unordered_set (C++11) unordered_multiset (C++11) unordered_map (C++11) unordered_multimap (C++11)。具体参考:http://en.cppreference.com/w/
* HashMap.h
* Author: luxiaoxun
#ifndef HASHMAP_H_
#define HASHMAP_H_
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//List all the integer number no less than 57 total number is 28
//And each number is about half of its next number
static int prime[28] =
57, 97, 193, 389, 769,
1543, 3079, 6151, 12289, 24593,
49157, 98317, 196613, 393241, 786433,
1572869, 3145739, 6291469, 12582917, 25165843,
50331653, 100663319, 201326611, 402653189, 805306457,
class HashMapUtil
static int find_NextPrimeNumber(int current)
//Find the next prime number by searching in the prime number list
int i = 0;
for( ; i < 28 ; i++ )
if(current < prime[i])
return prime[i]; //return the next larger prime.
template <class Key, class Value, class HashFunc, class EqualKey>
class HashMap
template <class _Key, class _Value>
class KeyNode
_Value value; //Store the value
_Key key; //Store the keyword
int used;
//if the type of Value/Key is your own class, make sure they can handle copy constructor and operator =
KeyNode(const KeyNode & kn)
value = kn.value;
key = kn.key;
used = kn.used;
KeyNode & operator=(const KeyNode & kn)
if(this == &kn) return *this;
value = kn.value;
key = kn.key;
used = kn.used;
return *this;
bool insert(const Key& hashKey, const Value& value);
bool remove(const Key& hashKey);
void rehash(); //use it when rehashing
Value& find(const Key& hashKey);
const Value& operator [](const Key& hashKey) const;
Value& operator [](const Key& hashKey);
HashFunc hash;
EqualKey equal;
HashMapUtil hml;
KeyNode<Key ,Value> *table;
int size; //current number of itmes
int capacity; //capacity of the array
static const double loadingFactor;
int findKey(const Key& hashKey); //find the index of a key
template<class Key , class Value , class HashFunc , class EqualKey>
const double HashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::loadingFactor = 0.9;
template<class Key , class Value , class HashFunc , class EqualKey>
HashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::HashMap()
hash = HashFunc();
equal = EqualKey();
hml = HashMapUtil();
capacity = hml.find_NextPrimeNumber(0); //initialize the capacity with first primer 57
//resize the table with capacity because an extra one is used
//to return the NULL type of Value in the function find
table = new KeyNode<Key,Value>[capacity+1];
for(int i = 0 ; i < capacity ; i++) //initialize the table
table[i].used = 0;
size = 0;
template<class Key, class Value, class HashFunc, class EqualKey>
HashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::~HashMap()
delete []table;
template<class Key, class Value, class HashFunc, class EqualKey>
bool HashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::insert(const Key& hashKey, const Value& value)
int index = hash(hashKey)%capacity;
//cout<<"Index is "<<index<<endl;
if(table[index].used == 1) //the key-value's hash is unique
//cout<<"The key-value must be unique!"<<endl;
return false;
table[index].used = 1; //modify the KeyNode
table[index].key = hashKey;
table[index].value = value;
//if the table's size is too large ,then rehash it
if (size >= capacity * loadingFactor)
return true;
template<class Key, class Value, class HashFunc, class EqualKey>
void HashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::rehash()
int pastsize = capacity;
//create a new array to copy the information in the old table
capacity = hml.find_NextPrimeNumber(capacity);
KeyNode<Key,Value>* tmp = new KeyNode<Key,Value>[capacity];
for(int i = 0 ; i < pastsize ; i++)
if(table[i].used == 1) //copy the KeyNode into the tmp array
tmp[i] = table[i];
delete []table; //release the memory of the old table
table = new KeyNode<Key,Value>[capacity+1]; //resize the table
for(int i = 0 ; i < capacity ; i++) //initialize the table
table[i].used = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < pastsize ; i++) //insert the item into the table one by one
if(tmp[i].used == 1)
insert(tmp[i].key, tmp[i].value);
delete []tmp; //delete the tmp array
template<class Key, class Value, class HashFunc, class EqualKey>
bool HashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::remove(const Key& hashKey)
int index = findKey(hashKey); //find the index of the key
if(index < 0) //if find modify the flag with 0,else print out "no such key!"
cout<<"No such Key!"<<endl;
return false;
table[index].used = 0;
return true;
template<class Key, class Value, class HashFunc, class EqualKey>
Value& HashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::find(const Key& hashKey)
int index = findKey(hashKey);
if(index < 0) //if index <0 ,not found,else return the index
cout<<"can not find the key!"<<endl;
return table[capacity].value; //return NULL
return table[index].value;
template<class Key, class Value, class HashFunc, class EqualKey>
const Value& HashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::operator[](const Key& hashKey) const
return find(hashKey); //overload the operation to return the value of the element
template<class Key, class Value, class HashFunc, class EqualKey>
Value& HashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::operator[](const Key& hashKey)
return find(hashKey); //overload the operation to return the value of the element
template<class Key, class Value, class HashFunc, class EqualKey>
int HashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::findKey(const Key& hashKey)
int index = hash(hashKey)%capacity;
if ((table[index].used != 1) || !equal(table[index].key,hashKey))
return -1;
return index;
#endif /* HASHMAP_H_ */
#include "HashMap.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Hash function you provided must be correspond to the type of the Key
class HashFunc
int operator()(const string & key )
int hash = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < key.length(); ++i)
hash = hash << 7 ^ key[i];
return (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF);
//Equal function you provided to check whether two Keys are equal
//must be correspond to the type of the Key
class EqualKey
bool operator()(const string & A ,const string & B)
if(A.compare(B) == 0)
return true; //if equal return true
return false; //else false
int main()
HashMap<string,string,HashFunc,EqualKey> hm;
hm.insert("hello" , "you");
hm.insert("why" , "dream");
hm.insert("java" ,"good");
hm.insert("welcome" ,"haha");
hm.insert("welcome" ,"hehe"); //error, key-value must be unique
cout<<"after insert:"<<endl;
cout<<"remove is ok"<<endl; //remove is ok
cout<<hm.find("hello")<<endl; //not exist print NULL
hm["why"] = "love"; //modify the value
return 0;