Drop unused columns --1

当一个表中包含unused columns时,那么要做exchange partition就会报错。

但是,如果知道表的原始结构,那么做一个和原始结构一样的表,并也将那4列设置为unused,那么可以做exchange partition:


SQL> conn lunar/lunar
SQL> set time on
04:40:43 SQL> set timing on
04:40:45 SQL> create table fq_test
04:40:51   2  (
04:40:51   3  OBJECT_ID      NUMBER,
04:40:51   4  OWNER          VARCHAR2(30),
04:40:51   5  SUBOBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30),
04:40:51   6  OBJECT_NAME    VARCHAR2(128),
04:40:51   7  STATUS         VARCHAR2(7),
04:40:51   8  TIMESTAMP      VARCHAR2(19),
04:40:51   9  CREATED        DATE,
04:40:51  10  GENERATED      VARCHAR2(1),
04:40:51  11  OBJECT_TYPE    VARCHAR2(19)
04:40:51  12  )
04:40:51  13  partition by range (OBJECT_ID)
04:40:51  14  (
04:40:51  15  partition PART_1 values less than ('10000'),
04:40:51  16  partition PART_2 values less than ('20000'),
04:40:51  17  partition PART_3 values less than ('30000'),
04:40:51  18  partition PART_4 values less than ('40000'),
04:40:51  19  partition PART_5 values less than (MAXVALUE)
04:40:51  20  );

Table created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.65
04:40:52 SQL>
04:41:23 SQL> insert into  fq_test(object_id,owner,subobject_name,object_name,status,timestamp,created,object_type)
04:41:36   2  select object_id,owner,subobject_name,object_name,status,timestamp,created,object_type  from dba_objects
04:41:36   3  nologging;

11449 rows created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.87
04:41:38 SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
04:41:44 SQL>
04:41:44 SQL> select count(*) from fq_test;


Elapsed: 00:00:00.06
04:42:51 SQL> select count(*) from fq_test partition(PART_1);


Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
04:42:57 SQL> select count(*) from fq_test partition(PART_2);


Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
04:43:04 SQL> select count(*) from fq_test partition(PART_3);


Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
04:43:11 SQL> desc fq_test
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 OBJECT_ID                                          NUMBER
 OWNER                                              VARCHAR2(30)
 SUBOBJECT_NAME                                     VARCHAR2(30)
 OBJECT_NAME                                        VARCHAR2(128)
 STATUS                                             VARCHAR2(7)
 TIMESTAMP                                          VARCHAR2(19)
 CREATED                                            DATE
 GENERATED                                          VARCHAR2(1)
 OBJECT_TYPE                                        VARCHAR2(19)

04:43:37 SQL> alter table fq_test set unused column created;

Table altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.88
04:44:30 SQL> alter table fq_test set unused column object_type;

Table altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.19
04:44:35 SQL> insert into fq_test select * from fq_test;

11449 rows created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.16
04:44:56 SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
04:44:58 SQL>

04:51:55 SQL> create table fq_test2
04:52:30   2  (
04:52:30   3  OBJECT_ID      NUMBER,
04:52:30   4  OWNER          VARCHAR2(30),
04:52:30   5  SUBOBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30),
04:52:30   6  OBJECT_NAME    VARCHAR2(128),
04:52:30   7  STATUS         VARCHAR2(7),
04:52:30   8  TIMESTAMP      VARCHAR2(19),
04:52:30   9  CREATED        DATE,
04:52:30  10  GENERATED      VARCHAR2(1),
04:52:30  11  OBJECT_TYPE    VARCHAR2(19)
04:52:30  12  )
04:52:30  13  partition by range (OBJECT_ID)
04:52:30  14  (
04:52:30  15  partition PART_1 values less than ('10000'),
04:52:30  16  partition PART_2 values less than ('20000'),
04:52:30  17  partition PART_3 values less than ('30000'),
04:52:30  18  partition PART_4 values less than ('40000'),
04:52:30  19  partition PART_5 values less than (MAXVALUE)
04:52:30  20  );

Table created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.09
04:52:30 SQL> create table fq_test_part_2 as select * from FQ_TEST2 partition(PART_2);
create table fq_test_part_2 as select * from FQ_TEST2 partition(PART_2)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object

Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
04:52:38 SQL> drop table fq_test_part_2;

Table dropped.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.05
04:52:48 SQL> create table fq_test_part_2 as select * from FQ_TEST2 partition(PART_2);

Table created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
04:52:52 SQL> alter table fq_test_part_2 set unused column created;
alter table fq_test_part_2 set unused column object_type;

Table altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
04:53:05 SQL>
Table altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
04:53:06 SQL> alter table fq_test exchange partition PART_2 with table fq_test_part_2
04:53:30   2  ;

Table altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.14
04:53:32 SQL>



了解一下Set unused columns的官方解释:


Specify SET UNUSED to mark one or more columns as unused. Specifying this clause does not actually remove the target columns from each row in the table.That is, it does not restore the disk space used by these columns. Therefore, the response time is faster than when you execute theDROP clause.

You can view all tables with columns marked UNUSED in the data dictionary viewsUSER_UNUSED_COL_TABS,DBA_UNUSED_COL_TABS, and ALL_UNUSED_COL_TABS.

See Also:

Oracle Database Reference for information on the data dictionary views

Unused columns are treated as if they were dropped, even though their column data remains in the table rows. After a column has been markedUNUSED, you have no access to that column. ASELECT * query will not retrieve data from unused columns. In addition, the names and types of columns markedUNUSED will not be displayed during aDESCRIBE, and you can add to the table a new column with the same name as an unused column.


Until you actually drop these columns, they continue to count toward the absolute limit of 1000 columns in a single table. However, as with all DDL statements, you cannot roll back the results of this clause. That is, you cannot issueSETUSED counterpart to retrieve a column that you haveSET UNUSED. Please refer to CREATE TABLE for more information on the 1000-column limit.

Also, if you mark a LONG column as UNUSED, then you cannot add anotherLONG column to the table until you actually drop the unusedLONG column.


DROP Clause

Specify DROP to remove the column descriptor and the data associated with the target column from each row in the table. If you explicitly drop a particular column, then all columns currently markedUNUSED in the target table are dropped at the same time.

When the column data is dropped:

  • All indexes defined on any of the target columns are also dropped.

  • All constraints that reference a target column are removed.

  • If any statistics types are associated with the target columns, then Oracle Database disassociates the statistics from the column with theFORCE option and drops any statistics collected using the statistics type.


If the target column is a parent key of a nontarget column, or if a check constraint references both the target and nontarget columns, then Oracle Database returns an error and does not drop the column unless you have specified theCASCADECONSTRAINTS clause. If you have specified that clause, then the database removes all constraints that reference any of the target columns.

See Also:

DISASSOCIATE STATISTICS for more information on disassociating statistics types




Specify DROP UNUSED COLUMNS to remove from the table all columns currently marked as unused. Use this statement when you want to reclaim the extra disk space from unused columns in the table. If the table contains no unused columns, then the statement returns with no errors.

column Specify one or more columns to be set as unused or dropped. Use theCOLUMN keyword only if you are specifying only one column. If you specify a column list, then it cannot contain duplicates.

CASCADE CONSTRAINTS Specify CASCADECONSTRAINTS if you want to drop all foreign key constraints that refer to the primary and unique keys defined on the dropped columns as well as all multicolumn constraints defined on the dropped columns. If any constraint is referenced by columns from other tables or remaining columns in the target table, then you must specifyCASCADECONSTRAINTS. Otherwise, the statement aborts and an error is returned.

INVALIDATE The INVALIDATE keyword is optional. Oracle Database automatically invalidates all dependent objects, such as views, triggers, and stored program units. Object invalidation is a recursive process. Therefore, all directly dependent and indirectly dependent objects are invalidated. However, only local dependencies are invalidated, because the database manages remote dependencies differently from local dependencies.

An object invalidated by this statement is automatically revalidated when next referenced. You must then correct any errors that exist in that object before referencing it.

See Also:

Oracle Database Concepts for more information on dependencies

CHECKPOINT SpecifyCHECKPOINT if you want Oracle Database to apply a checkpoint for theDROPCOLUMN operation after processing integer rows;integer is optional and must be greater than zero. Ifinteger is greater than the number of rows in the table, then the database applies a checkpoint after all the rows have been processed. If you do not specifyinteger, then the database sets the default of 512.Checkpointing cuts down the amount of undo logs accumulated during theDROPCOLUMN operation to avoid running out of undo space. However, if this statement is interrupted after a checkpoint has been applied, then the table remains in an unusable state. While the table is unusable, the only operations allowed on it areDROP TABLE, TRUNCATE TABLE, andALTER TABLE DROP ... COLUMNS CONTINUE (described in sections that follow).

You cannot use this clause with SET UNUSED, because that clause does not remove column data.


Specify DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE to continue the drop column operation from the point at which it was interrupted. Submitting this statement while the table is in an invalid state results in an error.

Restrictions on Dropping Columns Dropping columns is subject to the following restrictions:

  • Each of the parts of this clause can be specified only once in the statement and cannot be mixed with any otherALTERTABLE clauses. For example, the following statements are not allowed:

       ADD (CONSTRAINT ck1 CHECK (f2 > 0));
  • You can drop an object type column only as an entity. To drop an attribute from an object type column, use theALTERTYPE ... DROP ATTRIBUTE statement with theCASCADEINCLUDING TABLE DATA clause. Be aware that dropping an attribute affects all dependent objects. SeeDROP ATTRIBUTE for more information.

  • You cannot specify the DROP clause to drop a column from a compressed table or a partitioned table containing any compressed partition, unless you first disable data compression for the table or partition. You can only use theSETUNUSED clause

  • You can drop a column from an index-organized table only if it is not a primary key column. The primary key constraint of an index-organized table can never be dropped, so you cannot drop a primary key column even if you have specifiedCASCADECONSTRAINTS.

  • You can export tables with dropped or unused columns. However, you can import a table only if all the columns specified in the export files are present in the table (that is, none of those columns has been dropped or marked unused). Otherwise, Oracle Database returns an error.

  • You cannot drop a column on which a domain index has been built.

  • You cannot drop a SCOPE table constraint or a WITH ROWID constraint on a REF column.

  • You cannot use this clause to drop:

    • A pseudocolumn, cluster column, or partitioning column. You can drop nonpartitioning columns from a partitioned table if all the tablespaces where the partitions were created are online and in read/write mode.

    • A column from a nested table, an object table, or a table owned by SYS.






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