

模式识别,计算机视觉领域,期刊 (转载)




(1)pattern recognition letters, 从投稿到发表,一年半时间

(2)Pattern recognition 不好中,时间长

(3)IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 作者中有一个必须是会员。收费高,审稿快。影响因子0.4

(4)International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence , 审稿周期一般6--12周,影响因子偏低,容易中。

(5)Computational Intelligence, 中等偏上,要求较高,杂志级别不错,关注人数偏少,比较冷门

(6)information processing letters, 影响因子低0.5左右,接搞量大,容易发表,审稿周期一般3--6个月。

(7)Computer vision and image understanding, 9个月审稿期,平均投稿命中率20%,业内比较认可

(8)journal of visual communication and image representation, 投稿容易,审稿周期一年以上

(9)Signal processing letters, 影响因子0.99, 美国,审稿一个多月,

(10)International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing (GVIP), 

(11)IET Image Processing, 影响因子0.758, EI Compendex ,审稿周期一年以上

(12)IET Computer Vision ,影响因子0.969, 

(13)SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 

(14)International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI),影响因子0.5, EI compendex, sci, 审稿时间超长,一两年

(15)IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 审稿4---8周左右,影响因子不高,容易中,关注人不多

(16)Journal of Logic and Computation, 影响因子,0.789,SCI检索

(17)IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 审稿时间2--4周,容易中,影响因子小,相对冷门,关注人数不多。


(19)Signal Processing: Image Communication,容易中,审稿周期半年到一年

(20)International Journal of Computer Vision, 较难,审稿周期半年到一年,EI,SCI检索

(21)Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,审稿半年到一年,影响因子不高,不容易中,稍微有些冷门。

(22)Machine Vision and Applications, 影响因子偏低,但是接稿量不是很大,审稿周期一年以上,但容易发表,SCI,EI检索

(23)Pattern Analysis & Applications, 影响因子不高,影响力也比较小,审稿时间一年以上,但容易投中。

(24)Signal Image and Video Processing, 容易中,审稿时间半年到一年,EI检索

(25)Pattern recognition and image analysis, EI检索,

(26)Journal of digital imaging ,审稿周期半年到一年,影响因子偏低,容易中,很少有人关注

(27)International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence,影响因子偏低,容易中,关注人比较少。审稿周期半年到一年。

(28)International journal of imaging systems and technology,影响因子偏低,容易中,审稿周期半年到一年。

(29)journal of vlsi signal processing systems for signal image and video ,影响因子偏低,容易中,审稿周期一年以上,关注人比较少。




(1)Advanced Science Letters(SCI)
(2)Sensor Letters (SCI)
(3)Computers & Electrical Engineering (SCI)
(4)International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (SCI)
(5)Future Generation Computer Systems (SCI)
(6)Environmental Engineering Science(SCI)
(7)Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing
(8) Journal of Web Engineering
(9)International Journal of Intelligent Systems

IEICE Electronics Express

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications



Computer Vision and Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) IEEE
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)   Springer
Vision Research Elsevier
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE-T-IP) IEEE
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception   ACM
Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU) Elsevier
Image and Vision Computing Elsevier
Journal of Vision JV
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCIR) Elsevier
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision   Springer  
Journal of Electronic Imaging   SPIE
ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing (GVIP) ICGST  
MGV: Machine GRAPHICS & VISION Institute of Computer Science
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology Wiley InterScience  
Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis   Elcvia
The Visual Computer Springer
IET Image Processing IET
IET Computer Vision IET
International Journal of Image and Graphics (IJIG) World Scientific
International Journal of Remote Sensing   Taylor & Francis
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences   SIAM
Signal, Image and Video Processing   Springer
Pattern Recognition
Pattern Recognition Elsevier
Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL) Elsevier
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence   World Scientific  
Pattern Analysis & Applications   Springer  
Journal of Pattern Recognition Research (JPRR) JPRR
Signal Processing
IEEE Signal Processing Letters IEEE
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine IEEE
Signal Processing   Elsevier
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing EURASIP
Signal Processing : Image Communication Elsevier
IET Signal Processing IET
Neurophysical Journals in Computer Vision
Nature Neuroscience. Nature
Visual Neuroscience. Cambridge
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. IEEE
Neural Networks Elsevier
Perception and Psychophysics. Psychonomic Society
Perception. Pion Ltd.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Elsevier
Computer Graphics
ACM Transactions on Graphics ACM
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A)   IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IEEE
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics ACM
Computers and Graphics Science Direct
Computer Graphics Forum (including Eurographics) Eurographics
Graphics Interface Graphics Interface  
Journal of Graphics Tools ACM
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation Wiley
Symposium on Interactive 3D (I3D) ACM
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST)   ACM
Machine Vision Applications    
Machine Vision and Applications Springer
Real-Time Imaging Elsevier
Vision Interface Vision Interface
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing   IEEE
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation   Elsevier
Remote Sensing of Environment   Elsevier
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing   SPIE
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing   Springer
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology IEEE
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia IEEE
Journal Optical Society of America OSA
Optometry and Vision Science LW&W
Information Fusion
Information Fusion Elsevier
Information Processing Letters Elsevier
Information Sciences Elsevier
Information Sciences - Applications Elsevier
Information Systems Elsevier
Soft Computing    
Applied Soft Computing   Elsevier
Journal of Soft Computing   Springer
Medical Image Analysis Elsevier
ACM Transactions on Information Systems ACM
Swarm Intelligence Springer
IET Information Security IET
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization   Taylor & Francis
Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences   Springer
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (IJWMIP)   World Scientific
IETE Technical Review IETE
IETE Journal of Research IETE
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security   IEEE



031 Computer Applications & Cybernetics
(Note: No Journal Titles In This Catalog)

032 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
Ranking     Journal Title      Impact Factor
#1    Neural Computation       1.921
#2     Artificial Intelligence       1.683
#3     Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis And Machine Intelligence 1.668
#4 International Journal Of Computer Vision 1.646
#5 Ieee Transactions On Fuzzy Systems 1.597
#6 Cognitive Brain Research 1.576
#7 Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 1.426
#8 Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks 1.395
#9 Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems 1.348
#10 Machine Learning 1.210
#11 Network-Computation In Neural Systems 1.187
#12 Ai Magazine 1.044
#13 Neural Networks 1.019
#14 Ieee Expert-Intelligent Systems & Their Applications 0.805
#15 Pattern Recognition 0.781
#16 Image And Vision Computing 0.616
#17 Ieee Transactions On Systems Man And Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics 0.506
#18 Ieee Transactions On Knowledge And Data Engineering 0.465
#19 Mechatronics 0.304
#20 Applied Intelligence 0.268
#21 Journal Of Experimental & Theoretical Physics 0.244
#22 Knowledge-Based Systems 0.187
033 Computer Science, Cybernetics
Ranking Journal Title Impact Factor
1 Ieee Transactions On Systems Man And Cybernetics 1.345
2 Biological Cybernetics 1.125
3 Ieee Transactions On Systems Man And Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics 0.506
4 Ieee Transactions On Systems Man And Cybernetics Part A-Systems And Humans 0.224
5 Modeling Identification And Control 0.161
6 Cybernetics And Systems Analysis 0.005
034 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
Ranking Journal Title Impact Factor
#1 Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks 1.395
#2 Journal Of The Acm 1.355
#3 Communications Of The Acm 1.293
#4 Ieee Network 1.288
#5 Ibm Journal Of Research And Development 1.238
#6 Ieee Micro 0.992
#7 Ieee Transactions On Computers 0.736
#8 Computer 0.608
#9 Journal Of Computer And System Sciences 0.602
#10 Analog Integrated Circuits And Signal Processing 0.522
#11 Ieee Transactions On Computer-Aided Design Of Integrated Circuits And System 0.490
#12 Networks 0.271
#13 Journal Of Supercomputing 0.171
035 Computer Science, Information Systems
Ranking Journal Title Impact Factor
#1 Journal Of The American Medical Informatics Association 2.164
#2 Journal Of Chemical Information And Computer Sciences 2.073
#3 Journal Of The Acm 1.355
#4 Ieee Network 1.288
#5 Information Systems 1.258
#6 Acm Transactions On Information Systems 0.781
#7 Information And Computation 0.636
#8 Ibm Systems Journal 0.480
#9 Ieee Transactions On Knowledge And Data Engineering 0.465
#10 Acta Informatica 0.275
#11 Information Sciences 0.174
#12 International Journal Of Medical Informatics 0.000
036 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
Ranking Journal Title Impact Factor
#1 Journal Of The American Medical Informatics Association 2.164
#2 Journal Of Chemical Information And Computer Sciences 2.073
#3 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2.012
#4 Computer Applications In The Biosciences 1.982
#5 Computer Physics Communications 1.737
#6 Journal Of Computational Physics 1.151
#7 Computers & Chemistry 1.064
#8 International Journal Of Modern Physics C 0.938
#9 Methods Of Information In Medicine 0.852
#10 Computers And Biomedical Research 0.742
#11 Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering 0.727
#12 International Journal For Numerical Methods In Fluids 0.658
#13 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 0.653
#14 Computers In Biology And Medicine 0.630
#15 Computers & Fluids 0.620
#16 Computers & Chemical Engineering 0.542
#17 Ieee Transactions On Computer-Aided Design Of Integrated Circuits And System 0.490
#18 Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 0.458
#19 Speech Communication 0.417
#20 Queueing Systems 0.382
#21 Computers & Structures 0.376
#22 Computer Music Journal 0.333
#23 Computers & Mathematics With Applications 0.313
#24 Computers & Geosciences 0.186
037 Computer Science, Software, Graphics, Programming
Ranking Journal Title Impact Factor
1 Journal Of The Acm 1.355
#2 Communications Of The Acm 1.293
#3 Mathematical Programming 1.077
#4 Ieee Transactions On Image Processing 1.063
#5 Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering 1.044
#6 Ieee Micro 0.992
7 Computer Vision And Image Understanding 0.857
#8 Acm Transactions On Graphics 0.828
#9 Ieee Computer Graphics And Applications 0.708
10 Computer Aided Geometric Design 0.650
11 Computer Aided Geometric Design 0.650
#12 Image And Vision Computing 0.616
#13 Computer 0.608
#14 Acm Transactions On Programming Languages And Systems 0.594
#15 Graphical Models And Image Processing 0.584
#16 Acm Transactions On Mathematical Software 0.557
17 Algorithmica 0.487
#18 Ibm Systems Journal 0.480
19 Bit 0.474
20 Random Structures & Algorithms 0.471
21 Journal Of Visual Languages And Computing 0.395
038 Computer Science, Theory & Methods
Ranking Journal Title Impact Factor
#1 Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks 1.395
#2 Journal Of The Acm 1.355
#3 Communications Of The Acm 1.293
#4 Acm Transactions On Computer Systems 1.160
#5 Ieee Transactions On Image Processing 1.063
#6 Journal Of Logic Programming 0.721
#7 Ieee Transactions On Parallel And Distributed Systems 0.661
#8 Siam Journal On Computing 0.655
#9 Image And Vision Computing 0.616
#10 Journal Of Computer And System Sciences 0.602
#11 Computing 0.527
#12 Discrete & Computational Geometry 0.513
#13 Ibm Systems Journal 0.480
#14 Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 0.458
#15 Journal Of Algorithms 0.446
#16 Journal Of Parallel And Distributed Computing 0.444
#17 Theoretical Computer Science 0.361
#18 Fuzzy Sets And Systems 0.346
#19 International Journal Of General Systems 0.319
#20 Ieee Transactions On Systems Man And Cybernetics Part A-Systems And Humans 0.224
#21 Acm Computing Surveys 0.218
#22 Journal Of Supercomputing 0.171
#23 Multidimensional Systems And Signal Processing 0.121
160 Robotics & Automatic Control
Ranking Journal Title Impact Factor
#1 Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems 1.348
#2 Siam Journal On Control And Optimization 1.031
#3 Automatica 0.871
#4 Ieee Transactions On Automatic Control 0.819
#5 Ieee Transactions On Robotics And Automation 0.792
#6 International Journal Of Robotics Research 0.636
#7 Ieee Transactions On Systems Man And Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics 0.506
#8 International Journal Of Control 0.459
#9 Iee Proceedings-Control Theory And Applications 0.404
#10 Journal Of Robotic Systems 0.320
#11 Mechatronics 0.304
#12 Journal Of Dynamic Systems Measurement And Control-Transactions Of The Asme 0.210
#13 Modeling Identification And Control 0.161
#14 Automation And Remote Control 0.134
#15 Journal Of The Franklin Institute-Engineering And Applied Mathematics 0.026





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