24_s01 again (on going, Last updated on 2005 Feb. 06)

English learning program time.

George Mason's first show up at 19'40 in s01e01(season 01 episode 01) is impressive.
Finding tools to convert rm into gif.

05 Jan. 14

... ...
00:30:39,693 -->
(Jack) Nina, you can look the other way once and it's no big deal,
except it makes it easier to compromise next time.
and soon all you're doing is compromising
because that's how you think things are done.

You know those guys l blew the whistle on?
You think they were bad guys?
Cos they weren't. They weren't bad guys.
They were just like you and me,

except they compromised once.
... ...

To blow the whistle作为一个俗语,它的意思是:为了阻止骗局或不正当的事情继续下去而把它揭发出来。人们经常把进行揭发的人叫做:whistle-blower。

例句-4: Our company manager had tried to sexually harass several female employees, but nobody dared say a word. Last week, Mary finally blew the whistle on him and the company investigated him and decided to fire the man.


00:15:54,173 -->
(David) lt's nothing serious.
l'm overreacting to everything right now.
Today's gonna be the second most important day of my life.

(Sherry)And what would the first one be?
(David)Well, l think you know.
(Sherry)Well, l still like to hear you say it.
(David)All right.

The most important day of my life...
... was when I hit the game-winning three
against DePaul at the Final Four.

(Sherry)You just lost my vote, Senator.

Final Four 好像就是NCAA的四强,ncaa的四强势打球的吗? 好几年没打球了。

2005 Jan. 15


00:37:08,173 -->
(Jamey) l've already told these men, l don't know anything.

(George) Tryin' to protect Jack and Nina? Don't be naive.
Let me tell you how the game is played.
First thing they do is to tell you
that you're the only one they can trust.
That's flattering, and it makes you trust them in return. All right?

Then they get you to do something you shouldn't.
Say you don't know where Jack went, for example.

The next thing you know, Jack's gone, Nina's stonewalling,
and you're in the hot seat.
Sound familiar?

Hey, you're being used. l've seen it a million times.
lf you help me out, l'll help you out.
lf you hold out...

stonewalling: 想尽一切办法不要把那些使自己难堪或不利的消息透露出去。 http://www.wayabroad.com/chinese/homepage/3_words/idioms/lesson211.htm
hot seat: 指的是那种可能会产生麻烦,或让人感到难堪的局面。

If Jack didn't surfaced the very moment, what would Jamey say? If u r Jamey, what would you say?
2005 Jan. 19


(Mike) The minute Maureen breaks the story, you'll free-fall in the polls.
Then the media'll start churning this thing 24-7.
They'll pick you clean, then go to work on the bones.
Chances are the party'll try to cut bait.
So, l'd say you're textbook unelectable.

(David) - So l'm right to withdraw from the race.
(Mike) - No. That's the last thing you should do.

(David) - You just got through telling me l can't win.
(Mike) - l told you what to expect so you can.

lf we handle this right, l think you can come back from this.
David,you're the most important presidential candidate this country's had in a long time.
Like it or not, fair or not, you're making history.

(David)My son was involved in another man's death.

(Mike) - lt was an accident.
(David) - OK.
And what if some judge rules it was?
l mean, how do we justify the cover-up?
All of them - Sherry, Keith... Nicole - kept this from the police.

(Mike) l don't wanna seem crass, but the important thing is,
you didn't cover it up. You didn't know.

(David) What does that say about me?
Not knowing the most important things about my family.

(Mike)l'm not saying it's not a hard sell.
The election is still six months away.
The voters know how to forgive.
You just have to know how to ask for it.

(Mike) - Do you still want the job, David?
(David) - You know l do.

(Mike) Then you need to come out with the story yourself before Maureen Kingsley.
Make it the first thing you say at the breakfast.

(David) l just don't know how my family's gonna feel about that.

(Mike) Find out fast, because you can't do this without them.
When you come clean, be damn sure your family's standing next to you.

free-fall: 自由落体。
churning: 搅拌,在这是炒作。pick a chicken clean of feathers
pick you clean: 看看这个pick a chicken clean of feathers
to work on the bones: 与pick you clean合在一起,应该就是说,炒作逐渐威胁你的竞选资格。可是,用地道的汉语说该怎么说?
cut bait: 来自Fish or cut bait,你要就钓鱼,否则就切断你的鱼饵。按照Mike的分析,David所在的党派的可能选择只有cut bait了。http://www.wayabroad.com/chinese/homepage/3_words/idioms/lesson60.htm
textbook unelectable: 公认的没有了竞选资格了。不是很地道,是吧?
a hard sell: 强卖。I'm not saying it's not a hard sell. 应该是说:我的意思并不是这会很好办。
come clean: 全盘托出,招供

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2005 Feb. 06


You implicate yourself,
you cease to be useful and so does your family.

implicate: to show to be also involved, usually in an incriminating manner: to be implicated in a crime.
cease to be: stop to be





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