怎么调整wince的 内存分配 How to Adjust Memory Allocation in Windows Mobile


The memory of your Windows Mobile 6 may be allocated in its main system, running programs or storage card. In cases when your main system can no longer hold all the files stored in the program, you can reallocate these to your storage card. Adjusting the allocation is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. With the user-friendly interface of Windows Mobile 6, you need not worry about the process itself. You can learn to adjust the allocation without the help of a specialist.


  1. Main Memory
  2. Check the amount of space left in your main memory that is allocated for data and file storage. Tap "Start" and go to "Settings."

  3. Click on the "System" tab and select the "Memory" icon. Click on the "Main" tab and select "OK."

  4. Delete or move the files to a different storage location and close programs that are not needed. This will free some space in your Window Mobile 6's main memory and adjust your memory space.


  5. Storage Card
  6. Check the amount of space left in your main memory that is allocated for data and file storage. Tap "Start" and go to "Settings."

  7. Click on the "System" tab and select the "Memory" icon. Click on the "Storage" tab and tap on the drop-down menu to locate the name of the partition where the information is held.

  8. Select "OK" and delete or move the files to a different storage location and close programs that are not needed.

  9. Running Programs
  10. Check the amount of space left in your main memory that is allocated for data and file storage. Tap "Start" and go to "Settings."

  11. Click on the "System" tab and select the "Memory" icon. Click on the "Running Programs" tab.

  12. Select a program from the Running Program List and tap "Activate" or "Stop," depending on which program you would like to run on the memory. Halt all programs by tapping "Stop All," and click "OK."





    具体的设置可以在系统启动后,Control Panel -> System -> Memory 里面看到。默认的是把内存五五开,一半给Storage Memory, 一半给Program Memory用.

    划分的方法也很简单,在BSP的config.bib里 CONFIG 区添加这个变量 FSRAMPERCENT = 0xXXXXXX,

    FSRAMPERCENT是一个4byte长度的十六进制数, 我们用代数假设 FSRAMPERCENT = 0xQXYZ, 其中Q,X,Y,Z都是十六进制数

    那么最终划分给Storage Memory的大小 =  ( Q + X + Y +  Z ) / 0x400 * TOTAL_RAM_SIZE

    以文中的例子来算, FSRAMPERCENT=0x10203040, 假设TOTAL_RAM_SIZE=64M, 那么StorageMemory= (0x10 + 0x20 + 0x30 + 0x40) / 0x400 * 64M = 10M







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