eclipse运行java工程出现“Select Java Application”





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java编的五子棋 import java.util.*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; import javax.swing.*; class Gobang extends JFrame implements Runnable, ActionListener { final static int Player=1; final static int AI =-1; ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); int length=14, game_state, winner, check, step; int grid[][] = new int[length][length]; int locX, locY /* 囱竚 */, count /* 硈囱计 */, x, y /* 既竚 */, displace_x=0, displace_y=0 /* 簿秖 */, direction; ArrayList steps = new ArrayList(); /* 癘魁囱˙ */ JPopupMenu control_menu = new JPopupMenu(); /* 龄匡虫 */ JMenuItem[] command = new JMenuItem[4]; String[] command_str={"囱", "郎", "弄郎", "秨"}; int[][] dir = { {-1, -1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, 1}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}, {1, -1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1} }; boolean[] dir2 = new boolean[8]; boolean turn; String message; final JDialog dialog = new JDialog(this, "叫匡", true); Font font=new Font("new_font", Font.BOLD, 20); Grid grids[][] = new Grid[length][length]; Image white= tk.getImage(cl.getResource("res/white.png")); Image black= tk.getImage(cl.getResource("res/black.png")); Image title= tk.getImage(cl.getResource("res/title.png")); Image temp; JPanel boardPanel, bigpanel; JRadioButton[] choice = new JRadioButton[2]; final static int Start =0; final static int Select =1; final static int Playing =2; final static int End =3; final static int nil=-1; /* 礚よ */ final static int oblique_1 =0; /* オ */ final static int oblique_2 =1; /* オ */ final static int horizontal =2; /* 绢 */ final static int vertical=3; /*  */ Gobang() { super("き囱"); boardPanel = new JPanel(); boardPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(length, length, 0, 0)); boardPanel.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT); for(int i=0; i<length; i++) for(int j=0; j<length; j++) { grids[i][j] = new Grid(i, j); boardPanel.add(grids[i][j]); } bigpanel = new JPanel(); bigpanel.add(boardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); getContentPane().add(bigpanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); game_state=Start; ThreadStart(); dialog.setSize(160, 100); dialog.setResizable(false); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(null); ButtonGroup choice_group = new ButtonGroup(); JPanel choice_menu = new JPanel(); choice[0] = new JRadioButton("堵", new ImageIcon(black), true); choice[1] = new JRadioButton("フ", new ImageIcon(white)); for(int i=0; i<choice.length; i++) { choice_menu.add(choice[i]); choice_group.add(choice[i]); } for(int i=0; i<command.length; i++) { command[i] =new JMenuItem(command_str[i]); command[i].addActionListener(this); control_menu.add(command[i]); } JButton select = new JButton("絋﹚"); JPanel select_menu = new JPanel(); select_menu.add(select); select.addActionListener(this); dialog.getContentPane().add(choice_menu, BorderLayout.NORTH); dialog.getContentPane().add(select_menu, BorderLayout.CENTER); setIconImage(title); setResizable(false); setSize(300, 335); setVisible(true); setLocationRelativeTo(null); } public static void main(String[] arg) { Gobang application = new Gobang(); application.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if( event.getSource().equals(command[0]) ) { if(steps.size()!=0) undo(); } else if(event.getSource().equals(command[1]) ) Save(); else if(event.getSource().equals(command[2]) ) Load(); else if(event.getSource().equals(command[3]) ) ReStart(); else { if(choice[1].isSelected()) { temp=white; white=black; black=temp; } dialog.dispose(); } } public void WinCheck() { check = turn? Player: AI; direction=oblique_1; WinCheck2(); } public void WinCheck2() { count=1; switch(direction) { case oblique_1: displace_x=1; displace_y=-1; direction=oblique_2; break; case oblique_2: displace_x=displace_y=1; direction=horizontal; break; case horizontal: displace_x=1; displace_y=0; direction=vertical; break; case vertical: displace_x=0; displace_y=1; direction=nil; break; } x=locX+displace_x; y=locY+displace_y; while(x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==check) { count=count+1; x=x+displace_x; y=y+displace_y; } x=locX-displace_x; y=locY-displace_y; while(x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==check) { count=count+1; x=x-displace_x; y=y-displace_y; } if(count>=5) { game_state=End; winner=check; ThreadStart(); } else if(direction!=nil) WinCheck2(); } public void ReStart() { for(int i=0; i<length; i++) for(int j=0; j<length; j++) grids[i][j].Initial(); winner=0; steps.clear(); game_state=Playing; } public void gobangRandom() { displace_y=0; do { displace_x=(int)(Math.random()*8); x =locX+dir[displace_x][0]; y =locY+dir[displace_x][1]; if(!dir2[displace_x]) { displace_y=displace_y+1; dir2[displace_x]=true; } }while((x<0 || x>=length || y<0 || y>=length || grid[x][y]!=0) && displace_y<8); for(int i=0; i<8; i++) dir2[i]=false; if(x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==0) setMark(x, y); else gobangRandom2(); } private void gobangRandom2() { do { x=(int)(Math.random()*length); y=(int)(Math.random()*length); }while(grid[x][y]!=0); setMark(x, y); } private void gobangAI() { boolean play=true; for(int i=2; i>0; i--) { play=!play; gobangAI4(play); if(turn) return; } for(int i=7; i>=4; i--) { play=!play; step=i/2; gobangAI2(play); if(turn) return; } gobangAI5(); if(!turn) gobangRandom(); } private void gobangAI2(boolean player) { check = player? Player: AI; for(int i=0; i<length; i++) for(int j=0; j<length; j++) { if(turn) break; if(grid[i][j] == check) { count=1; direction=oblique_1; gobangAI3(i, j); } } } private void gobangAI3(int x, int y) { if(count==1) { locX=x; locY=y; } switch(direction) { case oblique_1: displace_x=1; displace_y=-1; break; case oblique_2: displace_x=displace_y=1; break; case horizontal: displace_x=1; displace_y=0; break; case vertical: displace_x=0; displace_y=1; break; } x=x+displace_x; y=y+displace_y; if(x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==check) { count=count+1; if(count==step) { if(x+displace_x>=0 && x+displace_x<length && y+displace_y>=0 && y+displace_y<length && grid[x+displace_x][y+displace_y]==0) { if(x-step*displace_x<0 || x-step*displace_x>=length || y-step*displace_y<0 || y-step*displace_y>=length || !gobang_SpaceAI(x+displace_x, y+displace_y) || (grid[x-step*displace_x][y-step*displace_y]!=0 && step<3) ) /* 癸翴猵 */ gobangAI3_2(); else setMark2(x+displace_x, y+displace_y); } else gobangAI3_2(); } else gobangAI3(x, y); } else gobangAI3_2(); } private void gobangAI3_2() { if(direction!=vertical) { count=1; direction=direction+1; gobangAI3(locX, locY); } } private void gobangAI4(boolean player) { check = player? Player: AI; for(int i=0; i<length; i++) for(int j=0; j<length; j++) { if(turn) break; if(grid[i][j]==0) { direction=oblique_1; locX=i; locY=j; gobangAI4(); } } } private void gobangAI4() { count=0; switch(direction) { case oblique_1: displace_x=1; displace_y=-1; direction=oblique_2; break; case oblique_2: displace_x=displace_y=1; direction=horizontal; break; case horizontal: displace_x=1; displace_y=0; direction=vertical; break; case vertical: displace_x=0; displace_y=1; direction=nil; break; } x=locX+displace_x; y=locY+displace_y; while(x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==check) { count=count+1; x=x+displace_x; y=y+displace_y; } x=locX-displace_x; y=locY-displace_y; while(x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==check) { count=count+1; x=x-displace_x; y=y-displace_y; } if(count>=4) setMark(locX, locY); else if(direction!=nil) gobangAI4(); } private void gobangAI5() { for(int i=0; i<length; i++) for(int j=0; j<length; j++) { if(turn) break; if(grid[i][j]==-1) { direction=oblique_1; locX=i; locY=j; gobangAI5_2(); } } } /* 璸衡硈絬フ耞糷 */ private void gobangAI5_2() { count=0; switch(direction) { case oblique_1: displace_x=1; displace_y=-1; direction=oblique_2; break; case oblique_2: displace_x=displace_y=1; direction=horizontal; break; case horizontal: displace_x=1; displace_y=0; direction=vertical; break; case vertical: displace_x=0; displace_y=1; direction=nil; break; } x=locX+displace_x; y=locY+displace_y; while(x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==0 && count<4) { count=count+1; x=x+displace_x; y=y+displace_y; } x=locX-displace_x; y=locY-displace_y; if(count==4 && x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==0) setMark(locX+displace_x, locY+displace_y); else if(count>1) { count = count==4? 3: count; while(x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==0 && count<4) { count=count+1; x=x-displace_x; y=y-displace_y; } if(count==4) setMark(locX+displace_x, locY+displace_y); else if(direction!=nil) gobangAI5_2(); } else if(direction!=nil) gobangAI5_2(); } private boolean gobang_SpaceAI(int x, int y) /* 璸衡逞緇フ竚 */ { int space=0; do { space=space+1; x=x+displace_x; y=y+displace_y; }while(x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==0 && space<4); if(space+count>=5) /* 逞緇フ场だΤ硈絬ぇ */ return true; else { space=0; x=locX-displace_x; y=locY-displace_y; while(x>=0 && x<length && y>=0 && y<length && grid[x][y]==0 && space<4) { space=space+1; x=x-displace_x; y=y-displace_y; } if(space+count>=5) /* 逞緇フ场だΤ硈絬ぇ */ return true; else return false; } } public void ThreadStart() { new Thread(this).start(); } private void setMark(int x, int y) { steps.add(grids[x][y]); grids[x][y].setValue(-1); WinCheck(); turn=true; } /* 璸衡êよΤ隔 */ private void setMark2(int x, int y) { int space=0, temp_x=x, temp_y=y; do { space=space+1; temp_x=temp_x+displace_x; temp_y=temp_y+displace_y; }while(temp_x>=0 && temp_x<length && temp_y>=0 && temp_y<length && grid[temp_x][temp_y]==0 && space<4); if(space+step>=5) setMark(x, y); else setMark(x-(step+1)*displace_x, y-(step+1)*displace_y); /* э癸翴 */ } public void run() { try { switch(game_state) { case Start: Thread.sleep(2000);; game_state=Playing; repaint(); break; case End: repaint(); Thread.sleep(1500); ReStart(); repaint(); break; } } catch(InterruptedException ex) { } } public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); switch(game_state) { case Start: g.drawString("2005.7 by Yu Lin Tao", 91, 240); g.setFont(font); g.setColor(Color.BLUE); g.drawString("Gobang", 112, 120); g.drawImage(title, 134, 135, this); break; case Playing: case End: g.drawString("產: 筿福:", 105, 40); g.drawImage(black, 132, 30, this); g.drawImage(white, 182, 30, this); if(winner!=0) { g.setFont(font); g.setColor(Color.RED); message = winner==1? "墓":"块"; g.drawString(message, 120, 185); } break; } } public void undo() { if(steps.size()>0) { for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { ((Grid)steps.get(steps.size()-1)).Initial(); steps.remove(steps.size()-1); } } } private void Save() { String str; try { File file = new File(""); file.createNewFile(); BufferedWriter write = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); for(int i=0; i<steps.size(); i++) { str=(((Grid)steps.get(i)).getLocX())+","+(((Grid)steps.get(i)).getLocY())+","+(((Grid)steps.get(i)).getValue()); write.write(str); write.newLine(); } write.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { } } private void Load() { try { String[] step_array; String str; File file = new File(""); if(!file.exists()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "⊿Τ郎"); return; } BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); ReStart(); while(read.ready()) { str=read.readLine(); step_array=str.split(","); grids[Integer.parseInt(step_array[0])][Integer.parseInt(step_array[1])].setValue(Integer.parseInt(step_array[2])); steps.add(grids[Integer.parseInt(step_array[0])][Integer.parseInt(step_array[1])]); } } catch(Exception ex) { } } private class Grid extends JPanel implements MouseListener { int x, y, value; boolean selected; public Grid(int x, int y) { this.x=x; this.y=y; addMouseListener(this); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) { if(game_state==Playing) { int button=event.getButton(); if(button==MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { if(value==0) { steps.add(this); setValue(1); WinCheck(); turn=false; if(game_state==Playing) gobangAI(); } } else, event.getX(), event.getY()); } } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) { if(game_state==Playing) setSelected(true); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event) { if(game_state==Playing) setSelected(false); } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) { } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(20, 20); } public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return getPreferredSize(); } public int getLocX() { return x; } public int getLocY() { return y; } public int getValue() { return value; } public void Initial() { value=grid[x][y]=0; selected=false; repaint(); } public void setValue(int new_value) { locX=x; locY=y; value=grid[x][y]=new_value; repaint(); } public void setSelected(boolean select) { selected=select; repaint(); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); if(game_state!=Start && game_state!=Select) { g.drawLine(0, 10, 19, 10); g.drawLine(10, 0, 10, 19); /* 礶娩絬 */ g.setColor(Color.BLUE); if(x==0) g.drawLine(0, 0, 19, 0); else if(x==length-1) g.drawLine(0, 19, 19, 19); if(y==0) g.drawLine(19, 0, 19, 19); else if(y==length-1) g.drawLine(0, 0, 0, 19); if(selected) setBackground(Color.WHITE); else setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); } //g.drawString(x+" "+y, 1, 10); if(value!=0) { temp = value==1? black: white; g.drawImage(temp, 4, 4, this); } } } }
Create and unleash the power of neural networks by implementing professional Java code About This Book Learn to build amazing projects using neural networks including forecasting the weather and pattern recognition Explore the Java multi-platform feature to run your personal neural networks everywhere This step-by-step guide will help you solve real-world problems and links neural network theory to their application Who This Book Is For This book is for Java developers with basic Java programming knowledge. No previous knowledge of neural networks is required as this book covers the concepts from scratch. What You Will Learn Get to grips with the basics of neural networks and what they are used for Develop neural networks using hands-on examples Explore and code the most widely-used learning algorithms to make your neural network learn from most types of data Discover the power of neural network's unsupervised learning process to extract the intrinsic knowledge hidden behind the data Apply the code generated in practical examples, including weather forecasting and pattern recognition Understand how to make the best choice of learning parameters to ensure you have a more effective application Select and split data sets into training, test, and validation, and explore validation strategies Discover how to improve and optimize your neural network In Detail Vast quantities of data are produced every second. In this context, neural networks become a powerful technique to extract useful knowledge from large amounts of raw, seemingly unrelated data. One of the most preferred languages for neural network programming is Java as it is easier to write code using it, and most of the most popular neural network packages around already exist for Java. This makes it a versatile programming language for neural networks. This book gives you a complete walkthrough of the process of developing basic to advanced practical examples based on neural networks with Java. You will first learn the basics of neural networks and their process of learning. We then focus on what Perceptrons are and their features. Next, you will implement self-organizing maps using the concepts you've learned. Furthermore, you will learn about some of the applications that are presented in this book such as weather forecasting, disease diagnosis, customer profiling, and characters recognition (OCR). Finally, you will learn methods to optimize and adapt neural networks in real time. All the examples generated in the book are provided in the form of illustrative source code, which merges object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and neural network features to enhance your learning experience. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Getting Started with Neural Networks Chapter 2 How Neural Networks Learn Chapter 3 Handling Perceptrons Chapter 4 Self-Organizing Maps Chapter 5 Forecasting Weather Chapter 6 Classifying Disease Diagnosis Chapter 7 Clustering Customer Profiles Chapter 8 Pattern Recognition (OCR Case) Chapter 9 Neural Network Optimization and Adaptation Appendix A Setting up the NetBeans Environment Appendix B Setting Up the Eclipse Environment Appendix C References


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