarms. This must be the last parameter for it to work correctly.

In some applications that do not need the alarming functionality for communications alarms, disabling this functionality eliminates the rush of alarms that normally occurs when FIX starts, or for instance when a field device is taken off line for maintenance. Disabling this functionality is also desirable in an application that experiences frequent communications interruptions or delays.


For example: C:\FIX32\WSACTASK.EXE D30 O C


In this command line parameter SAC processing is delayed 30 seconds, overrun counter is enabled and communication alarms are disabled.



Dseconds - Delays SAC Processing of the database for the specified number of seconds. By default, SAC automatically delays processing for 8 seconds. You can use the D parameter to specify a delay of 1 to 300 seconds.


O - Allows SAC overruns or missed cycles to be displayed in the missed cycles field of the SAC tab in mission control (O is the letter not a number).


P - Maximum percentage of CPU time SAC is allowed to use. This defaults to 30 but can be configured by using P# (where # is a number between 5 and 90) with the WSACTASK.EXE command line parameter. In the default case of 30, this means that SAC will try to use 15ms or 30% of the 50ms cycle time. SAC has a lock on the database during this time, preventing other EDA applications from performing reads or writes to the database. Using a very high P parameter can hurt the performance of pictures and other EDA applications.


Qsize - Sets the number of queue entries for the Alarm Queue Status program. This program is an optional system task that monitors alarms detected by SAC. By default, the queue size is 100 entries for FIX and 1000 for iFIX, with each entry taking up 270 bytes. The Q parameter lets you specify the queue size from 1 - 9999 entries.


S - Synchronizes SAC to the system clock. See the Database Builder Manual excerpt below for information on scan times and synchronization.


Blocks with Long Scan Times

Blocks that have long scan times react differently to on/off scan changes than blocks that have short scan times. If you change the block's scan status, it displays either PON or POFF (pending on, pending off). This text indicates that the scan status change has been requested and is pending, but the block has not been placed off or on scan. While a block is in PON, any new value is ignored.


By default, the block changes scan status shortly after entering the pending state. However, if SAC was started with the "S" command line parameter, the block remains in the pending state until SAC is ready to scan it. For example, assume you have a block with a one hour scan time. The block is 45 minutes into its scan cycle when you change it from off scan to on scan. The block remains in PON for 15 minutes in order to synchronize it with SAC at which time the block goes on scan.


If you change the block's mode using Database Builder, the spreadsheet displays either PON or POFF. By repeatedly selecting the Refresh command, you can update the spreadsheet to display the new scan status (either OFF or ON) when SAC scans the block." 





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