Oracle Study--Oracle Supplemental Log补全日志介绍

Oracle Study--Oracle Supplemental Log补全日志介绍

       Oracle补全日志(Supplemental logging)特性因其作用的不同可分为以下几种:最小(Minimal),支持所有字段(all),支持主键(primary key),支持唯一键(unique),支持外键(foreign key)。包括LONG,LOB,LONG RAW及集合等字段类型均无法利用补全日志。


SELECT supplemental_log_data_min FROM v$database;



alter database add supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) columns ;
create table test (t1 int , t2 int ,t3 int ,t4 int );
alter table test add constraint pk_t1 primary key (t1); –添加主键
update test set t2=10;       
commit;   — 更新数据


update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2″ = ’10’ where “T1″ = ’64’ and “T2″ = ’65’ 



alter table test drop constraint pk_t1 ;
update test set t2=11;       commit;   — 更新数据
update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2″ = ’11’ where “T1″ = ‘1’ 
    and “T2″ = ’10’ and “T3″ = ‘3’ and “T4″ = ‘4’ 


create unique index pk_t1 on test(t1);
update test set t2=15; commit;
update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2″ = ’15’ where “T1″ = ‘9’ and “T2″ = ’11’ 
   and “T3″ = ’11’ and “T4″ = ’12’ and ROWID = ‘AAAMiSAABAAAOhiAAI';
以上是t1列有唯一索引但不限定not null的情况,下面我们加上not null限制
alter table test modify t1 not null;
update test set t2=21; commit;
update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2″ = ’21’ where “T1″ = ‘2’ and “T2″ = ’15’ 



Drop table test;
create table test (
t1 varchar2(5),
t2 varchar2(5),
t3 varchar2(5),
t4 varchar2(5),  …t250 varchar2(5))
insert into test values (‘TEST’,’TEST’ ……);   commit; –将255个列填入数据
alter database drop supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) 
columns;  –关闭补全日志
set autotrace on;
update test set t2=’BZZZZ’ where t1=’TEST'; commit;
alter database add supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) 
columns;  –重新开启补全日志
update test set t2=’FSDSD’ where t1=’TEST';



alter database drop supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) 
alter table test add supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) 
update test set t2=’ZZZZZ'; commit;
使用LOGMNR工具查看redo中的SQL:update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2″ = ‘ZZZZZ’ 
  where “T1″ = ‘TEST’ and “T2″ = ‘AAAAA’ and “T3″ = ‘TEST’………
delete test; commit;
delete from “SYS”.”TEST” where “T1″ = ‘TEST’ and “T2″ = ‘ZZZZZ’ 
  and “T3″ = ‘TEST’ and “T4″ = ‘TEST’ and “T5″ ……
alter table test drop supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) 
  columns;  –关闭表上原先的补全日志
alter table test add supplemental log group test_lgp (t1 ,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t12,t250) 
  always; –创建补全日志组
update test set t2=’XXXXX’ ; commit;
update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2″ = ‘XXXXX’ where “T1″ = ‘TEST’ and “T2″ = ‘TEST’ 
  and “T3″ = ‘TEST’ and “T4″ = ‘TEST’ and “T5″ = ‘TEST’ and “T6″ = ‘TEST’ and “T12″ = ‘TEST’ and “T250″ = ‘TEST’ and ROWID = ‘AAAMieAABAAAOhnAAA';
delete test;
delete from “SYS”.”TEST” where “T1″ = ‘TEST’ and “T2″ = ‘XXXXX’ 
  and “T3″ = ‘TEST’ ……


关于Oracle中supplemental log的补充说明


在上一篇关于Oracle补全日志的介绍中漏写了关于最小补全日志(minimal supplemental log)与表级补全日志的关系;表级补全日志需要在最小补全日志打开的情况下才起作用,即若一个数据库没有开最小补全日志或之前drop supplemental log data操作则即便指定了表级补全日志,实际在重做日志输出的过程中描述的记录仍只记录rowid和相关列值。


Alter database add supplemental log data;

其次若如之前叙述的因表上的列数过多(超过200个),则应检查视图 dba_logstdby_not_unique, 该视图记录了在数据库中没有主键或没有唯一索引并且列非空的索引(tables in the primary database that do not have a primary key or unique index with NOT NULL columns)的表。如使用以下SQL:

select owner, table_name, bad_column
from dba_logstdby_not_unique
where table_name not in
(select table_name from dba_logstdby_unsupported);

其中bad_column列较为关键。若该字段为 Y,表示一个表列被使用大数据类型定义,例如CLOB或BLOB。sql apply尝试维护这些表,但是你必须要保证表中除这列外的其他列的单值性。就是说,注意,如果一个表中有两行除了LOB列外,其他的值完全相同,这样表 的改动就不能被逻辑备用数据库应用,sql apply会停止。N,表示表中包含足够的列信息,需要用来在逻辑备用数据库中维护表的。

针对前文叙述的在表上列较多的情况下(超过200个列),且不能添加主键和唯一非空索引的表,我们需要特别关注。但实际如果我们想了解一个段在一定段内产生的重做量却十分困难。(method :check  how much redo generated by one segment)

已知的研究方法例如logmnr工具,和dump redologs以及oradebug都无法提供足够的信息帮助统计。

仅有的方法是通过logmnr估算,v$logmnr_contents视图中记录的rbablk与rbabyte,为重做日志中的块偏移量(redo log中512byte为一个块)与字节偏移量,通过计算差值结合data_obj#列,可以大致估算某个段上一定时间内的重做量:

create table redo_analysis nologging as
select data_obj#,  oper, rbablk*512 + rbabyte curpos,
lead(rbablk*512+rbabyte,1,0) over (order by  rbasqn, rbablk, rbabyte)
( select distinct data_obj#,  operation oper,
rbasqn, rbablk, rbabyte from v$logmnr_contents
order by rbasqn, rbablk, rbabyte );
select data_obj#, oper, obj_name, sum(redosize) total_redo
select data_obj#, oper, obj_name , nextpos-curpos-1 redosize
from redo_analysis redo1, sys.obj$ obj
where (redo1.data_obj# = obj.obj# or  redo1.data_obj# = obj.dataobj#)
and  nextpos !=0 – For the boundary condition
union all
select data_obj#, oper, ‘internal ‘ , nextpos-curpos  redosize
from redo_analysis redo1
where  redo1.data_obj#=0 and  redo1.data_obj# = 0
and nextpos!=0
group by data_obj#, oper, obj_name
order by 4

以上估算并不准确,在有手动切换(switch logfile)日志及其他特殊情况时误差较大。

         Oracle日志(redo log)一般用于实例恢复和介质恢复,但是如果需要靠日志还原完整的DML操作信息(比如Logmnr、Streams和这里的Goldengate),默认记录的日志量还不够。比如一个UPDATE的操作,默认redo只记录了rowid以及被修改的字段信息,但这里GoldenGate还原这个事务,因为不是根据rowid而是SQL层面根据唯一键值来定位记录,所以还需要将主键或者其他字段的信息附加到日志中去。要往日志中增加这些额外字段信息的操作,就是开启补全日志,即Add Supplemental Logging。打开补全日志,会使数据库的日志量增加,所以只打开需要的级别和对象即可。
(1)最小附加日志(Minimal supplemental logging):是开启logmnr的最低日志要求,提供了行链接(chained rows)和多种数据存储(比如聚簇表、索引组织表)的信息。在Oracle 9.2之后的版本中,默认都不开启。
(2)主键补全(Primary key supplemental logging):在日志中补全所有主键列。如果表中无主键,则补全一个非空唯一索引列;如果非空唯一索引键也没,那么会补全除了LOB和LONG类型字段以外的所有列,这时就和下面的所有补全一样了。
(3)唯一键补全(Unique key supplemental logging):当唯一键列或位图索引列被修改时,在日志中补全所有唯一键列或位图索引列。打开唯一键补全也会同时打开主键补全。注意这个级别是需要条件触发的。
(4)外键补全(Foreign Key supplemental logging):当外键列被修改时,将在日志中补全所有外键列。这个级别也是需要条件触发的。
(5)所有补全(All supplemental logging):在日志中补全所有字段(排除LOB和LONG类型)。
Oracle表级补全日志需要在最小补全日志打开的情况下才起作用,即若一个数据库没有开最小补全日志或之前drop supplemental log data操作则即便指定了表级补全日志,实际在重做日志输出的过程中描述的记录仍只记录rowid和相关列值。而要关闭最小补全日志,也必须首先关闭数据库级别的其他补全级别后,才能关闭。

Oracle 官方文档:

  1. Supplemental Logging

  2. Redo log files are generally used for instance recovery and media recovery. The data needed for such operations is automatically recorded in the redo log files. However, a redo-based application may require that additional columns be logged in the redo log files. The process of logging these additional columns is called supplemental logging.

  3. By default, Oracle Database does not provide any supplemental logging, which means that by default LogMiner is not usable. Therefore, you must enable at least minimal supplemental logging before generating log files which will be analyzed by LogMiner.

  4. The following are examples of situations in which additional columns may be needed:

  5. An application that applies reconstructed SQL statements to a different database must identify the update statement by a set of columns that uniquely identify the row (for example, a primary key), not by the ROWID shown in the reconstructed SQL returned by the V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view, because the ROWID of one database will be different and therefore meaningless in another database.

  6. An application may require that the before-image of the whole row be logged, not just the modified columns, so that tracking of row changes is more efficient.

  7. A supplemental log group is the set of additional columns to be logged when supplemental logging is enabled. There are two types of supplemental log groups that determine when columns in the log group are logged:

  8. Unconditional supplemental log groups: The before-images of specified columns are logged any time a row is updated, regardless of whether the update affected any of the specified columns. This is sometimes referred to as an ALWAYS log group.

  9. Conditional supplemental log groups: The before-images of all specified columns are logged only if at least one of the columns in the log group is updated.

  10. Supplemental log groups can be system-generated or user-defined.

  11. In addition to the two types of supplemental logging, there are two levels of supplemental logging, as described in the following sections:

  12. Database-Level Supplemental Logging

  13. Table-Level Supplemental Logging

  14. See Also:

  15. Querying Views for Supplemental Logging Settings

  16. Database-Level Supplemental Logging

  17. There are two types of database-level supplemental logging: minimal supplemental logging and identification key logging, as described in the following sections. Minimal supplemental logging does not impose significant overhead on the database generating the redo log files. However, enabling database-wide identification key logging can impose overhead on the database generating the redo log files. Oracle recommends that you at least enable minimal supplemental logging for LogMiner.

  18. Minimal Supplemental Logging

  19. Minimal supplemental logging logs the minimal amount of information needed for LogMiner to identify, group, and merge the redo operations associated with DML changes. It ensures that LogMiner (and any product building on LogMiner technology) has sufficient information to support chained rows and various storage arrangements, such as cluster tables and index-organized tables. To enable minimal supplemental logging, execute the following SQL statement:

  21. Note:

  22. In Oracle Database release 9.0.1, minimal supplemental logging was the default behavior in LogMiner. In release 9.2 and later, the default is no supplemental logging. Supplemental logging must be specifically enabled.

  23. Database-Level Identification Key Logging

  24. Identification key logging is necessary when redo log files will not be mined at the source database instance, for example, when the redo log files will be mined at a logical standby database.

  25. Using database identification key logging, you can enable database-wide before-image logging for all updates by specifying one or more of the following options to the SQL ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG statement:

  26. ALL system-generated unconditional supplemental log group

  27. This option specifies that when a row is updated, all columns of that row (except for LOBs, LONGS, and ADTs) are placed in the redo log file.

  28. To enable all column logging at the database level, execute the following statement:

  30. PRIMARY KEY system-generated unconditional supplemental log group

  31. This option causes the database to place all columns of a row's primary key in the redo log file whenever a row containing a primary key is updated (even if no value in the primary key has changed).

  32. If a table does not have a primary key, but has one or more non-null unique index key constraints or index keys, then one of the unique index keys is chosen for logging as a means of uniquely identifying the row being updated.

  33. If the table has neither a primary key nor a non-null unique index key, then all columns except LONG and LOB are supplementally logged; this is equivalent to specifying ALL supplemental logging for that row. Therefore, Oracle recommends that when you use database-level primary key supplemental logging, all or most tables be defined to have primary or unique index keys.

  34. To enable primary key logging at the database level, execute the following statement:

  36. UNIQUE system-generated conditional supplemental log group

  37. This option causes the database to place all columns of a row's composite unique key or bitmap index in the redo log file if any column belonging to the composite unique key or bitmap index is modified. The unique key can be due to either a unique constraint or a unique index.

  38. To enable unique index key and bitmap index logging at the database level, execute the following statement:

  40. FOREIGN KEY system-generated conditional supplemental log group

  41. This option causes the database to place all columns of a row's foreign key in the redo log file if any column belonging to the foreign key is modified.

  42. To enable foreign key logging at the database level, execute the following SQL statement:

  44. Note:

  45. Regardless of whether identification key logging is enabled, the SQL statements returned by LogMiner always contain the ROWID clause. You can filter out the ROWID clause by using the NO_ROWID_IN_STMT option to the DBMS_LOGMNR.START_LOGMNR procedure call. See Formatting Reconstructed SQL Statements for Re-execution for details.

  46. Keep the following in mind when you use identification key logging:

  47. If the database is open when you enable identification key logging, all DML cursors in the cursor cache are invalidated. This can affect performance until the cursor cache is repopulated.

  48. When you enable identification key logging at the database level, minimal supplemental logging is enabled implicitly.

  49. Supplemental logging statements are cumulative. If you issue the following SQL statements, both primary key and unique key supplemental logging is enabled:

  51. Disabling Database-Level Supplemental Logging

  52. You disable database-level supplemental logging using the SQL ALTER DATABASE statement with the DROP SUPPLEMENTAL LOGGING clause. You can drop supplemental logging attributes incrementally. For example, suppose you issued the following SQL statements, in the following order:

  54. The statements would have the following effects:

  55. After the first statement, primary key supplemental logging is enabled.

  56. After the second statement, primary key and unique key supplemental logging are enabled.

  1. After the third statement, only unique key supplemental logging is enabled.

  2. After the fourth statement, all supplemental logging is not disabled. The following error is returned: ORA-32589: unable to drop minimal supplemental logging.

  3. To disable all database supplemental logging, you must first disable any identification key logging that has been enabled, then disable minimal supplemental logging. The following example shows the correct order:

  5. Dropping minimal supplemental log data is allowed only if no other variant of database-level supplemental logging is enabled.

  6. Table-Level Supplemental Logging

  7. Table-level supplemental logging specifies, at the table level, which columns are to be supplementally logged. You can use identification key logging or user-defined conditional and unconditional supplemental log groups to log supplemental information, as described in the following sections.

  8. Table-Level Identification Key Logging

  9. Identification key logging at the table level offers the same options as those provided at the database level: all, primary key, foreign key, and unique key. However, when you specify identification key logging at the table level, only the specified table is affected. For example, if you enter the following SQL statement (specifying database-level supplemental logging), then whenever a column in any database table is changed, the entire row containing that column (except columns for LOBs, LONGs, and ADTs) will be placed in the redo log file:

  11. However, if you enter the following SQL statement (specifying table-level supplemental logging) instead, then only when a column in the employees table is changed will the entire row (except for LOB, LONGs, and ADTs) of the table be placed in the redo log file. If a column changes in the departments table, only the changed column will be placed in the redo log file.

  13. Keep the following in mind when you use table-level identification key logging:

  14. If the database is open when you enable identification key logging on a table, all DML cursors for that table in the cursor cache are invalidated. This can affect performance until the cursor cache is repopulated.

  15. Supplemental logging statements are cumulative. If you issue the following SQL statements, both primary key and unique index key table-level supplemental logging is enabled:

  17. See Database-Level Identification Key Logging for a description of each of the identification key logging options.

  18. Table-Level User-Defined Supplemental Log Groups

  19. In addition to table-level identification key logging, Oracle supports user-defined supplemental log groups. With user-defined supplemental log groups, you can specify which columns are supplementally logged. You can specify conditional or unconditional log groups, as follows:

  20. User-defined unconditional log groups

  21. To enable supplemental logging that uses user-defined unconditional log groups, use the ALWAYS clause as shown in the following example:

  23. This creates a log group named emp_parttime on the hr.employees table that consists of the columns employee_id, last_name, and department_id. These columns will be logged every time an UPDATE statement is executed on the hr.employees table, regardless of whether the update affected these columns. (If you want to have the entire row image logged any time an update was made, use table-level ALL identification key logging, as described previously).

  24. Note:

  25. LOB, LONG, and ADT columns cannot be supplementally logged.

  26. User-defined conditional supplemental log groups

  27. To enable supplemental logging that uses user-defined conditional log groups, omit the ALWAYS clause from the SQL ALTER TABLE statement, as shown in the following example:

  29. This creates a log group named emp_fulltime on table hr.employees. Just like the previous example, it consists of the columns employee_id, last_name, and department_id. But because the ALWAYS clause was omitted, before-images of the columns will be logged only if at least one of the columns is updated.

  30. For both unconditional and conditional user-defined supplemental log groups, you can explicitly specify that a column in the log group be excluded from supplemental logging by specifying the NO LOG option. When you specify a log group and use the NO LOG option, you must specify at least one column in the log group without the NO LOG option, as shown in the following example:

  32. This enables you to associate this column with other columns in the named supplemental log group such that any modification to the NO LOG column causes the other columns in the supplemental log group to be placed in the redo log file. This might be useful, for example, if you want to log certain columns in a group if a LONG column changes. You cannot supplementally log the LONG column itself; however, you can use changes to that column to trigger supplemental logging of other columns in the same row.

  33. Usage Notes for User-Defined Supplemental Log Groups

  34. Keep the following in mind when you specify user-defined supplemental log groups:

  35. A column can belong to more than one supplemental log group. However, the before-image of the columns gets logged only once.

  36. If you specify the same columns to be logged both conditionally and unconditionally, the columns are logged unconditionally.

转自 Oracle官方文档





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